• 实用工具类型
  • 价格
  • 重置
如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

全新的MetaTrader 5 交易实用工具 - 18

icon 以下是可在MetaTrader 5中简化交易的交易程序。将鼠标悬停在一个工具上,阅读它的描述和用途。
A professional tool for real-time monitoring of the account status and the work of Expert Advisors. Information about the account status can be sent to Telegram chats automatically at a specified interval or upon request. From the screenshots of the open charts of the terminal, you receive upon request from your Telegram bot. Account information includes: 13:02 Trade monitoring by Telegram v.1.0 (headline) Account : 6802ххх RoboForex-Pro (account information) Profit start: 2661 USD (profit earne
Polca Magic Key
Bryam Yhair Perez Diaz
1 (1)
Line function : Displays the opening line, Stop Loss, Take Profit( 3:1 RR ) on the chart. Risk management : The risk calculation function calculates the volume of a new order taking into account the established risk and the size you want to risk. It allows you to set any Stop Loss size between 3 and 10 pips. Breakeven Button : Brings all open orders to Breakeven. Clear button : Clears the graph and the selected parameters. Trade Button : Execute the idea. Partials Button : Taking partials of al
Advanced Entry Bot
Jacob Nickolaus A Torres
This bot is designed to compliment your existing trading strategy.  The Advanced Entry Bot is NOT FULLY AUTOMATED. Once the user finds an area of interest, he or she can set the bot to BUY or SELL and input their area of interest into the settings. In essence, this bot enables traders to do their analysis of the market; then utilize the Advanced Entry Bot to benefit from a mechanical and automated system that takes entries once price reaches their area of interest. I created this bot as a way to
With the 2UP Risk & Trade Management EA you will be able to enjoy seeing your positions being fulfilled all you gotta do is take the position and have the right lot size and the 2UP EA will do the rest - You can set your risk per position so your account never losses more than what is supposed to, it will close automatically once you reach a certain % of DrawDown. - You can set your reward as well based on %, how much do you wanna grow your account in % per trade ?,  it will close automatically
Kabelo Frans Mampa
TTraderAssistant was developed to help ordinary traders in there journey to becoming successful and profitable traders. TTraderAssistant   will/does not open trades on it's own, it's sole purpose is to work along the trader.  TTraderAssistant will help you manage your trading risk with a variety of lot-sizing profiles available to open trades by your command and risk appetite. Various Trailing-Stop Features were built in such as Trailing-Start and Trailing-Step to help judge your exiting strateg
AutoTP MT5
Hoang Van Huan
Auto Take Profit MT5 is designed to take profits in automatic way. As a trader (manual or auto), you define your own expected profits schema. When you open one or several orders, the AutoTP program  calculates profits then update into SL or TP automatically. It also re-calculates and updates accordingly for remaining open positions when a new order opened or an existing position closed. ---------------------------------- (Watch live in this   DEMO ONLY   signal   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals
使用Pips Pop Up可以很容易地知道你的盈利和亏损,以点为单位! 当该专家顾问(EA)处于激活状态时,关闭头寸的基本信息,如符号名称、结果pips,以及以您的货币计算的利润或损失,会在您关闭头寸的那一刻在该EA所连接的图表上弹出*。 它还提供可选的参数来改变字体风格、大小、颜色、显示结果的位置、滚动的速度、显示的时间等。你可以改变它们,并按你的要求进行定制。 此外,Pips Pop Up总结了平仓的pips和利润/亏损(结果显示在你的图表上)。总的pips和利润随时打印在工具箱中的专家选项卡上,只有在添加该EA的图表处于活动状态时按Esc键(默认)。 *本EA显示结果的时间可能会延迟(在这种情况下,通常会在几秒钟或更短的时间内显示),因为市场的情况,互联网连接,在同一时间处理大量的订单,等等。在这种情况下,请按下reload_key键(默认为F5,你可以通过编辑这个输入来改变为其他键)。 链接到Pips Pop Up的说明视频: https://youtu.be/s8U32mm0KBQ 本EA中输入的说明: 输入的名称 输入的值 说明 1. start_x 数字(整
Nice Mamma
Pascal Hussenet
MAMMA 指标是初学者和高级交易者计算止损、交易量或风险水平的理想选择   。 您有一个驾驶舱来控制参数并使工具适应您的交易。 这个驾驶舱可以移动或简单地缩小以在您需要时放大。 有3种计算方法: 您可以根据您计划使用手数和止损大小自动计算风险 您可以根据预期风险和止损大小设置手数 您可以根据预期风险和手数设置理想的止损尺寸。 每次计算都可以让您知道确切的风险量,您还可以直接在图表上看到计划止损的位置。 为了不忘记您的计划,您可以设定一个目标和当天的最大损失。 最后,您可以综合查看当前市场的进度,或仅查看当天、本周和当月的进度。 作为奖励,您将收到每个新未平仓头寸的提醒,并提供理想的止损建议。 最后,驾驶舱可以在法语和英语之间进行编程。 您还有机会根据 3 个时区显示时间:经纪人的服务器、UTC 参考或您 PC 的时间。 MAMMA 仍然隐藏着一些宝藏,但我已将主要功能介绍给您。 当我开始交易时,MAMMA 是我最想念的工具,它可以保证我的结果稳定。 好交易 再见
这是一个订单工具服务,你可以通过市场订单卖出、买入或交叉订单,同时设置止损(SL)和止盈(TP)。有两个选项来设置SL和TP:按点或按价格。 此外,只需点击一个按钮,您就可以改变您在该专家顾问(EA)所连接的图表中显示的符号的所有头寸的止损和止盈,或将它们关闭。它还提供了一个功能,当你使用上述的修改/关闭按钮时,可以排除你的卖出或买入头寸。 ** 注意 ** 1. 如果您的经纪人不支持交叉盘,请不要使用CROSS-ORDER按钮。 2. 当您使用本EA的卖出、买入或CROSS-ORDER按钮获得新的头寸时,设置在您头寸上的SL和TP点可能会滑落一些点。这是因为SL和TP值是根据你点击它们时的价格来计算的,而不是在你的订单成交时。我希望你能记住这一点,特别是当主要经济指标公布后,强势突破刚刚发生时,等等。 链接到Meow Orderer的说明视频: https://youtu.be/Nl8JGI-QRVU 控制面板上的GUI组件的说明: 组件名称 组件类型 说明 1. "REPEAT" 字段 这是用来重复您的卖出、买入或交叉指令的,根据在这个字段中输入的数字,重复几次。例
