Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 13


Eugene, these are all minor problems with these Fibs. Yes, the Fibo-channels are crooked, but there's no getting around it. This problem (I remember it was raised three years ago on can be solved by other means - say, by more or less regular chart redrawing. I myself have a couple of questions on which I got a clear answer - "no, it won't be in 4". Whatever, we'll get over it.

We'll get over it. Where are we going to go. One debugger will already solve many problems.
Renat >> :

All trading has changed


Tell me, will MT5 have full encryption with public and private keys, as is customary in FR? Do you plan to certify it for compliance with standards?

The question is far from idle, for people actually working in the market.

Mathemat >> :

OK, and I'm quite prepared for that (I try to write modular code so that not everything is in one file). Then I repeat the question I asked earlier: will there be a period when both "four" and "five" will be supported at the same time?

We are not forcing anyone to switch to MT5. Not only that, but most brokers will continue to use MT4.

By the way, we still support and support the brokers who use MT3. They are very few, but they think, that as long as there are traders on MT3, they will keep it parallel to MetaTrader 4.

nen >> :
Yeah, we'll get over it. Where shall we go. One debugger already solves a lot of problems.

Of course!

I don't understand ... complaining about compatibility at all!

new approaches new possibilities

if you pull the weight of compatibility, a lot of things will be lost or not promoted


Of course, it's not a bad thing if there is one - compatibility -


but they say it won't be

let's sit down at the primer and learn new functions and new features

write new indicators and scripts

which one of us has 10,000 lines of code?

YUBA >> :

Tell me, will MT5 have full encryption with public and private keys, as is customary in FIs? Do you intend to certify it to standards?

The question is far from idle, for people actually working in the market.

Yes, we will use the standard RSA 1024 client digital certificates which can also be used for SSL authorisation on websites. Most likely we will.

MetaTrader 5 has a normal postal workflow, which includes sending files as well. I think many orders (with extra code) will be sent by traders through the internal mail system rather than through external channels.


10,000 - not yet, Yuri. There was a project with about 3,000, but I gave it up, though I hope to get it up and running when the data structures are up and running.

YuraZ писал(а) >>

Which one of us has a code of 10,000 lines?

I have somewhere like that (9456 lines). And it has been distributed by many thousands of copies.

What is there to grieve about compatibility? We rejoice at what we've been given.

Rewriting the code will certainly take time. But on the other hand, many errors made at the initial step that simply cannot be corrected physically will not appear in the new code.

(You cannot foresee everything that will happen a year or two or three years later and when the code is huge it is hard to fix it). Same problem as with MT4.

You have to think about the architecture of the program at the very beginning. But users have no time to wait. They want it now. And then deal with program innards...


to Renat

К сожалению, прямой совместимости с MQL4 уже не будет - слишком многое поменяли.


I think dlls will be needed very, very rarely in MT5

I think it's easier to use dll - they are more stable in time, e.g. C/C++. By the way, they are compatible for some reason, I'm curious, how did it happen? :о)))

We're rewriting all our systems from scratch every time, developing a new architecture of information and trading platform.

Well, there you go! What's the reason for this? Is it because the technical side of Forex trading is changing so much or are you getting new ideas at night? :о)

It's amazing why there aren't a bunch of trading strategy testers around, but there's already a serious grave pile of developments in this area? And people can't even do it in 2 years.

Just to remind you of the old friend(mike): The pictures may have disappeared with time (but I remember them, they look like MT indeed), but he built his own full-fledged system - a fact, by the way, he also added the visualizer, which you got much later. I don't think "mountains of other people's corpses" is a serious reason to do "mountains of your own corpses", in the sense of a huge number of unsupported versions.

It's been discussed, but it's impossible. Those who run MT5 will keep MT4 in parallel, as they did with MT3. If a trader wants to migrate, he will simply re-register his account to trade in MT5, and if he doesn't want to, he will stay on the previous platform.

And brokerage companies realize that by starting migration to MQL5 (having settled these accounts) they will lose their clients literally for a while, and it is not very clear technically how dealing centers will carry out "operations" (it's not just money, there must be some clear mechanism), i.e. transferring money from "MQL4" to "MQL5" accounts - the systems are not connected. It's a funny architecture - the account depends on the programming language version. Was there such an account dependence between "MQL3" and "MQL4"?

"Although with the current level of printing development in the West ... " (C) ... But that's not the point now ...


The brokers themselves want a platform more suitable for the stock market and we decided to make exactly that. Compatibility would have led to huge crutches that would have ruined the project in a couple of years.

Pretty strange justification for introducing classes and refusing compatibility :o))) Although, maybe the policy is right - no one's counting person/hour traders. :о)

...and each indicator/expert asks for the right volume of bars from the history center itself...

О!!! First good news! I did that in MatCAD from the beginning :o))))))))))))))))

PS: But good luck all the same, there's nowhere to go... It seems you're already the latest to provide the means for really good programming and dll support.

nen >> :

I have one somewhere (9456 lines). And has sold out many thousands of copies.

What is there to grieve about compatibility? We are happy with what we were given.

Of course it will take us time to rewrite the code. But on the other hand, many errors made at the initial step that simply cannot be corrected physically will not appear in the new code.

(You cannot foresee everything that will happen a year or two or three years later and when the code is huge it is hard to fix it). Same problem as with MT4.

You have to think about the architecture of the program at the very beginning. But users have no time to wait. They want it now. And then sort out the internals of the program...

We will rewrite it for MQL5

But MT4 will apparently continue to work for many years!

So, no one will be hurt and those who don`t buy it right away!

If you do, you will have to rewrite this or that project at once!

when you rewrite the project!

as a rule there will be only improvements

as many things are reconsidered for the better as a rule.


I had a case when I had to rewrite something small because of a failure ( no copy saved )

it only gets better