Sends notifications and a screenshot of the chart about all trading operations from the MetaTrader 5 terminal to the LINE Notify apps account
The EA sends notifications about all actions on the account:
Opening a position, placing orders, modifying orders, including pending ones, closing positions and deleting orders
Configure Metatrader to allow the EA to communicate with LINE Notify
In the MetaTrader 5 application, click: "Tools" -> "Settings" -> "Expert Advisors"
In the botto

XXXX ATR (Average True Range) Position Manager: ATR StopLoss, ATR Target, ATR Breakeven, ATR Trailing StopLoss, with Risk % Calculation / Position.
Fully automated advanced ATR EA is now available:
Key takeaways One click does it all: SELL and BUY button automatically places ATR stoploss, ATR target, ATR breakeven, ATR trailing stop and Risk % calculation of equity Entire position is calculated based on ATR No more manual position calculations

Tetris remains one of the most fun and addictive pieces of software to ever grace the computing scene. That's right, everything that everyone loves about Tetris can now be experienced on MT5 platform. Its beautiful simplicity and surprisingly fast-paced gameplay make it an exceptionally easy thing to just pick up and play on short notice. This version comes with everything everyone loves about Tetris. It has all six of the classic tetrimino shapes, the steadily growing level of challenge tha

信息 - NETTING 帐户的面板 主(顶部)行显示当前交易的当前利润(亏损) - 通过 计算 确定。 图上。第 1 位:在顶部,自交易开始以来的盈亏。在示例中:5,536.97。该金额按照计算工具抵押品金额(保证金要求金额)的方法计算。在示例中: FORTS 期货模式 - 在 FORTS 上交易期货合约的保证金和利润计算。 底线显示有关整个交易的信息。这些信息是从历史中收集的。在示例中买入 1/- = 买入 1 份合约。例如,如果 买入 2/1 = 输入两个,则部分关闭(一个)。 按钮“所有订单”和“Fin.res”。 :显示当前持仓数据和历史中的所有订单(针对当前交易)。该示例包含一个变化边距(清算):var.marg。价格(保证金收盘)固定利润 5722.57。此外,从清算价格 153270 开始计算。 在图的最上面一行。 #1 入场价格不取决于清算。因此,符合当前仓位利润-185.59 和计算利润+ 5536.97。在这种情况下,第二行总结了当前仓位的利润和清算利润。
设置选项: 英语、俄语 背景颜色、文本、利润、损失 图表显示开盘价线 可自定义的工具信息列表:(面板

The RFOC Candle Timer 2x was created for the trader to locate himself in time, having access to the pending time for the formation of a new candle. Additionally, it is possible to include in the chart a second timer that shows the pending time for the formation of a new candle in a time period different from the current one. The user will have the option to select up to 4 different positions for the timer display ("No candle", lower left corner, lower right corner or upper right corner). In ad

Tool that gives the possibility to test your strategy manually on historical data in the Metatrader 5 Strategy Tester application.
It is based on an EA that can only be used in the strategy tester and in visual mode.
The EA provides the possibility to configure, through input parameters, the display of different indicators: 3 Moving Average RSI Stochastic MACD Alligator Bollinger Bands Parabolic SAR Envelopes Fractals Ichimoku CCI
Due to the limitations of the Mt5 strategy tester, such as th

This trading tool will help You to place your orders faster , specify its parameters easier and control your risks more clearly. It allows You to use lines on a chart to set the entry price, stop loss, take profit for any order, considering the specified percentage of risk from the deposit or a fixed lot, and place it in one click. It automatically detects a broker’s commission and takes it into account during calculations. It also calculates available for new order funds based on already opene

MASS DESTROYER-MANUAL Most scalping robot open several positions in a matter of time.
In emergency situations where say over 30 positions are running at the same time and all these trades are going negative,
manually closing all of these positions can make your losses even bigger because of spreads and other market conditions This is where DEST001 comes in.. This robot has been designed such that positions are closed in a matter of microseconds.
The trader can chose some parameters as filt

This Utility is created to close Open Trades on the go by filters.
If you want any custom feature or want to remove something from this product for your personal use. Please send me a personal message, I'll be happy to do so for you.
Buttons & their Tasks :
CLOSE ALL TRADES : Close all open trades CLOSE ALL BUY : Close all Buy trades CLOSE ALL SELL : Close all Sell trades CLOSE ALL PROFIT : Close all trades that in Profit CLOSE ALL LOSS

Tetris remains one of the most fun and addictive pieces of software to ever grace the computing scene. That's right, everything that everyone loves about Tetris can now be experienced on MT5 platform. Its beautiful simplicity and surprisingly fast-paced gameplay make it an exceptionally easy thing to just pick up and play on short notice. This version comes with everything everyone loves about Tetris. It has all six of the classic tetrimino shapes, the steadily growing level of challenge tha

