[Archive! - page 454


Oh, how quickly people forget the niche in the USSR. Mama! What a memory. What Mercedes and Hondas in the USSR, what trips to Turkey... What are you talking about?

In the Soviet Union, there was just total squalor!

But there were 65,000 tanks.

I remember everything. We lived miserably. I personally was not poor. If they had had the brains and courage to open the borders and limit the ideology, they would have lived better than they do now, without changing anything else. But the only person who took that step turned out to be a narcissistic idiot and fucked it all up. I don't even want to talk about the current ones, it's purely a criminal topic.
.... The price of oil rose from $5...6 to $100. A 40-fold increase in production revenues!
Did it make you and I 40 times richer? I have become exactly 2 times poorer.
Consequently, the difference of trillions of dollars methodically finds its way into the pockets of Putin and his friends. ....
And why on earth would I vote for him out of squeamishness?

I agree with a lot of things. Very much on point:


Oh, how quickly people forget the niche in the USSR. Mama! What a memory. What Mercedes and Hondas in the USSR, what trips to Turkey... What are you talking about?

In the Soviet Union, there was just total squalor!

But there were 65,000 tanks.

Step by step
GDP is a limited selfish egotist corrupted by absolute power. He absolutely does not care about the people, all moves will be hypocritical and tactical so that we do not get in the way of his imperial career. That is the greatest evil there can be.
And the fear that there is no one to replace him is fuelled by his own propaganda. Any of the characters you listed won't make GDP any worse, not even Zyuganov.

Come to think of it, this year Russia has reached the level of oil and gas production of the USSR, where the income from it was divided by twice the population. The price of oil rose from $5...6 to $100. A 40X increase in extraction revenues!
Did it make you and I 40 times richer? I have become exactly 2 times poorer.
Consequently, the difference of trillions of dollars methodically finds its way into the pockets of Putin and his friends. How can we talk about the development of the country? On top of that he is an unqualified and unsystematic manager, as they say a "shit manager". Even what he is planning to divert from his revenues to the country is being squandered by his idiotic performance.

And why on earth would I vote for him out of squeamishness?


Well stated my thoughts.



I'm even surprised that anyone buys into this. ok

The Komuniks' favourite character (after Stalin) is Churchill, who allegedly (which is not true, but never mind) said that Stalin took Russia with a plough and left it with a nuclear bomb.

You'd think if it wasn't for Izzy we'd still be picking our noses with a plough. But this - my applause to the country - is working.

Likewise about the merit of GDP. It's him, it's him! The postman from Leningrad! Made oil prices ebaut hundreds! He's all-powerful! He drives swarms of clouds. On TV. Purgha, that is.

Turn what you've got on. Or turn it off.



....... It's him, it's him! The postman from Leningrad! made oil prices ebaut hundreds! He is the almighty! He drives swarms of clouds. On TV. The muzzleloader, that is.

Turn what you've got on. Or turn it off.

The only hero of our time and our TV
Only an idiot would consider life in the USSR to be abject poverty. We lived poorly, but quite decently for that time.
I was a simple engineer, received two or three hundreds, had a flat (8-50/month for utilities), a car, a colour TV, an acoustic system, travelled abroad three times on business trips, a couple of times I could go on holiday to socialist countries or on cruises, but I never wanted to. Because every year I travelled to Abkhazia by car or plane, toured the coast, caught horse mackerel with fishermen and grilled them here on the beach, ate trout in restaurants with Armenian brandy, drank sturgeon soup, ate incomparable smoked beef in apatskha on Lake Ritsa, sometimes scooped black caviar with a tablespoon from a litre jar.
Once every three or four years I would fly to visit my family on the other side of the country.
While I was working in Moscow Region, I used my union tickets to scour Moscow for theatre and concert events - Kostya Raikin (still in the role of the seventh dwarf), Vysotsky, Shirvindt, Gaft, Filatov, Demidova, Doronina, Efremov, Okudzhava, Voznesensky, Evtushenko and so on. My wife had to buy a mink hat, jeans and a sheepskin coat from fishmongers.

I call that "living poorly" because the car was no Mercedes :)) Ordinary engineers in the provinces today, of course, live better. In our province, the average salary has grown considerably (up to 13 thousand rubles, 130 rubles in Soviet money).

What's stopping you from getting 200,000 now?

How do they make an engineer in construction now?

There was nothing in the USSR. Not even toilet paper. And there were two kinds of pants - blue and black.

What kind of fantasy is that?

I also have an acquaintance who says that under the USSR life was great, he used to sail in the merchant navy. Of course he was fine. :)

Only an idiot would consider life in the USSR to be abject poverty.

I second that.

We lived as we lived.


Human beings are conservative by nature. How else are children to be brought up? )))

Even the biggest asshole is nicer if you know him. But a kind uncle in the long run seems suspicious. So if you are going to have your "balls cut off like a trouser zip", no one will be surprised - like you guessed. So ... with you.