Торговая панель предназначена для установки сетки ордеров с различными параметрами. Добавлено все что есть у версии для МТ4. Предназначена для форекс счетов с хеджированием. Имеет несколько основных функций по установке ордеров в заданном диапазоне и с заданным риском, закрытию части ордеров из сетки, переносом в безубыток, закрытие части по профиту на определённом уровне, а также отображает информацию по текущему риску и отображает все сетки которые были выставлены по определённой паре при этом
交易助手 : 交易助手-MT4(点击下载) 交易助手-MT5(点击下载)
基本使用设置 基本: 快捷开平仓,一键开平仓 ,一键挂单 划线交易 自动止盈止损 多品种平仓 账户保盈 保护止损 移动止损 账户风控 影子订单 万向加仓策略 自动平仓 定海神针 商品信息汇总 图标批量打开 数据统计(详单统计,盈亏全览,持仓分布,货币点图,余额净值曲线,每单盈亏,多品种曲线,专业分析报告等) 支持语言的选择切换(目前支持中文和英文) 自动识别语言 支持 热键开平仓 绑定, 使用快捷键进行快速开平仓...... 快捷键平仓.支持最大30多种热键 解锁支持大部分功能 复盘 操作,可以在 测试环境下使用 开仓平仓区域: 一键开仓( 包含止盈止损的便捷设置,手数自动计算等便捷功能) 一键平仓 (锁仓),极简的风格设计,可以自由选择平仓品种,平仓类型(多单,空单,或者挂单),是否平仓盈利大于0的订单,是否平仓亏损订单,平仓比例的设置(0~100%),且是否平仓反向,以及锁仓功能,均在选项中可以直接实现操作. 多键平仓 划线开单控件 计算出多单或者空单的 平均持仓
Keylevel and trendline Telegram reminder Having this EA, you do not need to standby on the screen to wait for price touch key level, trend line, or at 50 – 61.8 of Fibonacci retracement. All is automatic and it will notify you when need to take a look at the chart. EA will send you a screenshot through Telegram of the chart at the time of notification. This product can be used for every market, every instrument. The system auto draws and alerts when the price at a key level and at a Fibonacci r
This script is for changing all open tabs/charts at once on MetaTrader 5 using the drop-down box once the script has been initialized. It has all the standard timeframes available to be selected for MetaTrader 5. This is an individual script for all timeframes. You will need to select the timeframe you want all charts to go. Please watch the video for the installation instructions.
Painel informativo fácil de usar e pode ser usado em qualquer gráfico . Painel Pega o Resultado Por Numero Magico Somente para plataforma Metatrader5. Painel informa todos os resultados do dia sendo positivo ou negativo, Lucro e muito mais. Fácil de usar e pode ser colocado facilmente dentro de um Robô . Muitas pessoas precisam de diferentes paineis para cada tipo de EA, ou seja, pode se tornar cansativo fazer um novo para cada aplicação. Portanto decidi fazer um painel modular que se adapta ao
通过 Local Trade Copier EA MT5 获得非常快速的交易复制体验。它的简单1分钟设置,使您可以在同一台Windows计算机或Windows VPS上在多个MetaTrader终端之间复制交易,具有闪电般快速的复制速度,低于0.5秒。
无论您是初学者还是专业交易者, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 都提供了广泛的选项,可根据您的特定需求进行自定义。对于任何希望增加利润潜力的人来说,这都是终极解决方案。 今天就尝试一下,看看为什么它是市场上最快、最简单的贸易复印机! 提示: 您可以在您的模拟账户中下载并试用 Local Trade Copier EA MT5 模拟版: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT5 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL5 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。 免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT5 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community: position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications...
Risk Management - Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types - Set a
如果你象这个项目一样,就有5个饥饿审查。 这一指标在重新配置时间时得出了一包元。
可以结束和: 可在图表的任何角落上定位; 多时限; 你可以把它赶出一个指标窗口,把它拖进“MT5 navigator”。 当屋顶有10秒钟时,不同颜色。 习惯色彩色图,以便更好地融入图表。
Display Order box list from Trading box Order Management tool. Find contacts and manual links on my profile . This dashboard gives you an edge in forex trading because in few seconds you can decide which pair and timeframe is worth to watch more closely. This is how you will not be distracted by all other forex pairs that you trade, and you will not miss great opportunities to trade the best price.
