Applying Localized Feature Selection in Python and MQL5

Applying Localized Feature Selection in Python and MQL5

MetaTrader 5Examples | 12 September 2024, 11:00
404 0
Francis Dube
Francis Dube


In financial market analysis, indicators often exhibit varying effectiveness as underlying conditions change. For example, fluctuating volatility can render previously reliable indicators ineffective as market regimes shift. This variability explains the proliferation of indicators used by traders, as no single indicator can consistently perform well across all market conditions. From a machine learning perspective, this calls for a flexible feature selection technique that can accommodate such dynamic behavior.

Many common feature selection algorithms prioritize features that show predictive power across the entire feature space. These features are often favored even when their relationships with the target variable are nonlinear or influenced by other features. However, this global bias can be problematic, as modern nonlinear models can extract valuable insights from features with strong local predictive capabilities or whose relationships with the target variable shift within specific regions of the feature space.

In this article, we explore a feature selection algorithm introduced in the paper 'Local Feature Selection for Data Classification' by Narges Armanfard, James P. Reilly, and Majid Komeili. This method aims to identify predictive features that are often overlooked by traditional selection techniques due to their limited global utility. We will begin with a general overview of the algorithm, followed by its implementation in Python to create classifier models suitable for export to MetaTrader 5.

Local feature selection

Successful machine learning relies on selecting informative features that contribute to solving the problem. In supervised classification, features should effectively differentiate between data categories. However, identifying these informative features can be challenging, as uninformative ones can introduce noise and degrade model performance. As a result, feature selection is often a critical initial step in building predictive models.

Unlike traditional methods that seek a single optimal feature subset for all data, Local Feature Selection (LFS) identifies optimal subsets for specific local regions. This adaptability could be particularly useful for handling non-stationary data. Moreover, LFS incorporates a classifier that accounts for the varying feature subsets used across different samples. It achieves this through class-wise clustering, selecting features that minimize intra-class distances while maximizing inter-class distances.

Localized Feature Selection

This approach identifies a locally optimal feature subspace in overlapping regions, ensuring that each sample is represented in multiple feature spaces. To better understand the concept, consider a scenario where a telecommunications company aims to predict customer churn—identifying customers likely to close their accounts. The company collects various customer characteristics, including:

  • Customer tenure: How long has the customer been with the company?
  • Monthly bill: How much does the customer pay each month?
  • Customer's weight and height.
  • Number of calls made to customer service: How often does the customer contact support.

Imagine selecting two loyal customers who have been with the company for many years. For each of the features described, there would likely be minimal differences between these loyal customers, as they belong to the same class. Now, contrast this with the difference between a long-time customer and one who canceled their subscription shortly after signing up. While their weight and height may not differ much, other relevant predictors would likely show significant variation.

The loyal customer would obviously have a much longer tenure, might be more willing to opt for a higher-priced subscription package, and is more likely to contact customer support when issues arise rather than canceling in frustration. Meanwhile, metrics like weight and height would remain close to the population average and wouldn't contribute significantly to distinguishing these customer types.

Analyzing individual feature values in pairs using Euclidean distance reveals that the most relevant predictors will have the greatest inter-class distance between customers, while the least relevant predictors will exhibit the smallest inter-class distance. This makes the selection of effective predictors clear: we prioritize pairs with low intra-class distance and high inter-class distance.

While this approach seems effective, it falls short in accounting for local variations within the data. To address this, we must consider how predictive power can differ across various feature domains. Imagine a dataset with two classes, where one class is divided into two distinct subsets. A scatter plot of two features from this dataset illustrates that the first subset may be well-separated from Class 1 using the x1 variable, but not x2. Conversely, the second subset may be well-separated using x2, but not x1.

Hypothetical Scatter Plot

If we only consider inter-class separation, the algorithm might mistakenly select both x1 and x2, even though only one is truly effective in each subset. This happens because the algorithm could prioritize the overall large distance between the two subsets over the smaller, more relevant distances within each subset. To solve this, the authors of the cited paper introduced a weighting scheme for the distances. By assigning higher weights to pairs of cases that are closer together and lower weights to pairs that are farther apart, the algorithm can reduce the influence of outliers within a class. This considers both class memberships and the global distribution of distances.

In summary, the LFS algorithm, as described in the cited paper, consists of two main components. The first is the feature selection process, where a subset of features is selected for each sample. The second component involves a localized mechanism that measures the similarity of a test sample to a specific class, which is used for inference purposes.

Feature selection

In this section, we will describe the learning procedure employed by the LFS method, step by step, with a little math. We begin with the expected structure of the training data. The implementation of localized feature selection is performed on a dataset with N training samples, classified into Z class labels, and accompanied by M features or predictor candidates.

The training data can be represented as a matrix X, where the rows correspond to the samples and the columns represent distinct predictor candidates. Thus, matrix X has N rows and M columns. Each sample is denoted as X(i), referring to the i-th row in the matrix. The class labels are stored in a separate column vector Y, with each label mapped to a corresponding sample (row) in the matrix.

