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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

全新的MetaTrader 5 交易实用工具 - 17

icon 以下是可在MetaTrader 5中简化交易的交易程序。将鼠标悬停在一个工具上,阅读它的描述和用途。
The Trend Line Reverse Expert Advisor is a highly innovative and powerful tool that enables traders to effortlessly identify and trade trends in the financial markets. With this advanced tool, you can easily draw trend lines on your MT5 chart, and the EA will automatically buy or sell when the price reaches the trend line. This EA is user-friendly and requires minimal setup. You can simply attach it to your chart and start drawing up to three trend lines where you anticipate the price to reverse
Easy Dashboard MT5 is more than just a trade management tool - it's a powerful solution designed to help you manage risk and make better trading decisions in less time. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, Easy Dashboard MT5 makes trading on the Meta Trader 5 platform a breeze. Best MT5 Dash Board for manual traders to boost their performance. One of the key features of Easy Dashboard MT5 is its ability to buy, sell, and manage limit and stop orders with a fixed lot or by using ris
[ MT4 Version ] [ Telegram Signals ]  MT5 to Discord Signals Connect your broker account with Discord and stop missing important notifications.  Would you like to receive Discord notifications? Are you looking for a simple way to share trade signals with your followers? Do you need to start documenting your trades with an automated trading diary? Check out this step-by-step Tutorial . This utility is simple to use and supports a wide variety of settings: Pick your desired Discord channel and ent
It Will Close Your All Trade   in Half of second  no matter you open 100 plus trade open it will close all trade half of second  . it good work for 1 -5 min scalping   this Ea have  many function see the pic i uploaded   there  . ea that have function close all trade , close all lossing trade , close all profit trade . also have lot system where you can put your  expected lot and buy sell button and it can close 100 trade in 1 second  
Max Drawdown 7SKY
Muhamad Ridzuan Bin Zulkiffli
Simple instruction : Just enter drawdown percentage value, it will monitor the equity and close all position if it reach our max drawdown. It also known as hard stop loss. Max drawdown refers to the maximum loss an investment or portfolio experiences from its peak value to its lowest point, before it eventually recovers. In other words, it measures the largest drop from the highest point to the lowest point of an investment's value. For example, let's say that an investment's value was at $100
Индикатора группирует исторические и актуальные  данные по наименованиям инструментов. Индикатор работает с любыми инструментами. Сортировка по наименованию инструмента и прибыли, убытку. Движение средств (ввод / вывод), прибыльность за последние две недели. Информация сведена в таблицы с возможностью настройки формата таблиц. В одном окне информация по всем инструментам с которыми вы  когда - либо работ работали.
Tick Database — export of tick database from MT5 terminal to MT4. The utility provides access to the tick database in real time. This is necessary to generate synthetic charts in the MT4 terminal, which initially does not provide for loading a tick database. For example, you can organize permanent access to the tick database for the " Seconds Chart " utility, which create seconds charts in the MT4 terminal. If the opening time of the last candle in the terminals is different, then you need to sp
This EA automatically closes all Open Trades and Pending Orders at your specified time, before weekend close. It is always a wise approach to close all your open trades and pending orders, before weekend close on Friday, due to following two reasons:  There may be unfavorable big price gap   on market open. There may be   wide spreads , starting almost 30 minutes before market close & almost 30 minutes after market open. A pair that usually has a 3 pip spread may widen to 50 pips, which may eas
1. What is this Many of the EA's on the market have cheats inside to optimize its money curve, which results in the buyer wasting money and effort and buying a junk EA . This tool is an effective tool for detecting whether an EA is cheating by allowing the data to be panned to the left for 28 years. 2. How to use a. Load it and it will generate a new symbol, usually it will be named with a suffix.  For example, EURUSD --> EURUSD_28year. b. If your want to test one EA, you should open The time fr
The application works as a service. It sends the report to the e-mail address you enter in your Meta Trade program. Prepares H1 analysis reports every hour.  Prepares and sends D1 analysis reports after 00:00 at night. Meta Trader analyzes all symbols loaded from the watch screen.  Below is a report for H1. I have added 2-3 symbols in the market watch as an example. You have an assistant who does these analyzes for you every hour and sends you an e-mail. All the analysis is now done for yo
BOTON para trading manual
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
El EA Boton pone botones de Buy y Sell en la pantalla Ideal para usuarios que habren muchas ordenes y diferentes pares 9 botones buy desde 0.01 al 0.09 y 9 botones sell de 0.01 al 0.09 9 botones buy desde 0.1 al 0.9 y 9 botones sell de 0.1 al 0.9 Boton Close buy y sell Boton Close buy positivos y Boton Sell positivos Boton Close buy negativos y Boton Sell negativos un boton close all y botones buy de 1, 5 y 10 y botones de sell 1,5, 10
Este script permite abrir operaciones de forma rápida con un loteo automático basado en el "equity". También permite habilitar/deshabilitar la colocación de SL y TP al hacer clic en un botón. Si se habilita el SL o el TP, también se tiene la posibilidad de establecer el riesgo que se desea tomar en pips. * Se recomienda ocultar los botones de compra y venta originales.