Trading Dashboard (order box overview panel and Trading box Order management extension) Tra
Sharing-Is-Caring Trade Copier
Features Local & Remote copy One tool can act as provider or receiver of trades Co-exist with other positions opened manually or from other expert advisors Can be stopped and restarted at any time without any issues such as deals getting closed mysteriously Copy same lot or adjust according to your balance and leverage Partial close/open Manage max funds to use One provider can copy to unlimited number of receivers One receiver can copy from unlimited number of p
Show Account Information Custom showing your MT5 account information Indicators add account information to chart. Profit, Balance, Equity, Free Margin, Margin and Margin Level % Profit.... Hide account information: Click anywhere on account information text.
The hide/show response is dependent on incoming ticks or chart refresh. In tick scarce or closed markets the indicator hide/show click will appear not to function while waiting for a tick or chart refresh. It is only necessary to attac
Quando você abrir uma operação, mover o Stop Loss para o ponto de entrada (Break-Even) sempre que a operação andar favoravelmente 75 pontos, é uma obrigação! Isto significa que, quando sua operação atingir 75pts você moverá o Stop Loss para 10pts do ponto de entrada, desta forma, basicamente você vai colocar o Stop Loss em um preço 'melhor' que o preço de entrada (Break Even), ou seja, no lucro. Na pior das hipóteses, você sairá no “zero a zero”. A ideia é não deixar que uma operação parcialment
这是一个可视化的交易面板,可帮助您轻松进行交易管理,避免人为错误并增强交易活动。它结合了易于使用的视觉界面以及完善的风险和位置管理方法。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 易于使用 从图表轻松交易 精确的风险管理交易,无忧 保本是重中之重 让利润不受您的关注 尽快享受无风险交易 所有已开通交易的自动追踪止损 交易开始后立即设置初始止损 进行交易后,EA将执行以下任务: 初始止损/获利被自动放置 它会尽快锁定自由行(可选) 它将止损首次移动到盈亏平衡点(可选) 它使用您所需的方法跟踪止损,直到止损为止 其他很酷的功能是: 出色的终端活动报告 单一但功能强大的尾随止损方法 干净的图表界面 没有输入参数
我进行交易后会怎样? 这是您进行交易后EA的操作: 它放置初始止损并获利订单。 尽快搭便车并确保保本。默认情况下,这是通过在达到盈亏平衡点时关闭50%的交易来完成的,默认情况下为5点。这意味着,如果您日后被淘汰,您将一无所获(可选)。 盈亏平衡后,跟踪止损开始运行。 它跟踪止损,直到止损为止,让利润运行。
尾随止损如何运作? 追踪止损表示为所管
Welcome to my product page, glad you stopped by and I hope you find interest in this product which is completely free to use. There are certainly many other similar products but this is my version of one. AS Check MT5 - Account and symbol informer utility compatible with Meta Trader 5 With this software you quickly and easily extract information about your account and symbol. As this is a script and not an indicator or expert, the program runs once and detach itself from the chart and the i
Introduction 这是一个统计每天盈利的指标
Characteristic 可以根据货币、魔法数、注释统计 可以根据时间统计 可用于所有货币,所有周期 有白色和黑色两种主题 逆向排序 可以调整刷新频率 可以设置刷新到最新的时间
参数 nD = 30; // 计算的天数 StartTime = D'2021.06.01 00:00:00'; // 开始时间 EndTime = D'2021.06.27 00:00:00'; // 结束时间 ToCurrent = true; // 结束时间自动设置到最近 Reverse = true; // 逆向排序 MagicNumber = 0;
Description This is a Utility tool for MT5 which will make our chart analysis task quite more efficient and save large amount of time. As for chart analysis, some are watching out several symbol simultaneously with single timeframe and others are trading only one single pair with multi timeframe analysis. For both, a common troublesome issue is “scroll chart to look back” or “draw chart objects” in multi charts at the same time. Especially for those who are trading with multi timeframe soluti
This is a Utility tool for MT5 which will keep us away from a chart in a nice manner, letting us know only a good trading opportunity. It is said that from novice to experts, one of the common and obviously the most important things to do is to “WAIT” for good trading opportunities to come. On the other hand, it is not always that case that we are sitting in front of the chart when the trading opportunity comes. Thinking about chart analysis, at the same time, major tools used to
Signal AO is a simple informational utility. It gives a signal about crossing the zero mark by the Awesome Oscillator (AO) indicator.