介绍:Position Closer(头寸关闭)--为那些希望在达到目标利润或亏损时自动关闭所有未结头寸的交易者提供的解决方案。 使用 Position Closer 的好处: 易于使用 - 只需为所有未结头寸设置目标盈利和亏损。 只需设置一次--无需为每个交易对设置。 管理仓位的便捷方法,尤其是在无法随时监控仓位的情况下。 在后台运行,因此即使将 MT5 平台最小化也能正常工作。 额外功能:您还可以设置以小时、分钟或秒为单位关闭所有未平仓交易的具体时间。 使用 Position Closer 控制您的交易,将风险降至最低。今天就试试吧! 注意:为防止意外关闭未结头寸,请务必记住在不打算使用 Position Closer 进行交易时将其移除。
FTMO Protector 8
Vyacheslav Izvarin
PROTECT YOUR FTMO Account in a simplest way Must-Have Account Protector for any Prop-trading Account and Challenge MT4 / MT5 Expert Advisor that protects your Forex Prop Trading account from an unexpected drawdown! FTMO Protector  is a Tool that lets you manage trades and control your profit and loss across multiple Robots and currency pairs using a simple parameters and settings. Use as many EAs and Instruments you need, the Protector will: 1.   Calculate your midnight (01:00 System time) Balan
Trade BTN
Prafull Manohar Nikam
T his is an ON CHART trade management panel. In other words, ON CHART Lot Size, Buy, Sell, Stop Loss, Take Profit, Close Buy, Close Sell and Close All buttons! *IMPORTANT NOTE: Input settings are NOT usable. You can change or insert Stop Loss and Take Profit values only on the chart panel. (See the below video!) This one is MT5 version! BUTTONS List: 1. Lot Size - (0.01) is default click on it and insert the lot size with which you want to open a trade. 2. Stop Loss - (0.0) is default click on
Kabelo Frans Mampa
Have you ever wanted to back-test a strategy but never wanted to risk real money? And the thought of using a demo account is  exhausting as real time markets develop your skills slowly. This utility will help you develop your strategy faster and will help determine if the strategy works long-term by simulating real trading through back-tests. This will save you time as you can back-test strategies from previous price data.  With the new update you can now change your lot-size add take-profit and
Valle Depth Of Market
Rafael Judson Lima Valle
A depth of market product is a powerful trading tool that provides a comprehensive view of the supply and demand levels for a particular financial instrument. It provides traders with a real-time display of all the buy and sell orders that are currently available in the market, allowing them to make more informed trading decisions based on the most up-to-date information available. With Valle Depth Of Market , traders can see not only the best bid and ask prices, but also the volume of orders at
FinestFx order PRO is easy order execution and auto risk management tool developed by  FinestFx official Programmer : Mohammed Rafi  Just move  SL,TP , Entry lines or Type SL,TP on entry columns . Lot are calculated automatically by fill out the loss cut amount. Work with all base currencies Fixed loss amount can be selected. Calculate risk rewards. Market order, limit order, and stop order are selected using buttons Supports FX, CFD, and crypto currency on MT5 Visit the owner website to see it
Timeframe On Chart
Paulo Henrique Da Silva
A simple indicator/tool to display the current timeframe in the center of the chart. The object is automatically moved to the center of the chart whenever the chart size is changed by the user. Input  Parameters : Font (default is Arial Black) Font Size (default is 50) Font Color (default is Silver, for light theme graphics, change to black or another dark color) Font Transparency (default is 90%)
The strategy tester of the MT5 terminal does not allow robots (advisers) to read the events of the economic calendar. Therefore, news robots cannot be tested and optimized in the strategy tester. The solution to this problem is the reading of events by the robot from a previously prepared external database, in which the events of the economic calendar are recorded. With the help of this utility, a Database File is generated from the economic calendar of the MT5 terminal. The File is created in
GRat Binance
Ivan Titov
1 (1)
Trade on Binance in MT5! GRat_Crypto is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency  on most popular crypto exchange Binance in the familiar MT5 environment 24/7. Features 1. ALL instruments of the 5 most popular crypto exchange  Binance . 2. The ability to place ANY type of order available in MT5, both market and pending, to modify orders and positions, to delete orders and close positions (even partially), to set trailing stop and trailing profit.
