[Archive! - page 449


But if you accept this postulate...

Come on, lads, let's get on with the chicks...

You've decided that gentlemen in ties have trashed an island paradise for access to oil. I don't think so. Probably wrong....

I'm afraid so.... If the gentlemen were only thinking about democracy, protection of freedom or whatever else they declare, then North Korea should have been at the top of the bombing list. One of the pillars of the "axis of evil". But no, the country is as poor as a church mouse, cannot even feed itself, and it does not matter that it is right across the ocean, with nuclear and chemical weapons, and submarines to deliver them...

There is no need to idealize the 'west', they have their interests, we have ours, and cooperation is only possible when these interests coincide.

I do not think it is so bad that Golos is financed from overseas. Who is going to finance it here, when the government is not looking in the mouth? Nobody, their hands and arms will be blown off at once. But one must understand that these foreign "benefactors" may pursue completely different goals than the ones they proclaim. They certainly do not need a strong opponent on the international stage.

Come on, lads, let's get on with the chicks...

Why is that? No troublemakers yet, we're not bothering anyone? Or are we?

Maybe they're worried about what might happen. It's an election topic, after all.


Light, you're the one Granit wants to talk about :)


Maybe they are worried about what might happen. It's an election topic, after all.

I mean, how are Putin and Medvedev .......... the whole country?

alexx_v: Light, you're the one Granit wants to talk about :)

Shh! Not about Sveta!


Workers from Nizhny Tagil invited Putin to come to Moscow and disperse all "these rallies ".

It is clear that the calls were staged, it is clear that the men from Tagil don't give a damn about going to Moscow to whack the men from Moscow.

If this man admits to such moves for interviews, then in case he loses control of the situation, there is no reason to be sure that he won't actually try to pit Russians against Russians


Workers from Nizhny Tagil invited Putin to come to Moscow and disperse all "these rallies ".

It is clear that the calls were staged, it is clear that the men from Tagin don't give a damn about going to Moscow to kill the men from Moscow.

If this man allows such moves for interviews, in case he loses control of the situation, there is no reason to be sure that he won't really try to pit Russians against Russians

I don't think so, Misha. We are not Libya after all. Although GDP's reaction was very reminiscent of that very real colonel's reflection, of course, a few months before he... well, you know.



And this is where I liked it from the article:

«Вторая – это недовольство Монсоном, третья возможность, что были недовольны самим боем. Некоторые посчитали что это фальсифицированный бой», – сказал Путин.

I think it's such subtle humour, echoing the theme of the election.

As the holder of some kind of dan in judo, he should have realised that Monson was fighting for real. He was just clearly weaker than Emelianenko.

Let's not deny that GDP is a clever politician with a sense of humour. And not at all like Medvedev, who speaks first and thinks later, while here it is vice versa. And it is not for nothing that Luzhok said that Medvedev tends towards authoritarianism rather than Putin.