Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 19

Andy_Kon писал(а) >>

With you specifically? Or are you telling the story of the "computerisation" of the USSR in your own way?

Why in your own way?
There were ministries and departments, there were business trips and contacts with their business representatives.
Back then it was quite a long choice between IBM PC, Apple, Wang, DEC, (+Tandy))),
they tried to introduce Motorola's microprocessor 6500 kits.
some idiot advised Velikhov to look at Z80........
...but of the ones I had, I liked Electronica D3-28, it was a big clopod,
you could tuck it away in a corner and there'd be no machine time allocation.

Korey >> :

Why on your own?
There were ministries and departments, we had business trips and contacts with their business.
At that time they chose between IBM PC, Apple, Wang, DEC, (+Tandy)))
they tried to introduce Motorola's microprocessor 6500 kits.
some idiot advised Velihov to look at Z80........
...but of the ones I had, I liked Electronica D3-28, it was a big clopod,
and you put it in the corner and you don't have any machine time allocation.

....Tandy Corp. wanted to be friends with us from 1988....

I had an IBM AT on my desktop in 1986, as much as 8 MHz, 512kB and a 40MB drive. Not a match.

Also PDP-11s and CM1800s...


I should add that back then Velikhovs didn't decide much, it was the men in uniform who were in charge of everything.


Why isn't it a match? If a department bought themselves a RS AT, it doesn't mean others have the same,
in 1986 they already had a 486, but it cost about a million,

and we haven't even seen an XT and a Hercules since 1986.

There is a legend about men in uniform. An engineer from Severodonetsk carried the distrubution on a 2.7M disk. Our people do not let in at the border - this is WHAT?
(looks like a very large mine ))))
Ing - it is a disk, do not touch!
Well, he held it carefully, sawed the drive into two halves.
This is what year it was and where Severodonetsk))))

Korey >> :

If the ministry bought an AT PC, it does not mean that others have the same one,
in 1986 there was already a 486, but it cost about a million,

We had never even seen HT and Hercules in 1986.

Our department (and the whole ministry and not only it) worked for the men in uniform, and they (I repeat) decided for everyone and for everything at the time.


again not a match .... released by Intel on April 10, 1989....

Andy_Kon писал(а) >>

I had an IBM AT on my desktop in 1986, as much as 8 MHz, 512kB and a 40MB drive. Not a match.

For an 86, 40MB is unrealistically cool.)

Just to remember the old times, have a little fun,

I saw more ancient price, but I couldn't find it now...


who is cheating - those from 1986 AT bought for you and could have been a 386 and even a 486 exclusive ))
Or Wiki?
I got the information about the 486 from a 1984 magazine.

Even a book on 486 by MIR publishing house from 1986 came out.

Korey >> :
who is cheating - those from 1986 AT bought for you and could have had a 386 and even an exclusive 486 go ))
>> or Wiki?
I have the information about the 486 proces from 1984 from a magazine.

Reading this, I realise how far progress has gone.

Korey >> :
who is cheating - those from 1986 AT bought for you and could have 386 and even exclusive 486 go ))
>> or wiki?
I have the information about the 486 proces from 1984 from a magazine.

And I have from 152 BC, recorded on papyrus, in my own pantry.


In 1990, a DBASE task on XT compiled in 4 minutes. You had time to take a walk and have tea.

Then another, later version of the same problem on AT compiled in about 20 seconds.

And you walk around these 20 seconds, waiting, not knowing where to go.

nen >> :

In 1990, a DBASE task on XT compiled in 4 minutes. You had time to take a walk and have tea.

Then another, later version of the same problem on AT compiled in about 20 seconds.

And you walk around these 20 seconds, waiting, don't know where to go.

In 90 I already had my own AT, started with 12MHz, 60MB HDD, card already VGA. And then ....