You can use this tool to create as many pending orders (limit order) as you want in one button press. All inputs must be in points. You can use this useful tool when such as FED speech times. User Inputs: MagicNumber = Magic number DeviationPoint = Deviation point number for limit orders Level = You can choise how many level do you want to create pending orders. BuyOrder = true/false SellOrder = true/false StartDistance = Distance between each level. StepDistance = Distance to be added increment
BoxFibo MT5
Sergei Kiriakov
It is just an alternative fibo lines. mt4 have is a very strange drawing of fibo lines, this utilites was written for mt4, but for mt5 it may not be particularly useful. A simple Box (Rectangle) graphic element with adjustable levels binding: it is possible to specify up to 17 custom levels, all rectangles on the chart with the given prefix in their name are processed. Levels are specified in % of the height of the rectangle. A convenient graphical element for analyzing charts by growth-correct
目标:       同品种多周期历史分析时候对齐时间很耗时,鼠标同步使得这一步骤可以自动完成。 使用:     1.下载程序并放在指标目录(MQL5/Indicators 或 MQL4/Indicators)里。     2.在所有需要同步的图表上加载这个指标。它就可以在同品种的图表里起作用了。     3.支持键盘的左右键,左右键在一个图表上移动时,同品种别的图表也会同步移动。     4.按下Ctrl键同时移动鼠标可以暂停或重启当前品种的同步。暂停或重启即使在所有图表关闭的状态下也是起作用的,当看见窗口没有同步时,请按住Ctrl键移动鼠标重启启动同步。     5.在未来时间区域暂停同步,工具会自动把当前品种的所有图表设置为autoscroll。在历史时间区域暂停,当前品种的所有图表会暂停在当时状态。     6.程序最大支持100个图表的鼠标和crosshair同步。   效果图如下:     
Automatic Trade Calculation Panel   One-Klick-Trading Automatic calculation of Lot sice Atuomatic calulation of Stop-Loss and TakeProfit Up to 3 partial closings Trailingstop (Stop-Loss moves automatically)   The lot size is calculated by the previously determined risk (e.g. 1.0% of the account size) and the distance of the Stop Loss from the entry point. The distance from the Stop Loss to the entry point results from the ATR indicator multiplied by a freely selectable factor. The Stop Loss and
You can send MetaTrader screenshot easily to your identified telegram channel via press the send button that on the chart. TelegramBotToken: Telegram API credentials. You can create API credentials on my.telegram.org web page ChatId: Your telegram chatId. Secreenshots will be sending this channel - Please do not press the button repeatedly. This may cause your bot or ip address to be blocked. - You have to add telegram api address ( https://api.telegram.org ) in Option > Expert Advisors > Allow
交易头寸和回测工具: “交易头寸和回测工具”又称“风险收益比工具”,是一款全面而创新的指标,旨在提升您的技术分析和交易策略。 风险工具是外汇交易中有效风险管理的全面而用户友好的解决方案。它具有预览交易头寸的能力,包括入场价格、止损(SL)和获利水平(TP),为即将进行的交易提供透明的视图。用户友好的面板配备了自动余额和自定义余额选项,以及自动手数和风险计算。它支持各种交易预览,包括市场买入和卖出、买入止损和卖出止损订单。该工具包括高级的风险收益比特性,允许在图表上任意定制移动,包括买入和卖出设置。交易信息的智能显示包括关键细节,如开仓手数、止损、TP和订单类型。它还提供了在移动SL或TP水平时自动调整风险的便利性,一个按钮将当前价格吸引过来的功能,以及一个热键用于轻松隐藏和显示风险工具。此外,该工具提供了进行彻底分析交易策略的回测能力。 特点: - 预览交易头寸,包括入场价格、止损(SL)和获利(TP)水平的详细信息。 - 用户友好的面板:提供自动余额和自定义余额。 - 自动手数计算和风险计算。 - 各种类型的交易预览:市场买入和卖出、买入止损和卖出止损订单等。 - 高级风险收
