Multichart Control Panel is a small panel that can change the timeframe and zoom level of all open chart with just one click. Simple, intuitive and fast.
Inside there is a simple hidden function: the buttons have a light red color when working on a demo account and a light green color when working on a real account. This little trick helps all traders who for some reason often switch from a demo account to a real one not to get confused and not to make involuntary mistakes.
VR Assistant Charts 是交易者在 MetaTrader 交易终端窗口中处理图形对象的便捷工具。该程序允许您一键单击鼠标即可更改 MetaTrader 终端中趋势线、斐波那契水平、江恩扇形和其他图形元素的颜色、样式、粗细和其他特征。 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客]
您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联]
版本为 [MetaTrader 4] 该实用程序极大地简化了交易者使用图形对象分析金融工具的单调工作。所有操作均使用计算机鼠标直接在图表上执行。该程序以 MetaTrader 4 和 MetaTrader 5 交易平台的技术指标的形式实现,这使得它可以与其他指标、顾问和脚本同时使用。 使用计算机鼠标进行控制: 通过点击趋势线可以打开属性,点击图表则隐藏图形对象的属性。使用对象属性,交易者可以将光束设置为左侧或右侧,更改颜色、样式、宽度,添加或删除多级对象(例如斐波那契和江恩)中的级别。 该指标的开发是为了减少交易者在标记图表时的操作次数。该实用程序对于初学者和专业人士都很有用。 由于交易平台 MetaTrader 4 和
使經紀人看不到您的止盈,止損和追踪止損水平! 主要選項: 隱身模式 虛擬尾隨止損 虛擬獲利 虛擬盈虧平衡點 虛擬止損 虛擬訂單生命週期 警告: EA交易本身不會下訂單。 您必須自己打開訂單(包括通過“專家”面板),或在同一貨幣對的另一張圖表上使用第三方專家。 請在專家設置中指定魔術數字“ -1”,以便專家處理這些訂單。 用於測試使用視覺模式!!! 工作算法 當您(或其他EA交易)打開買/賣定單,或觸發掛單或圖表上可能已經有未平倉頭寸/定單時,專家將安裝控制面板並開始跟踪v-StopLoss, v-BreakEven,v-TakeProfit參數。 提醒: 當您使用“ -1”以外的幻數時,專家將僅跟踪通過其面板開立的訂單/頭寸。 使用的縮寫:v-SL =虛擬止損,v-BR =虛擬收支平衡,v-BRD =虛擬收支平衡距離,v-TS =虛擬尾隨停止,UP =刷新尾隨停止。 看圖片 “OPTIONS HELP CHART” 用於視覺感知算法. 當價格達到[v-SL]水平時,頭寸將被平倉。 當價格達到[v-BR + v-BRD]水平時,v-BR標記將設置為[v-BR]水平。 如果價格接近v-BR
您能做的最好的事情就是保護您的訂單免於虧損。 您現在可以放心,讓 UR Basket 來處理它。
使用 UR 籃子的優勢:
所有參數都可以在圖表的圖形面板中動態更改 - 您無需重新啟動 EA 即可更改參數或調用您使用的設置! 您可以通過以下方式跟踪您的訂單: - 幻數 - EA評論 - 以上兩者 -一次完成所有交易 UR Basket 可以通過您的貨幣價值、PIPS 或您的餘額或淨值的百分比來跟踪您的利潤。 圖形面板始終顯示您在這三種方法中的利潤,並刷新您告訴他的頻率。 最大優勢:鎖定利潤,不虧本! 下面詳細介紹它。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求!
為什麼選擇 UR 籃子?