This utility is a stop loss assistant simply make a trade as you desire, ether a buy or a sell. Manually set your own stop loss as you desire the higher the timeline the lower the stop loss. When the Algorithm Trading or Auto Trading is enabled the stop loss will follow the market price. Stop/disable the Algorithm Trading or Auto Trading. This is a simple stop loss tailing utility use at own risk or pleasure.
Trade Manager DaneTrades
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.74 (23)
交易管理器可帮助您快速进入和退出交易,同时自动计算风险。 包括帮助您防止过度交易、报复性交易和情绪化交易的功能。 交易可以自动管理,账户绩效指标可以在图表中可视化。 这些功能使该面板成为所有手动交易者的理想选择,并有助于增强 MetaTrader 5 平台。多语言支持。 MT4版本  |  用户指南+演示 交易经理在策略测试器中不起作用。 如需演示,请参阅用户指南 风险管理 根据%或$自动调整风险 可选择使用固定手数或根据交易量和点自动计算手数 使用 RR、点数或价格设置盈亏平衡止损 追踪止损设置 最大每日损失百分比,在达到目标时自动平仓所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 最大每日损失(以美元为单位)在达到目标时自动关闭所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 一键实现所有交易的盈亏平衡 自动计算从手机/电话发送的交易的风险 OCO 在设置中可用 交易和头寸管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 高级挂单管理。 调整何时关闭挂单的规则 追踪挂单 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止
此工具将具有指定或自动计算的时间差的原始时间刻度添加到图表底部。 通过使用这个方便的工具,您可以提高图表的可读性,并通过以您或您所在国家/地区熟悉的时间格式显示图表来减轻精神压力。 即使您不需要计算时差,只需将默认时间刻度替换为 Local_Time 即可提高图表的可读性。 Local_Time支持多种时间格式,如“DD.MM hh:mm”、“DD MMM hh:mm”、“MM-DD hh:mm”、“MM/DD hh:mm”、“DD hh:mm”、“ hh:mm”,专为不同国家的人使用而设计。 通过灵活的参数设置,您可以根据需要自定义 Local_Time,从删除默认时间刻度、自动或手动计算时差、调整夏令时、调整刻度之间的间隔。 如果在 Local_Time 下面创建了一个子窗口,会出现一个红色的条,点击它可以将其移动到底部。 产品图片请参考截图。 how to use https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/752455
Click Trade Manager MT5
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
点击交易经理是我们到目前为止最好的产品! 对初级和专业道具公司交易员来说都是最好的解决方案! 保护您的FTMO/MFF道具公司或个人账户不突破缩减限额。EA自动关闭所有交易,因此它们永远不会触及您的缩减限额。 如果某笔交易可能突破您的缩减限额,会向您发出警告。 当您的利润目标被击中时,自动关闭交易。 可设置为向经纪人隐藏神奇数字。 计算风险,只需点击一下就可以用SL和TP进行交易。 一键下达止损和限价订单。 一键设置多个纤维级别的交易,每个交易都有不同的SL和TP。 只需按下键盘上的一个键,就可以进行部分交易,将SL移至BE,关闭所有未结交易,删除所有挂单。 在一天中预先设定的时间内关闭所有交易。 向Telegram发送所有交易的警报。 高度可定制 - 选择最适合您交易风格的设置   首次设置。为了实现正确的功能,在第一次使用之前,请确保你设置以下内容 重置全局设置=True(在EA设置并运行后,回到输入设置并设置为False。除非你得到一个新账户,否则你不需要再次设置)。 在保护设置中。 保护模式 = True (打开保护模式) 开始账户大小 = 输入你的道具公司账户的原
Msg2Slack 是将消息从 MT4/MT5 文本框发送到 Slack 的工具。 只需单击位于文本框右侧的按钮,您就可以轻松地将文本和图表图像发送到您的 Slack 频道。 即使您在图表上画线、标记、注释等,图像也会被发布。 无论您是想向自己还是群组发送消息,这个简单而强大的工具都可以让您非常轻松地捕获图表图像并即时发送消息。 Msg2Slack 工具显示在图表底部。 只需输入您的消息并单击右侧的按钮即可发布您的消息或带有图像的消息。 虽然效用水平因人而异,但任何使用 Slack 进行交流的人都可以从 Msg2Slack 即时发送图表图像的能力中获益。 获取 Slack API TOKEN 并将其设置为该工具的参数。 您还可以使用策略测试器来检查它是否有效。
High Manager MT5
Renate Gerlinde Engelsberger
Get one complete tool, multiple application tools in one tool A tool for trading and risk management A tool for analyzing charts and graphs A tool for viewing patterns and visualizing market forecasts A tool for viewing visual and beautiful trading records A tool for everything, tell us everything you need Special features of this tool: The First tab of the panel :  STATISTICS View trading records. Graphically. Linear and bar charts. View your trading history and Win Rate. You can see the b
Our trade calculator program is an essential tool for any trader looking to make informed decisions and optimize their trades on the popular MetaTrader 4 platform. The program provides traders with real-time market data and advanced analytics, allowing them to easily calculate their position size, risk-to-reward ratio, and potential profits or losses. It also offers customizable settings, allowing traders to tailor the tool to their specific trading style and preferences. With our trade calculat
This utility copies the trading activity from MT5 to Binance Spot. As copies to SPOT, only supporst LONG positions. - Can handle multiple orders with different SL and TP. Can handle partial closes. - In the parameters, you can establish a mutliplier between the size on MT5 and the size to open on Binance. - You can filter use or not manual trades and EA trades. Look the video to see how to use it.