The ultimate goal of applying the LFS method is to determine, for each training sample X(i), an M-sized binary vector F(i) that indicates which candidate predictors are most relevant for determining the corresponding class label. The matrix F will have the same dimensions as X.

Using Euclidean distance, the algorithm aims to minimize the average distance between the current sample and other samples with the same class label, while maximizing the average distance between the current sample and those with different class labels. Additionally, the distances must be weighted to favor samples in the same neighborhood as the current sample, introducing the weights column vector W. Since the weights (W) and the binary vector F(i) are not initially available, an iterative procedure is used to estimate both the optimal W and F(i) vectors.

Distance formula

Computing intra-class and inter-class distances

Each step described in the following sections pertains to calculations performed for a single sample, X(i), to determine the optimal F(i) vector. The process begins by initializing all entries of F to zero and setting the initial weights to 1. Next, we calculate the intra-class and inter-class distances regarding X(i). The inclusion of the F(i) vector in the distance calculations ensures that only the variables deemed relevant (those equal to 1) are considered. For mathematical convenience, the Euclidean distances are squared, leading to the following distance equation.

Squares Euclidean distance

The circle with an enclosed "x" denotes an operator for element-wise multiplication. The intra-class and inter-class distances are computed using the formula above, but with different j elements (rows) of X. The intra-class distance is calculated using the j elements that share the same class label as X(i),

Intra-class distance

while the inter-class distance is computed using the j elements with any class label different from Y(i).

Inter-class distance

Calculating the weights

For sample X(i), we calculate a vector of weights (W), which is N-long, such that if X(j) is far from X(i), its weight should be small, and conversely, if it is nearby, the weight should be larger. The weighting should not penalize samples simply because they have a different class label. Since F(i) is not yet optimal, the variables selected to define the basis of neighborhoods are still unknown. The cited paper addresses this issue by averaging the weights calculated from previous iterations of weight refinement.

When an F vector is included in defining the distance between two samples, it is considered within the metric space defined by F(i). The calculation of optimal weights is performed by defining distances in terms of a different metric space, which we will refer to as F(z), as given by the formula below.

Distance in metric space z

To ensure that the weights do not penalize samples simply for being in a different class, we calculate the minimum distance between X(i) and all other samples of the same class in the metric space defined by F(z).

Minum distance among same classed samples

Additionally, we compute the minimum distance from samples with a different class label to X(i).

Minimum distance among dissimilar classed samples

These are the final values needed to define the weights. The weights are calculated as the average across all metric spaces, given by the negative exponential of the difference between the distance and the minimum distance for a particular metric space, z.

Weights formula

Conflicting objectives

At this stage, we have obtained the optimal weights, allowing us to address the challenge of finding the right balance between inter-class and intra-class separation. This involves reconciling two conflicting objectives: minimizing intra-class separation (making data points within the same class as similar as possible) and maximizing inter-class separation (making different classes as distinct as possible). Achieving both objectives perfectly with the same set of predictors is usually infeasible.

A viable approach is the Epsilon-Constraint Method, which finds a compromise between these conflicting goals. This method works by first solving one of the optimization problems (usually the maximization problem), and then addressing the minimization problem with the added constraint that the maximized function remains above a certain threshold.

First, we maximize the inter-class separation and record the maximum value of this function, denoted as epsilon (ϵ), which represents the highest possible inter-class separation. Next, we minimize intra-class separation for various values of a parameter β (ranging from 0 to 1), with the constraint that the inter-class separation for the minimized solution must remain greater than or equal to βϵ.

The parameter β serves as a compromise factor, balancing the focus between the two objectives: when β is set to 1, inter-class separation takes full priority, while when β is set to 0, the focus shifts entirely to minimizing intra-class separation. Four constraints are imposed on both optimization tasks:

  • All elements of F must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.
  • The sum of the elements of an F vector must be less than or equal to a user-specified hyperparameter, which governs the maximum number of predictors that can be activated.
  • The sum of the elements of an F vector must be greater than or equal to one, ensuring that at least one predictor is activated for each sample.

For intra-class minimization, there is an additional constraint inherited from the initial maximization operation: the value of the function maximization must be at least equal to the product of β and ϵ.

The functions and constraints involved are linear, indicating that the optimization tasks are linear programming problems. Standard linear programming problems aim to maximize an objective function subject to constraints that specify thresholds that must not be exceeded.

Linear programming involves optimizing a linear objective function subject to linear constraints. The objective function, typically denoted as "z," is a linear combination of decision variables. Constraints are expressed as linear inequalities or equalities, limiting the values of the decision variables. Beyond the user-specified constraints, there are implicit non-negativity constraints on the decision variables and non-negativity constraints on the right-hand sides of the inequalities.

