Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 5

Renat писал(а) >>

Apparently, you think that big projects are written quickly.


Don't worry, as soon as the first alpha versions are available, we will start public testing right away. That's how we've always done it.

At least a little announcement. What you're working on. It's a bit of a piecemeal process. It comes through the second hands.

One thing in particular has already been figured out and heard. Glass. Good. Great.

Multicurrency testing, also great.


Is there anything else available ? Will the format for storing history change or not (will it be in minutes or ticks) ? Ways of presenting charts ? Something like AutoGraf ? Dynamic arrays ? Working with imaginary numbers ? Will there be a way to protect expert advisors (indicators) ? etc.

Please, if it is not a problem for you.


and I don't really care about the release date.

I don't plan on dying in the foreseeable future.

Quality over urgency... everyone knows the O Bender quote about cats.


Видимо, Вы думаете, что большие проекты быстро пишутся.


Don't worry, as soon as the first alpha versions are available, we will start public testing right away. That's how we've always done it.

I don't care if it takes five years to write and I don't care if you "jam" the alpha versions. I need to plan my work!!!! If you can not make even an alpha within the next year - say so frankly and openly - well, only a fool would blame you for taking so long to develop a complex system. But even before the championship, people were worried - what if in the middle of the five will come out and my Expert Advisor will not go to it. And what was your answer (knowing perfectly well that the Championship will not have a 5)? Have you ever calmed anyone down?!

I will never, ever believe that you don't have a development schedule and that you don't know what MS Project is and that you don't have something called Milestones in it. I know very well how big projects are written - I myself am the head of a group of programmers with whom we have been working for many years. But our management constantly demands from us not only an answer to the question "how it's going", but also "when it can be used". I want to hear the same from you - "when will it be usable? If your MQL5 Project Manager is not able to answer this question - go fire him! Otherwise, you have to think about other things:

1) the qualifications of programmers (who could not make any alpha in a year).

2) Qualification of PR-managers (who do not know when and how you can/should start a PR-campaign)

3) Your attitude to your customers (you don't want to believe that you do not care about our problems).

Is it so hard to make a commitment to "release the first alpha by the end of the fourth quarter of 2009" and still release it as it will be!

ForexTools >> :

>> I'm the head of a group of programmers myself. ?

sabluk >> : ?

No. This is my personal project. That's why I'm so worried about the release date - I don't want to go "to the basket" once again ....

ForexTools >> :

No. This is my personal project. That's why I care so much about the deadline - I don't want to go "in the basket" again. ....

and that you'll lose your salary if you work in a basket, i.e. due to circumstances beyond your control?

Is it worth working for such an unfair organisation?


Let's not get into personalities and off-topic questions ;)

I have a question put in the header of the topic:

Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 appear?

I think I already know the answer: in the past year the developers haven't even managed to build an alpha suitable for beta testing. Renat promised that as soon as the alpha is available it will be released. In the best optimistic case the alpha will not appear before the new year. If the development of the alpha took over a year - then the beta and the release will take approximately the same amount of time. That's one to two years. If it happens earlier it will be possible for two reasons:

1) developers do not want to give the alpha (in this case, Renat - to put it mildly inaccurate), they will bring the development to internal release and put it in alpha, to quickly boast about the speed of fixing bugs

2) they will compile what they have and call it a release, and you and I will have to deal with all the defects for a year or two

I fully support ForexTools in all parts of his inflammatory speech! I liked Renat's one: "Don't worry, as soon as the first alpha versions appear, we will start public testing right away. That's how we've always done it." The question was, actually, when will the first alpha versions be available? It's like when we've recently had our electricity switched off. When I asked when they will turn it back on, the manuka on duty told me not to worry and that when the power comes on, they will. I apologize for the unintentional comparison :)
ForexTools >> :

Let's not get into personalities and off-topic questions ;)

I have a question put in the header of the topic:

Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 appear?

I think I already know the answer: in the past year the developers haven't even managed to build an alpha suitable for beta testing. Renat promised that as soon as the alpha is available it will be released. In the best optimistic case the alpha will not appear before the new year. If the development of the alpha took over a year - then the beta and the release will take approximately the same amount of time. That's one to two years. If it happens earlier it will be possible for two reasons:

1) developers do not want to give alpha (in this case, Renat - speaks mildly inaccurate), they will bring the development to internal release and put it as an alpha, to then quickly boast about the speed of fixing bugs

2) they'll bang out something and call it a release, and you and I will spend a year or two dealing with all the imperfections

You shouldn't want a present!

for Christmas new year winter holidays :-)

But the worst thing is unrealised expectations!

1 - there will be no instant migration to mt4, so traders will not easily switch from mt4 to mt5.

someone i know has just switched from mt3 to mt4

2) If they do not give you a date, it is right. It is hard to predict it, you are involved in development - you cannot predict the exact time of day.

You may not say when you will implement a project.

the main reason for this is the creativity and the craftsmanship at the same time.

it's like when you are going to finish the monna lisa.

the customer's favourite question is "when" - and the programmer's favourite answer is "it depends on many possibly unforeseen factors" ---

an experienced person usually multiplies the estimated time by 2 or 3, an inexperienced person says "TOMORROW"


I'm trying to guess it will be in the 1-2 month range.


I wonder how Renat would feel about such a situation: he wants to renovate his flat. And then the designer says to him: "You know, I've been working on a great project for a year now : there are such windows... and the stacks are so... and the floors are something else. I'll get the job done and I'll have no customers. So he thinks to himself: he's a great designer, he's been working for a year, so soon the project will be ready - I have to get ready to be his first client. И ... He ripped up the flooring, wallpapered it, didn't replace the windows with plastic ones. Waiting .... But the designer works all the time and nothing comes out to order. And Renat lives in his ruins and does not repair - he hopes for the fairy tale told by the designer.