I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 24


According to this model
  1. Our universe has infinite space and has existed indefinitely (there was no beginning of time and space as in BW).
  2. There is a parallel universe. These parallel 3-dimensional worlds are called branas (from membrane), something like guna in Hindu philosophy.
  3. Two worlds move away from each other in 4-dimensional space, then converge, collide, explode, generate new energy and matter in these worlds, then diverge, and everything repeats.
  4. After collision, the worlds go through a phase of matter condensation into stars, etc., but without the inflationary phase of the Big Bang (criticism of the BW theory)
  5. After condensation, worlds expand in their infinite space, cooling down. This occurs while the two worlds move away from each other.
  6. The worlds then start moving towards each other, before collision, all matter in both worlds is diluted to a vacuum.
  7. In some places, after the collision and divergence, the worlds can touch, creating black holes and passages from one world to the other.

Let's assume for a moment that this is true. But then for any reasonable person, even for a physicist, there are some self-explanatory questions:

1) So all this stuff happens by itself? Without being controlled from the outside? It's made up by itself, runs on its own and incidentally, along the way, generates, somewhere on the micro-level, certain pieces of matter that can SOBERATE all this? Moreover, can those pieces of matter discuss it on forums?

So it turns out that the matter on microlevel contains all information about its own macrolevel, i.e. the structure of the world is looped, recursive?

2. If even so, how are we going to test this theory? If it's a theory, it needs verification - for some useful application. So, how do we verify it? How do we verify the existence of parallel universes?


Only physics is based on mathematics which is flat out false

No, it isn't. Physics is based on an experiment, the result of which they later try to describe mathematically. But first EVERYTHING! or Oh, no way! )))

Mathematics is only one of the most used tools in physics, but not always the main one.

Mathematics doesn't care about physical meaning. It shamelessly claims that 1/2 + 1/2 = 1.

But the physicist knows that this is not the case. It is only 2 halves (of an apple), but by no means 1 whole.


What makes you think that the Lord God, and not a couple of politically engaged crooks, wrote the text of the Bible? And how does the fact that a few phrases in the bible have some sort of meaning that is more or less correlated with science and/or morality (with the other 99% being, sorry, utter nonsense) mean that the book has value from line one to the last?

At the time the Old Testament was written, no one but the Creator could have known about the existence of ice reserves in Antarctica, which 2000+ years later will buffer global warming due to the dominance of oil ("the harlot of Babylon" as recorded in the Apocalypse) and in the troubled times of world wars that is our time.

The book of Job:

Job.38:22. Have you entered the storehouses of the snow and seen the treasuries of the hail,

Job.38:23. which I save for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war?

Snow and hail are of no use to anyone in time of war. We are talking specifically about our time. The book of Job was written 3000+ years ago.

The best proof of God's existence is yourself. When here you sit and read it. If you can read God's word, think about it, speak about it, then you are God. If you can create, then you are God.

You are part of Him. Who created everything. The Bible says it bluntly: "You are Gods".

There is no other option in the PLAN.


There are no other options in the plan.

The Koran


The Quran

Buddhism, Zen, Torah and many, many, many more. )))))

Where does the Bible say that purple is the colour of kings and rulers?

"It seems that the Creator had one son (an angel according to our understanding at that time) who first distinguished himself well, but then, being endowed with great power, he fell ill with arrogance, became proud, raised trouble against the Father, and so the Father gave himself and others shelter in the form of a material world, during the creation of which there was a great explosion . " - the cherub in Ezekiel, who was cast out of heaven. The boldface has nothing to do with Christianity.

Well, the rest of the message is a bit obscure.

The only thing I know about the mustard seed from the Bible is "And the apostles said to the Lord: "Increase faith in us. The Lord said, "If you had faith as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Extract yourself and plant yourself in the sea,' and it would obey you.
(Luke 17:5, 6)

Where's the big tree?

What nonsense, what nonsense!

How can one still be found who seriously believes in these tricksy talk of deceiving gullible ignoramuses!

Learn, think, analyze, gentlemen!

At least respect yourselves, at least be a little shy about your obscurantism in front of the community of non-smart people!

Those who are smart, I hope they will not be offended as this does not apply to them!

Sorry for the frankness, couldn't stand it!

How can one tolerate this brainwashing now at the state level! It's business for them! Praying, preaching!

It is good that they cannot make bonfires and burn all scientists undesirable for them and those who simply do not believe in their ideas!

The birth of smoker number two has been accomplished. Hooray comrades.... Hooray.
The birth of smoker number two has been accomplished. Hooray comrades.... Hooray.
I don't smoke, but I'd rather smoke "dope" than believe in their dope and poison the minds of those still immature and seduced by their vile lusts! These "servants" of the gods of all stripes are moral monsters and criminals!

Quite interesting and close to Steinhardt and Turok's new universe model:



The youtube lecture is recommended to everyone, it describes well the BV model and all its shortcomings, and the new model. The new model is based on the assumptions of M-theory (extension of string theory). According to this model

  1. Our universe has infinite space and existed infinitely long (there was no beginning of time and space as in BW).
  2. There is a parallel universe. These parallel 3 dimensional worlds are called branas (from membrane), something like guna in Hindu philosophy.
  3. Two worlds move away from each other in 4-dimensional space, then converge, collide, explode, generate new energy and matter in these worlds, then diverge, and everything repeats.
  4. After collision, worlds go through a phase of condensation of matter into stars, etc. but without the inflationary phase of the Big Bang (criticism of BW theory)
  5. After condensation, worlds expand in their infinite space, cooling down. This occurs while the two worlds move away from each other.
  6. The worlds then start moving towards each other, before collision, all matter in both worlds is diluted to a vacuum.
  7. In some places, after collision and divergence, the worlds may touch each other, creating black holes and passages from one world to the other.
It's not two worlds. There are many of them. Infinitely many. Each one touches and interacts with several others. It's like atoms.
you people are interesting - all physics is a lie, all theories are unsubstantiated, but the practical results never cease to be used.........
Since ancient times, horses have been ridden and eaten without having any idea how they 'work' or what they are made of...