PropAngel EA is a manager EA to help you to pass proprietary firm challenges and evaluations and to keep your funded accounts. PropAngel EA makes sure you do not breach daily drawdown limit which gives you change to continue trading the account and recover from the drawdown. PropAngel EA makes sure that at the moment you have reached your challenge, evaluation or scaling target all trading will be immediately stopped. This is done to prevent account falling away from the target. PropAngel EA giv
Guillermo Monguia
TrendFollowing is an multi-currency scanner that just indicates where to buy/sell: Abilities: Opens up the chart automatically with and arrow indicating where to take action. Send the signal to a telegram channel, see @fx_signal_com channel to get the idea. Configuration: No need to configure "Market Watch". Open a chart and attach the scanner to it. Trading Rules: Use only buystop/sellstop orders above/below arrow on the chart. Delete the pending order if price retraces below/above the moving
This indicator shows both GMT time and your broker's time on the chart. Simply attach the indicator to a chart, and you will see the GMT time and your broker's time displayed in the top left corner, as shown in the screenshot. By using this indicator, you can always stay informed about your broker's time, which is especially useful during daylight saving changes. You won't have to worry about whether your broker follows the US or EU schedule, as the indicator automatically adjusts to reflect any
TrendFollowing is an multi-currency scanner that just indicates where to buy/sell: Abilities: Opens up the chart automatically with and arrow indicating where to take action. Send the signal to a telegram channel, see @fx_signal_com channel to get the idea. Configuration: Configure "Market Watch" with all the symbol you like to trade. Open a chart and attach the scanner to it. Trading Rules: Use only buystop/sellstop orders above/below arrow on the chart Delete the pending order if price retrac
Are You  looking for a ea that would put a hedge trade on when your first trade moves against you x number of pips and add same lot Hedge Positons. Suppose You Open A Trade Eur/Usd Long Positions But Its Going Down 20 Pips  That  Ea open a sell Trade in Same Lot . It is  Good For Your  Mental Health  . Enjoy Thanks .one more think This Ea Have close All Buton and pips 0 To Unlimited Options  .
Trading assistant that offers advanced management of your trades with optimization features. It automatically calculates the risk per trade, makes it easy to set up new orders, and offers advanced management tools such as automatic trade closing in 5 different ways. It also has other useful features that will improve your control and decision making. And best of all, you can use it in the strategy tester to perfect your tactics before trading live! Our trading assistant is a trading tool that
Here is a powerful trading tool that will allow you to trade manually or automatically in any market, but is especially useful in markets with high volatility and liquidity. This system has two EAs (Expert Advisors): one for Buy and one for Sell, which work independently. The operation is based on the hedging strategy and the increase in lots based on the Fibonacci sequence, which will allow you to always add the two previous lots: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... You decide how you want to trade: you ca
It contains four major utilities:    ZeroRisk   Trade Pad  to open and manage trades,  ZeroRisk Manual Trader , a ssistant for manual traders   to control the trading plan and prop firm rules,   ZeroRisk Algo Trader , assistant for algo traders to control and monitor EAs and   ZeroRisk Telegram Signal Provider  to send manual or EA signal to telegram. This assistant supports news filter from top 3 trusted news website ( Investing.com, Daily FX ,  Forex Factory ) and auto GMT offset from    Worl
Trading Lab Trade Copier Master
Nasimul Haque Choudhury
3.67 (3)
Copy trades with ease using the MetaTrader5 trade copier - the quickest and easiest way to copy transactions between different MetaTrader 5 accounts! This innovative tool allows you to locally copy trades in any direction and quantity, giving you full control over your investments. Attention!   You need to download the Trade Copier Slave mq5 file as well to run this EA. Download it from here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/96541 Designed to work on both Windows PC and Windows VPS, this
Trading Lab Trade Copier Slave
Nasimul Haque Choudhury
4 (1)