有很多 EA 可以自行交易,或者需要您盡可能多地關注獲利的優秀手動策略,但這些都不是防彈的突然變化或經常發生的“鯨魚攻擊”。 因此,這個籃子讓您可以跟踪所有交易,鎖定您的利潤,這樣您就不會失去您已經建立的東西,並儘快關閉交易並確保您不會陷入負值。 圖表上的設置也由用戶動態更改,因此您無需在每次要更改值
The VR Object Delete All script solves the problem of garbage on the chart. it is often necessary to completely clear the chart of everything that is put on it, comments, lines, objects. The script completely deletes everything, even those objects that are not visible. When working, VR Object Delete All writes everything it does in the terminal log, as well as the names of objects to delete. Displays the number of deleted objects as a separate line. in case of any errors, it will display an erro
Эксперт - торговый помощник, созданный по одноимённой торговой стратегии Оракул в сотрудничестве с ее автором Нео. Определяет на графиках в автоматическом режиме разворотные импульсные модели и строит по ним Вилки Нео - авторский инструмент, позволяющий определять циклы движения цены и указывающий на ожидаемую цель TakeProfit . Поиск ведется на всех заданных периодах графиков одновременно с фильтрацией совпадений. Осуществляется фильтрация неверных Вилок с указанием кода ошибки. Утилита имеет
Quick Info -一種信息實用程序,用於以方便的形式收集和提供交易者每天在金融市場上交易所需的各種有用信息。 您需要的所有有用信息都被收集並分組在一個單獨的窗口中。在第一個選項卡上,您將找到所選時間段的交易統計數據。要收集交易統計數據,您只需從列表中選擇一個時間段或指定要顯示交易統計數據的時間段的開始和結束日期。您還可以查看單個交易品種或智能交易系統 ID 的統計數據並將其導出到 HTML 報告中。您可以將頭寸列表、訂單列表、交易列表、交易代碼的利潤分配單獨或全部導出到您選擇的報告中。 在以下選項卡中,您將找到有關您的交易賬戶和當前交易代碼規格的完整信息。 包含在另一個快速交易實用程序中 - TradePad
Moving averages are a simple and serious indicator for evaluating the development of a price. But which configuration to choose? 12 periods ? 20 periods? There is not a single moving average setup for all instruments, at all times, for all time periods, simply because not all instruments have the same volatility, they are all very different. They have a signature. The Signature App is a powerful decision support tool. It is based on the use of moving average envelopes. The program calculates th
The utility draws pivot levels based on a selection from day week month The previous candlestick of the selected timeframe is taken and the values for the levels are calculated using the following formulas:
Pivot = (high + close + low) / 3 R1 = ( 2 * Pivot) - low S1 = ( 2 * Pivot) - high R2 = Pivot + (R1 -S1) R3 = high + ( 2 * (Pivot - low)) S2 = Pivot - (R1 - S1) S3 = low - ( 2 * (high - Pivot));
The style and thickness for all lines are adjusted.
The colors for the R, Pivot and S line
The utility draws reversal levels using the formulas for each of the selected number of candles:
Pivot = (high + close + low) / 3 R1 = ( 2 * Pivot) - low S1 = ( 2 * Pivot) - high R2 = Pivot + (R1 -S1) R3 = high + ( 2 * (Pivot - low)) S2 = Pivot - (R1 - S1) S3 = low - ( 2 * (high - Pivot)) H = high L = low U = if the candle is bullish, then close. Otherwise - open D = if the candle is bullish, then open. Otherwise - close
On any timeframe.
After a new candle closes on the calculated timefr
Capital protector MT5 is an Expert Advisor who works based on the profit and loss of your account. Its functions include: Closing of all orders when a certain profit or loss is reached. Remove any other Expert Advisor installed on a secondary chart when a certain profit or loss is reached. Send a notification to the mobile when a certain loss or profit is reached. To configure the Expert Advisor you will only have to program the loss limit that you are willing to lose or the profit limit that
This EA will read news from MQL website and create global variable to indicate if there is a news reported within the specified time frame. You can then read these global variable in your EA to filter out trades. Global variable format - News_CHF, News_EUR, News_GBP, News_JPY and News_USD If value is 0 means no news. If value is 1 means there is news reported within the specified time frame.
Please comment to give suggestion to improve it.
Сообщения в Telegram из MT5 о торговых событиях: Открытие/закрытие сделок; Выставление/удаление отложенных ордеров. Версия утилиты для MT4 здесь: Настройки Telegram:
Создайте своего бота. Для этого напишите для пользователя @BotFather команду /newbot , и следуйте инструкциям. В результате вы получите Token бота, примерно такой: 1245680170:BBGuDFVkTYIPtjSaXMgQEhdfg7BOQ6rl8xI. Узнайте свой ID в Telegram, для этого напишите пользователю @userinfobot любое сообщение.