Introducing the Revolutionary   Trade Closing Assistant ! Are you tired of manually closing hundreds trades? Are you a   scalper ,   day trader ,   swing trader   and  you want to maximize your profits and minimize your losses by closing multiple positions at thesame time under different conditions? Are you a   Prop Firm Trader  who wishes to avoid hitting maximum daily drawdown? Search no further. This kit is the ultimate solution for all you. GUIDE TO USE THE KIT 1. Shows the total profit/los
Timing is Everything in Trading.... This Utility provides handy and fast option to manage trades easily. This will help to take Profits in time ( especially in News Times when Timing is everything for Better Profits). No Need to panic in News Time Now.. No Need to Find, Select and Click the Trades with Profits manually... Just Do ONE click and All Trades are Closed and Profits are SAVED in time... Main Features are: 1. Add Buy/Sell Trades easily with/without TP/SL  2. Close Buy/Sell Trades in Pr
AC Trade Assistant
Atefe Shoopani
5 (1)
AC Trade Assistant – Simplify Your Trading Experience The   AC Trade Assistant   is a compact and efficient tool designed to help traders execute orders quickly and manage trades with ease. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, this assistant streamlines your workflow and enhances your trading performance. Key Features : Compact Design : A non-intrusive dialog box that keeps your chart clean and organized. Fast Order Execution : Place market orders, pending orders, and manage risk
Uber Trade Manager
MDevaus Oy
4.87 (15)
UTM Manager 是一款直观且易于使用的工具,可提供快速高效的交易执行。其中一项突出的功能是“忽略价差”模式,该模式使您能够以蜡烛的价格进行交易,完全忽略价差(例如,允许在 LTF 上交易更高价差的货币对,避免因价差而退出交易)。 UTM Manager 的另一个关键方面是其独特的本地交易复印机,允许在每个经纪商中灵活地运行不同的交易策略和设置,例如不同的 TP、BE 和风险规则。 交易执行: 快速高效的交易执行:通过点击图表上的入场价格和止损价格或使用一键固定止损尺寸功能轻松进入交易。 自动手数计算:根据预定义的风险设置计算手数,当通过拖动修改仓位时会重新计算手数。 能够同时处理一个或多个职位。 止盈和盈亏平衡: 灵活的止盈设置:通过特定的风险回报 (RR) 比率设置灵活的部分止盈水平。 可配置的自动盈亏平衡功能:当达到一定的利润水平时,将止损移至盈亏平衡点。 用户友好的界面: 用户友好的图形界面 (GUI),可轻松保存和加载设置。 内置帮助工具提示来解释其他功能。 职位定制: 仓位定制和调整:经理将所有仓位绘制在图表上,通过拖动线条即可轻松定制和调整。 图表上的按钮: 图表
Market Sessions Time PRO
Juan Facundo Valdes
5 (1)
在图表上显示高达 7个市场交易时段 和 3个每周范围 ,完全可自定义 每个时段和范围都可以显示或隐藏,并可根据每位交易者的需要适应特定的日内或周内时间段 使用以下任何一种方式定义时段的开始/结束时间: GMT/UTC 时间(可调整到任何时区) 服务器/经纪人时间(图表时间) 本地时间(您的计算机时间) 专业版功能 名称 : 使用特定名称区分每个时段和每周范围 开盘和收盘时间以分钟为单位 : 可以设置为小时:分钟(HH:mm)或仅小时(HH)格式 每周范围的开始和结束日期 : 为每周范围设置从一周的任何一天(星期日到星期一)到另一天的时间段 可调整的 GMT 时间偏移 : 设置时区偏移以匹配其位置的任何市场基准时间。例如,纽约时间:GMT -5 警报和移动通知 : 发送通知到 MetaTrader 安卓或 iPhone 应用程序*,在每个时段开始/结束时收到通知,还可以在之前提前提醒59分钟 最高和最低线 : 由价格的时段高/低范围定义,可以将它们延长至比时段结束时间长24小时。用于检查它们作为可能的支撑/阻力区域 水平线 : 基于时段范围幅度的比例。在范围内和范围外显示,可以延长至
SIMPLE AND QUICK CHART CLEANUP SCRIPT - FREE FOR ALL - EASY TO DRAG AND DROP ONTO THE CHART - A MUST HAVE IN MY EYES Everybody loves to draw on a chart! But cleaning is nobodies favor. Most of the time it will be faster to dump all and redraw the important part. Repetition makes you good! ALWAYS think about that! KEEP IT GROWING, ;-) I wish you a good day, Traders! If you need something, send me a message. Best wishes to you from Vienna!