Copy trades with ease using the MetaTrader5 trade copier - the quickest and easiest way to copy transactions between different MetaTrader 5 accounts! This innovative tool allows you to locally copy trades in any direction and quantity, giving you full control over your investments. Designed to work on both Windows PC and Windows VPS, this program is versatile and adaptable to your trading preferences. Whether you prefer to work from your desktop or a virtual private server, the MetaTrader5 trade
交易者的最佳伙伴! 基本使用设置 基本: 支持语言的选择切换(目前支持中文和英文)   自动识别语言   划线交易 支持英文中文自动选择,自动识别. 1.划线交易 ( 支持拖拉,支持多个订单线 ) 2.手数管理: 两种手数计算模式 ①资金的风险比例,例如设置风险百分比为1的时候,1万美金可交易1手. 计算手数 = 资金(净值或者余额或者剩余保证金) * RISK /10000       ②按亏损金额计算,本设置需要配合止损设置, 计算手数 = ( 当订单被初始下单设置的止损所止损的时候所亏损金额 计算得到的手数,小于最低手数会等于最小手数) ; 3.盈亏比等设置, 设置部分 1. 自动吸附最近高低点 2.高低点偏移 3.自动选择订单习惯 4.SL TP设置方式 5.语言设置
MT5 to Telegram
Alessandro Lentini
Bot to attach to any different chart than the one using to get the orders and send them to telegram Inputs: Telegram Bot Token, Telegram Chat ID Sends Open Price, Order Type, Lots, Take Profit and Stop Loss instantly after the trade is executed. Easy to SetUp and to use My other Bot for XAUUSD and USDCHF:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94001 Just remember to go to Tolls->Options->ExpertAdvisors->Allow Web Request for listed URL:  https://api.telegram.org/
我们中的大多数人使用VPS来运行我们的交易EA,24/7,但如何监控这些终端是否正常运行? 如果他们崩溃了,或者因为更新而关闭了怎么办?我如何得到这方面的通知? 这就是我们的心跳监测发挥作用的地方。 它为您的所有终端和VPS提供24/7的监控。 那么,我们需要什么呢? 1.一个 在Cronitor 的免费用户 账户 ,一个专业的监控服务。 2.2. 这个工具在您的VPS上的图表上运行。 在MT5或连接问题的情况下,您会收到邮件通知(有更多的通知方式)。 我们使用这个技术方案来监控我们关键的后台基础设施,所以它被证明是可靠和有用的。 请 阅读完整的教程 ,在我合作伙伴的博客:Daniel Stein。 如果你愿意,你也可以使用 Nodeping服务 (付费)。 通过我们 在mql5 和 Telegram 上 的 晨间简报,获得每日市场更新的细节和截图!
Trailing on Last Top Bottom
Francisco Gomes Da Silva
5 (1)
该工具在您的头寸上设置止损 通过 Metatrade 策略测试器快速测试。 如果多头头寸,您的止损将在最后一个底部 或者在空头头寸的情况下,您的止损将在最后一个顶部 此外,该工具还管理您未平仓头寸的尾随。 始终将止损设置在最后形成的高点或最后形成的底部 要创建顶部和底部,我使用免费指标“支撑线和阻力线”,可通过此链接下载: 下载 metatrade 5 的免费顶部和底部指标 该工具移动资产上所有未平仓头寸的止损位置 gāi gōngjù zài nín de tóucùn shàng shèzhì zhǐ sǔn tōngguò Metatrade cèlüè cèshì qì kuàisù cèshì. rúguǒ duōtóu tóucùn, nín de zhǐ sǔn jiàng zài zuìhòu yīgè dǐbù huòzhě zài kōngtóu tóucùn de qíngkuàng xià, nín de zhǐ sǔn jiàng zài zuìhòu yīgè dǐngbù cǐwài, gāi gōngjù hái guǎnlǐ nín wèi
Trade simplifier is a trade panel that simplifies trade opening. It is simple and easy to understand, with key features to ease trading. Features include: Order type selection Fixed lot entry from the chart user interface Easy Take profit entry field on the chart user interface Visual take profit selection and adjustment via the line that appears when you click the Take Profit button Easy Stop loss entry field in points on the chart user interface  Visual Stop Loss selection and adjustment  via
Telegram EA Manager
Ebunoluwa Abimb Owodunni
All in one Multipurpose Telegram Trade Management , Manage and Copy Trades on the go From Telegram Pro Version MT5:  www.mql5.com/en/market/product/95742 Pro Version MT4:  www.mql5.com/en/market/product/85691 Execute Trades on mobile with fast execution When away from desktop MT5, or scalping the market with mobile device, or needed to copy trades from telegram groups while away, or doing some other activities, Telegram EA Manager is an effective tool to perform any trade operation with swift
Market Break Lines   is an utility tool to create a partition line at market openings/closings of Tokyo/London/NewYork sessions. This will help you to compare the market movements, volatility variations between the different markets. Inputs: Inputs are simple to feed the time of Tokyo/London/NewYork sessions as per your broker server time Change Color and width of partition lines You can enable or disable any line (Hide/Show). Please don't forget to support by giving handsome reviews/rating MT
IMPORTANT: Blocks&Levels Alerts MT5  indicador.  Gives you the ability to easy draw Blocks and Levels (support and resistance) using key shortcuts and Alerts when price touch them. Please use it and give me feedback!! It really helps! Thank you very much!   DESCRIPTION: Blocks&Levels Indicator, has useful key shortcuts for draw Levels, Blocks Zones, change chart Time Frames, Select or Deselect all drew objects. SETUP: Just install the Indicator on the Chart Open and navigate Indicator properties
Chart Chimes 简介 - 让交易成为交响乐的 MT4/MT5 指标! 厌倦了整天盯着图表看? 交易时需要提神来保持精神振奋吗? 好吧,Chart Chimes 已经为您准备好了! 使用 Chart Chimes,每次按下该按钮时,您都会听到有趣的声音,让您的脸上露出笑容并跳到您的脚步。 想象一下在胜利的喇叭声或轻柔的竖琴声的背景下进行交易——就像拥有自己的私人管弦乐队为您加油一样! 但 Chart Chimes 不仅仅是一个有趣的消遣 - 它是一个强大的工具,可以帮助您在交易时保持专注和参与。 通过自定义声音的能力,您可以创建适合您的交易风格和偏好的独特声音环境。 需要一点提醒来坚持止损吗? 为什么不设置模仿裁判哨子的声音! 或者,也许您想用烟花的声音来庆祝成功的交易 - 可能性是无限的! 那么,当您可以拥有 Chart Chimes 时,为什么还要选择无聊、安静的图表呢? 对于想要为他们的交易程序注入一点乐趣和个性的交易者来说,这是一个完美的补充。 使用 Chart Chimes,每笔交易都可以成为您耳边的音乐!