5、支持代理(代理默认为 http://trade,也可以用币安接口地址 :9442直接访问(如果可以直接打开币安),注意此地址必须填写到:mt5——工具——设定——EA交易的WebRequest列表中,否则所有数据无法同步
该仪表板显示来自三个来源的当前新闻:来自 网站(FFC 日历)、来自 网站和来自 的经济日历。 您可以按影响力和国家对新闻进行排序,并一键将其显示在图表上。 通过按住“Ctrl”键,您可以选择几种不同的“货币”或“影响”进行排序。 此外,该实用程序不仅显示预测,还显示它们出现在网站上后的实际值。 您可以为每条新闻设置单独的通知。 来自 的新闻,采用您的 MT5 语言。
您可以使用 EA 或指标来阅读新闻。 更多详情请参阅评论中的描述。 EA 可以在新闻发布前关闭市场头寸和挂单,将止损移至盈亏平衡点并在当天结束时平仓。
另外,在评论中,您可以找到一个脚本,该脚本可以从仪表板读取新闻,并通过单击“Algo Trading”按钮停止所有 EA 的交易。
该程序从互联网获取信息,因此您需要在终端设置中启用对 ForexFactory 和 网站的访问。 按“ctrl+O”、“Expert Advisors”、“Allow WebRequest”,然后将链接复
这是一个简单而非常有效的工具,只需点击一下即可关闭订单。 如果您的余额中有许多未结订单,并且手动关闭它们需要太长时间,这可能会导致帐户上的额外资金损失,则您将需要它。
您还可以通过设置所需的利润大小或限制您的损失来设置计划关闭。 要做到这一点,只需激活关闭过滤器按钮。
该实用程序将节省您的存款,以防市场急剧变化。 只需将其添加到任何免费图表,并将其用于您的日常交易。
由于参数设置最少,您可以轻松地为MT4或MT5中的任何符号设置实用程序。 最新版本的Close All PRO 实用程序支持通过Telegram messenger进行交互式控制。 安装说明: 这里
Close All Button: Close (All pairs/Current) -选择所有符号的订单或仅对当前图表的一对的设置 Close (ALL/LOSS) -选择是关闭所有订单还是仅关闭无利可图的订单
For those who trade false breakouts (FBo) levels. The False Breakout Finder (FBoFinder) service was written primarily for trading stocks and their CFDs on daily charts. It will search for you for various false breakouts of extremes on hundreds and thousands of instruments from the Watchlist, which will save you in the long run many hours of daily routine selection of securities before the market opens. In the process of enumerating instruments, securities with a ban on trading are ignored. If a
"Support or Resistance Alert Broken" is a simple and very intuitive tool that allows you to create or eliminate horizontal and trend supports and / or resistances with a simple click.
When the support or resistance line is broken by the closing price at the end of the current candle, the "Support or Resistance Alert Broken" tool will send an alert with sound, as well as a notification to the MT4 or MT5 mobile application. This tool can send alerts from multiple pairs at the same time.
A small utility displays the value of the last price (Last) to the right of the chart. The Last price is the price at which the last deal was executed. Utility is convenient to use for screens with small print, for visual observation of the price level (value) or for people with poor eyesight. You can customize: Growth color Fall color Text font Font size Offset text
Order Entry - Probably the easiest way to enter an order If you like this perhaps you might consider buying the pro version An aid for entering orders. Features: * Drag & drop tool to adjust price, stop loss and take profit levels. * Calculates lot sizes automatically based on risk entered, currency pair and stop loss / price levels.
Description It enables you to visually enter a trade's price, stop loss and take profit
这是趋势线PRO指标的自动参数优化器 轻松快速地为您最喜爱的趋势线PRO指标选择最佳参数。 优化只需几秒钟。 优化器允许您找到每对和周期的最佳参数:振幅,TP1-TP3,止损,以及所选历史部分(天)上的时间过滤器和HTF过滤器的值
M5-M15设置计算范围参数(天)=60(三个月) M30-H1设置计算范围参数(天)=120(6个月) H4设置参数计算范围(天)=240(一年) D1-W1设置参数计算范围(天)=720(三年) MN1设置参数计算范围(天)=1200(五年) 优化后,参数自动保存到文件夹中的现成设置文件中:MQL4>Files>trendlineoptimizedsettings
在需要优化的符号和时间的图形上运行优化器实用程序。 优化结束后单击保存按钮 将趋势线PRO指标添加到图表,然后将趋势线PRO扫描仪 Trend Line PRO指标面板上TP1、TP2、TP3、止损和利润指标的值将变得更好,Trend Line PRO 扫描仪中会出现一个按钮(红色或蓝色 Manu
Overview The Expert Advisor sends notifications to a mobile phone, via e-mail or plays a sound in case any changes are detected on the trading account: opening/closing positions, changing order or position parameters, balance or leverage. Also, the Expert Advisor can inform that Equity on the trading account has dropped below a specified value or Free Margin is small compared to Margin. The Expert Advisor does not trade, it only monitors your account.