Clean all symbols from a chart to get a better view. We all love to draw a chart, but it's hard to get the unwanted objects away that we don't need anymore. With this script, you simply remove ONLY SYMBOLS. All others will stay on the chart. In my eyes, a must-have tool in case you need to clean quick up to continue observations or strategy finding. Just pull it onto the chart. KEEP IT GROWING! Happy Trading
This EA will provide you with the amount of points once you open a position, being a sell or a buy. I use it instead of the profit, as this plays some tricks in my mind. You can also set up a Take Profit and/or a Stop Loss in the settings of the EA. The point calculation will only work with manual trade. Magic number is 0. You also have the possibility to create labels for + Haut, - Haut, - Bas, + Bas and some trendlines at a 45 or - 45 degree angle. Here are the settings : Settings  Choices
Risk Reward Manager is Utilities to help you calculate exact profit and loss or Risk Reward Ratio based on your preference Risks. There is panel you can change at anytime. The panel shows : Volume per Trade (Editable). You can change the volume you desire. Percent per Trade (Editable). You can change the Percentage of your desire Risks. You can change to 1% Risk per Trade for Conventional Trading Strategy. Risk Reward Ratio (Editable). You can change any Risk Reward Ratio you want. 1:1,5 || 1:2
Line tracing
Paul, Matthieu Paturle
Trace une ligne fléchée à la hauteur de votre choix, de la couleur de votre choix, sur la date d'aujourd'hui de 00h00 à 23h59 le même jour. Choisissez à quelle hauteur (en points) vous souhaitez la tracer, la grosseur de la ligne ainsi que la couleur et voila, traçage automatique. Paramètres  Choix Points Mettre le chiffre en point de votre ligne Couleur Choisissez la couleur de la ligne Style Plusieurs styles disponibles, défaut est Solide Grosseur Ligne Grosseur de Très fine a Très large, d
Viktor Shpakovskiy
用於管理未平倉頭寸和掛單的實用程序。 內置追踪止損有五種模式和七種工具。 有虛擬止損和虛擬止盈,可以在圖表上自由移動。 借助內置的交易模擬器,您可以檢查 EA 在策略測試器中的工作方式。 UTralVirtualMT5 的詳細指南可以在“評論”部分找到。 在 MT5 策略測試器中,手動移動虛擬線(SL 和 TP)不起作用! 好處 5種追踪止損模式:虛擬、正常、總計、百分比和移動止損; 7 個選項:按點、按柱極值、按分形、按交易量、按 MA、按拋物線 SAR 和按 ATR; 虛擬 TP 和 SL - 根據圖表手動自由移動; 為所有未平倉頭寸添加止損和止盈; 通過以下方式設置止損:點、分形、ATR 指標、每日高/低; 圖表上打開的所有訂單的追踪止損; 迷你利潤開始追踪止損。; 通過幻數和方向為未平倉頭寸設置追踪止損; 掛單的尾隨:按類型、方向、點、分形、柱極值; 圖表上的“熱鍵”用於快速執行命令; 適用於具有 4 位和 5 位報價的帳戶; 5位數賬戶,參數自動加10; 用於處理加密貨幣、指數、期貨、差價合約的特殊參數乘數。. 參數 Block 1. GENERAL SETTINGS All
Fibo Musang FMBCR CB1 突破扫描器 MT5 Fibo Musang CB1 或 Candle Break 1 是一种非常适用于黄金 XAUUSD 和其他外汇交易品种的策略。 此扫描仪将帮助您非常快速地扫描多符号货币并在 FMCBR CB1 突破时获得警报 请查看视频了解更多详情,因为它完全可以根据交易者的喜好进行定制: 1. 您可以选择柱线的时间范围和历史记录 2. 您可以修改您喜欢的 ZigZag 设置:ExtDepth、ExtDeviation、ExtBackStep 3.获取终端警报或推送通知 4. 追踪斐波那契扩展的选项,如 1.618 2.618 或 4.236 或追踪 CB1 突破与 1.00 Fibo Musang FMBCR CB1 突破扫描器 MT5 Fibo Musang CB1 或 Candle Break 1 是一种非常适用于黄金 XAUUSD 和其他外汇交易品种的策略。 此扫描仪将帮助您非常快速地扫描多符号货币并在 FMCBR CB1 突破时获得警报 请查看视频了解更多详情,因为它完全可以根据交易者的喜好进行定制:
Darwin Reports Tool MT5
Guillaume Duportal
5 (4)
达尔文报告工具EA 异常的介绍性价格!    35美元 描述。 达尔文报告工具EA是达尔文系列中的新产品。 达尔文的产品因其质量和性能而在MQL5上广为人知并享有盛誉。 这一次,我向你推荐的不是专家顾问,而是一个旨在实现任务自动化的工具。 基本上,要对你的表现做出报告 解释: 事实上,由于这个工具,你将能够发送一个账户、一个策略、甚至几个可选择的EA的任何性能报告。 你可以通过电子邮件、Telegram等网络和短信、手机上的推送信息来发送你的报告。 福利待遇: 每天、每周或每月都能收到来自每个EA的报告,以研究其表现。 对你的交易账户进行准确的统计..... --通过电子邮件发送 -- 在Telegram频道上发送 -- 通过Mt4/5平台的推送通知发送 -- 每日利润(在 "X "时间发送)。 -- 每周的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 每月的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 开设账户以来的总利润 -- 每一天,每一个月的利润......可以是%,可以是货币,也可以是两者。 -- 当天已结束的订单摘要 -- 本周订单汇总 -- 本月订单汇总 -- 能够以货币
Broker Desynchronization script MT5 is a script in the form of an EA. It will check the desynchronization of a BROKER's server compared to your time at your PC. Usually BROKER sets time forward to have some space to execute trades. If you wish to check how big the difference is, please load the EA to any chart. After loading, it will wait for the first tick to check the desynchronization. Information will be available for 10 seconds. NOTE! If market is closed, you get information to try again la
Adebayo Bisiriyu Adewole
BatchLoaderGUIApp is a Utility tool that allows TRADERS to efficiently manage their trade with "ONE CLICK" such as "Closing All Positions In Profit or Loss", "Closing A Single or Batch Position In Loss or Profit" and "Modifying Positions". A Mobile Batch option enables a trader Batch Load a single Mobile Execution.. "Experience the ultimate trading efficiency with BatchLoaderGUIApp for MetaTrader - one-click management for opening, closing, and modifying positions, plus mobile batch execution fo