Hello, Every one
Close All Button
A script to close all market positions and/or pending orders.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Close All market positions and/or pending orders button
You can close all orders in 1 second by one click
Download for Demo Account:
Download on Demo Account: Close All in 1s v1.4 Only Demo.ex5 - Google Drive Free version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/74159 For send Trade notification to Your

Candlestick Pattern Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert system that checks all timeframes and currency pairs for different candlestick patterns that are formed in them. Scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the candlestick patterns in most important areas of the chart to find breakout and reversal patterns in the price chart. Download demo version (works on M4,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes and 20 symbols of Market Watch window) Read

Binance Trade Manager — is an utility that allows you to transmit trade orders from your MetaTrader 5 to the Binance exchange. It will suite you if you want to use your favorite MetaTrader 5, getting all the benefits of trading cryptocurrencies directly on the exchange (low commission, high liquidity, absolute transparency, etc.) Binance Trade Manager can work in two modes: copying trades from a demo-account , which your MetaTrader 5 is connected to (cryptocurrencies must be available on this ac

Instead of sticking to the Charts,let's use ALL IN ONE KEYLEVEL Announcement: We are pleased to announce the latest version 14.02 of the One In One Keylevel product. This is a reliable product that has been upgraded with many new features and improvements to make your work easier and more efficient. Currently, we have a special promotion for this new version. The current discounted price is $500, and there are only 32 units left. After that, the price will increase to $1000, and will continue to

DESCRIPTION: The EA is a trade manager for managing manual or other trades by EA. It can place Stoploss, Takeprofit, Trailing, and Martingale/Average all open positions. Make sure to just place 1 type of open orders for each symbols (Examples: 1 Buy or 1 Sell). The EA will not open the initial trades, but can be backtested to see how it works.
FEATURES: Multicurrency or Single Pair Mode. Placing Stoploss / Takeprofit. Auto Martingale / Average Positions. Trailing for All Open Positions (Sin

Trade Informer HVZ is a utility that allows you to display trading results (open and closed positions) using filters for trading instruments and Magic Numbers of Expert Advisors. The results are displayed as a horizontal or vertical table or as separate blocks. Full list of displayed parameters:
List of analyzed instruments List of Magic Balance of open positions Result of closed positions for today The result of closed positions for the previous day
The result of closed positions for the c

50% off. Original price: $60 Ichimoku Assistant is a multi-timeframe panel and alert system that scans all timeframes for multiple rules related to different ichimoku strategies. The Ichimoku indicator has 5 different lines, including Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, Senku Span A, Senku Span B and Chikou Span. This scanner checks the status of these lines compared to each other and gives alerts based on your selected rules. If you are using ichimoku kinko hyo in your trading strategy, this scanner and it

The Expert Advisor is designed to protect the account, fix profit (loss) and display current information about the account. Trading account protection is carried out by closing all open orders in the terminal and/or closing all charts. When running the Expert Advisor with default parameters, it will only display your account information and will be reduced in size. Next, you can set the conditions under which your trading account will be protected. Profit and loss limits can be set for daily pro

Volumeku is a Volume-based analysis tool. Its use and purpose is very simple, it is clear that with large volumes of trading some event happens in the market, sometimes a reversal happens, sometimes the beginning of a strong movement. You who are greater, where X is a variable. Let's take the value of 6500 on the H1 chart as an example, put this measurement on your chart and see with your own eyes what happens to the price every time it hits such a level. Download now, it's free and very cool! D

Uma informação de grande valor para o trader se localizar no tempo é a informação de quanto tempo temos para o encerramento do candle atual ou quanto falta para a formação de um novo candle. O RFOC Timer apresenta esta informação de forma clara e alocada à direita do candle atual. Adicionalmente o RFOC Timer acompanha a opção de inclusão das linhas de preços ASK e BID com e sem extensão a direita e/ou esquerda. Esta função auxilia, por exemplo, a não sobreposição das linhas de ASK e BID com as

MQL5网站上有大量高质量的信号,学习他们是拓宽思路和提高自己很好的途径。 信号的交易记录可以下载,以csv文件格式保存 下来,但观看这些文本信息是很困难的。 Signal Analyzer有2种使用模式: 1. 可以导入下载下来的csv文件,并将他们在 MT5的图表窗口中显示出每条交易记录。 2. 设置好参数后,使用策略测试器进行历史文件回测。 *** SignalAnalyzer 使用方法如下: *** 1. 从MQL5网站下载csv格式的交易记录。 *** 2. 将下载的csv文件放入MT5终端公共文件夹的Files文件夹中。 *** 3. 启动MetaTrader 5 终端,打开需要分析货币对的图表。 *** 4. 将 'SignalAnalyzer' 附加的图表上,设置如下参数: *** 1) file name: csv 文件名称,如12345.positions.csv。 *** 2) symbol filter: 需要分析的货币对名称,如EURUSD(留空表示当前货币对)。 *** 3) hour offset: 时间偏移量。当时区不一致时使用。