Launching the Expert Advisor You should al
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert - Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download here . Find contacts on my profile .
1. Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extend
Chart State Saver for MT5 is utility which helps to save states of all your charts even if they will be closed. And then all saved charts' states can be easily loaded back to charts.
It stores templates for each particular currency pair and automatically applies them to charts once they will be opened at next time. Also they can be applied to the charts by your own needs. Thus you can close any chart at your MT5 without scaring to lose chart's data like drawls, messages, chart styling and so o
The algorithm finds the most unprofitable position in your account, then the program determines the profitable positions that can cover the loss. This profit is used to close unprofitable order in automated mode. The system is able to work on the most distant unprofitable orders or select them according to certain tickets with manual selection. That is, the utility closes a losing order using one or a group of winning orders. Opportunities:
Closing orders for the current symbol or for all
RENKO PRICE ACTION ATR 是通过构建 Renko 图表开发的“智能交易系统”,其中每个 BRICK 的大小都通过用户选择的时间段的 ATR 计算得出。 Renko 图表旨在滤除微小的价格变动,从而使交易者更容易关注重要趋势。 由于其检测价格趋势的效率,还可以清楚地识别支撑和阻力以及顶部和底部背离,从而更好地利用交易机会。
设置 ATR Calculation Timeframe:用户选择的 RENKO PRICE ACTION ATR 周期,以应用 ATR 的平均值并计算/重新计算每个 BRICK 的大小。 ATR 计算平均周期:用户选择的 ATR 平均周期为 RENKO PRICE ACTION ATR 执行每个 BRICK 的大小计算。 ATR 大小的百分比:用于形成每个 BRICK 的计算大小的百分比。
Bonus when buying an indicator or an advisor from my list. Write to me in private messages to receive a bonus. Manual Assistant MT5 is a professional manual trading tool that will make your trading fast and comfortable. It is equipped with all the necessary functions that will allow you to open, maintain and close orders and positions with one click. It has a simple and intuitive interface and is suitable for both professionals and beginners.
The panel allows you to place buy and sell orders
Smart Copy is an Easy-to-Use EA that supports Multi Copying Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 and Local/Remote Copying. (Remote Version is coming soon)
Free version is available on Smart Copy Local Free MT5
Specifications :
Real Time, Multi Terminal - Multi Account - MT4/MT5 trade copying Copy from netting to hedge and hedge to netting is supported.
Fast and instant copy
All settings are input visually. Easy modifying symbol names, prefix, suffix Enable/Disable
Auto SLTP Maker MT5 is an assistant for all those who forget to set StopLoss and/or TakeProfit in deal parameters, or trade on a very fast market and fail to place them in time. This tool automatically tracks trades without StopLoss and/or TakeProfit and checks what level should be set in accordance with the settings. The tool works both with market and pending orders. The type of orders to work with can be set in the parameters. It can track either trades for the instrument it runs on, or all
Smart Copy is an Easy-to-Use EA that supports Multi Copying Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 and Local/Remote Copying. (Remote Version is coming soon)
This is Free Version and can be used on Demo accounts only. Use the Full Version for real trading.
Specifications :
Real Time, Multi Terminal - Multi Account - MT4/MT5 trade copying Copy from netting to hedge and hedge to netting is supported.