While the standard form assumes non-negative decision variables and "less-than-or-equal" inequalities, these restrictions can be relaxed through transformations. By multiplying both sides of an inequality by -1, we can handle "greater-than-or-equal" inequalities and negative right-hand sides. Additionally, non-positive coefficients involving decision variables can be transformed into positive coefficients by creating new variables.

The interior-point method is an efficient algorithm for solving linear programming problems, especially when dealing with large-scale optimization tasks. Our Python implementation will employ this method to efficiently find an optimal solution. Once convergence is reached, we will obtain an optimal F(i) vector. However, it is important to note that these values are not in the required format (either 1s or 0s). This is corrected in the final step of the LFS method.

Beta trials

The problem with the calculated F(i) vector is that it consists of real values rather than binary values. The goal of the LFS procedure is to identify the most relevant variables for each sample, which is represented by a binary F matrix where values are either 0 or 1. A value of 0 indicates that the corresponding variable is deemed irrelevant or skipped.

To convert the real values of the F(i) vector into binary values, we use a Monte-Carlo method to find the best binary equivalent. This involves repeating the process a user-specified number of times, which is a key hyperparameter of the LFS method. For each iteration, we start with a binary vector where each predictor candidate is initially set to 1, using the continuous F(i) values as probabilities for each predictor. We then check if the binary vector satisfies the constraints of the minimization procedure and calculate its objective function value. The binary vector with the minimum objective function value is chosen as the final F(i) vector.

Post-processing for feature selection

LFS independently selects optimal predictor candidates for each sample, making it impractical to report a single definitive set. To address this, we count the frequency of each predictor's inclusion in optimal subsets. This allows users to set a threshold and identify the most frequently appearing predictors as the most relevant. Importantly, the relevance of a predictor within this set does not imply its individual worth; its value might lie in its interaction with other predictors.

This is a key advantage of LFS: its ability to pinpoint predictors that might be individually insignificant but valuable when combined with others. This preprocessing step is important for modern prediction models, which excel at discerning complex relationships between variables. By eliminating irrelevant predictors, LFS streamlines the modeling process and enhances the model performance.

Python implementation: LFSpy

In this section, we explore the practical application of the LFS algorithm, focusing first on its use as a feature selection technique and briefly discussing its data classification capabilities. All demonstrations will be conducted in Python using the LFSpy package, which implements both the feature selection and data classification aspects of the LFS algorithm. The package is available on PyPI, where detailed information about it can be found.

First, install the LFSpy package.

pip install LFSpy

Next, import the LocalFeatureSelection class from LFSpy.

from LFSpy import LocalFeatureSelection

An instance of LocalFeatureSelection can be created by calling the parametric constructor.

lfs = LocalFeatureSelection(alpha=8,tau=2,n_beta=20,nrrp=2000)

The constructor supports the following optional parameters:

 Parameter NameData Type
The maximum number of selected predictors out of all predictor candidates. The default value is 19.
A tolerance level governing the ratio of samples with differing class labels to those with the same class label within a local region. The default value is 0.2.
The number of iterations through the entire dataset (equivalent to the number of epochs in traditional machine learning). The default is 2, and it's recommended to set this value to a single-digit number, typically no more than 5.
Controls the weighting of observations based on their distance. A value greater than 1 reduces the weighting. The default is 1.
The number of beta values tested when converting the continuous F vectors to their binary equivalents.
The number of iterations for beta trials. This value should be at least 500, increasing with the size of the training dataset. The default is 2000.
Applies specifically to classification tasks. It specifies the number of nearest neighbors to compare for categorization. The default value is 1.

After initializing an instance of the LFSpy class, we use the fit() method with at least two input parameters: a two-dimensional matrix of training samples, consisting of candidate predictors, and a one-dimensional array of corresponding class labels.,ytrain)

Once the model is fitted, calling fstar returns the F inclusion matrix, which consists of ones and zeros to indicate the selected features. Note that this matrix is transposed relative to the orientation of the training samples.

fstar = lfs.fstar

The predict() method is used to classify test samples based on the learned model and returns the class labels corresponding to the test data.

predicted_classes = lfs.predict(test_samples)

The score() method calculates the model’s accuracy by comparing the predicted class labels with the known labels. It returns the fraction of test samples that were correctly classified.

accuracy = lfs.score(test_data,test_labels)

Examples of LFSpy

For the first practical demonstration, we generate several thousand uniformly distributed random variables within the interval [−1,1][−1,1]. These variables are arranged into a matrix with a specified number of columns. We then create a vector of {0, 1} labels corresponding to each row, depending on whether the values in two arbitrary columns are both negative or both positive. The goal of this demonstration is to determine whether the LFS method can identify the most relevant predictors in this dataset. We evaluate the results by summing the number of times each predictor is selected (indicated by a 1) in the F binary inclusion matrix. The code implementing this test is shown below.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from LFSpy import LocalFeatureSelection
from timeit import default_timer as timer

