I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 20


- What is there to believe in?!

- Exactly !

.. . ... ( c) W. Erhard.

Into the true ego! It resides in your heart. If you believe in your indestructible True Self, you will never go wrong!

Everything else is a waste.


And what is the evidence for expansion? The red shift of light? Does anyone know if astronomers have measured the size of any galaxy over time? If all galaxies are running away from us, then their apparent size must be decreasing with time. That is, take a powerful telescope and measure the distance between two stars in some galaxy in 1 year, or even 30 years. That would be proof of expansion. And the red shift of light can be explained by other phenomena.

cannot be explained by other phenomena.

Proof of the expansion of the universe is not just the red shift:

1. The expansion of the universe was first theoretically predicted and justified by Friedman in the 20s (long before the red shift was discovered).

2. estimating the effect of weak gravitational lensing caused by the influence of the large-scale structure of the Universe.

3. estimating the brightness of Type 1a supernovae


cannot be explained by other phenomena.

The evidence for the expansion of the universe is not just the red shift:

1. The expansion of the universe was first theoretically predicted and justified by Friedman in the 1920s (long before the discovery of the red shift).

Well, the red shift was discovered during studies in 1912-1914(Vesto Melvin Slipher), i.e. long before Friedman's work.
Well kagbe redshift was discovered during studies from 1912-1914(Vesto Melvin Slipher), i.e. long before Friedman's work.

Well, Hubble discovered that the redshift for distant galaxies is greater than for nearby galaxies and increases roughly in proportion to the distance

Kagbe can go on for a long time, but - why?

I have a constructive suggestion - change the hybrid words "worldview" and "universe" in the thread title to one or the other (or both o_o)
I have a constructive suggestion - change the hybrid words "worldview" and "universe" in the thread title to one or the other (or both o_o)

Is it that much of a problem? :) Let it stay, it's fun! Kagbe hints at some unfortunate handiwork, again... And besides, it's not just the head starter who has to suffer...



"Men in Black 1:

"You humanoids mistakenly think something big can't be small." (about the galaxy in Orion's cat's belt)


What makes you think the Lord God is a fool? That he didn't make sure that all their secrets of the universe weren't solved in a couple of days so that human life could be unpredictable and unexpected? Or maybe he had "trouble" adjusting the DISPLAYING of spaces so that the galaxy would fit around the cat's neck? So that none of the arrogant physicists would even think such a thing was possible?

It's all very simple, and all very complicated. The real answers are in the Bible. But since the Bible is rarely read by traders, physicists and staunch radionuclists, here, I'll help you, colleagues:

- the light of the world around you is not white. Photographers know this well: the eye is highly sensitive to green. Which means that the sun is not actually white, but purple. That's why in the Bible and in history, purple is the colour of kings and rulers. Under Pontius Pilate the Roman soldiers dressed the Son of the Creator in purple.

- regarding the big bang: according to the Bible, and the church books, it is confusing and unclear. It seems that the Creator had one son (an angel by our concepts at that time) who at first distinguished himself well, but then, being endowed with great power, he fell ill with arrogance, grew proud, raised disorder against the Father, and so the Father made himself and others a refuge in the form of the material world, at the time of creation of which the Big Bang occurred. Physicists claim that the original matter was the size of a grain of rice, but in the Gospels it says that from a small mustard seed, which is smaller than the rest, grows a BIG tree.

Why He had to do it this way - don't even ask. John Damascene's "Exact Statement of the Orthodox Faith" states quite rigidly at the very beginning that the Godhead is incognizable - this is to avoid some researchers' minds getting fixated.

- the whole universe is built into you, as man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator, and he himself when he was, according to the Church rules-postulates "was in all things man, except in sin". The "smallest thing" remains - to extract this information from yourself.

- If you are "tormented," then you are on the right track. It means that you have almost completely got rid of the material inheritance of understudies (physics, radio engineering, etc.). But it pleased Him (the Creator) to make the process (itself) of learning slow, interesting, and at times emotionally torturous. At the same time blood rushes to the left (emotional) hemisphere and gives rest to the right (scientific-rational) hemisphere.

Please don't bring the Bible into this! Because the nonsense you're making here has nothing to do with it. Well, at least have something holy!
Please don't bring the Bible into this! Because the nonsense you're making here has nothing to do with it. Well, have something sacred!

It's up to the people to decide.

"The people want to sort it out!" (C) "Operation Y".

The main thing is not to contradict it.

Is there any contradiction with the Bible? If there is, show me if you can. If not - ...... well-o-o-o-o-o ..... then it's up to you.


Has or has not - let the people decide for themselves.

"The people want to sort it out!" (C) "Operation Y".

The main thing is not to contradict it.

Is there any contradiction with the Bible? If there is, show me if you can. If not - ...... well-o-o-o-o-o-o ..... then it's up to you.

Where in the Bible does it say that purple is the colour of kings and rulers?

"It seems the Creator had one son (an angel by our conception at that time) who first distinguished himself, but then, being endowed with great power, he became arrogant, got conceited and started a riot against the Father, so the Father made himself and others a refuge in the material world, during the creation of which there was a great explosion . " - the cherub in Ezekiel, who was cast out of heaven. The boldface has nothing to do with Christianity.

Well, the rest of the message is a bit obscure.

The only thing I know about the mustard seed from the Bible is, "And the apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase faith in us. The Lord said, "If you had faith as a mustard seed, you could say to this fig tree, 'Extract yourself and plant yourself in the sea,' and it would obey you.
(Luke 17:5, 6)

Where's the big tree?