Fast and instant copy
All settings are input visually. Easy modifying symbol
This Tradepanel is an Utility for Traders Who want ot use Basic MoneyManagement for Calculation of Lotsize I have created the basic edition only to give an Overview with Limited Functionality Full Features are available with Auto TradePanel Pro. (This is Only Because it can not be Tested in Strategy Tester ). Complete Description is available at "Auto TradePanel Pro". in This Version Basic Functionality ( Calculation of Lotsize ) open /close Positions is working in the same way as in Pro
This utility copies graphic objects from the MASTER chart to the SLAVE chart. Install it as an indicator. The version for MT4 is here: It can work in the following modes: Master CHART to Slave CHART in one MT4 or MT5 Master MT4 to Slave MT4 (one or more) Master MT4 to Slave MT5 (one or more) Master MT5 to Slave MT5 (one or more) Master MT5 to Slave MT4 (one or more) You can use multiple Master-Slave groups by setting the ID parameter . You can copy al
This Tradepanel is an Utility for Traders Who want ot use Basic MoneyManagement for Calculation of Lotsize and have Some automated Functions. Auto Stoploss and Auto Takeprofit are available. BE AWARE: This Panel does not work in StrategyTester a Demo "Auto TradePanel Basic" Version is available to get an Overview. The Tradepanel Calculates Lotsize based on RiskFaktor and checks if Marginrequirement is met . Each Position is Opened with a StopLoss, defined in percent. if a Position already exis
无废话外汇方法的交易小组 提高交易速度,同时保持图表整洁
特征: - 头寸规模: 点击买入/卖出时,此工具会打开 2 笔交易,手数最接近您的风险(每笔交易中使用的余额百分比)。忘记计算点值!
-SL 和 TP: 每笔交易以 1.5*ATR 的止损开仓,两半中的一个以 1*ATR 的止盈。如果剩下不到 4 小时来完成每日蜡烛,则使用的 ATR 值将是当前蜡烛之一,如果没有,则使用前一个蜡烛值。
-更新止损: 将止损设置为盈亏平衡或按照 NNFX 的规则更新您的追踪止损(在价格移动 2*ATR 后,止损为 1.5*ATR)。 - 平仓: 如果您收到退出信号,只需单击一下即可平仓所有买入或卖出
其他注意事项: -该程序不会干扰其他专家打开的交易或手动打开的交易。既不关闭也不修改其他符号的交易。 - 建议所有与您账户货币的交叉货币对在市场观察中可见(计算头寸规模时需要它们)。 - 此面板在 D1 图表中效果最佳
This script will create a report with all history orders in CSV format. The report is useful for those who run multiple EA's with different magic numbers in the same account. You can define some filters to generate your orders history report: 1) Initial date for assets in orders history. 2) Final date for assets in orders history. 3) Asset name. 4) Orders magic number. 5) Add balance/costs.
A script showing the correlation for three selected zones at once (TF-bar) In the parameters, select 3 options The data is displayed sorted by the first zone The script also creates a file in which it writes all the data without sorting. In this way, you can expand the number of zones to any number and perform the analysis in exsel
TF_Trade1 =PERIOD_M5; BarsCor1 = 300; TF_Trade2 =PERIOD_M5; BarsCor2 = 800; TF_Trade3 =PERIOD_M5; BarsCor3 = 2000; K = 0.8; WindSize
Total trade manager allows you to manage your trade to maximise your profits and minimise your losses. This is an essential for traders that are looking for consistency within their trading. The features: Partial Stop Loss: This feature allows you to close a partial percentage of your trade once it goes into negative. So if your stop loss is 20 pips, you could close 75% of your trade at 10 pips and let the remainder of the position to continue running. Auto Stop Loss: This means that once you p
Quick Close Button provides you with a quick, fast, effective, and handy way to close orders, positions, bearish and bullish open, profiting and losing positions. Available options: Close All: close all orders and positions. Close Profit: close all positions in profit. Close Loss: close all positions in loss. Close Stop: close all stop orders. Close Buy: close all buy positions. Close Sell: close all sell positions. Close Orders: close all orders
Close Positions: close all positions # : Hides /
PANEL OF TOPOS AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUNDS This is a panel that does not open orders only manages all Symbols and calculates the tops and bottoms and presents the calculation in relation to the top and bottom in 5 Years, 2 Months and 1 Week.
It is ideal for filtering the pairs that are in the good regions to operate. You can filter the range and choose whether to consider the body or shadow of the candle in the monthly. Good luck...
When creating, modifying and moving a trend line, two anchor points will be selected: high / low, open / close, median or weighted from the candlestick prices.
