I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 25


Only physics is based on mathematics, which is flat out false
Holy... and maths??? OH_OH.

Relativistic time dilation is manifested, for example, in the observation of short-lived elementary particles formed in the upper atmosphere under the action of cosmic rays and reaching the Earth's surface due to it.

This effect, together with gravitational time dilation, is taken into account in satellite navigation systems, for example, in GPS the clocks of satellites are corrected for the difference with the surface of the Earth, which is a total of 38 microseconds per day...


Relativistic time dilation is manifested, for example, in the observation of short-lived elementary particles formed in the upper atmosphere under the action of cosmic rays and reaching the Earth's surface due to it.

This effect, together with gravitational time dilation, is taken into account in satellite navigation systems, for example, in GPS the clocks of satellites are corrected for the difference with the surface of the Earth, which is a total of 38 microseconds per day...

Jen, atomic and quartz clocks run differently in orbit. The atomic clocks are delirious. That's what was first mistaken for a change in time.
That's not how the puzzle opened.
Zhen, atomic and quartz clocks go differently in orbit. The atomic clocks are delirious. That's what was first mistaken for a change in time.
That's not how the puzzle opened.

studio... :-)))

in the studio... :-)))

If you're standing, you'd better sit down. And take a deep breath. Well, like this: fifteen years before the "era of GPS" the experimentalists had one more opportunity to distinguish themselves. They managed to launch the first couple of satellites of low-orbit TIMATION navigation system. On board of these satellites worked great quartz standards, the frequencies of which were controlled with an accuracy not worse than 10(in power) -11. And the sum of relativistic and gravitational effects, for satellites in an orbit with an altitude of 925 km, is about 2×10-10. Had these effects taken place, their sum would certainly have been detected. But the disappointment was terrible: the sum did not even think to be detected. Naturally, the promising TIMATION program was shut down. They saw such prospects in their grave. Who needs a navigation system which works in defiance of STO and GTR? It's like in a children's cartoon - when, remember, Cheburashka wasn't admitted to the zoo, they said: "No, he won't! Unknown to science!" In short, it was popularly explained to the experimenters that the satellite navigation system can be made only with quantum standards on board. They were told that they could be launched into space any way they wanted! But do not say too much!

And now, dear reader, compare the behaviour of frequency standards on boards of GPS and TIMATION satellites. And let out a howl of amazement. Relativists poke your nose: here, they say, quadratic-doppler and gravitational shifts of frequencies in GPS are obvious evidences of time dilation! But it is not good to cheat. We already spoke - and it is clear without us! - that such a fundamental phenomenon as the time dilation would influence all periodic processes and, therefore, would lead to the same relative frequency shifts in oscillators of all types. Well, where is it all? What is this "time dilation" which acts on quantum oscillators and not on quartz ones? And here's the thing: it's not time dilation! Excuse me, kindly, but the cause of the quadratic-doppler and gravitational effects is quite different.

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1. The physical laws during the BV were different from those of today.

2. The physical laws even now at micro and macro levels are different. The physical laws for the micro-level for different conditions are different - for example, the theory of strings of normal conditions and for the bowels of a supernova are different, etc.

So physicists don't believe in it, but they don't believe in God either. As Hawking said, God could not have created the universe because time did not exist before the BW

Is there a single physical law that has changed?

There are different laws: you called them micro and macro level laws, but they are there and they work! The problem is that not all laws have been discovered yet.


Birds fly without knowing the laws of aerodynamics. ))

Not all physics is false. Physics, unlike mathematics, is not indifferent to the physical meaning of things.

But penetrating into areas of research where the "mundane"/understandable physical meaning is lost, the researchers are confused, probably due to lack of support. And theories came pouring out of a horn of plenty, one stranger than the other. )))

Let's go by touch. "О! I've got it!" one exclaims. "I told you, I told you, I told you," shouts the other loudly and proudly. )))

Einstein didn't believe in the possibility of building an atomic bomb, perhaps because he knew better than I about science (its true possibilities). ))))

Mathematics is a tool! One must know how to apply it. Which is what modern physicists do.

And you snatch out chunks with the words "the facts contradict" and then the text of the article: "no physical sense.... no physical sense.... no physical sense....".

Conclusion: "And theories flowed like from a horn of plenty, one stranger than the other."

The scientist thinks: how and why?

The thinking person thinks: yes or no?

The believer: do I believe or don't believe (want or don't want)?