#number of random numbers to generate
datalen = 500 

#number of features the dataset will have
datavars = 5

#set random number seed
rng_seed = 125
rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_seed)

#generate the numbers
data = rng.uniform(-1.0,1.0,size=datalen)

#shape our dataset
data = data.reshape([datalen//datavars,datavars])

#set up container for class labels
class_labels = np.zeros(shape=data.shape[0],dtype=np.uint8)

#set the class labels
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    class_labels[i] = 1 if (data[i,1] > 0.0 and data[i,2] > 0.0) or (data[i,1] < 0.0 and data[i,2] < 0.0) else 0

#partition our training data
xtrain = data
ytrain = class_labels

#initialize the LFS object
lfs = LocalFeatureSelection(rr_seed=rng_seed,alpha=8,tau=2,n_beta=20,nrrp=2000)

#start timer
start = timer()

#train the model,ytrain)

#output training duration
print("Training done in ", timer()-start , " seconds. ")

#get the inclusion matrix
fstar = lfs.fstar

#add up all ones for each row of the inclusion matrix
ibins = fstar.sum(axis=1)

#calculate the percent of times a candidate was selected
original_crits = 100.0 * ibins.astype(np.float64)/np.float64(ytrain.shape[0])

#output the results
print("------------------------------> Percent of times selected <------------------------------" )
for i in range(original_crits.shape[0]):
   print( f" Variable at column {i}, selected {original_crits[i]} %")

The output from running

Training done in  45.84896759999992  seconds. 
Python  ------------------------------> Percent of times selected <------------------------------
Python   Variable at column 0, selected 19.0 %
Python   Variable at column 1, selected 81.0 %
Python   Variable at column 2, selected 87.0 %
Python   Variable at column 3, selected 20.0 %
Python   Variable at column 4, selected 18.0 %

It is intriguing that one of the relevant variables was selected slightly more frequently than the other, despite their identical roles in predicting the class. This suggests that subtle nuances within the data might be influencing the selection process. What is clear is that both variables were consistently chosen more often than irrelevant predictors, indicating their significance in determining the class. The algorithm's relatively slow execution is likely due to its single-threaded nature, potentially hindering its performance on larger datasets.

LFS for data classification

Given LFS's local nature, constructing a classifier from it requires more effort compared to traditional, globally biased feature selection methods. The referenced paper discusses a proposed classifier architecture, which we will not delve into here. Interested readers are encouraged to refer to the cited paper for full details. In this section, we will focus on the implementation.

LFS for data classification

The predict() method of the LocalFeatureSelection class assesses class similarity. It takes test data that matches the structure of the training data and returns predicted class labels based on the patterns learned by the trained LFS model. In the next code demonstration, we will extend the previous script to build an LFS classifier model, export it in JSON format, load it using an MQL5 script, and classify an out-of-sample dataset. The code used to export an LFS model is contained in This file defines the lfspy2json() function, which serializes the state and parameters of a LocalFeatureSelection model into a JSON file. This allows the model to be saved in a format that can be easily read and used in MQL5 code, facilitating integration with MetaTrader 5. The full code is shown below.

# Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd.

from LFSpy import LocalFeatureSelection
import json 


def lfspy2json(lfs_model:LocalFeatureSelection, filename:str):
    function export a LFSpy model to json format 
    readable from MQL5 code.
    param: lfs_model should be an instance of LocalFeatureSelection
    param: filename or path to file where lfs_model
    parameters will be written to
    if not isinstance(lfs_model,LocalFeatureSelection):
        raise TypeError(f'invalid type supplied, "lfs_model" should be an instance of LocalFeatureSelection')
    if len(filename) < 1 or not isinstance(filename,str):
        raise TypeError(f'invalid filename supplied')
    jm  = {
    with open(filename,'w') as file:
        json.dump(jm,file,indent=None,separators=(',', ':')) 

The function takes a LocalFeatureSelection object and a file name as inputs. It serializes the model parameters as a JSON object and saves it under the specified file name. The module also defines two constants, MQL5_FILES_FOLDER and MQL5_COMMON_FOLDER, which represent the directory paths for accessible folders in a standard MetaTrader 5 installation. This is only one part of the solution for integrating with MetaTrader 5. The other part is implemented in MQL5 code, which is presented in lfspy.mqh. This included file contains the definition of the Clfspy class, which facilitates loading an LFS model saved in JSON format for inference purposes. The full code is provided below.