For high / low, open / close, if the anchor point is above the candlestick, the upper price will be taken, below the candlestick - the lower one. If the point is inside the candlestick, then if the first point is higher than the second, then the first one goes up, the second goes down. Conversely, if the second is higher than the first
Draws trend lines from the high and / or low values of the week. The color and thickness of the levels are customizable. All trend lines can be edited. Suitable levels of the past can be renamed and other properties changed. Levels are re-read only on the H1 timeframe once an hour.
This non-trading expert utilizes so called custom symbols feature to build custom charts based on history of real ticks of selected standard symbol. New charts imitate one of well-known graphic structures: Point-And-Figure (PnF) or Kagi. The result is not exactly PnF's X/O columns or rectangular waves of Kagi. Instead it consists of bars, calculated from and denoting stable unidirectional price moves (as multiples of the box size), which is equivalent to XO columns or polygonal lines. These Poi
This non-trading expert utilizes so called custom symbols feature ( available in MQL API as well) to build custom charts based on history of real ticks of selected standard symbol. New charts imitate one of well-known graphic structures: Point-And-Figure (PnF) or Kagi. The result is not exactly PnF's X/O columns or rectangular waves of Kagi. Instead it consists of bars, calculated from and denoting stable unidirectional price moves (as multiples of the box size), which is equivalent to XO colum
This script calculates the SQN (System Quality Number) value of your account within a time interval that you will set. Keep in mind that trades with no initial stoploss value won't be calculated because of the nature of the system! The calculations will be made on your current account.
What is SQN? Van K. Tharp proposed a formula for System Quality Number (SQN) that measured strategy performance and could be used as a custom objective for optimizing strategy parameters. The formula was prese
This script is a very useful tool when it comes to practicing chart analysis.
If you activate this script, you are going to be thrown down on a random chart position. The active chart is used where you are right now. You need to have at least 6000 historical bars. You can set the number of bars at: Tools->Charts tab->"Max bars in chart"
Should you have any questions, comments feel free to contact me.
What is Risk of Ruin? Risk of ruin is the probability of an individual losing substantial amounts of money through investing, trading or gambling, to the point where it is no longer possible to recover the losses or continue. Risk of ruin is typically calculated as a loss probability, also known as the "probability of ruin."
Input Parameters StartPeriod: Set the first date from where you like the program to calculate. Your current account performance will be measured. EndPeriod: Set the last d
Another simple but effective tool that answer to one important question in a rapid way: If I want to risk X money and I want my stop loss here, how many lots I need to use? You can easily attach this tool to graph, draw an horizontal trendline and this tool give to you a suggested lot values to lose/gain money you have specified into setting page. Interface is also fully customizable.
I'm available for further customizations based on user needs.
Best, Mirko
This utility keep you notified about r eal-time increase of volume on every simbol you have into your market watch. Basically it compute the 30 days back volume and compare it with current volume: if you set, for example, 75% into setting page, you will receive telegram (and also on-screen) notification when current volume is above 75% of maximum of last 30-days volume. To configure Telegram notification: Go to Metatrader, "Windows->Options->Expert Advisor-> WebRequests for URL" and write "http
Easy & Customizable.
Simple & Easy to close all trades and pending orders automatically at a specific time each day. Just drag this EA into any chart, any currency. It will be automatic close all opening positions and pending orders.
Input Parameters
1. Close All Opened Positions If = True : EA will close opening orders at your time, days setting. If = False : EA will not close opening orders. 2. Delete Pending Orders If = True : EA will delete pending orders at your time, days
OneClickClose-Pro EA allow users to easily close all positions at once with multiple options with simple UI.
Options Includes::
1. Close All Positions
2. Close All Buy Positions
3. Close All Sell Positions
4. Close All Position GreaterThan or Equal to Profit
5. Close All Position LessThan or Equal to Profit
6. Close All Position By Symbol
7. Option to Set Deviation
8. Option to Set Maximum Retry (If position close fails)
The Trading Control Panel EA let you: - Calculated lot size based on the (% or $ risk) - Place multiple (Market/Limit/Stop) trades at same time - Manage all open trades (move SL to BE, take partial profit, close all trades) This is a handy tool for those who wont to open multiple orders without spending time on lot calculations. When opening multiple orders the first order has the first TP and all other orders get the second TP.
