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Roscosmos publishes forecast of Phobos-Grunt fall

Отметим, что в полосу вероятного падения "Фобос-Грунта", указанную Роскосмосом, попадут, например, такие города, как Токио, Пекин, Нью-Йорк, Сан-Паулу, Калькутта, Мехико и Сочи.

I think it makes sense to insure the Olympic construction site for a hefty sum, otherwise there is no other way to steal the money that has already been stolen...


Oh, how quickly people forget the niche in the USSR. Mama! What a memory. What Mercedes and Hondas in the USSR, what trips to Turkey... What are you talking about?

In the Soviet Union, there was just total squalor!

But there were 65,000 tanks.

You should also remember the 13th year (1913), which was a favourite comparison in the past.

Thanks again, I looked it up. While drinking a beer and picking up a Christmas tree, but carefully enough to draw conclusions.
I liked a lot of it, especially the vision of modernisation and the points about respect. BUT!
The masses of the people (the forthcoming rigging is not even taken into account) will not go for it. Everyday practice shows that simple populist things like "yes-yes-no-yes", "Vote or you lose", "...and this one has a face like VO!" and so on, work oddly enough. And the neutral word "apple" is doomed in principle.

It is a shame, but thinking people in Russia are in the vast minority. And the ruling elite do not need us to think, because there is competition.


Abassaka! Keep on burning! I love it!

Are you guys dumb or what? This is a forum for software traders and they're talking about polytechnic assholes. So earn as much as you want and get out of here if you don't like it. No one's stopping you. That last phrase is key to my narrative.


Thanks again, I looked it up. While drinking a beer and picking up a Christmas tree, but carefully enough to draw conclusions.
I liked a lot of it, especially the vision of modernisation and the points about respect. BUT!
The masses of the people (the forthcoming rigging is not even taken into account) will not vote for him. Everyday practice shows that simple populist things like "yes-yes-no-yes", "Vote or you lose", "...and this one has a face like VO!" and so on, work oddly enough. And the neutral word "apple" is doomed in principle.

It is a shame, but thinking people in Russia are in the vast minority. And the ruling elite do not need us to think, because there is competition.

And who did the thinking captain vote for?
ratnasambhava: There was no poverty in the USSR. We lived quite poorly, it's true. Yes, there was a disgraceful shortage due to price fixing, with endless queues. But there was no poverty.
Well, finally I've heard you say human words and not the kind of reasoning that comes from Buddhism or Hinduism. This should be noted.
Now the people are really impoverished. There is no shortage now, everything looks nice. But it's the exterior gloss. But on the inside it's rotten. People are really poor.

What is "rotten inside", what do you mean by "really impoverished"? Look around you. Do you see a lot of beggars? Well, you can see homeless people if you look closely. It's their own fault, not many of them.

So take 25000 at the start of the eighties (minimum: divide by 100). The total comes out to 250 Soviet rubles, no less. Is that so bad? It was the only way Granit77 lived during the soviet era :)

I remember it was 250 a month. It was a very decent income at the level of a department/laboratory head, and an ordinary line engineer didn't make that much. My father went to Norilsk in 1979 to work. It was there that he started to earn as much as the head of a department on the mainland (and even more), and I didn't get the mythical 100+ roubles a month from him.

People have come out to demonstrate, and not because of poverty. This is not the Arab wave, but something in another weight class.

Only an idiot would consider life in the USSR to be a shitty misery....

Sharp, but not fair. Even too harsh. Not even good.

What you were lucky enough to have seen in THEN my parents and I have only seen in the movies. You are the exception rather than the rule (in terms of living standards in those years).
"Being defines consciousness", remember?


The USSR was a miserable niche compared to what it is now. Don't lie to yourself. Remember.

We remember, we remember. my father-in-law says the same thing. although he did have a car. and a flat. but his son and his two children only dream of having a flat and a car of his own.

And we all had a car. So did my retired neighbour. And they all had flats, and not with a mortgage. After graduation, my father spent three years in a dorm. yes, and then he got a flat, like all his dorm mates (they've been family friends for 30 years now).

food? The nearest supermarket has a staggering selection of sausages, but the same father-in-law complains that he cannot find anything as tasty as it was back then )))

Maybe you're the one who remembers something wrong.

You should not lie to others that it was worse then. those who worked, lived well then as well.