Signals will be received depending on the chart on which the utility is located.
The settings are pretty simple:
SYGNAL TYPE: ALERT - The signal gives alert. SOUND - Voice notification. ALERT_AND_SOUND - Alert together with voice notification.
LANGUAGE: Select the language in which the Signal AO will communicate.
Simple panel with Stop loss (Loss), Stop gain (Gain) , Trailing stop (TS) and Breakeven (BE-P).
Lot is the number of contracts to be traded.
Gain is the number, in points, that the stop gain will be positioned. If you don't want to put stop gain, just put 0 (zero) in place and when you open the order it won't have this stop.
Loss is the number, in points, that the stop loss will be placed. If you don't want to put stop loss, just put 0 (zero) in place and when you open the order it won't ha
Description This is a utility tool for MT5 reminding traders of all the entry points by highlighting trading history. For those who just started to learn trading, one of the most efficient tips to improve their trading skill is to look back their own trading history. However, trade history arrow shown on MT5 chart is simply too small to find out, which will keep traders away from reviewing their trade, especially stupid mistakes like overtrading. By clearly showing their trade history and face i
A very simple indicator, but one that cannot be missed when carrying out your operations.
Fast and accurate information on the Swap value of currency pairs before entering a trade.
See if when buying or selling the value of the Swap in your operations
Come and see our mql5 signals too https://www.mql5.com/pt/signals/899841?source=Site +Signals+From+Author
N秒K线图,可随意自定义,同时监控多个币种的多个秒数,全中文参数,方便使用-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你可以在这里联系我 https://www.mql5.com/zh/users/chaoping0326 可以承接MT4,MT5的指标,EA定制 长期从事编程项目(MT4从2012年,MT5从2016年), 有很好的编程能力,参数设置合理,能很好地理解客户的要求。 请联系我,根据你的要求进行报价。 我对程序的逻辑负责,如果程序有问题,我可以免费修复,如果我不能修复,我可以全额退款。 增加和调整逻辑需要额外收费。 免费提供全英文或中文源代码。
This is a utility tool for MT5, and it exerts a strong power for entry operations and fund management in discretionary trading. Although the standard trading panel provided by MT5 is very simple, it lacks some features that are considered particularly important for discretionary trading.
This tool compensates for the lack of functions, but we have paid close attention not to implement excessive functions.
Benefits of the Flexible Trading And Money Management MT5 Simple and Intuiti
As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr
As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr
As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr
As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr
As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr
Grid Manual是一个交易面板,用于处理订单网格。 该实用程序是通用的,具有灵活的设置和直观的界面。 它不仅可以在亏损方向上设置订单网格,还可以在盈利方向上设置订单网格。 交易者不需要创建和维护订单网格,实用程序会这样做。 打开一个订单就足够了,Grid manual会自动为它创建一个订单网格,并伴随它直到非常关闭。 完整说明和演示版 此處 。 该实用程序的主要特性和功能: 伴隨以任何方式打開的訂單,包括從移動終端打開的訂單。 適用於兩種類型的網格:“限制”和“停止”。 使用兩種方法計算網格間距:固定和動態(基於 ATR 指標)。 允許您更改未結訂單網格的設置。 顯示圖表上每個網格的盈虧平衡水平。 顯示每個網格的利潤率。 允許您一鍵關閉網格中的盈利訂單。 讓您一鍵關閉每個訂單網格。 允許您對訂單網格應用追踪止損功能。 允許您在訂單網格上應用將訂單網格的止損轉移到盈虧平衡水平的功能。 相對於訂單網格的盈虧平衡水平自動重新排列止盈(僅在限價網格模式下,距離取決於所選的計算類型:“保守”或“激進”)。 最多可管理 20 個訂單網格,每個網格最多可包含 100 個訂單。 計算初始手數時,