Individual Order Manager is a manager that groups positions by symbol, for each symbol having one or more open positions, it creates a small   panel   with the following information : - Symbol name :   Click to close all positions of this symbol. - Symbol market price  - Symbol position(s )   profit - Stoploss in amount value   :   All  positions of this symbol will be automatically closed when their loss reaches the sto ploss value set by user. - Takeprofit in amount value  :   All positions o
This Expert Advisor waits a position to be opened, no matter if you open manually or with the EA buttons or eventually via mobile: it creates a Grid in Anti Martingale with pending stop orders in the same direction of the first position. You can specify the number of orders, the size and the distance between the orders. You can also adjust the Monetary Target of the Grid, the monetary Stop Loss, the Intermediate Target (when reached the EA insert an order with opposite direction of the total pos
Viktor Shpakovskiy
A utility for managing open positions using virtual (invisible to the broker) stops. Virtual stop loss and virtual take profit can be freely moved around the chart. If the price touches the virtual stop line (TP, SL, TS), the EA will close all orders of the same direction on the current chart. Closing orders by virtual take profit is possible only if there is a profit. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can, in the strategy tester, see how the adviser works. Parameters Block
Control Panel mette a disposizione una semplificata ed avanzata gestione dedicata per ogni singolo mercato Forex, CFD, Materie Prime, Indici Azionari, Metalli Preziosi, Prodotti Energetici, Azioni & Crypto Valute, dal trade pad si posso aprire posizioni e ordini pendenti, visualizzare tutti i dati relativi alla quantità delle posizioni Buy, Sell e di tutti i trade oltre alla quantità espressa in lotti anche per i posizionamenti hedge indicando il valore espresso in lotti relativo all’esposizion
The Most Advanced Telegram Copy Trader in the market Why EazyTrader? Many of us are having emotional breakdowns during trading. Sometimes even if we got a signal, we end up in bad money management or over layering, some of us are working on another job and we won't be able to monitor the signal and place Breakeven, but still want to do trading and make an extra income. Sometimes the signal goes to profit but retraces back to our breakeven or stoploss and we had this guilt feeling saying that I
Soho Trader
Evgenii Shurmin
Panel for send/modify orders/positions by handle moved levels for take profit, stop loss, open price and expire at with lot calculations in several modes. Settings: Risk management Lot calculation mode: default: Free margin, Modes: Fixed, Free margin, Equity, Balance Minimal lot size - default: 0.01 Maximal lot size - default: 0.1 Fixed lot - default: 0.01 Percents - default: 5 Trade when have free margin (0 - disabled) - default: 30 Levels Style - default: Dash Width - default: 1 Panel Positio
The purpose of this service is to warn you when the percentage of the margin level exceeds either a threshold up or down. Notification is done by email and/or message on mobile in the metatrader app. The frequency of notifications is either at regular time intervals or by step of variation of the margin. The parameters are: - Smartphone (true or false): if true, enables mobile notifications. The default value is false. The terminal options must be configured accordingly. - email (true or false)
Clean up Market Watch from unused symbols. If you use multiple advisors and terminals on the same account your Market Watch windows may get filled with unused symbols from orders and positions opened on other terminals. Every symbol in the Market Watch consumes cpu power and bandwidth to get constantly updated and if you are on a vps you want to minimize resources consumption. Market Watch Cleaner helps you with that by periodically cleaning your Market Watch window from unused symbols. Param
Events Timer EA allows you to place a trade at a specific time and close it at a specific. The stop loss is trailed automatically. The EA performs one trade at time until the time elapses. Since it has a Trailing Stop, it will open another trader when it gets stopped out. It is ideal for trading news events using a very short trading time. Inpits: -Trade Time -Stop Trade Time  -Trade Type(buy/sell)  -lot -stoploss points 
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The utility for managing open positions can work with stops (take profit and stop loss) in money, percentages or points. The built-in trailing stop starts working from profit, the size of which can be set in currency or as a percentage. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the utility works in the strategy tester. Benefits setting stop loss and take profit in the deposit currency, as a percentage of the account balance or by points; adding stop loss and take profit
TralDynamicU MT5
