Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 2

What does this have to do with numerical methods? There won't be a big change, just a 50% increase in capacity,
the language will remain, arrays are there now,

Numerical methods have nothing to do with it, try to do a marticle conversion in MQL, let's say by Gaussian method, matrix size 36 by 36 + calculation of the hothouse + calculation of the matrix trace. I have to do it in Matkadec in 2 minutes, and here. And I know that even in C++ we used to write a similar procedure of airborne target tracking filter processing. It took us a long time to catch all the errors. I don't even want to get involved here.

And as I remember, migration from previous versions was not so easy

It seems to me that it will be released after or during ATC 2008, because if it is released before then the championship will have to be held in MQL5 and then there will be fewer participants (not everyone will have time to rearrange). IMHO.
to Prival
That's what Fortran is for. Check out 90.
MProgrammer писал (а):
I want to make some plans. Based on when it comes out.

Why? Be flexible... react rather than be proactive, otherwise you risk being out of phase.

For example, I don't understand what exactly is holding back the MQL-5 release.
-It's an axiom that in order to write objects you have to program structurally inside objects.
This is an axiom. -Objects are a commercial programming, and they are not really useful for development.
-Everything that Matkad does and even beyond is ready-made in CompagFortran. (C++ is not for calculations)))
-The only area that really badly needs MQL-5 is neronets.
-Added functions are needed in increasing security of both sold MQLs and MQLs running on the server.
That is, MQL-5 can in no way affect the Championship results.
Moreover, the history of MT/MQL-xx has a lot of improvements,
This means that the MQL-5 product will not be reasonable to participate in the Championship in 2008. The MQL-5 product is not reasonable.
rough approximate date still unknown?

Relax - they don't do anything. They believed them and hired him, dismissed the old team (as idlers who could not create something new), made the boy the " project manager" and shouted to the whole world that "there will be MQL5! The young head, when he got into real work, quickly realized that with his knowledge the money could be earned much more and easier than with all this hassle with the developers and got away from them. Now the remnants of the MQL4 team are not able to do something substantial in MQL4 and are trying to pretend that they are doing MQL5. They puff their cheeks, talk about classes, methods, object programming... They just talk in a loud voice, but not in a loud voice. © the movie "The Formula of Love". Where is even some pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha version? Where's a screenshot of the program's text and new features? Well, at least a 20-second animation showing how the EA reacts to a click on an object on the chart? Well, is there anything (besides the interview with Starikov) !!!!?

Remember how Michal Gorbachev, coming to power, announced to the world from the rostrum of some congress that Russian specialists had created a super-duper computer running 100 times faster than the best western analogues - he wanted to make a beautiful story: )))) and so?! Where is M.G. now?! Where is his supercomputer?!

The same goes for MQL5 (IMHO) - there is nothing working there... a soap bubble...

We won't tell anyway :)

As the apple ripens it will fall by itself. Otherwise, it's a pain in the ass.