币安是全球知名的加密数字货币交易所!为方便追踪深度信息和Tick变化,程序提供以下功能: 1、自动导入币安USD-M期货交易区所有交易品种,可自定义品种前缀(避免跟现有品种名称冲突),也可以自定义导入特定品种; 2、采用websocket链接币安期货交易,行情推送支持depth,tick; 3、支持socket断线重连; 4、需要订阅的深度数据较多时,可分多个图表窗口获取,程序支持分组获取深度、成交tick等; 5、支持代理,可通过连接代理的api和websocket获取币安的行情数据;注意,需要将代理地址写入:工具——选项——EA——WebRequest中;(可直接使用我们提供的代理:trade1.crossers.net,并将其放入webrequest中) 6、如果需要导入历史K线数据,请使用我们另外的程序: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/67511?source=Unknown 注意:基于mt5开发的量化平台Crosser已经全新改版上线,创新策略可实现更低风险,更高收益。现正全球火热招商,大部分利润将给到代理。如果您有渠道和资源,
币安是全球知名的加密数字货币交易所!为方便MT5用户直接进行币安期货交易,程序提供以下交易功能: 1、模仿币安期货交易风格,提供友好的操作面板; 2、自行输入api、secret(需要在币安api开通期货交易权限)即可获取杠杆,余额等信息; 3、支持limitOrder(限价订单), marketOrder(市价订单), stopLimit(限价止盈止损单), stopMarket(市价止盈止损单); 4、市价单时可根据最新价格算出最大开仓量和成本信息; 5、可显示所有的订单列表,并可取消订单; 6、可现实所有的仓位列表,并可按照市价订单清空仓位; 7、支持深度信息自动显示(需要深度Websocket产品,可参考: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/68977 ); 8、支持api代理,适合于不能直接访问币安的用户。默认提供的代理为:trade.crossers.net,注意需要将地址放入:工具——选项——EA——WebRequest列表中; 如果需要在的EA中直接交易币安期货,可联系我们提供币安期货交易源代码库 注意:基于mt5开发的量化平
运行链接中的脚本以使用该程序。 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/69000
您应该允许来自工具菜单 >> 选项 >> 智能交易系统的 WebRequest 并添加 URL: https://api.binance.com https://fapi.binance.com
将 Binance Spot 中的所有符号保存到自定义符号中。
为 Binance Spot 中的符号添加“S”前缀。
它创建了可以跟踪 Binance Spot 中的符号的基础设施。
您应该允许来自工具菜单 >> 选项 >> 智能交易系统的 WebRequest 并添加 URL: https://api.binance.com
在链接中查看产品 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/69001 如果在安装过程中或售后出现任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 如果在安装过程中或售后出现任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 如果在安装过程中或售后出现任何问题,请随时与我们联系。
1天 促销价: $49 激活 :30
10天 促销价: $59 激活 :20
介绍 Quick View 快速查看一段时间的盈利情况,并显示统计情况 根据时间、魔法数、货币、注释快速过滤历史交易并统计 统计包括 Net Profit, LotTotal , Profit Factor, Short Trades(win %), Long Trades(win %) , Average Profit Trade等 实时刷新统计的数据 计算时间小于1秒 特性 1.两种时间过滤模式,根据天数过滤和根据开始、结束时间过滤 2.根据魔法数、货币、注释过滤历史交易 3.兼容白色和黑色主题 4.可以调整刷新的频率
例子 Quick View ---------------------------------------------- 4000000335, Darwinex-Live,Real,Hedge Currency : USD Leverage
TradeCopier is an application for automated copying of trades for different accounts in MetaTrader 5 terminal with flexible rules of filtering and modification. With TradeCopier, copying, filtering and transformation of trades are realized and processed via the server . It means that copying trades is possible within one or several computers. How can you boost your trading results with TradeCopier? Your convenience and speed Average speed of copying: 100 ms Working with MetaTrader 5 Working with
You can't stop the market, but now you can get out of it with a button! The market doesn't stop for anyone, it doesn't take a break and doesn't have pity on those who sleep. Closing your open trades manually can be time-consuming and take a precious part of your capital, that's why we've launched the Emergency Stop Button, a high-tech emergency button that closes all open trades with just one tap.
