Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 8

falkov >> :

Dear Renat!

Thank you very much! Will there be any debugging of DLL in MT5? I got frightened by NProgrammer :)

I think in MT5 dlls will be needed very, very rarely. The language has become much more powerful and faster. MQL5 will be step-by-step debugging and DLL functions will be passed in one step.

Renat писал(а) >>

I think dlls will be needed very, very rarely in MT5. The language has become much more powerful and faster. There will be step-by-step debugging in MQL5, while DLL functions will be passed in one step.

In other words, you won't be able to debug the DLL code itself using the standard WINDBG or Visual Studio debuggers?

Renat >> :

Maybe point to your completed projects with a public discussion history and milestones?

Also, don't forget that you are demanding deadlines for the client terminal, while we are working on the whole system, where the terminal is only a small part. And it makes no sense for us to publicly announce forecasts, because they will always be derailed. But that doesn't mean that there are no forecasts.

Of course I am flattered that you compare my work and projects to yours, but I am well aware of the difference between an individual progammer and a company of your level. I don't require a message from you which I will consider as a commitment to release by a certain date. You have forecasts for today - so tell me what they are as of today, that's all.

Renat писал(а) >>

Unfortunately, there will be no direct compatibility with MQL4 - too many things have changed.



' API for MetaTrader 3 '

MT4 API released

( AMENDMENT - got the 3rd one mixed up with the 4th one,

it's probably not much time before the release


This means MQL5 is ready to be launched in a few weeks - a month

nen писал(а) >>


That is, it will be impossible to debug the code of the DLL itself, using standard WINDBG or Visual Studio debuggers for this purpose!

This is really a nightmare!!!

Because it will be impossible to work with MQL5, because of errors, and it's a nightmare to program around errors. And the only way to do something of good quality, was to do it in C++... Well, that's it now. Full stop.

I'm sitting now to see what their application packer does and how to disable its protection from the debugger. I'll sit and go to programming for other platforms (which actually is full) Charts are very good and free, there are databases too - they even let me download tick history, and it's no problem to build all TFs from it... These platforms allow to trade through a DLL... In a word, if I don't break protection, I will have to go...

Well, actually, that's what it's all about.


Nightmare.... Many developments will be difficult or almost impossible to transfer to MQL5...

Will there be a converter from MQL4 to MQL5? ....

YuraZ писал(а) >>

' API for Metatrader 3 '

MT4 API released

this means MQL5 is ready to be released in a matter of weeks to a month

>> Jura, it is 2003

YuraZ >> :

' API for Metatrader 3 '

MT4 API released

that says MQL5 is ready and will be released in a matter of weeks to a month


only file date is 2003 :))))

this is the MT3 api

NProgrammer писал(а) >>

That is, it will be impossible to debug the DLL itself using standard WINDBG or Visual Studio debuggers!


There are very good and free charts, there are databases too - even tick history can be downloaded, and there is no problem to build all TFs from it... These platforms allow to trade through DLL...

Charts - A flexible charting library for .NET




I don't think this is the right place to list trading platforms - and they will be deleted




Yes and trading from the chart can be done. :))





In a word - it's a good thing it all came out early... Than too late...