Symbol Manager or Grid Manager, designed to group orders into one position (by symbol and by direction). This utility will be useful to multi-currency traders, who can have multiple orders on several pairs. You will be able to see the total number of lots, the total profit, and set virtual stop loss and virtual take profit. To set a real TP (or SL), you must first set the virtual value, and then enter the command in this cell: "set". If you want to set real TP/SL for all orders at once, then en
S imple arrow with alert on chart. This is NOT an entry indicator but a direction indicator. It uses MACD signal line to show you possible future direction of a trend. Please use it with other filters or confirmations to trade properly. Recommended for scalping and short term trades. Made for EURUSD M5 but it should work on every major pair on M5 timeframe. For MT4 version please go here! *If you need fully automated trading system. Please check this EA here! FEATURES: Very simple directional i
This non-trading expert utilizes so called custom symbols feature ( available in MQL API as well) to build renko charts based on history of real ticks of selected standard symbol. RenkoFromRealTicks generates custom symbol quotes, thus you may open many charts to apply different EAs and indicators to the renko. It also transmits real ticks to update renko charts in real time. The generated renko chart uses M1 timeframe. It makes no sense to switch the renko chart to a timeframe other than M1. T
Telegram Simple
is an APP that allows you to send your technical analysis or operations, directly to your telegram channel, quickly and simply, without complications. - Scroll through the symbols from the panel - Fully configurable list of symbols - Quick change of Time Frame from panel - Send comments and Screenshots
for more details:
Volume Calculator
This indicator shows the volume to be used in an operation based on the maximum acceptable stop value and the size of the stop. That way you will not use a calculator to calculate the volume you are going to use every time. This indicator makes your life much easier and faster. Suitable for any type of trader: Scalper, DayTrader, SwingTrader.
Botti Tools features
1 - Automatically places Take Profit and Stop Loss values, previously defined, in Pending Orders and in Market Positions
2 - Based on the amount of Stop Loss points defined and the specified monetary value it calculates what volume should be used for that order.
3 - After X points he puts the order on breakeven
4 - It cancels the Take Profit at X points away from it and places the Stop Loss in such a way as to guarantee Y gain points
5 - If the fourth option
As simple as title, this is a telegram notificator to be always updated about your open position. It send basically 3 message: When you reach a stop loss; When you reach a take profit; When you reach a margin call; If you want I'm available to do all customization for you, like send chart pictures, particular message or to interact with Metatrader with Telegram custom command.
How to configure: Go to Metatrader, "Windows->Options->Expert Advisor-> WebRequests for URL" and write "https://api.te
Control Panel iForex The script allows users to easily one click for adjust lot order, buy, sell and close positions if their profit/loss reaches or exceeds a value specified in USD. BUY - Click for order long position. LOT - standard 0.1 lot. You can adjustable in control panel. SELL - Click for order short position. CLOSE ALL - Click for close all position. CLOSE BUY - Click for close all only long position. CLOSE SELL - Click for close all only short position. TAKE PROFIT (USD) - stan
交易助手 : 交易助手-MT4(点击下载) 交易助手-MT5(点击下载)
基本使用设置 基本: 支持语言的选择切换(目前支持中文和英文) 自动识别语言 支持 热键开平仓 绑定, 使用快捷键进行快速开平仓...... 快捷键平仓.支持最大30多种热键 解锁支持大部分功能 复盘 操作,可以在 测试环境下使用 开仓平仓区域: 一键开仓( 包含止盈止损的便捷设置,手数自动计算等便捷功能) 一键平仓 (锁仓),极简的风格设计,可以自由选择平仓品种,平仓类型(多单,空单,或者挂单),是否平仓盈利大于0的订单,是否平仓亏损订单,平仓比例的设置(0~100%),且是否平仓反向,以及锁仓功能,均在选项中可以直接实现操作. 多键平仓 划线开单控件 计算出多单或者空单的 平均持仓价格 并划线 止盈止损等自动 设置 多品种,多,空,分类平仓 .. 挂单区: 批量间隔挂单 功能。
批量挂单删除 功能 自动化功能区: 止损保护功能 移动止损功能 账户风控 利润保护 批量图表打开 商品信息显示区: 显示商品重要信息 全品种信息显示 商品信息显示区: 显示商品重
This is a utility for closing orders or baskets of orders for the total profit or loss. Can work multicurrency, can work with orders opened manually. Has additional trailing profit. Capabilities: Closing an order for the current symbol or for all symbols Closing individual orders or whole baskets of orders Stopping the utility in one click Trailing function for total profit Setting TP and SL in money, in points or as a percentage of the deposit Closing all BUY or SELL orders or closing all orde
EA Ordem Fácil helps you open pending buy and sell orders (buy or sell stop) using the SHIFT, CTRL keys and mouse left button click.