Blind Broker System 的唯一目的是隐藏您的交易计划并使它们对您的经纪人不可见。 如果您真的想让他“失明”并确保他事先不知道您的止损水平、获利水平、交易量 - 只需使用此交易机器人。 特别鸣谢先生 Henryk Kardas 感谢这个项目的发起和想法。 请记住,MQL 提供的免费演示无法让您测试此 EA 的功能。 如需真实测试,请下载真实的演示版。 演示版链接 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94192 Blind Broker System 是另一种管理订单的系统。 在某种意义上,它与 Meta Trader Terminal 内的系统相同。 不同之处在于,所有通过 Blind Broker System 提交的订单不是写入经纪人的服务器,而是写入程序的内存。 经纪人仅在市场订单发生时收到市场订单请求 - 仅此而已。 笔记! 正确操作需要不间断电源,建议使用 VPS(虚拟专用服务器)。 您可以将此系统视为您自己坐在屏幕前进行交易的副本。 在那种情况下,没有人能读懂你的想法。 您做出交易决定并执行
Introducing the "Auto Timed Close Operations", a useful utility for MetaTrader 5 traders! This utility has been developed to help traders of all levels automatically close their open positions at the exact moment they desire. With the "Auto Timed Close Operations", you gain the required control over your trades and can avoid unwanted surprises at the end of the day or at any other predefined time. We know how important it is to protect your profits and limit your losses, and that's exactly what
Uriel Alfredo Evia Canche
"Terminator Trades " EA robot, built on the powerful MQ5 code,  is designed to simplify the process of closing your positions and pending orders. You can adjust if you want close all the trades or by specific symbols. With just a single click on a button, you can efficiently manage your current positions, ensuring that you never miss an opportunity to terminate a trade.  Close Trades , Delete Pending Orders with Terminator Trades. 
CloseAll MT5
Mr Sorachai Pitakjarukul
4.8 (5)
ขอบคุณ แรงบันดาลใจ จากโค้ชแพม ที่ทำให้เริ่มทำ    Close all ตัวนี้  และขอขอบคุณทุกคนที่ให้ความรู็มาโดยตลอด ไม่ว่าจะทางตรงทางอ้อม ขอบคุณทุกคนที่ให้ความรู้เพื่อนร่วมเทรด ทั้งนี้เพื่อให้นักเทรดทุกคนได้มีเครื่องมือในการควบคุมการปิดการซื้อขาย จึงขอพัฒนาโปรแกรม close all version 5 ได้ใช้ทุกคน  Close all and update profit Version 1.00 (MT5) Full version Give you free  For MT4 Click  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/79252 Fix TPSL calculate  Program function Tab 1 Close order function and show br
This EA will set breakeven or breakeven-plus for your trades, whether you have manually or automatically set stop loss or not. If your broker charges commissions per trade, you need to set breakeven plus, not just breakeven, in order to cover up those charges and properly let your trades run at zero risk. Inputs: In the inputs section , set   BEPoffsetPips   to 0, to use it as a "breakeven" EA. Or set   BEPoffsetPips   to any amount of pips you want, to use it as a "breakeven-plus" EA. "OnProf
Thomas Pierre Maurice Moine
Customize your charts with this simple utility. Choose in the 24 pre-built color sets, or use your own colors, save them to re-use them later. You can also add a text label on your chart. --- Chart Colors-- Color Set : 24 prebuilt color sets (select "Custom" to use colors below) Background color Foreground color Grid color Chart Up color Chart Down color Candle Bull color Candle Bear color  Line color Volumes color --- Label--- Text Label : Type the text you want to appear on the chart Label P
OR One Click App
PinterEC Technology Projects Inc.