But to be honest, religion is the other side of the coin. Even the Pope of Rome recently affirmed that true faith accepts all modern scientific data and will even contribute to its comprehension. And takes on the other side: belief in laws not yet discovered. Fanatics only believe, they have no reason to think - they deny everything. They believe only in what their own God thinks.


At the time the Old Testament was written, no one but the Creator could have known about the existence of ice reserves in Antarctica, which 2000+ years later will buffer global warming due to the dominance of oil ("the harlot of Babylon" as recorded in the Apocalypse) and in the troubled times of world wars that is our time.

The book of Job:

Job.38:22. Have you entered the storehouses of the snow and seen the treasuries of the hail,

Job.38:23. which I save for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war?

Snow and hail are of no use to anyone in time of war. We are talking specifically about our time. The book of Job was written 3000+ years ago.

The best proof of God's existence is yourself. When here you sit and read it. If you can read God's word, think about it, speak about it, then you are God. If you can create, then you are God.

You are part of Him. Who created everything. The Bible says it bluntly: "You are Gods".

There is no other option in the PLAN.

What if you're crazy? Then I guess you'll be bad. A god! But the worst thing is that if you have a lot of followers - they will blindly believe and follow you!

In science just the same criticism (and how! ask about Einstein's battles with his competitors) until one agrees or disproves the theory, repeatedly cross-checking the facts! From all sides.

And religion in the meantime has already changed its mind repeatedly, being forced to adjust to history. And even the Bible was adjusted to history, leaving only a couple of gospels out of more than a dozen that existed in the Roman Empire at the time.

And how many religions are there now? Is yours the right one? But everyone has a god(s), just understood differently. Many of them are offshoots of those gospels that were banned in Roman times. Even in the days when Jesus preached there was a different understanding of God. But a huge empire is better run when there are no divisive factors within it, and religion as the strongest factor in those days.


Let's assume for a moment that this is true. But then, for any reasonable person, even a physicist, there are several self-explanatory questions:

1. Does all this stuff happen by itself? No outside control? It's made up by itself, goes on by itself and incidentally, along the way, generates, somewhere at the micro-level, some chunks of matter that can SOBERATE all this? Moreover, these pieces of matter can discuss it on forums?

So it turns out that matter on the micro-level contains all information about its own macro-level, i.e. the world structure is looped, recursive?

2. If even so, how do we test this theory? If it is a theory, it needs verification - for some useful application. So, how do we verify it? How do we verify the existence of parallel universes?

1. I've had such thoughts myself.

2. Both theories, BV and the oscillating Universe, describe the EM radiation of the cosmos quite well. Everything else (BW itself and inflation in one model and the existence of two colliding worlds in the other model) is theory, conjecture. Which model is more correct depends on measurements of polarization of EM radiation of space by the Planck satellite. It seems that BW and collisions of parallel worlds produce gravitational waves which polarise EM radiation but in different ways. The polarisation measurements are in progress and results are promised in a couple of years after 2011.

About cosmological inflation read here:


About the new model of the Universe read in Russian here:


>> But even the most beautiful theoretical models need experimental verification. Can cyclic cosmology be confirmed or disproved by observations? "Both inflationary and cyclic theories predict the existence of relic gravitational waves," Paul Steinhardt explains, "In the first case, they arise from primary quantum fluctuations, which, during inflation, are smeared through space and generate periodic fluctuations in its geometry - which, according to the general theory of relativity, are gravitational waves. In our scenario, quantum fluctuations, the same ones that are amplified by the collision of branes, are also the root cause of such waves. Calculations have shown that each mechanism generates waves with a specific spectrum and specific polarisation. These waves were bound to leave imprints on cosmic microwave radiation, an invaluable source of information about the early cosmos. So far, such traces have not been found, but this is likely to be the case within the next decade. In addition, physicists are already thinking about directly recording relic gravitational waves using spacecraft, which will appear in two to three decades."


It's so good to have parallel universes in BW, you can't prove or disprove anything with a clever look on your face, but you can at least pass for clever. On the other hand, there were such geezers as Tesla, Schaunberg and Filipov, who built their devices based on their theories and they say they even worked. Maybe the conversation should be moved into the topic, at least a lot of thoughts can be checked experimentally.

The idea of God. Any even the simplest task has a multitude of solutions. Correspondingly, the solution may be optimal and sub-optimal. Accepting the idea of god. According to the definition of divinity, god must make optimum solutions then it deprives him of the right of choice and correspondingly the rank of god. If a god has the right to choose solutions, then he takes a non-optimal solution, which also deprives him of his dignity as god.