To create a buy stop order, press the SHIFT key (only once) and click on mouse left button on the chart above the price.
To create a sell stop order, press the CTRL key (only once) and click on mouse left button on the chart below the price.
While the order is not opened, when you moving the mouse cursor on the chart, on the left and above corner of the ch
The utility opens copies of open trades. It is very convenient if you use the Signals service and want to increase the volume of transactions.
Settings: Symbols: all symbols only current symbol Orders: Buy Sell Magic Any Magic Input Magic Lot size Original - lot size from original order; Fix Lot - fix lot size (input); Lot X Mult - lot size X koef; Stop Loss From sender - Stop Loss from original; Without - without Stop Loss; Plus Fix - Stop Loss from original order + fix points; Fix Point
All what you need before start a trade
network connection/broker's/symbols/historical orders benchmarks/currnet orders status
01. symbol's trading privilege
02. order execution mode
03. trade session hours
04. min lot/max lots
05. max pending orders
06. freeze point pending order's distant points (zero is good)
07. Min SL/TP points required by broker if open an order (zero is good)
08. account leverage
09. Margin call open an order must > 100%
10. MarginStopOut forced to close som
Tenha a boleta do ProfitChart no seu Metatrader! ........................
Agora é possível ter a boleta do profit no seu Metatrader. Envie ordens de compra e venda, acompanhe o mercado e simule estratégias em momentos de mobilidade, diretamente do seu Metatrader5. Gestão de riscos e otimização de lucros são dois princípios básicos de qualquer operação bem-sucedida. Nesse sentido, utilize as ferramentas de STOPMOVEL, TRAILING STOP, STOPGAIN E ORDENS PARCIAIS DE SAÍDA.
Object replicator is an indicator that allows you to replicate an object in one or as many charts as you like. This indicator is the solution to replicate part of your analysis in exactly the same position and price of a trend line, Fibonacci, vertical line, horizontal line, etc. Download the MT4 version here
Install the indicator on the source chart and follow the steps below: To activate the indicator, simply press the (Activate) button. Once the (Activate) button is pressed, a (Receive
Кнопочная панель для одновременного закрывания большого числа позиций. Всего четыре варианта закрывания: Закрыть все позиции на счёте ( Close all account positions ). Закрыть все позиции по символу графика, на котором находится панель ( Close all positions ). Закрыть все Buy позиции по символу графика, на котором находится панель ( Close all Buy positions ). Закрыть все Sell позиции по символу графика, на котором находится панель ( Close all Sell positions ).
Photocopy MT5 is an Copier of transactions through Telegram channel. Will help you instantly publish your trade in Telegram channel or copy trades from Telegram channel. The utility can work in two directions by receiving signals in MT5 and transmitting signals to Telegram . No more missed deals No more panic Capital Management Ease of use
You can use it for:
Copying your own deals through Telegram channel (via the Internet); Copying trades from MT5 to MT4 and vice versa. Propagation of si
'Quick Close Panel' is an easy to use interface for managing orders. It has a button for closing all winning trades on the current chart, a button for closing all losing trades and another button for closing all running trades (Losing and Winning) on the current chart. It is very responsive and quick to execute operations due to the effective time complexity of the algorithm used in the program. Vist this link to download demo:
Breakeven Utility MT5 automatically setting breakeven levels, transfers trades to breakeven when passing a given distance . Allows you to minimize risks. Created by a professional trader for traders. Utility works with any market orders opened manually by a trader or using advisors. Can filter trades by magic number. The utility can work with any number of orders simultaneously.
WHAT THE UTILITY CAN DO: Install virtulnoe levels bezubytka from 1 pip I nstall real levels o
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