OR One-Click - Exiting EA on OsMA and RSI This utility will not create a new position for you nor will it find a new opportunity.  It will help you exit a trade. It allows you to use the "One-Click" feature on your cellphone  MT5 APP to place a trade; then the utility will modify and manage the position until it is closed.  This utility will work on the following 16 symbols. USDJPY, EURJPY, AUDJPY, CADJPY, GBPJPY, EURUSD, EURGBP, EURCAD, EURAUD, AUDCHF, AUDCAD, USDCAD, USDCHF, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, N
Trade Mate
Sotirios Apostolos Adaloglou
Trade Mate is the trading tool for manual traders who want to take their trading to the next level. Packed with advanced features like automatic trailing stop loss, lot size calculation, pending orders, partial close, open trade management, and daily drawdown protection(makes it easier to stick to your daily equity risk).  Trade Mate offers everything you need to trade with precision and confidence. Don't settle for less - try Trade Mate today and see the difference for yourself! Check it on You
Multi Symbol Trailing
Vladimir Karputov
5 (1)
“ 多交易品种尾随 ”实用程序为所有当前未平仓头寸移动止损(多交易品种尾随)。它主要用于协助手动交易。实用程序没有货币对名称或个人标识符(幻数)的限制 - 该实用程序绝对处理所有当前未平仓头寸。 “   Trailing Stop   ”和“   Trailing Step   ”参数的计量单位是点(1.00055 的价格与 1.00045 的价格之间的差值为 10 点)。 使用该实用程序的典型场景(观看视频): 起初,市场上没有未平仓头寸。该实用程序附加到最活跃的图表(例如,“EURUSD”)。然后用户手动开仓(视频中的示例:在“GBPUSD”、“XAUUSD”、“NZDUSD”和“AUDCAD”上开仓)。一旦开仓,“ 多品种尾随 ”实用程序会立即设置止损。 注意 :止损是从距离“ 经典追踪止损” 的头寸开盘价开始设置的! 随着价格朝着有利的方向移动,实用程序会移动该位置的止损。 额外: * 现在在策略测试器中(仅在策略测试器中),以最小手数开立“买入”仓位。这允许用户测试该实用程序。 * 现在提供一种新的追踪类型:“盈亏平衡追踪”。如果仓位已达到盈利,则第一次将止损移至“盈亏平
Multi Chart Sync MT5 is a tool that synchronizes the chart symbol it is placed on to other charts, it can also be customized to exclude/skip some pairs from being synchronized to other charts, It also supports prefixes and suffixes that can be set from the input parameters for brokers with none-standard symbol formats, Synchronisation can be done once or continuously where if a synchronized chart symbol changes it will be reverted to the original/master symbol. This tool comes in handy for mult
The "Lot Size" button toggles between fixed and auto lot size modes. Fixed mode uses a predetermined lot size, while auto mode calculates lot size based on a customizable percentage of the account balance, displayed at the bottom. The "Trailing Stop" button enables the activation or deactivation of the trailing stop feature. Initially set to "No Trailing," clicking the button changes it to "Trailing ON" when the trailing stop is active, and "Trailing OFF" when it is inactive. Below the button,
基于Goodtrade/GoodX 券商推出的黄金双仓对冲套利的交易模型/策略/系统,在日常的操作遇到的问题: 1、B账户跟随A账户即刻下单。 2:A账户 下单后  B账户 自动抄写止损止盈。 3:A账户平仓B账户同时平仓。 4:B账户平仓A账户也平仓。 5:不利点差下拒绝下单。 6:增加有利点值因子。 通过解决以上问题,改变了熬夜、手工出错、长期盯盘、紧张、恐慌、担心、睡眠不足、饮食不规律、精力不足等问题 目前解决这些问题后,有效提升了工作效率和盈利比例,由原来月10%盈利率提升到月45%的最佳盈利率。 原来的一名交易员只能管理操作两组账户,通过此EA提高到操作管理高达16组交易账户,或许你可以超越我们的记录,期待你的经验交流。 此EA分为: GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy A       GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy B     是一个组合EA,假设您购买的额  GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy   A  必须同时购买 GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy   B  两个组合使用会到最佳效果。   
Close it All is the EA that most of traders want because it help them did not miss their profit or protect them from the loss. Why you need the Close It All ? the EA work to close all open positions and the pending orders in the account when its reached to specified profit or loss. Input Parameters : ProfitInMoney : the number of profit in USD. LossInMoney : the number of loss in USD. the upcoming versions including more helpful tools.