//|                                                        lfspy.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
//|structure of model parameters                                     |
   int               alpha;
   int               tau;
   int               n_beta;
   int               nrrp;
   int               knn;
   int               rr_seed;
   int               sigma;
   ulong             num_features;
   double            gamma;
//|  class encapsulates LFSpy model                                  |
class Clfspy
   bool              loaded;
   LFS_PARAMS        model_params;
   matrix train_data,
   vector            train_labels;
   //|  helper function for parsing model from file                     |
   bool              fromJSON(CJAVal &jsonmodel)

      model_params.alpha = (int)jsonmodel["alpha"].ToInt();
      model_params.tau = (int)jsonmodel["tau"].ToInt();
      model_params.sigma = (int)jsonmodel["sigma"].ToInt();
      model_params.n_beta = (int)jsonmodel["n_beta"].ToInt();
      model_params.nrrp = (int)jsonmodel["nrrp"].ToInt();
      model_params.knn = (int)jsonmodel["knn"].ToInt();
      model_params.rr_seed = (int)jsonmodel["rr_seed"].ToInt();
      model_params.gamma = jsonmodel["gamma"].ToDbl();

      ulong observations = (ulong)jsonmodel["num_observations"].ToInt();
      model_params.num_features = (ulong)jsonmodel["num_features"].ToInt();

      if(!train_data.Resize(model_params.num_features,observations) || !train_labels.Resize(observations) ||
         Print(__FUNCTION__, " error ", GetLastError());
         return false;

      for(int i=0; i<int(model_params.num_features); i++)
         for(int j = 0; j<int(observations); j++)
               train_labels[j] = jsonmodel["training_labels"][j].ToDbl();
            train_data[i][j] = jsonmodel["training_data"][i][j].ToDbl();
            fstar[i][j] = jsonmodel["fstar"][i][j].ToDbl();

      return true;
   //| helper classification function                                   |
   matrix            classification(matrix &testing_data)
      int N = int(train_labels.Size());
      int H = int(testing_data.Cols());

      matrix out(H,2);

      for(int i = 0; i<H; i++)
         vector column = testing_data.Col(i);
         vector result = class_sim(column,train_data,train_labels,fstar,model_params.gamma,model_params.knn);
            Print(__FUNCTION__, " row insertion failure ", GetLastError());
            return matrix::Zeros(1,1);

      return out;
   //| internal feature classification function                         |
   vector            class_sim(vector &test,matrix &patterns,vector& targets, matrix &f_star, double gamma, int knn)
      int N = int(targets.Size());
      int n_nt_cls_1 = (int)targets.Sum();
      int n_nt_cls_2 = N - n_nt_cls_1;
      int M = int(patterns.Rows());
      int NC1 = 0;
      int NC2 = 0;
      vector S = vector::Zeros(N);


