I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 13


Idealism is not applicable to the technical sciences.

Materialism is 100% provable - you toss a brick and put your head under it

Did you watch last Sunday's "battle of the psychics"? The last episode with the Estonian witch is impressive.

Idealism is not applicable to the technical sciences.

Materialism is 100% provable - you toss a brick and put your head under it

Our life is not only about technology, not only about the axe, but also about many other things.

Been watching last Sunday's "Battle of the Psychics" ? Impressed by the last episode with the Estonian witch.

Yeah. I will. What else to do on a Sunday but watch the battle of the psychics........

The crop circles fascinate me.

The perfect creation of who knows who.


The crop circles fascinate me.

The perfect creation of who knows who.

and me, a bottle of Calvados......

Yeah. Absolutely. What else to do on a Sunday but watch the battle of the psychics........

I see. Sunday takes a bottle of Calvados... )))


I see. Sunday takes a bottle of Calvados... )))

her I'm considering - how there's a whole apple in there????????

Mass determines attraction...

(chuckles) Right? Who tested it? Cavendish?

... And at the scale where gravity begins to give way, there's a dark energy...

... and evil spirits.

The Higgs boson was once just a theoretical particle of the standard model.

It will remain so, for it does not and cannot exist.

Or does anyone think investing tens of billions in a project like the andron collider is ridiculous?


The assumption is that if the universe is expanding, it was a point in the beginning, and an explosion. And there is no need to smirk because explosions are regularly observed in the far reaches of the universe nowadays as well. So why wouldn't our universe explode then?

There's no need to smirk - there's a need to laugh, because supernova explosions are regularly observed, and we were talking about the universe as a whole.

FAGOTT: Idealism is not applicable to the technical sciences.

Well, that's too categorical.

The human spirit, roughly and simplistically speaking, has no location in space and time and no mass. Quantum mechanics has an apparatus to describe such objects.


1 Dark matter is something like Ptolemy's epicycles. Or give clear definitions. Otherwise it is clear that if the model suddenly does not work, the missing variables can simply invent and call them dark matter to sleep better.

2) The Large Collider is a project to blow taxpayers' money down the tube.

3. By the way how YOU have come to such deductions, black holes keep us. Or everything is flying away. We have to make up our minds.

4. 2 seconds younger? Cool. How'd he measure it? A hell of a time traveler.

5 . Why not really explode? If the point was... Where was the point? Where ?

6. .... what was before the singularity not even Stephen Hawking knows I think. Scientists constantly something is not clear and all their cosmogonic beliefs and physical concepts, in about 100 years, with a probability of 99.9% people will perceive as a model of three elephants on a turtle.

Do you know why you walk on the ground? Because we know that the Earth's gravitational force (g) = 9.8. If the Earth had no gravitational force, Newton would not have discovered his law and you would have gone straight into space. And on the moon, astronauts with a spacesuit that exceeds the mass of a man would bounce so much that even Earth's Olympic champions could not dream. And all because the gravitational force is less there. Because the moon has less mass than the Earth. And our Milky Way is also held up by the gravitational force created by the black hole at its centre. And the existence of a black hole in our galaxy is not my idea, it has been proven. You can imagine its mass.

After all, no one had ever suggested that the universe was expanding before, even the opposite, they thought it was shrinking. We had to add dark matter and dark energy. Dark not because they are black, but because it is unknown what they are made of. But they literally permeate us and are not captured by any sensors. All that is known is that matter has more mass than the material universe - making it expand, and energy - causing it to accelerate. And by the way, the computer model without the inclusion of dark matter mass and energy shows that the Milky Way could not exist - the galaxy would collapse.

If 2 seconds isn't enough time for you, you need to get to the edge of the black hole. But do not go over the edge, otherwise you will not be able to see anything: light cannot overcome the force of gravity and the time-space structure there will collapse, time stops. But at the edge, you might be able to see your children's children die a few times.

You are like in that scene with Markirosyan and Kharlamov. The correct question is not Where, but Where. Where has already happened!)). All I'm saying is that you can't deny the explosions in the universe, can you?

And about taxpayers' money, you have no idea what international projects such as hadron collider is involved in Russia. And some of them are quite applied in nature. And they all stem from such research. Take even those studies related to quantum computers. Or the nuclear fusion energy reactor, a $17 billion project in South Africa. And what makes you so sure that people are 99% likely to accept the current "cosmogonic beliefs and physical concepts" as a three elephant model on a turtle? Because you've got it all twisted and in fact it's those who construct such theories that will see your worldview as a model of the three elephants, but not the other way around.