Blind Broker System 的唯一目的是隐藏您的交易计划并让您的经纪人看不到它们。如果您真的想让他“盲目”并确保他对您的止损水平、交易量、获利水平一无所知提前,只需使用此交易机器人。 Blind Broker System 是另一种管理订单的系统。 不同之处在于,所有通过 Blind Broker System 提交的订单不是写入经纪人的服务器,而是写入程序的内存。 经纪人仅在市场订单发生时收到市场订单请求 - 仅此而已。 注意! 正确操作需要不间断电源,建议使用 VPS(虚拟专用服务器)。 您可能会认为这个系统是您自己坐在屏幕前进行交易的副本。 如果您手动交易,系统将与您的行为完全相同。 演示版允许您测试机器人的几乎所有功能,但没有真正交易的可能性,但是工具上的关闭所有交易按钮将起作用。 交易水平是可见的,您可以看到它们在实际订单执行的那一刻被删除,但是机器人不会在模拟账户或真实账户中采取任何实际行动。 DEMO VERSION就像一辆汽车,但里面没有引擎。你可以上车,触摸方向盘,测试内饰的舒适度——但你不能开车。 如果您喜欢该演示版并且有兴趣
Riskless Pyramid Mt5
Snapdragon Systems Ltd
3.5 (2)
Introduction This powerful MT4 trade mangement EA offers a way potentially to aggressively multiply trade profits in a riskfree manner. Once a trade has been entered with a defined stoploss and take profit target then the EA will add three pyramid add-on trades in order to increase the overall level of profit. The user sets the total combined profit target to be gained if everything works out. This can be specified either as a multiple of the original trade profit or as a total dollar amount. Fo
Copy Trade EA(Expert Advisor)是一种自动交易软件,可以帮助投资者自动复制其他交易者的交易策略和操作,从而获得类似于其它交易者的交易结果。该软件基于MetaTrader平台,具有易于使用、高效、灵活和自适应的特点,为投资者提供了自动化交易的一站式解决方案。 该软件支持多种交易品种,包括外汇、商品、股票和指数。其主要功能包括: 复制交易:该软件可以在实时模式下复制其他交易者的交易操作,自动将交易操作应用到您的账户中。您可以根据其他交易者的历史表现选择要跟随的交易者,并设置复制比例和风险管理策略,以满足您的投资需求。 风险管理:该软件支持多种风险管理策略,如止损、追踪止损和限价订单,可以帮助投资者最大限度地降低风险和保护资金。此外,该软件还提供了实时的交易报告和交易统计信息,以便投资者对其交易行为进行分析和调整。 自定义设置:该软件支持用户自定义设置,包括复制比例、交易量、止损和追踪止损距离、交易时间和其他参数。这些自定义设置可以根据投资者的偏好和风险承受能力进行调整。 高效运行:该软件基于MetaTrader平台,具有高效、灵活和自适应的特点。该软件支
In trading, losses are inevitable, but they can be managed effectively with the right tools. Lock Guard    can be used for insuring positions in manual trading or as an addition to another robot. It is a powerful tool for saving a trader's main positions because it can prevent losses from getting out of hand. Lock Guard is a trading tool that helps manage losses by automatically placing pending stop orders, which act as counter orders that become market orders when the price moves against t
Krzysztof Janusz Stankiewic
For those who monitor charts from afar, this utility is essential. It displays the chart symbol, time frame, and bid price as text. Users can adjust the text position, color, and font size. It’s also a useful tool for forex video publishers. There will be no more complaints about which symbol and time frame are displayed on the screen, even if the content is viewed on a phone. Symbol prefixes such as “_ecn” or “_stp” can be removed from the displayed symbol.
This EA Trails your stops for both manually and auto-opened trades.  This EA will work whether you have manually or automatically set stop loss or not. Trailing stop   is a more flexible variation of a normal exit order. T railing stop  is the practice of moving the stop-loss level closer to the current price when the price moves in your favor. Trailing the stop-loss allows traders to limit their losses and safeguard their positive trades. It is a very popular practice. This EA will manage your
Торговая панель предназначена для установки сетки ордеров с различными параметрами. Предназначена для торговли акциями, где в одном лоте будет одна акция, на неттинговых видах счетов. Панель не дает дает открывать сетки на продажу, если уже стоят ордера на покупку и наоборот, есть возможность только управления текущей сеткой.  Имеет несколько основных функций по установке ордеров в заданном диапазоне и с заданным риском, закрытию части ордеров из сетки, переносом в безубыток, закрытие части по п
此EA讓您永遠不用再計算交易量。而這也意味著您可以 更專注於分析 更專注於交易心態 做出更好的決定 得到更穩定持續的盈利 除此之外,我們還增加了兩個功能---自動盈利價格計算與每日虧損控制系統,幫助使用者更輕鬆且有紀律地執行每筆交易 可使用貨幣: 貨幣對 加密貨幣 金屬 指數 股票 使用方式: 打開MT5並點擊「演算法交易」 打開任意圖表,並將EA拖移至圖表中 視窗欄位介紹: Select_Protect_Type: 提供兩種選擇方式: DailyBalanceAndEquity InitBalanceAndEquity 此處不詳細介紹兩種保護方式。如果您想了解更多,請查看FTMO和TFT對於每日Drawdown的規則。 InitBalanceAndEquity適用於FTMO,DailyBalanceAndEquity適用於TFT。 InitBalance: 如果Select_Protect_Type選擇InitBalanceAndEquity,那麼帳戶會查看每日虧損是否達到InitBalanceAndEquity*DailyMaxDDPercentage 如果Select_Pro