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The utility for managing open positions can work with stops (take profit and stop loss) in money, percentages or points. The built-in trailing stop starts working from profit, the size of which can be set in currency or as a percentage. Trailing stop can work in three modes and for five instruments. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the utility works in the strategy tester. Benefits setting stop loss and take profit in the deposit currency, as a percentage of the
Closer of all Trades
Andre Philipp Hollenbach
I’m sharing this code here for free to support the trading community. Feel free to modify it or even copy it entirely for your own use. I hope it’s helpful, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or feedback! https://github.com/holle112/AlgoTradingConcepts.git Closes all Trades with click on a button. This button will appear on the right bottom side of the chart.  When you remove the utility, the button will also dissappear. It closes all trades, no matter if Sell, Buy, th
You may have found after a carefully planned trade something happened.  An unexpected event... You forgot to look the web calender or use any kind of program. This fills this gap in its own way. Features: - show all events as vertical lines - low, medium or high events... with different colors. -name of the events and numbers associated with the event are also shown such actual value, forecast value and previous value. The calendar information is obtained from your broker. It is a built-in serv
DrawDown Limiter
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
5 (19)
Drawdown Limiter EA You are in the right place if you were searching for Drawdown control, Drawdown limiter, Balance protection, Equity Protection or Daily Drawdown Limit related to Prop Firm, FTMO, or Funded account trading, or if you want to protect your trading account. Have you suffered from controlling your drawdown when trading funded accounts? This EA is meant for you. Prop firms usually set a rule called “Trader Daily Drawdown”, and if it is not respected, you are disqualified.  I am an
Robo Sinal Telegram
Edson Cavalca Junior
Send your trades on the Metatrader 5 platform to your Telegram Group! Simple to use, just follow the steps below: Create a group in Telegram and enter the name in the robot parameters; Create a Bot in Telegram with the user BotFather: Send the following message-> /newbot; BotFather will ask for a name for your Bot; Send a message with the desired name; BotFather will ask for a username for your Bot; Send a message with the desired username; BotFather will send the Token; Insert the Token
二元交易面板是一款非常有用的工具,用于在 MT4/MT5 平台上进行二元期权交易。不再需要在 MT4/MT5 之外设置插件。这是 MT4/MT5 图表上简单方便的面板。 二元交易面板对于使用 MT4/MT5 平台交易二元期权的交易者来说是一个有用的工具。它是一个简单方便的面板,允许交易者直接从 MT4/MT5 图表进行二元期权交易,无需设置外部插件或浏览多个屏幕和菜单。 二元交易面板专为与提供 MT4/MT5 交易平台的二元期权经纪商合作而设计。 话虽这么说,如果您更喜欢二元期权交易的工作方式并希望继续与常规经纪商以这种方式进行交易,二元交易面板旨在为交易者提供与二元期权交易类似的体验,即使所使用的经纪商不是二元期权经纪人。 二元交易面板安装和输入指南 如果您想获取有关 EA 的通知,请将我们的 URL 添加到 MT4/MT5 终端(参见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/48886 MT5版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/91749 主要特点: 面
这个自定义终极狙击手仪表盘是原始终极狙击手仪表盘指标的一个EA升级。它与多达98种不同的算法一起工作,以确保它能捕捉到你工作的资产类别上的趋势的真实性质。 它是对我们几个月来从大多数客户那里得到的很多建议和意见的直接回应。   这个自定义版本是完全可定制的。 由98个独立的自定义算法提供。 非常漂亮的视觉界面,因此你可以轻松和自信地跟踪任何货币对或时间框架的整体市场趋势 可以向telegram发送实时警报 允许你根据你所交易的货币对创建自己的指数 可以向你的手机实时发送警报,所以你不必在电脑前就知道有一个动作正在酝酿。 让你从输入设置中设置8个指数 让你设置你想获得警报的指数和时间框架 当检测到没有互联网连接时,会显示警报   自定义终极狙击手仪表盘已经进行了大量的优化,在动作开始后立即显示。这样,你就不会错过你感兴趣的货币对的任何变动。它的速度非常快,可以在移动发生时迅速捕捉到,并实时向你发送警报,这样你就可以利用移动的优势,而不必整天坐在办公桌前。 它是任何交易策略的一个超级补充,你可以将这个工具与任何其他交易策略和指标一起使用。它主要是为了与我们的其他指标配合使用。 它是完全可定
Trendline Trader EA
BM Trading GmbH
5 (1)
The Trendline Trader EA helps you to analyze and trade the markets with trendlines. You can place and modify lines easily with only few clicks. When you found a strong trend you can also activate the lines to open trades (or place orders) when reached by the price. The tool helps you to analyze multiple markets and still be able to trade trends without sitting in front of the charts all the time. You can change the appearance of the lines. It might be a good idea to choose different colors or si
AK Capital Backtest panel
AK Capital Markets Limited
5 (2)
backtester buttons for testing strategies in the MT5 strategy tester.  load up strategy tester then click on visual test and once visual tester opened apply any chart template you'd like. To update the chart pause the visual tester and apply templates, colors and such like the normal chart. On the settings you can choose lot size and take profit and stop loss.  Enjoy
News Explorer
Ervand Oganesyan