Smart shutdown technology Built with advanced coding, only with native MQL5 commands, avoiding im
This Expert Advisor will change how you manage your risk forever.
The EA automatically calculates your position size by either looking at your balance or equity. You need simply type in how much risk you want to have on that particular trade, move your TP line and SL line and it does the rest. Click buy or sell and it enters the position and places your TP/SL for you. It does the same thing for pending buy limits or sell stops. Feel confident knowing your risk before entering your trade! Most
警告: 由于MetaQuotes最近的变更,现在限制复制和倍增信号订阅的交易。因此, Signal Multiplier EA MT5 不再能够倍增您信号订阅的交易 !!!
信号乘数 EA MT5 不仅仅是另一个手数乘数。 除了通过专家顾问或手动输入乘以您账户交易的手数之外,它还会主动监控您的交易。 EA 可以向您发送关于每笔新的原始交易和倍增交易的电子邮件和推送通知,并且如果需要,还可以在预定义的时间提供每日通知。 这些每日通知包括您账户的基本详细信息,例如余额、净值和保证金水平。 最重要的是, 信号乘数 EA MT5 将自动关闭所有未平仓交易(包括原始交易和乘数交易),并在达到您的紧急净值水平时启动新交易的对冲。 此功能可以保护您的交易账户免受进一步损失,并为您提供时间来删除您的专家顾问并关闭任何剩余交易。 需要注意的是,紧急对冲需要对冲账户,这意味着您的经纪商应该允许对冲。 此外, 信号倍增器 EA MT5 可通过多种方式有效管理倍增交易。 它可以复制原始交易的止盈和止损水平,应用您的自定义止盈、止损、盈亏平衡和追踪止损水平,或在篮子级别对所有乘法交易使用篮子设置。
运行链接中的脚本以使用该程序。 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/68691
您应该允许来自工具菜单 >> 选项 >> 智能交易系统的 WebRequest 并添加 URL: https://fapi.binance.com
将 Binance Future 的所有交易品种保存到自定义交易品种中。
为 Binance Future 中的符号添加“F”前缀。
它创建了可以跟踪 Binance Future 中的符号的基础设施。
您应该允许来自工具菜单 >> 选项 >> 智能交易系统的 WebRequest 并添加 URL: https://fapi.binance.com
在链接中查看产品 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/68694 请随时与我们联系以获得安装和进一步支持。 请随时与我们联系以获得安装和进一步支持。 请随时与我们联系以获得安装和进一步支持。 请随时与我们联系以获得安装和进一步支持。
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
This reliable, professional trade copier system is without a doubt one of the best on the market, it is able to copy trades at very fast speeds from one master account (sender) to one or multiple slave accounts (receivers). The system works very fast and mimics the master account a full 100%. So changing stop losses, take profits, pending orders on the master account is executed on the slave accounts too, like each other action. It is a 100% full copy (unlike many other copiers who only copy ma
This is a tool created for scalping. it can generate pending orders with 4 input: 1. Volume : Lot for the Pending Orders 2. Distance : Distance within the Orders in Points 3. Total Order : Total Generated Orders 4. Take Profit : TP for the generated Orders in Points 5. Stop Loss : SL for the generated Orders in Points It also have another tools which can monitor the floating and close at defined profit using Closed at Profit Input What's new: - Stop Loss in Pip
This reliable, professional trade copier system is without a doubt one of the best on the market, it is able to copy trades at very fast speeds from one master account (sender) to one or multiple slave accounts (receivers). The system works very fast and mimics the master account a full 100%. So changing stop losses, take profits, pending orders on the master account is executed on the slave accounts too, like each other action. It is a 100% full copy (unlike many other copiers who only copy ma
Statistics for each day
Индикатор показывает статистику - итоговую конечную прибыль/убыток по каждому отдельному торговому дню с учетом свопов и комиссий. Параметры : Dey - количество анализируемых дней; Weekday color - цвет будних дней; Weekend color - цвет выходных дней; Loss color - цвет убытка; font_size - размер шрифта; font_face - название шрифта; Для удобства просмотра статистики за большие временные периоды, при инициализации индикатор выгружает данные в Statistics.csv
Созданный файл иск
EQUITY DRAWDOWN MONITOR This is a simple mt5 advisor that monitors the drawdon levels Features:
Easy to use Useful for money managers How to Use Load the EA once a single chart Type the maximum drawdown desired in inputs
Leave the EA alone and never close that chart The EA monitors all trades and magic numbers in your account.
