Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 9

NProgrammer писал(а) >>

That is, it will not be possible to debug the DLL itself using the standard WINDBG or Visual Studio debuggers!

I just don't understand one thing - may be somebody can explain why they did it? What is the sense? What are your opinions?
NProgrammer >> :

Yura, it's 2003.

>> thank you! Yeah, I read it.

I'm already upset!

Well there's probably not going to be an API exit

ever by the looks of it.

NProgrammer >> :
I just don't get it - can anyone explain why they did it? What's the point? What's your opinion?

protection ...

YuraZ писал(а) >>

protection ...

Why!? From what, the terminal is free...

YuraZ писал(а) >>

Thank you! Yes, I read it.

Yeah, I'm already upset!

Well, there's probably not gonna be an API out.

ever by the looks of it

We didn't need API when we had a simple link to C++... Now they won't be, as they even consider calling functions in DLL to be evil...

Renat >> :

Unfortunately, there will be no direct compatibility with MQL4 - too many things have been changed. But they gave many new features instead.

Here is the answer to your question ;) I can just see myself in a meeting where the chief developer is talking with his hands spread:

Разработчик: а что вы хотели? в новом терминале такие вещи делать уже нельзя будет в принципе

Шеф: и что - ничего нельзя придумать?!

Разработчик: ничего. 100% обратной совместимости не будет.

Шеф: тогда делаем так: никаких альф и бет до выхода релиза. Никто не должен ничего сообщать.Когда выйдет релиз все будут разбираться в новом и до совместимости со старым уже никому не будет дела.

Sad. Although I understand everything perfectly, I myself have repeatedly said so on both sides. But still - sad :(

NProgrammer >> :

Why!? Why, the terminal is free...


>> protection against those who want to poke around in the guts.

>> just protection.


I don't know, the developers must have a reason.

ForexTools писал(а) >>

And here is the answer ;) I can just see myself in a meeting where the chief developer is talking with his hands spread:

Разработчик: а что вы хотели? в новом терминале такие вещи делать уже нельзя будет в принципе

Шеф: и что - ничего нельзя придумать?!

Разработчик: ничего. 100% обратной совместимости не будет.

Шеф: тогда делаем так: никаких альф и бет до выхода релиза.

Никто не должен ничего сообщать.

Когда выйдет релиз все будут разбираться в новом

и до совместимости со старым уже никому не будет дела.

Sad. Although I understand everything perfectly, I myself have repeatedly said so on both sides. But still - sad :(

In fact, what's left in this MT - a strategy tester. Yes, to make it - a couple of evenings.

So just angry that you have something to plan and you're screwed... So basically, fuck the mt.

ForexTools >> :

The answer to your question ;) I can see myself at a meeting where the chief developer says with shaking hands:

Разработчик: а что вы хотели? в новом терминале такие вещи делать уже нельзя будет в принципе

Шеф: и что - ничего нельзя придумать?!

Разработчик: ничего. 100% обратной совместимости не будет.

Шеф: тогда делаем так: никаких альф и бет до выхода релиза. Никто не должен ничего сообщать.Когда выйдет релиз все будут разбираться в новом и до совместимости со старым уже никому не будет дела.

Sad. Although all perfectly understandable, I myself have repeatedly said so on both sides. But all the same - sad :(

on the one hand it is sad!

on the other hand we get more advanced functionality at the expense of 100% compatibility


when writing 100% compatibility

the product is heavier

or does not support all the things you want to get into it

we wanted structures, objects, etc.

we get it.

the classic C language generally compiles on any platform

but some features do not work everywhere

YuraZ писал(а) >>


protection against those who want to poke around in the guts

just protection.


I don't know, the developers must have a reason.

For hackers, for people who make money off of cracking security, that protection is bullshit... I speak for my words. And the developers know this very well... And knowing that paying money and having compatibility problems because of the protection of a free program... This is idiocy, and I don't believe in the idiocy of the developers, something is wrong here... Oh, there's something tricky here...