      vector NoNNC1knn = vector::Zeros(N);
      vector NoNNC2knn = vector::Zeros(N);
      vector NoNNC1 = vector::Zeros(N);
      vector NoNNC2 = vector::Zeros(N);
      vector radious = vector::Zeros(N);
      double r = 0;
      int k = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i<N; i++)
         vector fs = f_star.Col(i);
         matrix xpatterns = patterns * np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(fs,patterns.Cols(),false);
         vector testpr = test * fs;
         vector mtestpr = (-1.0 * testpr);
         matrix testprmat = np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(mtestpr,xpatterns.Cols(),false);
         vector dist = MathAbs(sqrt((pow(testprmat + xpatterns,2.0)).Sum(0)));
         vector min1 = dist;
         vector min_uniq = np::unique(min1);
         int m = -1;
         int no_nereser = 0;
         vector NN(dist.Size());
            double a1  = min_uniq[m];
            for(ulong j = 0; j<dist.Size(); j++)
            no_nereser = (int)NN.Sum();
         vector bitNN = np::bitwiseAnd(NN,targets);
         vector Not = np::bitwiseNot(targets);
         NoNNC1knn[i] = bitNN.Sum();
         bitNN = np::bitwiseAnd(NN,Not);
         NoNNC2knn[i] = bitNN.Sum();
         vector A(fs.Size());
         for(ulong v =0; v<A.Size(); v++)
            A[v] = (fs[v]==0.0)?1.0:0.0;
         vector f1(patterns.Cols());
         vector f2(patterns.Cols());
            for(ulong v =0; v<A.Size(); v++)
               A[v] = (A[v]==1.0)?0.0:1.0;
            matrix amask = matrix::Ones(patterns.Rows(), patterns.Cols());
            amask *= np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(A,patterns.Cols(),false);
            matrix patternsp = patterns*amask;
            vector testp = test*(amask.Col(0));
            vector testa = patternsp.Col(i) - testp;
            vector col = patternsp.Col(i);
            matrix colmat = np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(col,patternsp.Cols(),false);
            double Dist_test = MathAbs(sqrt((pow(col - testp,2.0)).Sum()));
            vector Dist_pat  = MathAbs(sqrt((pow(patternsp - colmat,2.0)).Sum(0)));
            vector eerep = Dist_pat;
            int remove = 0;
            if(targets[i] == 1.0)
               vector unq = np::unique(eerep);
               k = -1;
                  int Next = 1;
                  while(Next == 1)
                     r = unq[k];
                     for(ulong j = 0; j<Dist_pat.Size(); j++)
                        if(Dist_pat[j] == r)
                           f1[j] = 1.0;
                           f1[j] = 0.0;
                           f2[j] = 1.0;
                           f2[j] = 0.0;
                     vector f2t = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,targets);
                     vector tn = np::bitwiseNot(targets);
                     vector f2tn = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,tn);
                     double nocls1clst = f2t.Sum() - 1.0;
                     double nocls2clst = f2tn.Sum();
                     if(gamma *(nocls1clst/double(n_nt_cls_1-1)) < (nocls2clst/(double(n_nt_cls_2))))
                        Next = 0 ;
                        if((k-1) == 0)
                           r = unq[k];
                           r = 0.5 * (unq[k-1] + unq[k]);
                           r = pow(10.0,-6.0);
                        r = 1.0*r;
                        for(ulong j = 0; j<Dist_pat.Size(); j++)
                              f2[j] = 1.0;
                              f2[j] = 0.0;
                        f2t = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,targets);
                        f2tn = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,tn);
                        nocls1clst = f2t.Sum() - 1.0;
                        nocls2clst = f2tn.Sum();
                     patternsp = patterns * np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(fs,patterns.Cols(),false);
                     testp = test * fs;
                     dist = MathAbs(sqrt((pow(patternsp - np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(testp,patternsp.Cols(),false),2.0)).Sum(0)));
                     min1 = dist;
                     min_uniq = np::unique(min1);
                     m = -1;
                     no_nereser = 0;
                        double a1  = min_uniq[m];
                        for(ulong j = 0; j<dist.Size(); j++)
                        no_nereser = (int)NN.Sum();
                     bitNN = np::bitwiseAnd(NN,targets);
                     Not = np::bitwiseNot(targets);
                     NoNNC1[i] = bitNN.Sum();
                     bitNN = np::bitwiseAnd(NN,Not);
                     NoNNC2[i] = bitNN.Sum();
                        S[i] = 1.0;
            if(targets[i] == 0.0)
               vector unq = np::unique(eerep);
               int Next;
                  Next =1;
                     r = unq[k];
                     for(ulong j = 0; j<Dist_pat.Size(); j++)
                        if(Dist_pat[j] == r)
                           f1[j] = 1.0;
                           f1[j] = 0.0;
                           f2[j] = 1.0;
                           f2[j] = 0.0;
                     vector f2t = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,targets);
                     vector tn = np::bitwiseNot(targets);
                     vector f2tn = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,tn);
                     double nocls1clst = f2t.Sum() ;
                     double nocls2clst = f2tn.Sum() -1.0;
                     if(gamma *(nocls2clst/double(n_nt_cls_2-1)) < (nocls1clst/(double(n_nt_cls_1))))
                        Next = 0 ;
                        if((k-1) == 0)
                           r = unq[k];
                           r = 0.5 * (unq[k-1] + unq[k]);
                           r = pow(10.0,-6.0);
                        r = 1.0*r;
                        for(ulong j = 0; j<Dist_pat.Size(); j++)
                              f2[j] = 1.0;
                              f2[j] = 0.0;
                        f2t = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,targets);
                        f2tn = np::bitwiseAnd(f2,tn);
                        nocls1clst = f2t.Sum();
                        nocls2clst = f2tn.Sum() -1.0;
                     patternsp = patterns * np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(fs,patterns.Cols(),false);
                     testp = test * fs;
                     dist = MathAbs(sqrt((pow(patternsp - np::repeat_vector_as_rows_cols(testp,patternsp.Cols(),false),2.0)).Sum(0)));
                     min1 = dist;
                     min_uniq = np::unique(min1);
                     m = -1;
                     no_nereser = 0;
                        double a1  = min_uniq[m];
                        for(ulong j = 0; j<dist.Size(); j++)
                        no_nereser = (int)NN.Sum();
                     bitNN = np::bitwiseAnd(NN,targets);
                     Not = np::bitwiseNot(targets);
                     NoNNC1[i] = bitNN.Sum();
                     bitNN = np::bitwiseAnd(NN,Not);
                     NoNNC2[i] = bitNN.Sum();
                        S[i] = 1.0;
         radious[i] = r;
      vector q1 = vector::Zeros(N);
      vector q2 = vector::Zeros(N);
      for(int i = 0; i<N; i++)
         if(NoNNC1[i] > NoNNC2knn[i])
            q1[i] = 1.0;
         if(NoNNC2[i] > NoNNC1knn[i])
            q2[i] = 1.0;

      vector ntargs = np::bitwiseNot(targets);
      vector c1 = np::bitwiseAnd(q1,targets);
      vector c2 = np::bitwiseAnd(q2,ntargs);

      double sc1 = c1.Sum()/NC1;
      double sc2 = c2.Sum()/NC2;

      if(sc1==0.0 && sc2==0.0)

         for(int i = 0; i<N; i++)
            if(NoNNC1knn[i] > NoNNC2knn[i])
               q1[i] = 1.0;
            if(NoNNC2knn[i] > NoNNC1knn[i])
               q2[i] = 1.0;