Input Parameter Drawdown Percent: Maximum drawdown in percentage terms allowable in the account. When the drawdown level is surpassed, the EA will close all trades
" A successful trading means being able to master the art of timing, the art of execution and the art of protecting your capital in a very simple and faster way ". HermanGhost Manager is the most powerful tool that's actually designed to help you win in terms of executing different operations BUY,BUY STOP, BUY LIMIT, SELL,SELL STOP, SELL LIMIT, STOP LOSS, TAKE PROFIT, BREAKEVEN, TRAILING STOPS, all can be executed in seconds.
features : The intuitive interface One time configuration One click
This scalper helper helps you manage your trader by placing AUTOMATIC stops and takes. When you enter a position and the market quickly turns against you, it's pretty boring isn't it? but with this helper your StopsLoss and TakeProfit will be AUTOMATIC, just configure how many pips you want and that's it. Besides, the helper has AUTOMATIC BreakEven, you just choose the amount of pips you want to place, and finally it contains a stop protector, whenever a candle closes in profit in your favor, it
使用此EA可以通过币安交易所的API连接到MT5交易端,利用MT5强大的量化功能实现交易策略的回测。 操作方法: 1、首先 必须 把( http://api2.0.mt5.vip 、 https://fapi.binance.com )这两个 地址 填写到:mt5——工具——选项——EA交易下的WebRequest列表中,否则所有数据无法同步。 2、在导航栏找到EA,双击之后添加币安的API KEY ,保存后KEY自动保存; 3、KEY保存后会出现交易面板,通过MT5下的订单可以实时展现在面板,同事也可以监控币安交易所是否有同样的订单; 4、交易面板只展示订单的总持仓,请仔细核对,以防止漏单; 5、API KEY会自动保存在本地,第二次打开后无需重复输入; 6、目前只能支持BTCUSDT、ETHUSDT、LTCUSDT合约产品 7、最小交易量以币安的最小交易量为准; 8、币安KEY是存储在本地,不会上传到任何第三方,请放心使用; 9、如果想更换KEY ,请直接在EA内修改即可。
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis.
Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4
1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel
2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size
3. Simplifies
The ease of observing the market anytime, anywhere
Exchange chart is the software for the professional trader to follow what happens in the financial market in real time. Developed by those in the market, it keeps up with the latest research on successful traders who show that the best, the ones who get consistent results use few types of chart configurations, in several different symbols.
All market watch passing through your chart
Exchange chart makes all the symbols configured by you in th
ONLY 4 COPIES FROM 10 TO $60 NEXT PRICE $95 Order Block Selection AUTOLOT is a great tool for all those traders who like to have control in their hands and especially to operate with high precision, thanks to our new control panel you will be able to select the candle where you want to choose the Bullicsh OB zone o Bearish OB
The objective of this Expert Advisor is that you can select Bullish Order Blocks (shopping area) or Bearish Order Block (sales areas) at any time, it will have 3 input pa
Powerful and beautiful trading panel helps you in scheduling or placing multiple trades based on your presets in a single click. It is designed to execute orders immediately or schedule trades in advance to be executed at certain time using multiple filters to avoid non favorable market conditions (wide spread, reduced leverage etc.). Additional functionality developed to sycnhronize two instances of the expert over the internet (Master - Slave Mode), which means trader can open the panel in loc
Binance Full Trader is developed for connection to your Binance account and get data, draw price charts and trade easily with any strategy by an indicator. A user-friendly interface has developed for it and has tried to give access to the necessary information such as open orders and wallet balances. · There are two sample indicators (one for trade signal and another for price) that you can download it from these links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w2CGuu3rArWKMhS9LkepT9zhVkGR1AO7/vie
エントリー前に確認できるチェックリストを作成しました。 以下のコードを参照してMT5用に作成しました。
Strategy Checklist - indicator for MetaTrader 4 https://www.mql5.com/en/code/18877
機能: チェックリスト20個まで入力できます。 表示位置 (左上 、 右上 、 左下 、 右下) の 指定 が可能 になります。 フォントサイズ の 変更が可能 になります。 チェックリストの幅を変更できます。 ドラッグ&ドロップでチェックリストを移動できます。
インストール方法: ファイル->データフォルダーを開く->MQL5フォルダー->Indicatorsフォルダー 配下にex5ファイルを置いてMT5を再起動してください。 チェックリストはマニュアルで入力が必要になります。入力後 保存しておいてください。 テンプレートで保存しておくと容易にチャートに適用できます。
I find the lot calculation tedious so I just use this script and tell it the dollar amount to use. It then does the rest. This works for any currency.
