I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 23

Well, I am not commenting on stream of consciousness, but Einstein not only believed but was very much involved in the Manhattan Project because he was convinced that it was necessary to beat Hitler in developing nuclear weapons

This research was well paid for. There were a lot of people willing to take part.
Marina's TC... All the stop is closed!
and what am I supposed to see here? Once again, Einstein was involved in the Manhattan Project
and what am I supposed to see here? Once again - Einstein was involved in the Manhattan Project

He took part, later regretted his participation. But he did not believe in success from the start, knowing the weaknesses of science.

"Actually" means "actually", i.e. "an instrumentally measurable histogram of the wavelength distribution of solar and stellar radiation power".

Once again, there is no 'right' or 'real' white, what we call white is the radiation that surrounds us in the most typical case, i.e. the light of the nearest star to us. If we lived near a red giant, we would consider white what we currently consider red, but if we lived near a purple lantern, we would call our current purple one white. If hypothetically there was a star radiating uniformly at all frequencies (which is never the case in nature), we would think of it as white. And the eyes would have been arranged accordingly, evolution would have supported just such a selection as it is optimal in terms of survivability.
and what am I supposed to see here? Once again - Einstein was involved in the Manhattan Project

I would like to point out that some of them did give up the whole bomb to the INO, so the conscience of the people there was a problem)

I would like to point out that some of them did give up the entire bomb to our INO, so the conscience of the people there did torment them)
was torturing. And Einstein wrote that if he had known Hitler had not built his bomb, he would not have helped the project.

Birds fly without knowing the laws of aerodynamics. ))

Not all physics is false. Physics, unlike mathematics, is not indifferent to the physical meaning of things.

But penetrating into areas of research where the "mundane"/understandable physical meaning is lost, the researchers are confused, probably due to lack of support. And theories came pouring out of a horn of plenty, one stranger than the other. )))

Let's go by touch. "О! I've got it!" one exclaims. "I told you, I told you, I told you," shouts the other loudly and proudly. )))

Einstein didn't believe in the possibility of building an atomic bomb, perhaps because he knew better than I about science (its true possibilities). ))))

Only physics is based on mathematics, which is flat out false

Before the Big Bang, there was the True Ego and the Three Gunas. Atman is another name for True Ego.

The Ithin Ego (IE) collided with the Three Gunas and there was an explosion which resulted in the formation of the Big Universe.

The EE and the Three Gunas have existed since the beginningless past - a past with no beginning.

Consciousness as such does not exist, and it arises only as a result of interference of IE and the Three Gunas. Therefore, before the Big Bang, there was no Consciousness, neither unified nor divided.

Now, as for the unity of EE. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, or maybe neither, IE is not one, but there is a great multitude of True Egos. All IEs are not different from each other in any way.

Some of the True Egos have encountered the Three Gunas and some have not.

OK, that's enough for now, or I'll have to spell out all of Genesis.

Pretty interesting and close to Steinhardt and Turok's new universe model:



The lecture on youtube is recommended to everyone, it describes well the BW model and all its shortcomings, and the new model. The new model is based on the assumptions of M-theory (extension of string theory). According to this model

  1. Our universe has infinite space and existed infinitely long (there was no beginning of time and space as in BW).
  2. There is a parallel universe. These parallel 3 dimensional worlds are called branes (from membrane), something like guna in Hindu philosophy.
  3. Two worlds move away from each other in 4-dimensional space, then converge, collide, explode, generate new energy and matter in these worlds, then diverge, and everything repeats.
  4. After collision, worlds go through a phase of condensation of matter into stars, etc. but without the inflationary phase of the Big Bang (criticism of BW theory)
  5. After condensation, worlds expand in their infinite space, cooling down. This occurs while the two worlds move away from each other.
  6. The worlds then start moving towards each other, before collision, all matter in both worlds is diluted to a vacuum.
  7. In some places, after collision and divergence, the worlds may touch each other, creating black holes and passages from one world to the other.