               ntargs[i] = 1.0;
               ntargs[i] = 0.0;

         c1 = np::bitwiseAnd(q1,targets);
         c2 = np::bitwiseAnd(q2,ntargs);

         sc1 = c1.Sum()/NC1;
         sc2 = c2.Sum()/NC2;

      vector out(2);

      out[0] = sc1;
      out[1] = sc2;

      return out;
   //|    constructor                                                   |
      loaded = false;
   //|  destructor                                                      |
   //|  load a LFSpy trained model from file                            |
   bool              load(const string file_name, bool FILE_IN_COMMON_DIRECTORY = false)
      loaded = false;
      CFileTxt modelFile;
      CJAVal js;
         Print(__FUNCTION__," failed to open file ",file_name," .Error - ",::GetLastError());
         return false;
            Print("failed to read from ",file_name,".Error -",::GetLastError());
            return false;
         loaded = fromJSON(js);
      return loaded;
   //|   make a prediction based specific inputs                        |
   vector            predict(matrix &inputs)
         Print(__FUNCTION__, " No model available, Load a model first before calling this method ");
         return vector::Zeros(1);

         Print(__FUNCTION__, " input matrix does np::bitwiseNot match with shape of expected model inputs (columns)");
         return vector::Zeros(1);

      matrix testdata = inputs.Transpose();

      matrix probs = classification(testdata);
      vector classes = vector::Zeros(probs.Rows());

      for(ulong i = 0; i<classes.Size(); i++)
         if(probs[i][0] > probs[i][1])
            classes[i] = 1.0;

      return classes;

   //| get the parameters of the loaded model                           |
   LFS_PARAMS        getmodelparams(void)
      return model_params;


There are two primary methods users need to understand in this class:

  • The load() method takes a file name as input, which should point to the exported LFS model.
  • The predict() method takes a matrix with the requisite number of columns and returns a vector of class labels, corresponding to the number of rows in the input matrix.

Let’s see how all this works in practice. We start with the Python code. The file prepares in-sample and out-of-sample datasets using randomly generated numbers. The out-of-sample data is saved as a CSV file. An LFS model is trained using the in-sample data, then serialized and saved in JSON format. We test the model on the out-of-sample data and record the results so we can later compare them with the same test done in MetaTrader 5. The Python code is shown next.

# Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd.
# imports
import MetaTrader5 as mt5
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from JsonModel import lfspy2json, LocalFeatureSelection, MQL5_COMMON_FOLDER, MQL5_FILES_FOLDER
from os import path
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report

#initialize MT5 terminal
if not mt5.initialize():
    print("MT5 initialization failed ")
    exit() # stop the script if mt5 not initialized
#we want to get the path to the MT5 file sandbox
#initialize TerminalInfo instance    
terminal_info = mt5.terminal_info()

#model file name
filename = "lfsmodel.json"

#build the full path
modelfilepath = path.join(terminal_info.data_path,MQL5_FILES_FOLDER,filename)

#number of random numbers to generate
datalen = 1000

#number of features the dataset will have
datavars = 5

#set random number seed
rng_seed = 125
rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_seed)

#generate the numbers
data = rng.uniform(-1.0,1.0,size=datalen)

#shape our dataset
data = data.reshape([datalen//datavars,datavars])

#set up container for class labels
class_labels = np.zeros(shape=data.shape[0],dtype=np.uint8)

#set the class labels
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    class_labels[i] = 1 if (data[i,1] > 0.0 and data[i,2] > 0.0) or (data[i,1] < 0.0 and data[i,2] < 0.0) else 0

#partition our data
train_size = 100
xtrain = data[:train_size,:]
ytrain = class_labels[:train_size]

#load testing data (out of sample)
test_data = data[train_size:,:]
test_labels = class_labels[train_size:]

#here we prepare the out of sample data for export using pandas
#the data will be exported in a single csv file
colnames = [ f"var_{str(col+1)}" for col in range(test_data.shape[1])]
testdata = pd.DataFrame(test_data,columns=colnames)

#the last column will be the target labels

#display first 5 samples
print("Out of sample dataframe head \n", testdata.head())
#display last 5 samples
print("Out of sample dataframe tail \n", testdata.tail())

#build the full path of the csv file

#try save the file
except Exception as e:
    print(" Error saving iris test data ")
    print(" test data successfully saved to csv file ")  

#initialize the LFS object
lfs = LocalFeatureSelection(rr_seed=rng_seed,alpha=8,tau=2,n_beta=20,nrrp=2000)

#train the model,ytrain)

#get the inclusion matrix
fstar = lfs.fstar

#add up all ones for each row of the inclusion matrix
bins = fstar.sum(axis=1)

#calculate the percent of times a candidate was selected
percents = 100.0 * bins.astype(np.float64)/np.float64(ytrain.shape[0])
index = np.argsort(percents)[::-1]