How-To: Open a sell position using the desired dollar amount instead of lots. To use, just drop it onto a chart and set inputs as needed. The script will then do the necessary lot calculation and open the trade.
Inputs: FIXED_DEAL_AMOUNT: Fixed amount to use per trade e.g 100 to open a R100 deal USE_SL_ON_BUY: If true then a suitable stoploss wi
I find the lot calculation tedious so I just use this script and tell it the dollar amount to use. It then does the rest. This works for any currency.
How-To: Open a buy position using the desired dollar amount instead of lots. To use, just drop it onto a chart and set inputs as needed. The script will then do the necessary lot calculation and open the trade.
Inputs: FIXED_DEAL_AMOUNT: Fixed amount to use per trade e.g 100 to open a R100 deal USE_SL_ON_BUY: If true then a suitable stoploss wil
This utility is the demo version of the Binance Full Trader. This version is provided so the customers can test performance and options of the main version. · This version has these restrictions: 1. Only BTCUSDT is available for price chart and Test Mode. 2. The Real Mode is not accessible. 3. The LIMIT and STOPLOSSLIMIT are not accessible. 4. The Indicator mode is not accessible. · The full version and the instruction of use can be downloadable from t
1、支持币安全部现货交易对自动创建,也可以单独设置盈利货币和基础货币。如盈利货币ProfitCurrency为空表示全部交易区,可选:USDT、BTC、DAI等币安支持的交易区(合约交易暂不支持),基础货币BaseCurrency为空表示所有货币,也可以单独设置BNB、ETC等任何币安支持的加密货币。 2、同步币安各货币的价格精度、交易量精度以及最大交易量等。
5、实时行情更新请使用代理地址,因此,必须将代理地址 trade.ctabot.com 添加到:MT5——工具——选项——EA——We
1、支持币安全部USD-M期货交易对自动创建,也可以单独设置基础货币。基础货币BaseCurrency为空表示所有货币,也可以单独设置BNB、ETC等任何币安支持的加密货币。 2、同步币安各货币的价格精度、交易量精度以及最大交易量等。
5、实时行情更新请使用代理地址,因此,必须将代理地址 trade.ctabot.com 添加到:MT5——工具——选项——EA——WebRequest列表中。
5、支持代理(代理默认为 http://trade. ctabot.com:9441),也可以用币安接口地址 https://fapi.binance.com直接访问 (如果可以直接打开币安),注意此地址必须填写到:mt5——工具——设定——EA交易的WebRequest列表中,否则所有数据无法同步。
6、同步间隔不低于5秒,否则EA无法启动。 7、为避免跟现货符号冲突,当前期货行情导入工具可自定义期货前缀,
Signal Copy Multiplier automatically copies trades on the same account, for example, to get a better entry and adjusted volume on a subscribed signal. MT4-Version: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/product/67412 MT5-Version: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/product/67415 You have found a good signal, but the volume of the provider's trades is too small? With Signal Copy Multiplier you have the possibility to copy trades from any source (Expert Advisor, Signal, manual trades) and change the volume
Automatice sus estrategias comerciales con nuestra sencilla herramienta de creación de estrategias "similar a un rompecabezas". Cree fácilmente estrategias que operen por usted en modo de piloto automático. También puede cargar estrategias creadas por otras personas, como la clásica Estrategia Martingala, para usarla como muestra para su propia estrategia.