此文本是英语的机器翻译。 英文版 News Explorer 是一种允许在价格图表上的经济日历事件之间导航的工具。 终端中的全功能经济日历。 日历事件之间的快速图表导航。无需打开日历网站、复制粘贴日期、手动将图表滚动到这些日期。通过单击带有事件的行,图表上的所有内容都可用。 市场反应被计算为公告时间内的最大价格行为,这比大多数日历使用的 3 分重要性分类要准确得多。这正是与新闻交易相关的内容。 事件列表可按计算的市场反应排序。只有数千个事件中真正的市场推动者才会显示在表格的顶部。 时间、国家、货币、标题过滤器允许仅探索必要的事件。 启动程序。它将图表设置为 M1,检查并加载价格历史记录,刷新日历,根据可用数据计算市场反应并显示表格。按“刷新”按钮手动更新日历数据。电子表格可按事件的预定时间(“时间”列)和市场反应(“变化”列)排序。单击行以在图表上从一个事件导航到另一个事件。 更改图表最大柱线限制(工具 >> 选项 >> 图表 >> 重新启动 metatrader)并将“图表数据预加载”设置为 true 以下载和探索深层历史 程序实时请求新闻数据,但在策略测试器中不起作用。 尝试 演示
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To MT5 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT5 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT5 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt5   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to MT5 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signal
XP Forex Trade Manager MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.14 (7)
Forex Trade Manager MT5 simplifies managing open orders in MetaTrader 5. If you open a new order, the manager automatically sets Stop Loss and Take Profit. When price will move, then the program could move Stop Loss to Break Even (stop loss = open price) or continuously moving Stop Loss (Trailing Stop) to protect your profits. Forex Trading Manager is able to control orders for only current symbols (where EA works) or for all opened orders (regardless symbol) and hide the Stop Loss and Take Prof
About The Product This is an MT5 expert advisor which will let the end user to copy trades from a source mt5 account to N different mt5/mt4 account in the same pc. It is specially useful when you want to copy your trades from an account to several client account or accounts which will have different parameter for those trades. This product provides options to copy trades with different options as well as copy them in reverse. Note: Download and test the  MT5 Local Trade Copier Pro   demo versio
Trade on Binance with  MT5/MT4 EAs and indicators! GRat_BinanceImport   is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency on the most popular crypto exchange  Binance  24/7. Features 1. ALL Binance instruments are available. 2. Import(automatic copying) to the specified Binance  currency all trades (made manually or by an EA) from an MT5 account (including demo) by the specified symbol and/or magic number. 3. Import(automatic copying)   to the specifie
Forex Trade Manager Grid MT5 helps you to managing orders and achieve the goal. You only need to place first order with Take Profit, run EA and set in params profit (pips) you want to get. EA will be managing your positions, as will gather appointed amount of pips. It’s a strategy for management of manual trades opened on current pair. The strategy adds positions to currently opened trades in a grid management (with chosen distance in pips between trades) - up to 15 trades (or less). First up to
Vladimir Svirin
5 (1)
This is the demo version of SmartVSV Panel.  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/91131 It is the same as original panel with all graphic objects and settings. Main difference is that you can not trade with this demo, but you can see all orders' parameters such as entry, TakeProfit and StopLoss. Also you can test QuickTrade. All functions are explained with alerts. When you add it to your chart press "I" to call information alert.
Vladimir Svirin
SmartVSV Panel. Swing trade with pending orders or scalp with your   keyboard . You can try this panel out with the free version SmartVSV1.  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/91194 Chart objects. This tool will help you to find orderblocks , fair value gaps and liquidity . If you use session ranges  or Sunday open in your strategy, it will draw them for you.  If you are looking at another chart (such as DXY, Gold etc) while trading, SmartVSV has a minichart  button for you.  You can set an
From 0 to 9...  the only keyboard buttons you need to trade with this EA! If I am wrong just write which button should I add in the comment section. I recommend you to test this tool on demo account first. This version of QuickTradeVSV can help you to: 1 - Open buy position with TakeProfit and StopLoss (Lotsize is calculated by your Account Balance and StopLoss). 2 - Open buy position with fixed LotSize. 3 - Open sell position with TakeProfit and StopLoss (Lotsize is calculated by your Account B
“面板部分平仓”实用面板用于快速部分平仓有利润的头寸。它只有两个参数:“   Partial closure #1   ”和“   Partial closure #2   ”。适用于任何符号和任何“幻数”——也就是说,该实用程序主要用于手动交易。 这个怎么运作: 例如,您在“EURUSD”、“Jump 100 Index”和“XAUUSD”(黄金)上有多个头寸。该实用程序找到利润最大的头寸 - 在屏幕截图中,这是“Jump 100 Index”交易品种的“卖出”头寸,交易量为 0.05 手,利润为 2.59。 第一个按钮将部分关闭 0.01 手(该值取自“   Partial closure #1   ”参数),第二个按钮将部分关闭 0.03 手(该值取自“   Partial closure #2   ”参数)。
GS trade report
Aleksander Gladkov
5 (1)

MetaTrader 市场 - 在您的交易程序端可以直接使用为交易者提供的自动交易和技术指标。

MQL5.community 支付系统 提供给MQL5.com 网站所有已注册用户用于MetaTrade服务方面的事务。您可以使用WebMoney,PayPal 或银行卡进行存取款。