#output the results
print("------------------------------> Percent of times selected <------------------------------" )
for i in range(percents.shape[0]):
   print(f" Variable  {colnames[index[i]]}, selected {percents[index[i]]} %")

#conduct out of sample test of trained model
accuracy = lfs.score(test_data,test_labels)
print(f" Out of sample accuracy is {accuracy*100.0} %")

#export the model
except Exception as e:
    print(" Error saving lfs model ")
   print("lfs model saved to \n ", modelfilepath)

Next, we shift focus to an MetaTrader 5 script, LFSmodelImportDemo.mq5. Here, we read in the out-of-sample data produced by the Python script and load the trained model. The out-of-sample dataset is then tested, and the results are compared with those obtained from the Python test. The MQL5 code is presented below.

//|                                           LFSmodelImportDemo.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property script_show_inputs
//script inputs
input string OutOfSampleDataFile = "testdata.csv";
input bool   OutOfSampleDataInCommonFolder = false;
input string LFSModelFileName = "lfsmodel.json";
input bool   LFSModelInCommonFolder = false;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   matrix testdata = np::readcsv(OutOfSampleDataFile,OutOfSampleDataInCommonFolder);
     Print(" failed to read csv file ");
   vector testlabels = testdata.Col(testdata.Cols()-1);
   testdata = np::sliceMatrixCols(testdata,1,testdata.Cols()-1);
   Clfspy lfsmodel;
     Print(" failed to load the iris lfs model ");
   vector y_pred = lfsmodel.predict(testdata);
   vector check = MathAbs(testlabels-y_pred);
   Print("Accuracy is " , (1.0 - (check.Sum()/double(check.Size()))) * 100.0, " %");

The output from running the Python script

Python  Out of sample dataframe head 
Python         var_1     var_2     var_3     var_4     var_5  c_labels
Python  0  0.337773 -0.210114 -0.706754  0.940513  0.434695         1
Python  1 -0.009701 -0.119561 -0.904122 -0.409922  0.619245         1
Python  2  0.442703  0.295811  0.692888  0.618308  0.682659         1
Python  3  0.694853  0.244405 -0.414633 -0.965176  0.929655         0
Python  4  0.120284  0.247607 -0.477527 -0.993267  0.317743         0
Python  Out of sample dataframe tail 
Python          var_1     var_2     var_3     var_4     var_5  c_labels
Python  95  0.988951  0.559262 -0.959583  0.353533 -0.570316         0
Python  96  0.088504  0.250962 -0.876172  0.309089 -0.158381         0
Python  97 -0.215093 -0.267556  0.634200  0.644492  0.938260         0
Python  98  0.639926  0.526517  0.561968  0.129514  0.089443         1
Python  99 -0.772519 -0.462499  0.085293  0.423162  0.391327         0
Python  test data successfully saved to csv file 

Python  ------------------------------> Percent of times selected <------------------------------
Python   Variable  var_3, selected 87.0 %
Python   Variable  var_2, selected 81.0 %
Python   Variable  var_4, selected 20.0 %
Python   Variable  var_1, selected 19.0 %
Python   Variable  var_5, selected 18.0 %
Python   Out of sample accuracy is 92.0 %
Python  lfs model saved to 
Python    C:\Users\Zwelithini\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\FB9A56D617EDDDFE29EE54EBEFFE96C1\MQL5\FILES\lfsmodel.json

Output from running the MQL5 script LFSmodelImportDemo.mq5.

LFSmodelImportDemo (BTCUSD,D1)  Accuracy is 92.0 %

Comparing the results, we can see that the output from both programs match, indicating that the method of model export works as expected.


Local Feature Selection offers an innovative approach to feature selection, particularly suited for dynamic environments like financial markets. By identifying locally relevant features, LFS overcomes the limitations of traditional methods that rely on a single, global feature set. The algorithm’s adaptability to varying data patterns, its ability to manage non-linear relationships, and its capacity to balance conflicting objectives make it a valuable tool for building machine learning models. While the LFSpy package provides a practical implementation of LFS, there is potential to further optimize its computational efficiency, especially for large-scale datasets. In conclusion, LFS presents a promising approach to classification tasks in domains characterized by complex and evolving data.
 File NameDescription
Include file containing generic definitions for various matrix and vector utility functions.
An include file containing definition Clfspy class providing LFS model inference functionality in MetaTrader 5 programs.
A local Python module containing definition of function enabling export of LFS model in JSON format.
A Python script demonstrating how to use the LocalFeatureSelection class for feature selection using random variables
A Python script demonstrating how to export LFS model for use in MetaTrader 5.
A MQL5 script showing how to load and use an exported LFS model in a MetaTrader 5 program.
Attached files |
np.mqh (74.31 KB)
lfspy.mqh (17.22 KB) (1.52 KB) (1.55 KB) (18.2 KB)
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