[Archive! - page 453


If you don't understand, just sort yourself out: is everything all right with you?

Talking beautifully is of course a politician's virtue, or his speechwriter's, but you want concrete things from a politician. But the concrete deeds or lack thereof of people who have managed to support Yavlinsky, Nemtsov and Kasyanov in one way or another is, for me, an argument for them to never trust this 'steering wheel' again. And not just for me. No matter how beautiful and no matter what they sing.

To speak beautifully is of course the dignity of a politician, or his speechwriter, but from a politician one wants concrete deeds. But the concrete deeds or lack thereof of people who have managed to support Yavlinsky, Nemtsov and Kasyanov in one way or another is, for me, an argument for never trusting them with this "steering wheel" again. And not just for me. No matter how beautiful and what they sing.
The insurance against making the wrong choice is the huge number of people who, for various reasons, will vote for Putin, naively not identifying him with the degradation of the country. And this real patsy is incapable of taking us even to the john. Toughness and cunning are no substitute for intelligence. So Papa Zu is no threat to us yet.
But I will vote for Prokhorov, if he is not cut off. He has no program, but it makes no sense for him to steal. It makes sense to develop the country in which he has a manufacturing business. And he is very angry at Surkov, and really at the whole government, which guarantees the fight against Putin's system of corruption.
It's all just in case he gets elected. And the real thing is just to see Putin in the second round :))

But I will vote for Prokhorov, if he is not cut off. He has no program, but there is no point in him stealing. It makes sense to develop the country in which he has a manufacturing business. And he is much angrier at Surkov, and really at all power, which guarantees the fight against Putin's system of corruption.

I am not discarding such an option for myself either, but everything will depend on the programme, how mature it will be, as long as my choice is GDP. It is a deliberate choice, and I am well aware of all its disadvantages. But of all the potential 'evils' this is probably the least. But GDP should still understand what people really want, and it is not about more money ...

And everyone is angry at Surkov, this black cardinal with thousands of "shades of gray" is already messing everything up in this life. He is playing politics up to his eyeballs). If I were Mr. Putin I would send him into exile, it's an anchor.


Certainly not for "our everything". If I go to vote, out of pure aesthetics, it's for ass. What I don't get is, do you like this blatant, Ligovian discourse? This backstreet kid?

Far from politics (thank goodness), but just disgusting. Of course one can argue that "there is no alternative", but why not act like a free man? I.e. do what you have to do and be what you will. Have you tried it?


But why not act like a free man?

How's that?


out of pure aesthetics - into the ass.



Far from politics (thank goodness), but just plain disgusting.

I don't think there are many people here who are close to politics in the first person. But "if you don't do politics, politics will do you". I'm apolitical too, under any government I had something to eat and where to sleep, in this election I voted either for the first or second time in my life. I do not remember how long it was, if it was the first time) And it was because I, like you, got sick and disgusted, worse than that, I thought "time to go". It became even more disgusting.

And really just want to see Putin in the second round :))

Don't you want to hear a New Year's greeting from him? It's not a joke.
Figar0: Caught myself thinking "it's time to go".

:) This is the first time I hear it, and as a resident of a place where it's "time to go", I don't understand why local analysts here are already clearly suggesting that the Russian government should be told that it wouldn't be a bad idea to let our civilized people work for you. Like we are yours when you had hard times. :)

They just understand that there will be no decent work for about 20 years, except for immigrants. And we have to look for jobs for people to avoid tensions. In Russia there is something to do and they have money and it is not like China. Europeans. :)

And you, get out.


How's that?

Simple. Telling the truth is easy. And the easiest thing to do is not to moo with embarrassment while trying to sleep.


Okay. I'll say it again - in the ass.

I don't think there are many people close to first-person politics here. But "if you don't do politics, politics will do you". I'm apolitical too, under any government I had something to eat and sleep, in this election I voted either for the first or second time in my life. I do not remember how long it was, if it was the first time) And it was because I, like you, got sick and disgusted, worse than that, I thought "time to go". It became even more disgusting.

How can I tell you...)) I've had my moments. But it's all bullshit. Or not bullshit - just not my thing. I'm just a programming philologist and trading linguist, and I'm disgusted. Purely on the bazaar.

...as long as my choice is GDP. It is a deliberate choice, and I am well aware of the downsides. But of all the potential "evils" this is probably the least. But the GDP should still understand what the people really want, and it is not more money ...

VVP is a limited selfish egoist, corrupted by absolute power. He absolutely does not care about the people, all movements will be hypocritical and tactical, so that we do not interfere in his imperial career. That is the greatest evil there can be.
And the fear that there is no one to replace him is fuelled by his own propaganda. Any of the characters you listed won't make GDP any worse, not even Zyuganov.

Come to think of it, this year Russia has reached the level of oil and gas production of the USSR, where the income from it was divided by twice the population. The price of oil rose from $5...6 to $100. A 40X increase in extraction revenues!
Did it make you and I 40 times richer? I have become exactly 2 times poorer.
Consequently, the difference of trillions of dollars methodically finds its way into the pockets of Putin and his friends. How can we talk about the development of the country? On top of that he is an unqualified and unsystematic manager, as they say a "shit manager". Even what he is planning to divert from his revenues to the country is being squandered by his idiotic performance.

And why on earth would I vote for him out of squeamishness?

Oh, how quickly people forget the niche in the USSR. Mama! What a memory. What Mercedes and Hondas in the USSR, what trips to Turkey... What are you talking about?

In the Soviet Union, there was just total squalor!

But there were 65,000 tanks.