Easy Copier Limited is utility tool to copy trade / trade copier form one account (master) to other account (slave) . It works only with a single forex ( EURUSD ) . You can use this tool as local copier ( Terminals have to be in same PC / VPS ) as well as Remote Copier ( Terminals can be in different PC / VPS ). For remote copy you can use my server or it can be configured to your server . Trades are possible to copy from MT4 => MT4 MT4 => MT5 MT5 => MT5 MT5 => M

MetaTrader 新闻面板是一款在 MetaTrader 交易平台内显示经济日历数据的工具。该工具从外部来源(例如财经新闻网站或数据提供商)获取经济新闻和数据发布,并以易于阅读的格式显示它们。 该工具允许交易者按来源、时区、影响级别、货币和通知方式过滤新闻发布。它还包括一个刷新按钮,使用户能够手动更新数据并确保他们拥有最新的可用信息。 新闻面板安装和输入指南 如果您想获取有关 EA 的通知,请将我们的 URL 添加到 MT4/MT5 终端(参见屏幕截图)。 您必须将数据源的 URL 添加到选项 -> Expert Advisors ->“允许对列出的 URL 进行 WebRequest”,以便让新闻面板从源加载新闻数据 (参见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/77300 MT5版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/77301 主要特点:
新闻载有完整的详细信息(解释、效果、频率等)。 随时手动刷新数据。 过滤要显示的新闻类型(影响、货币等)。

[ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ]
可定制的颜色和尺寸 利润因子的计算 按工作日和一天中的时间划分的交易活动细分
输入参数 购买箭头:购买箭头的颜色
Close Buy: 买单的关闭颜色
Close Sell:卖出订单的关闭颜色
支持 我很乐意提供免费产品,但鉴于我的时间有限,它们没有任何形式的支持。我很抱歉。

Simple order is designed to make placing pending orders as easy and fast as possible. Setting a pending order takes just two steps. 1. Double-click on the price of placing an order, after that a panel with buttons for order names appears. 2. Click on the button of the required order That's it, the pending order is set. If necessary, we adjust the order by dragging, as well as change the sizes of stop loss and take profit. Don't forget to pre-set the size of the stop loss and take profit in the S

This tool is very helpful when trading and increasing the profits by placing certain trades (defined in the settings) with equal distances when you place Buy / Sell orders. It helps in securing the account by using the layering method. Once the price hits the first TP, the EA will move the SL to the entry level, then once the price hits the 2nd TP, the EA will move the price to the first TP level. All the TP and SL generated by the EA can be manually adjusted on the chart itself. It works on any

This is a multi-currency converter script that can convert the currency of the account history to another currency and output it. Since it supports multiple currencies, it is possible to exchange USD, EUR mutual conversion, JPY, GBP, AUD, or other minor currencies. Currency Exchanger can be converted to other currencies immediately by executing it once, so anyone can easily exchange currency. Let Currency Exchanger do the tedious work! The exchange result from the account history can be output a

NEW : integration with Ofir Signals to send personalized alerts
Ofir Notify is a tool which send alerts on trades to Telegram Alert on any event concerning a position : Opening, Closing, modification (SL, TP) Send alerts to Chats, Groups and Channel Alert on Equity change Display Risk, Reward and progress of profit/lost for each position Customization of alerts Sending charts screenshots with alerts Send signals from your indicators or experts Multi-lingual NEW : version 2 brings integration

价格行为交易面板 MT5 根据指定(默认为 8 个)过去蜡烛的纯价格行为数据计算任何符号/工具的买入/卖出力量水平平衡。通过监控指标面板上可用的 32 个符号/工具的价格行为,这将为您提供最接近的市场情绪。超过 60% 的买入/卖出力量水平为买入/卖出特定符号(使用默认设置)提供了相当稳固的水平。价格行为交易面板 MT5 有 3 种计算模式,可用于标准、快速或缓慢接近价格行为,还提供可调整数量的价格行为蜡烛,以便更清晰或更平滑地适应实时变动。
价格行为交易面板 MT5 也是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT5 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序的合一,使用起来极其方便!通过使用价格行为交易面板 MT5,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行交易,这让您有更多的时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。价格行为交易面板 MT5 也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在达到账户止盈或止损净值后关闭所有未平仓交易、删除所有挂单并关闭所有带有任何 EA 的终端图表。 提示 :您可以在您的模拟账户中

