Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 7


Dear Renat!

In your post the second paragraph contradicts the first. For if you gave a lot of new features (1st paragraph), no one will say "nothing new" (2nd paragraph)

I guess there is a directive from your management not to communicate an alpha release date. Nothing else I can reasonably explain the reluctance to give a tentative deadline like "in the first/second half of 2009/2010".

Anyway, after reading your post, wiped away the drool that appeared and went "to look in the direction of .NET"

Anyway, thank you very much for responding.

Respectfully, etc.

falkov писал(а) >>

Actually, after reading your message, I wiped away the drool and went to "look towards .NET".

Where are you going to look if there is no DLL debugging? !!! Or are you going to develop this bundle without debugging... Well, well. Have fun screwing up.

Renat писал(а) >>

In MetaTrader 5 a lot has been done for the stock market and there are no locks.

Vi! Renat!!!

tell me you mean just the stock market WITHOUT locks...


Because you know what I mean... then there's no point in waiting for a fiver,

and we'll just have to pray that the 4 lives on until it gets stale.


Renat >> :

basic history - M1 (everything is built from it on the client, huge histories are accessed),

this is great! there will be a quality transition

NProgrammer >> :

Answer the counter question - why would they do that? What for? So that when they don't meet the deadline, everyone will yell, "Oh, you bastards! You promised!!! ...".

If I were them, I'd just say, "One year from now, you'll have a new version..." :))

And this, by the way, is also an indicator of the quality of work of a programmer and his team. If he is not able to plan his work accurate to at least a quarter, he is not a developer but a codewriter. He doesn't care about getting a result - he cares about the process during which he has an opportunity to get some money for trips to the casino. And when he gets a comment that you do nothing, he quickly counts the number of lines of code written (copied by copy-pasting), prints a report in Jira saying that he spent today 48 man-hours (according to those data which he drew himself) and still asks (based on these data) for a raise.

A person/company is judged by its deeds, and deeds are judged by their results. If there is no alpha, there is no result. I suggest to start a discussion on the subject of MQL6 Wishes - with the same result :))

falkov >> :

Dear Renat!

In your post the second paragraph contradicts the first. For if you have given a lot of new opportunities (1st paragraph), no one will say "nothing new" (2nd paragraph)

There is probably a directive from your management not to give an alpha release date. Nothing else I can reasonably explain the reluctance to give a tentative deadline, like "in the first/second half of 2009/2010".

There is no contradiction - don't confuse "we gave a lot" and "others will say nothing".

There will be a beta mode in March 2009, maybe even earlier.


Dear Renat!

Thank you very much! Will there be any debugging of DLL in MT5? Because NProgrammer scared me :)

Renat >> :

There will be a beta mode in March 2009, maybe even earlier.

Thank you for the substantive response. I hope no one in the company gets hurt for that line.

If you could answer the second part of my question (regarding release plans) just as briefly - at least in this form: "we'd really like it to happen at _____".

ForexTools >> :

And this, by the way, is also an indicator of the class of work of the programmer and his team.

Maybe point to your implemented projects with public discussion history and milestones? Your words sound a lot like theory distracted from practice.

For example, all our work is publicly documented:

If you look at this history, you will see that there are no smooth and straightforward trends (they are only in ideal cases in theory) in our developments, but there is a result - each time we end up higher. So it is this time - first comes the long and invisible work, then the hard (with claims and lots of bugs) beta testing, then the release, and then another couple of years of new builds.

Also, don't forget that you're asking for deadlines on the client terminal, while we're working on the entire system where the terminal is only a small part. And it makes no sense for us to publicly announce the forecasts, because they will always fail. But that does not mean that there are no forecasts.

Renat >> :

There will be a beta mode in March 2009, maybe even earlier.

With all the justified conservatism in the forum, maybe we should have a separate section on MQL5.

The load on the server will obviously increase many times over.