[Archive! - page 462


But the residents of the Capital of Culture are literally legendary for their compassion and kindness (especially compared to that of the white capital).

Yeah, but they have a kind of flash mob, they like to deflate the wheels of cars with Moscow number plates, although maybe I am the only one who is so lucky?)

Not the feed...

I don't know about the others.

The main value is yourself. And no matter what anyone tells you.

Oh, man. Is it so hard to understand that "me" is exclusive. Complete and utter.

And the main value for 'yourself'?

Sorry for the intrusion - I wanted to on the basis of exclusivity

Life is given to a man once, and you have to live itthere so that it does not painfully hurt... (c)
There is such a thing in the near future. To live in one country for at least half a year, in another, in a third, etc.
No way. Like, no masa. I'm not going to relax on the idiots. It's simple.
Haven't lived a single year. И?

You have not been to Libya but you know the situation. And the question to me "why was it bombed" is rhetorical. So I should have shared my thoughts. I did. Turns out I didn't answer the question. That's funny.

You haven't lived in the West, but their values you don't know about you don't like. Funny.

Everything is based on ---INFORMATION ( with some degree of credibility, the closer to the source the more credible, the more of it the more credible)-------- ANALYSIS ( taking into account the configuration of your own computer in your head) ------- CONCLUSION

On the basis of the lack of information, the conclusion will be crooked. You understand that, but for some reason it does not stop you from being confident in your conclusions about Libya (unlike me, I immediately reported that I was not there and share assumptions)

and also about Western values.


Yeah, but they have a kind of flash mob - they like to lower the wheels of cars with Moscow licence plates, although maybe I'm the only lucky one).

About 10 years ago, my wife and I drove to the very capital. Then I asked her to take me for a ride around town (it was the first time). Rolled away, and on my return, standing at traffic lights on Anichkov Bridge, got a brotherly hello in the ass from a rusty Zhigulenka. The driver, as you can imagine, was not Vladimir Vladimirovich, the taxi driver, but a simpler guy, a hard worker.

I thought I was going to have to make some repairs and, having curtailed the programme of cultural events, return home due to budgetary constraints. Not at all - a thousand quid was delivered to my hotel a day later.

I had a Moscow room...

" This is how unhealthy sensations arise...!

About 10 years ago my wife and I were in the capital by car. After we settled in, she asked me to take her for a ride around town (it was her first time). I did, and on my return, standing at traffic lights on Anichkov Bridge, received a brotherly hello in the ass from a rusty Zhigulenka. The driver, as you can imagine, was not Vladimir Vladimirovich, the taxi driver, but a simpler guy, a worker.

I thought I was going to have to make some repairs and, having curtailed the programme of cultural events, return home due to budgetary constraints. Not at all - a thousand quid was delivered to my hotel a day later.

I had a Moscow room...

Honesty and decency are in our genes.) Although recently there has been a lot of corruption in them too. But this is not a consequence of capitalism and affluence but a consequence of completely different processes.
No way. Like, no masa. I'm not relaxing on idiots. It's simple.

Bez vei, so no masa...

Can I have one last wish: a semantic analysis of the expression:"... to relax on idiots..." ?