艾略特波浪标记 - 用于标记 Elliott 波形图的面板 。 该实用程序允许您快速标记图表(应用标记、更改和删除)。 输入参数: 字体:EwaPro、Arial、EliotWaveMine。 (下载字体: https ://disk.yandex.ru/d/Pxwg7cI_cYh6_Q) 三重组合中的第二个“X”(“X”或“XX”) 波浪级别的颜色(Grand Supercycle、Supercycle、Cycle、Primary、Intermediate、Minor、Minute、Minuette、Subminuette)
为方便起见,实现: 快速选择(从面板)波浪水平、修正和脉冲组合、字体大小、时间范围 - 用于绘制新字母和数字并进行更改。 更改对象的属性(立即针对一组字符)-颜色,字体大小,时间范围-从对象的属性(对于他们更改的一个图形对象-整个组发生的更改) 一次删除整个组 带时间表的折叠桌 将面板移动到图表上的任何位置 隐藏和显示面板

Trade Copier Agent 旨在复制多个 MetaTrader(4/5) 账户/终端之间的交易。 使用此工具,您可以充当提供者(源)或接收者(目的地)。所有交易行为都将立即从提供者复制到接收者。 该工具允许您在同一台计算机上的多个 MetaTrader 终端之间复制交易,复制速度快如闪电,不到 0.5 秒。 贸易复印机代理安装和输入指南 请在开始复制之前或没有订单时在提供商帐户上应用设置!
有订单时的任何更改都会影响收款人帐户。 例如:如果提供者账户应用买单然后禁用接收者账户上的所有买单将被关闭。
如果您想获得有关 EA 添加 URL ( http://autofxhub.com ) MT4 终端的通知(请参阅屏幕截图)。 MT5版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/77134 以下是亮点功能: 在 MT4 和 MT5 账户之间复制。 在一个工具内切换提供者或接收者。 每个账户既可以作为Provider又可以作为Receiver,因此账户之间可以通过2种传输方式相互复制。这就像一个贸易共享网络。 一个提供者可以将交易复

我认为您想在一个地方使用 Metatrader 平台的许多漂亮功能而不会错过。
Nova Ultimate Trade Panel 为您提供最佳便捷的交易体验!
Nova Ultimate Trade Panel 设计为动态面板,可以拖动、移动和最小化尺寸。
您可以使用箭头键和带有数据输入的框来快速交易并根据需要更改交易(手)的大小。 您可以进行待处理交易并更改您的交易设置。 您可以使用箭头键、切换框和动态手动拖动水平移动线设置所有交易和挂单交易的获利和止损水平。在图表上绘制动态线,当水平发生变化时,Nova 交易面板上的 TP 和 SL 水平也会发生变化。 借助群组开仓区域,您可以一次对包含货币的所有对符号进行买入或卖出交易。例如,如果选择 EUR 组,组开仓选项设置为 ON 并按下 Instant Buy 按钮,则为所有含欧元的货币对打开 Bu

Calculating the volume of orders every time you create an order is an extremely important thing in risk management Let this tool simplify your work! ----------------------------------------------------- How to use? Attach the indicator to the chart and set its parameters: Risk size in % or money and Risk Reward Ratio. Click on the ON button and locate the horizontal line to your would-be StopLoss level. Options: Click on the Pending/Instant button to locate the horizontal line to your would-b

I know, you have an idea for an EA and would like to develop your own without the need of a programmer? Then LT Sandbox EA will help you with that! As the name says (sandbox), you can configure it the way you want (within your limitations, of course). With it you can use up to 13 indicators, including an external indicator (from a third party), being able to make dozens of combinations! Available indicators: Moving Average (two of them) RSI Stochastic Oscillator MACD Bollinger Bands Parabolic S

本产品是基于 周期论 而开发出的实用看盘工具。 当您需要使用 多周期图表 来分析 一个品种 时,手动添加不同周期的图表并且应用模板的时间是个非常大的成本。 这一款产品可以帮助您快捷新增一个或多个交易品种的多个周期的图表,并且 统一应用同一种模板 ,新增后可将图表拖拉至副屏,适用于多屏分析。 使用方法
在需要添加的交易品种图表上应用此脚本,在弹出的面板输入您需要添加图表的数量和应用模板名称即可。 第一行填写需要添加图表的数量,新增图表的周期默认顺序为:M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1。 第二行填写您需要应用模板的名称,您可以使用系统自带的模板,也可以使用您自定义的模板,但是名称需同步,包括英文大小写。 点击 这里 查看快捷切换多屏图表的工具,可配合此产品一起使用。 点击 这里 查看基于周期论的指标产品,可配合此产品一起使用。 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请通过私信与我联系。
注意! 我的所有产品只能在这里购买,即官方 MQL5 网站。 谨防骗子!

