[Archive! - page 455


What's stopping you from getting 200,000 now?

How do construction engineers get paid now?

Yeah, tell me about the 200 grand in construction.
Yeah, tell me about the 200 grand in construction.

What can I tell you? You have to work in the field, not in an office. My sister-in-law, who has no higher education, gets 200,000 in wages, plus a business trip, but they pay for food and lodging. He works in the Krasnodar region, where he builds small gas power plants or something similar.

It's fantastic, you tell people, but they do not believe it, they think because they are so smart they earn more than anyone else.


:) That's the first time I've heard that, and as a resident of a place where it's "time to go"

Do you live in Goa?) I want to go there.... I have the contagious example of an acquaintance who moved there four years ago. I'm afraid that I don't want to go to your place of residence, because you quickly start to think that the world revolves around this very "place". And that is not the case.

It's fantastic, you tell people, but they don't believe it, they think that because they are so smart they get more than anyone else.

Oh, there you go. From the point of view of "I know someone who has a relative whose acquaintance...".

I am kind of "in the know" about the regional construction business. There are salaries of 30-40-50 thousand, but not 200. There may be isolated cases with high incomes, but they are isolated cases. I am referring to earnings of hired employees.

Yes, the earnings I have indicated are there when there is a real volume of work.


What's stopping you from getting 200,000 now?

How do they make an engineer in construction now?

There was nothing in the USSR. Not even toilet paper. And there were two kinds of pants - blue and black.

What kind of fantasy is that?

I also have an acquaintance who says that under the USSR life was great, he used to sail in the merchant navy. Of course he was fine. :)

Whose fantasy? What's not clear to you? I gave you an honest account of my life, and you are hearsaying bullshit about pants back then and the current two hundred thousand. And in the Soviet Union someone drove a Merc and not a Zhiguli and didn't live as poorly as I did. And the average salary of an engineer in Bryansk is 15-18k, except for gas workers. And who cares about them, there are hardly any real engineers left anyway. There's a Gazprom plant that came to life, so it has to take students and retrain them for three years.

In the USSR there was shitty poverty. And one kind of meat in the shop was called "meat".

I don't know where you got your pants, but men's pants were of two fucking kinds, family black and blue. That's it.

Everything else is for the poor. I may have been even cooler than you in the USSR, but I was a criminal - a farce and a currency speculator. And I went under the article for 15 years.

What are you talking about?

What a fantasy. We're not kids here. Stop raving.

...What a fantasy. We're not children here. Stop raving.
I totally agree. Stop raving. I'm beginning to think that you were walking under the table in a shirt in the pre-Gorbachev USSR and didn't need pants :))
I totally agree. Stop raving. I am beginning to think that in the pre-Gorbachev USSR you were walking under the table in a shirt and did not need pants :))

That's fine. The main thing is not to be delusional.

I personally have little interest in what it was like in the fat year of '76. What interests me is that even back then I had shitty jeans that I bought for 5 quid, bought for 120 rubles.

Gorbachev came in 1985, if memory serves me correctly. And I was "exiled" from St. Petersburg for the duration of the Olympics. Yeah, so I walked under the table and bought currency.

In the USSR from 80 onwards we lived like shit.

Why is another question. IMHO because no one was working. And everyone just stole everything.


Evolution is always better. And with today's events in Kazakhstan, they may start to tighten the screws and tear off the threads. At the moment, there are people killed among the police officers.

At the moment, riots are continuing in Zhanaozen, eyewitnesses said. Pogroms and looting began in the private sector of the town, where the houses of wealthy citizens are located.

The operation to restore order is being carried out by local law enforcement agencies, and additional reinforcements have not yet arrived in the city.


According to Socialistworld.ru, more than 20 people died under police fire.

According to the Committee for Workers' International (CWI), the buildings of the Zhanaozen City Hall and the office of the production branch of OzenMunayGas are currently on fire. Armoured vehicles are being mobilised from Aktau to the site of the mass protests.