I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 14


Well this is too categorical.

The human spirit, roughly speaking, has no location in space and time, and also has no mass. Quantum mechanics has an apparatus to describe such objects.

Massless (conventionally massless) particles exist, but they can only move at the speed of light - so they have coordinates of motion (albeit approximate or probabilistic) in space

Give up the mysticism!


Well, that's too categorical.

The human spirit, roughly speaking, has no location in space and time, nor does it have mass. Quantum mechanics has a device to describe such objects.

Alexei, I'll interject.

What the human spirit has and does not have is still a question. They will be able to answer it only when they "feel" it or at least understand WHAT it is.

Well, how much trust may be given to quantum mechanics (which manages to describe virtual and frankly invented particles and their properties)? It (all such quantum mechanics) can describe a hell of a lot of things.


Alexei, I will intervene.

What the human spirit has and does not have is still a question. It can be answered only when they "feel" it or at least understand WHAT it is.

Well, how much trust may be given to quantum mechanics (which manages to describe virtual and frankly invented particles and their properties)? It (all such quantum mechanics) can describe a hell of a lot of things.

)))) All semiconductors work on quantum mechanics (physics). It's up to you whether you trust it or not, but you use it every day

Do you know why you walk on the ground? Because we know that the Earth's gravitational force (g) = 9.8. If the Earth had no gravitational force, Newton would not have discovered his law and you would have gone straight into space. And on the moon, astronauts with a spacesuit that exceeds the mass of a man would bounce so much that even Earth's Olympic champions could not dream. And all because the gravitational force is less there. Because the moon has less mass than the Earth. And our Milky Way is also held up by the gravitational force created by the black hole at its centre. And the existence of a black hole in our galaxy is not my idea, it has been proven. You can imagine its mass.

" . .. we will tell you about the vast amount of experimental data that screams that matter has nothing to do with the production of gravity. Matter does not attract, it only submits to gravity... " ©
))) All semiconductors work on quantum mechanics (physics). It is up to you to trust it or not, but you use it every day

Oh, really? Oleg, a grown man, and you believe in holes...

...In the first half of the twentieth century, physics was faced with a severe problem - trying to identify free carriers of positive electricity in semiconductors (ions, of course, were not suitable for this role). The very fact of the problem, it would seem, indicated that the carriers sought do not exist - and there was a good reason to reconsider the basic premise and assume that in semiconductors played an important role moving related charges. But the ideas about mechanisms of charge unbalance generation and migration [5,6] in solids have not been developed yet. The theory was based on the concept of free positive charge carriers in semiconductors, which were called holes - and to which absurd properties were attributed. Moreover, there is no consensus about what is a hole, theorists - there are two main approaches to the question, and each of them is absurd in its own way.

Read. :)


(Hee-hee) Are you sure? Who checked? Cavendish?

... and evil spirits.

It will remain so, for it does not and cannot exist.


There's no smirk here - you have to laugh because there are regular supernova explosions, and we're talking about the universe as a whole.

Award a hilarious Nobel Prize!

Oh, really? Oleg, a grown man, and you believe in holes...

...In the first half of the twentieth century, physics was faced with a severe problem - trying to identify free carriers of positive electricity in semiconductors (ions, of course, were not suitable for this role). The very fact of the problem, it would seem, indicated that the carriers sought do not exist - and there was a good reason to reconsider the basic premise and assume that in semiconductors played an important role moving related charges. But the ideas about mechanisms of charge unbalance generation and migration [5,6] in solids have not been developed yet. The theory was based on the concept of free positive charge carriers in semiconductors, which were called holes - and to which absurd properties were attributed. Moreover, there is no consensus about what is a hole, theorists - there are two main approaches to the question, and each of them is absurd in its own way.

Read. :)

well, great, so what?

There is a principle of philosophy of knowledge - no theory (in physics) can claim to be complete. Facts and observations are accumulated. A theory is put forward that explains most (only part) of these facts as the theory cannot be complete. Then gradually more facts are accumulated and a new theory emerges which contains a part of the old one and which explains most (only a part) of the facts due to the fact that the theory may not be complete. And so on.

What is the discovery here? That physical theories cannot explain all the facts? This has always been known. That physical theories have to resort to abstractions? That too has always been known.

Does the author show the obvious and deliberately troll for his theories which he can experimentally verify? No.


Had a shot of cognac, wiped my lips.)

Let's consult on how to create time.

If it was once created, what prevents us from creating it now and selling it, for example.


Had a shot of cognac, wiped my lips.)

Let's discuss how to create time.

If it was once created, what prevents us from creating it now and selling it, for example.

start with the space
start with space
Space is too expensive - 130 cubic metres (52m² x 2.5) in a bedroom community from RUB 3 million