本产品是基于周期论而开发出的实用看盘工具。 当您在分析一个交易品种的多个周期时,添加了多个图表放在副屏中,这时您需要查看其他交易品种的多周期图表时,无法快捷的切换,将会增加大量时间成本。 此产品可快捷切换副屏中的图表显示的品种,且应用模板不变,放置位置也不会改变,大大节省了设置的时间。 使用方法 例如您在2个副屏分别放置了XAUUSD的M5,M15图表,当您需要查看EURUSD的图表时,只需在客户端点击停驻的EURUSD图表,应用脚本即可。 注意如果副屏上放了多种交易品种的图表,那么在应用脚本后,都会统一切换为一种交易品种的图表,所以建议不同副屏放置一种交易品种的图表即可。 点击 这里 查看快速新增单个品种的多周期图表的产品信息, 可配合此产品一起使用。 点击 这里 查看基于周期论的指标产品,可配合此产品一起使用。 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请通过私信与我联系。 注意! 我的所有产品只能在这里购买,即官方 MQL5 网站。 谨防骗子!

The script removes all of the indicators on the chart with one movement of the hand. There are situations when there are too many indicators on the chart. And it is required to delete all of them without closing the tab. Unfortunately, the settings window doesn't allow us to select all indicators at once and we have to delete one by one. This script will solve this problem. Simply drag the script from Navigator window onto the chart.

您有機會擺脫日常交易,在短時間內投入魔法世界。我向您介紹遊戲 - 紙牌技巧。在 mql 語言中,您不僅可以創建 EA、指標、腳本,還可以創建這樣的小遊戲。 我不僅是交易員和程序員,而且我還喜歡在空閒時間展示紙牌技巧,因為它發生了,我決定將我最喜歡的技巧之一數字化。這並不容易,因為焦點包含很多精神主義。 訣竅是由一副不尋常的紙牌展示的。這些是“俄羅斯風格”的優秀紙卡。這副撲克牌與穿著服裝的人物,重複了 1903 年 2 月在冬宮舉行的宮廷舞會參與者的服裝。 1911 年,德國紙牌遊戲工廠 Dondorf(美因河畔法蘭克福)開發了紙牌草圖。國王、女士和傑克的衣服都是按照 17 世紀的風格製作的; ace - 被古代俄羅斯武器和盔甲包圍的盾牌圖像。這些卡片本身是在聖彼得堡的亞歷山大工廠印刷的,它們的發行時間恰逢慶祝羅曼諾夫王朝 300 週年。

EA Functionality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The EA automatically sets SL (Stop Loss) of the specified size in points for each position immediately after opening position; - EA will close all open positions if their losses exceed the set amount; - Close all positions biggest then set limit; Position automatically closed if it bigger than set limit; - New function how much you can loss per day.

I wrote a small label to show GMT time. I t helps me to know the trading hours in Europe. I searched in the market but couldn't find it, hope it helps those who need it.
Functions: X_: Horizontal distance from border. Y_: Vertical distance from border. FontType: label color. FontSize : label font. Color3 : label color. WhatCorner : which chart corner will be drawn. If you have any request or errors please tell me to help it better.
Donate us , Thank u!
Telegram: 0388894014

Утилита-информер. Показывает количество открытых ордеров по Buy и Sell для текущего торгового инструмента.
Поможет при большом количестве открытых ордеров, что сэкономит силы и время. Теперь нет необходимости считать их вручную. Может стать незаменимым дополнением как для новичков, так и для опытных трейдеров.
Простой скрипт не перегружает систему , можно разместить на всех открытых графиках. +Бонус в комментариях!

