Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 3

Rosh >> :
Still we will not tell :)

Loud words shake the air, but not the speaker. © the movie "The Formula of Love".


It's very much like the forum engine itself:

>>we're working on improvements.....

You could make ten engines in that time over "improvement", or you could redesign twenty to suit you. It's up to you to draw your own conclusions.

ForexTools писал(а) >>

So what?! Where is MG now?!

MG won the Nobel Prize and lives in America:-) That's probably why things have fallen apart there. >>YES!

ForexTools писал(а) >>

)))) and what?! Where's M.G. now?! Where's his supercomputer?!

Where's his supercomputer?! ;)))

Alternate History

The Vinod Dam story is the official Intel version, but there is another version of the origin of the processor. In the 1980s, Vladimir Mstislavovich Pentkovsky was working on the Elbrus processor in Russia under Babayan[source?] Around 1989 a delegation from Intel visited the Computer Science laboratories of the RAS and met with Pentkovsky. Pentkovsky was invited to come to the Intel research centre in the USA on an exchange of experience. Pentkovsky did not return to Russia from this trip, and a few months later Intel officially announced the development of a brand new processor called Pentium (named after the developer ).

Andy_Kon писал(а) >>

It's very much like the forum engine itself:

>>we're working on improvements

During this time on "improvement" you can make ten engines or twenty redesigns to suit you. Conclusions do all by yourselves.

>>Or maybe they have forgotten all about programming and sit around and trade with their money.


You know, people are strange. First they praise, then swear, and then they praise again.

You should live in the present, we have MQL4, hurray!; there will be a new programming tool in the future, and MQL5 will appear again.

Just think that in the first 10-20 versions of the new MQL5? There will be as many errors as there were during the transition from MQL3 to 4.

I personally believe that MQL4 will be stable now, and MQL5 will be studied while everything is still developing.

Integer >> :

Probably gave up on programming and are sitting around trading with the company's earnings.

Maybe they have a lot of championship code now.


Generally speaking, this is not what normal business does. If you are going to launch a new product on the market that your other partners depend on, you need to warn them about your plans in advance. How will you do the same as microsoft with its Access- where every new version of this so-called DB is a new file format not compatible with the previous one?! Try to move half of the people to the new format so that the second half continues to work on the old one. And where do we have a guarantee that the compatibility you promise will work?

Let's imagine the situation: a new (or purchased for some money) Expert Advisor has been developed by a person, who makes small but sure money. He has installed it on a terminal in some data centre and doesn't even look at it, he just withdraws his fee once a month. And then suddenly, his brokerage company foolishly transfers to your newly appeared five, and it detects a strange glitch: the Limit Codes are mixed up and the orders are placed without stops! The expert that has been working properly, like an idiot, opens loss-making orders on each bar and within a couple of hours completely drains the deposit. If only you had at least some sort of alpha - you could have identified this situation in advance and notified you about the bug (I will never believe that the tester is able to check absolutely everything) - it would have been useful and the product would have appeared faster and of higher quality. And so - I strongly doubt that such a client will have at least one chance to get at least some compensation from the brokerage house or you: (All the license agreements prescribed full irresponsibility for the loss of the client.

kombat >> :

Yeah, same place as... ;)))

From that trip Pentkovsky never returned to Russia, but in some months Intel officially announced development of a brand new processor called Pentium (named after its developer).

Just my boy's story :)))

I think MQL5 will be faster released by some other company, where the boy has been working strictly according to the budget and project schedule for a long time ;)

ForexTools >> :

Let's imagine the situation: the person has developed an Expert Advisor, which makes a confident profit, even a little bit. He has installed it on a terminal in some data centre and he does not even look at it, he only withdraws his fee once a month. And then suddenly, his brokerage company foolishly transfers to your newly appeared five, and it detects a strange glitch: the Limit codes are mixed up and the orders are placed without stops! The Expert Advisor that has been working properly, like an idiot, opens losing orders on every bar and within a couple of hours it completely drains the deposit.

There are two possibilities here:

1) a strange glitch: limiters have their codes mixed up... The EA earns more in a couple of hours than it did in the whole of the previous time.

2) Strange glitch: Limiters' codes are mixed up... The Expert Advisor completely drains the deposit in a couple of hours. Then the MQL5 developers will learn about the strange glitch from this person during a day, while the glitch description will be given in detail, accessible, and in simple (not complicated) Russian words.

Why should they bother to put out the alpha version for half a year of testing and comments, when they may learn about errors in one day in simple Russian?