Características clave Cree su estrategia a través de funciones simples de arrastrar y soltar, sin necesidad de conocimientos de pro
DESCRIPTION The ‘No Open Trades’ Expert Advisor is a dream come true to any mindful trader that knows that controlling risk is extremely vital to any successful trading plan. The ‘No Open Trades’ Expert Advisor closes all open trades in the account once the percentage loss you set is met. For example, if your account balance is $5,000 and you set the percentage loss to 5. This information has been passed to the Expert Advisor and it will close all open orders once the loss made is -$250 (which
DYJ TradePanelMT5 allows you to perform trading operations ,opening market positions, placing pending orders, removing pending orders, and closing all positions When you use the "DYJ TradePanelMT5" to make a mistake in the direction of manual trading, you can cooperate with our remote order rescue service to turn the order back into profit. Parameters
Volume = 0.01 - - default volume; InpTP = 1200 -- default takeprofit POINTS; InpSL = 600 -- default stop loss POINTS; InpStep = 200 --
Funcionamento: O Painel Netting Panel RSJ funciona com qualquer ativo e em qualquer tempo gráfico . Ele funciona em contas do tipo " Netting " e " Hedge ", mas gerencia apenas uma posição por ativo, por isso o nome Netting. Se ele for executado em contas do tipo " Hedge ", ele fará o gerenciamento e proteção apenas da posição mais antiga , ou seja, da primeira posição que foi aberta por ele. Em contas " Netting " quando os botões " SELL " ou " BUY " forem pressionados, ocorrerá
This EA optimized for XAUUSD on 30 minutes chart and tested on some brokers (such as XM, IC Markets, AMarkets, HotForex , ...). You can use it on any pairs with your optimization. We constantly monitor and optimize the EA and the best inputs for XAUUSD will be update on future version.
If you have any question, you can contact us on Telegram: https://t.me/BagheriEA Instagram : https://instagram.com/bagheri_ig
RISK DISCLOSURE: Prior to trading CFDs, and Forex you must be aware of the risks inv
This Trading Statistics Indicator gives you an overview of your trade statistics for a selected period. You can set different periodsand filter for Symbols and magics to analyse your trading success. You can also create charts for Balance/Equity, MFE and MAE Periods: Total Time Today Yesterday This Week Last Week This Month Last Month This Year Last Year This Trading Statistics Indicator is still work in progress. In the next versions I will add telegram and email notifications and some more
Simple Renko Chart Generator. Just place the EA on the desired symbol, configure and hit OK, your Renko Chart is generated. You can attach any MT5 compatible indicator or template to the renko chart and perform your technical analysis.
Settings: Origin Symbol Custom Symbol Type (Pips, Ticks, Points, R) Brick Size Show Wicks Brick Open Time Asymmetric Reversals Chart Mode Refresh Ratio Watch Market Book History Start Date History Type (1 minute OHLC, Real Ticks) * Strategy Tester: Use 1 minut
EA可以通过搜索并平掉盈利仓位来平掉无利可图的仓位 。
该助手 在所有位置中 寻找 终端中 最 无利可图的位置 。 进一步地,通过搜索剩余的盈利头寸,他计算出当一个或多个头寸的 利润 大于另一个头寸的损失时可以弥补损失的一系列头寸。 如果找到一组此类头寸,顾问就会将其平仓。 一系列位置可以由任何位置组成。 它们的最大数量可以在顾问设置中调整。 您还可以指定搜索的最小损失和平仓的额外利润。 MT4版本
详细描述 如何购买
如何获取日志文件 如何测试和优化 Expforex 的所有产品 您可以在策略测试器中测试 Expert Advisor,并在可视化模式下使用我们的 EAPADPRO 工具栏进行交易! 近减加加在图表上的工作原理 认为 您以 1.600 的价格开设买入 #1 仓位; 价格跌至 1.550 ,目前亏损 -50点; 盈亏平衡点(平均价格)= 1.600 ; 如果我们打开 SELL #2、Sell #3 和 Sell #4; EA 交易开始执行主算法。 那么总利润将为+5$; 智能交易系统 (EA) 激活算法,并且必须平仓
MetaTrader 市场 - 在您的交易程序端可以直接使用为交易者提供的自动交易和技术指标。
MQL5.community 支付系统 提供给MQL5.com 网站所有已注册用户用于MetaTrade服务方面的事务。您可以使用WebMoney,PayPal 或银行卡进行存取款。
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