The Expert Advisor will send notifications via Discord when orders are opened/modified/closed on your MetaTrader 5 account. - Send message and screenshot to Discord group/channel. - Easy to customize message. - Support custom message for all languages - Support full Emoji.
Parameters - Discord url Webhook - create webhook on your Discord channel. - Magic number filter - default all, or input magic number to notify with comma, like: 111,222,333. - Symbol filter - default all, or input symbol

为纵览全局行情,特发布此工具。 一、使用方法 1、首先打开任意品种的图表,并在此图表上加载此工具。 2、点击“Main”、“Pairs1”、“Pairs2”和“Futures”,会在不同品种间切换。 3、点击工具栏上的“平铺桌面”按钮,就会出现主图的九宫格排列。 4、使用前,需将本EA,以及自己喜欢的模板在程序的模板目录中保存成default1.tpl,以便程序加载。 二、工具说明 1、每张图表均为日k线图,适合长趋势交易者。 2、图表上只设置1条均线,为15日均线,判断多空一目了然。 3、品种排序参考成交量排名,从上到下,从左到右。 4、可联系作者索要例图中的模板文件。 5、本EA已在AVA Trade公司提供交易品种中测试通过,公司网址: https://www.avatrade.com/ 。若需注册该公司账户,请填写本人代理号:166394。 三、解决痛点 1、将重点关注品种放在固定的位置上,便于观察与记忆各个品种是否处于趋势之中。 2、每日记录自己对不同品种的趋势判断,可以不断提高自己的预判能力。 3、此工具尤其适合同时交易股票的交易者。

The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy.
Risk Manager settings Check limit to close - check the equity limit Limit to close - minimum account equity triggering loss prevention measures Check day limit to cl

The ultimate control panel for your trading! With the One Click Trading tool, you will be able to trade with the keyboard and just 1 click, with the CTRL and SHIFT buttons! Some of the features: Determine Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels. Button to close all trades Button to close all trades and pending orders Buy and Sell at limit price Buy and Sell at ask price Order positioning with CTRL (Sell) and SHIFT Buy

The trend in the market can be predicted using trend lines but the problem is you don’t know where exactly the price is going to touch the trend line where you can put your pending orders on. Smart Channel Expert Advisor makes it possible to put an advanced channel around the price data, which can be configured to handle placing orders, opening and closing positions, managing risk per trade, spread, slippage, and trailing stop-loss and take-profit automatically. Features Money Management (Calcul

The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier. Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s

专家顾问允许您模拟由另一位专家执行并保存在csv文件中的事务的执行。 这对于在另一台服务器上检查交易策略的结果很有用。
在它们之后和文件的末尾,有一行以逗号分隔的字段值用于一个事务。 行中字段的值:
DATE - date in the format YYYY.MM .DD HH:MM:SS TICKET - transaction ticket (integer) TYPE - transaction type from ENUM_DEAL_TYPE (integer) SYMBOL - trading instrumen

一个强大的工具,用于分析币安交易所上的任何加密货币并监控主要关键信号(在币安上,还有任何 MT5 经纪商的任何符号)。
一体!!!您不再需要不同的产品来下载历史记录和获取在线币安数据。 通过电报、移动终端和邮件发送信号,您可以随时掌握市场信息。 灵活的信号设置以及在图表上绘制水平、区域和模式以监控突破和反弹的能力。 要工作,您需要设置允许的网址:
服务 - >> 设置 - >> EA 交易 - >> 允许以下 URL 的 WebRequest - >> 添加到列表中:
https://api.binance.com https://api.telegram.org 促销:
该产品每购买五次后,将根据购买者的意愿在产品中添加两个新信号。新版本将免费提供给所有买家。购买 - 发表评论 - 写下您对信号的期望,您的投票将被考虑在内。 如果您购买了该开发商的两个或多个产品(例如,这个和一个交易面板),那么将为您添加一个信号,您个人想要的那个! 所有问题都可以在一个小组中提问
负载图表的符号列表 - 将从币安服务器下载的符号列表,它们可以使用任何 MT 工具/指

Rectangle position changer tool is used for precise/accurate rectangle positioning by time or price only. You can move each side of rectangle separately with lines created around selected rectangle. This tool will replace classical grid because it is like dynamical chart grid for rectangle grid. This tool allows you to adjust your rectangles, from all 4 sides, with ease and makes your technical analysis that much faster. This tool is handy when corner points for changing rectangle position a

- Go up one more level with the most important Tools to Analyze the Market, such as drawing Horizontal and Dynamic Lines, Zones, Ratios, Trap Level Strategy, Impulse Projection, Bar Information with precision, automatic drawing of the most important Opening Levels (Open Day , Open Week, Open Month, Open Year), floating boxes on the chart where we can see the Countdown of each bar, the Spread and ATR indicator, an independent Panel with buttons for all options and shows the symbol, Time Frames,

This is an alert based on a moving average convergence / divergence (MACD) and additional moving average indicator (for trend confirmation) similar to my other product where you find detailed description of how it works. You get a colored table where colors are related to trading conditions (see below) with possibility to customize all indicator parameters, including Heikin Ashi calculations. Meaning of cell COLORS (can be redefined by user): GREEN - buy signal, PINK - sell signal, YELLOW - pay

