[Archive! - page 221

Pollytrickle, man....
Pollytitrkurilka, btw....

You tell me whether you're a Bolshevik or a Kummunist.

You tell me whether you're for the Bolsheviks or the Kummunists.

I'm for it!

Communists, you should get a ... You should make a special terminal. You won't be trading shares, but honourable mentions and "Communist Worker" badges.

- What's the rate today?

- 46 for a badge.

- Oh, that's a trend. I'm going to refill it.

- Don't go, you're losing your sand.

- What's the rate?

- A kilo of sand for a badge.


I'm in!


Piglet! Where are you? Surrounded by redneck demons.



Piglet! Where are you? I'm surrounded by redneck demons.

Hear it from the demon! ))

the modern communist is a Chinese communist!

Oh, wow, so you're Chinese, then press this button.

We'll smoke less. Live even less. Because if you don't smoke, there's no point in living.

But that's all right. Stability, for fuck's sake...


Hear from the demon! ))

And he's also wearing a tie... Comuno

We'll smoke less. Live even less. Because if you don't smoke, there's no point in living.

Otherwise, it's all good. Stability, for fuck's sake...

Okay, well, calling you in was a mistake.

Piggy's gone goth.