This EA is decided to protect all positions when the markt go in the wrong direction. Pre-requirement: The calculation of margin should not be SUM. E.g you have 1 Lot Buy Position (1) and 2 Lots Sell Position (2)-> then the required margin should not be sum of margin of Postion (1) + margin of Position (2) Strategy: The important parameter is the TML "Triggered Margin Level". E.g TML = 110%: This EQ will loop over all the open positions. I f the current margin level go down to <= 110%, it will o

导出当前交易账户的交易历史。 文件保存在data文件夹中,可以通过终端主菜单打开: 文件 -> 打开数据目录 (Ctrl+Shift+D) 并转到文件夹 MQL5/文件 . 文件名自动生成或通过脚本参数手动设置。 历史文件可用于分析 Excel 中的历史(可能需要通过导入向导打开)或使用智能交易系统在另一个交易服务器上模拟相同的交易序列 简单的历史接收器 。
每行字段值: DATE - YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS 格式的日期 TICKET - 交易票据(整数) TYPE - 来自 ENUM_DEAL_TYPE 的交易类型(整数) SYMBOL - 交易工具(字符串) VOLUME - 成交量(实数) ENTRY - 来自 ENUM_DEAL_ENTR

Ultimate MT5 to Telegram (UMT) sends controlled trades (via symbol, magic, comment) to your telegram channel. It sends open and closed trades, including pending orders and TP/SL modifications, along with chart screenshots, to any telegram channel. Additionally, you can send trade reports of open trades and summary profit/pip reports for day, week, or month. You can customize the design of the trade actions or reports with variables and emoticons.
A beautiful panel allows you to visualize all t

Excellent spread indicator. Reflects the spread on each bar as it is. It should be remembered that the spread is displayed at the time of the bar opening. Therefore, the most correct information will be on the minute bars. Spread is one of the basic forex concepts that any trader should know. If explained clearly, you can describe such an example. The trader buys the EUR / USD pair at the rate of 1.1000. However, he immediately goes into negative territory, for example, by 10 points, as if he bo

Ultimate MT5 to Telegram Public Channel sends controlled trades (via symbol, magic, comment) to a public telegram channel. It sends open and closed trades, including pending orders and TP/SL modifications, along with chart screenshots, to this public telegram channel. Additionally, you can send trade reports of open trades and summary profit/pip reports for day, week, or month. You can customize the design of the trade actions or reports with variables and emoticons.
A beautiful panel allows

The CandleStick Factory is a tool that allow you to perform a market scan and search any candlestick pattern that you already created. The lite version can be downloaded here : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/75568 You can perform a quick search in the current chart (500 bars will be scanned), or save your custom candlestick patterns, and search in different Symbols/Timeframes that you can select in the settings tab, the scan can be scheduled every 1, 5 or 10 minutes by updating the Ref

This is an expert for netting trading. In it, the grid of pending orders is being set. The Expert Advisor decides by calculation. It is possible to customize the work of the advisor by the hour. Many settings can be viewed in the panels. He displays his solution on the chart in the form of lines. There are only two types of lines. It is possible to use Magic number. It is already configured by default. You can also specify the size of the rate for it in the current currency. You can simultaneou

The CandleStick Scanner is a tool that allow you to perform a market scan and search any candlestick pattern that you already created in the current chart, You can perform a quick search in the current chart (500 bars will be scanned), This is a lite version of CandleStick Factory for MT5 . The full version video can be found here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq7pLXqVO94 The full version can be purchased here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/75434
How it works You can

1) 使用按钮或书面选择止损(您可以激活或停用选项以放置它)。
2) 选择一个 TAKEPROFIT,使用按钮或书面形式(您可以激活或停用选项以放置它)。
3) 选择一个音量,用 或 按钮书写。
4) 选择“按市价”,订单按市价执行。
5) 如果要对订单进行编程,请选择“编程”。
6) 如果“程序”选项处于活动状态,将创建一个价格标签,您可以使用该价格标签选择要编程操作的价格(按钮在 LIMIT 和 STOP 之间变化,取决于标签的位置.
7) 在选择器中你必须输入SELL 或BUY 的订单,按钮自动变化,无论操作是按市场执行,还是按计划执行。
8) 单击按钮,您无需执行任何其他操作即可下订单。
9) 根据经纪商的说法,在指标窗口的底部,您会找到您所在市场的其他数据。

Simple Assistant for Trading
Precise Risk Management in each
Automatic Money Management Visual Trading Open Position Management User friendly and practical
during 15 years of considerable experience in stock market, we have dealt with many professional traders who have been used profitable and unrivalled methods in this market but failed in the long term. The reason is undoubtedly the lack of standard in their manner during their trade. Standard means the accurate repetition of a process….

FXC Trade AssistanT MT5
This trading software will help you in manual trading. You can use it for open and close positions in many forms. The EA offers you lot sizeing, stop management methods and other usefull tools using with its control panel.
New in v1.13: Ultra-Fast CLOSE operation can close over 100 trades/second (Only MT5) New SETUP panels: Control, Chart, Msg., SFX, Advanced Added SFX sound profiles
Zero-Point Calculation with Swap & Commission Can handle foreign trades
New Info data: St

The current expert advisor is accomplished as a Telegram-bot. The purpose of the EA is to inform about events retrieved from thу database of the economic calendar . It is necessary to allow the following URL in the options in the tab "Expert Advisors": https://api.telegram.org There's ony 1 input parameter "User name". The Telegram username must be added here as @name. After starting the Expert Advisor onto the chart one needs to open Telegram app and find the bot named " Mql5News ". No

Customized Copy is a Multi-Terminal visual trade copying utility that supports Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 for Trade Copying.
You can activate EA on 10 different PCs/VPS. On each PC/VPS can install on Unlimited Terminals.
Specifications :
Real Time, Multi Terminal - Multi Account - MT4/MT5 trade copying (support over 50 accounts at same time) All settings are input visually. Visual display and modify of copy map and network Each copy path can be used with different settings

The Emerald is a Comprehensive utility integrated with a number of tools including the Currency Strength Meter, Trade/directional signal, signal strength, Current bar countdown timer, Forex market sessions time converter and many more.
Can be used in all time frames and all markets The currency strength meter helps you identify which currencies are strong and which currencies are weak. All the 10 major currencies are monitored in real-time. The Emerald can used to predict currency movements whe

This is a multi-symbol and multi-time frame, fully customizable alert based on a stochastic oscillator (SO) and moving average (used for trend confirmation) calculations. This tool returns most recent buy/sell signal from user-defined time periods on the fly! Alert action can be performed for a specified trade type: "buy", "sell" or "buy or sell" on your wish. Unlike of many alerts, this is a "map" of conditions which gives you full information of indicator positions without opening and searchin

Hello, boys and girls!
Script allows you either to quickly save opened charts and then close all charts opened by visual tester mode or just faster close all charts. Feel free to take a look at video manual about how to use this script on my YouTube channel. Also, feel free to join my telegram channel , where time to time I publish some exclusive stuffs. Feel free to leave feedback and thoughts how to improve this script - I'd highly appreciate that. All the best.

产品简介: 本工具是一个简单的交易面板,主要用于复盘交易训练。您可以在策略测试环境下根据自己的交易策略进行交易练习。 这个工具主要适用单向交易训练,不适合进行对冲交易训练。
使用方法: 在策略测试中选择本EA,并进行货币兑、图表周期、复盘时间段等相关参数设置。 点击“开始”按钮后,会显示交易面板。 您可以点击“+”、“-”来调整下单时的仓位大小,每点击一次,变化0.01。 BUY按钮用来建立多头仓位。 SELL按钮用来建立空头仓位。 CLOSE按钮用来平仓,如果持有多个仓位,会平仓“报价”靠前的订单。
均线指标: 这个工具提供两条均线指标的显示支持。 在“输入”选项卡中,可以设置均线的显示与否,以及均线的周期参数。
自定义指标: 这个工具还提供一个自定义指标的显示设置。 在“输入”选项卡中,可以设置自定义指标的显示与否,以及它的路径参数。

多功能工具:超过65个功能,其中包括:手数计算,价格行为,盈亏比,交易管理,供需区域。 演示版 | 用户手册 | MT5版 任何问题 / 改进意见 / 如果发生了故障或错误 都可以联系我 该实用程序在策略测试器中不起作用:您可以在此处下载 演示版来测 试产品。
Trading functions require permitted auto trading (including on the broker's side) 简化,加快并且自动化你的交易过程。利用这款工具的控制功能就能增强普通交易端的执行力。 建立一笔新的交易:手数 / 风险 / 盈亏计算 1. 手数计算工具 (基于风险规模的交易量计算)
2. 风险计算工具 (基于手数大小的风险额计算)
3. 盈亏比
4. 订单的激活和触发,买入或卖出限价/买入或卖出止损
5. 虚拟的止损/止盈 (隐藏的止损,止盈:交易商不可见)
6. 智能的止损/入场点:当价格柱在收盘时已超越了才入场 (避免无效触发)
7. 隐藏掉挂单 (虚拟的订单)
8. 预订挂单:在市场关闭的时候你也可以下挂单 (适合周末做计划的交易者)

- 免费交易应用程序
- 8,000+信号可供复制
- 探索金融市场的经济新闻