Introduction The SDS_TradeManager EA is a powerful EA designed to manage your positions once you have been filled. It basically works a break-even stop and also a trailing stop where the trigger levels and trail levels are all specified in "R's", that is to say multiples of the initial trade risk. Many successful professional traders think about all their trades and profit taking in terms of multiples of the initial risk R. So for example, if your initial risk on your trade is 50 pips and you wa
Connector Solutions Binance是一个在Binance交易所复制交易的实用程序。 如果您在MetaTrader 5中进行交易,但希望您的交易放在像Binance这样的加密货币交易所,这将是有帮助的。 Connector Solutions Binance复制通过MetaTrader 5进行的模拟账户的交易(该模拟账户上必须有您想使用的加密货币)。 这个版本的Connector Solutions Binance是免费的,因此只适用于AAVEUSDT,以便你可以测试其功能度。 此外,在网站上,你可以下载复制器交易到交易所KUCOIN , KRAKEN 。 完全访问的版本可以从  https://connector.solutions  下载。 正在开始: 要想开始,您需要在Binance获得API密钥 (API keys) https://www.mql5.com/ru/blogs/post/752065
Sigma Risk Management
Italo Martins Coutinho
r -2aw+9 521q- 5f2 a 13r faw+ 2r 1faw +1 rf5a2- 5123r-fa 96 *123+faw1*rfa-- A FAD+6 FQ139 ,FW*+ADS,1134+* ,G1 S+ *,AS12FV *123AG*9, 24*,G A*-CVC, D*2, 2FG S,A5*  2Q,5TF DSZ/5*2,GA3S, FD,+8 AFSDV-*/5,Q21FE A/DBGEA-GT453,WS -V/A,42-*4      * S F  5 G  BA 522 G E A + DS 9 2G -2/*Q2G+SBZD5, 2+*V  21Q4G25W2AGB+ *522G+AS5DZ2F+G FA9BD 01 -Q2*1GGSDZ+ 52/ 521Q2FWAV92+2A,5/GEB+ F3,DV *-2Q 4WG-A+* W4*25,+*ADF 5,VA, 2, A V+, D, T24 AFED* AW*GR 85*2 45*DFA B2DA*+ 254W9BDF+A 5ZSB*AG5 2*452W 5GAEFD29G+2
Alexander Martynov
5 (3)
This tool is designed to quickly calculate the lot depending on the Stop Loss. The control is done by hot keys By default: 1 - Limit order price level 2 - Stop Loss Level 3 - Take Profit Level Space Bar - Open an order Escape - Cancel All 9 - Open 2 orders Market Order To open a Market order, click (2) and set up Stop Loss with the mouse If you want to put Take Profit - click (3) and set up Take Profit with the mouse
Multi Cross 5
Prafull Manohar Nikam
M ulti Cross Alert! on your smartphone. Use multiple indicators to get a crossover signal on chart as well as on MetaTrader app. You can use all crossovers at the same time but it is not recommended cause your chart will look messy. Instead use combination of two indicators which will be better. IMP NOTE:- More indicators will be added in future updates. Any suggestions regarding indicators are welcome!   Indicators List: 1. MA (Cross) 2. RSI (OB/OS) 3. MACD Lines (Main Line & Signal Line Cross)
Introducing the ATR EA Position Manager, a comprehensive tool designed for traders seeking advanced control. With this manager, you can effortlessly set ATR sizes for stop loss and take profit and conveniently determine Breakeven and Trailing sizes. Enjoy the flexibility of trailing on candle close or real-time, utilizing trailing distances based on ATR. Adjust Preview SL and TP lines based on % or lot size before position entry and secure profits with the automated ATR Breakeven or manual brea
Meditation Seed: Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.[1][2][3][4][web 1][web 2] Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions. The earliest records of meditation (dhyana) are found in the Upanishads, and meditation plays a salient role in the contemplative repertoire
OrderHelper script is super easy and trader friendly to use. It would boost your trading experience. Because it is designed to open one to multiple orders quickly with just one click. Besides using the OrderHelper script, traders can define various parameters for open orders such as the symbol, order type, lot size, stoploss, takeprofit and more. Basically, with this script traders can manage their open orders more efficiently and save their trading time. OrderHelper manages: Open the number of
Hello  Partial N Trail Ea exists to make your trader life easier.  How? Well.. With this ea you can be sure that your positions are safe when you´re away or doing something else! Features: 1) -Activate/Deactivate Partial Close  -Partial Close at X Pips -% to be closed 2) - Activate/Deactivate SL to Break even  -Break even start  -Break even Profit 3) -Activate/Deactivate Trailing Stop -Trailing Start -Trailing Distance 4)  Auto place TP at x pips Auto place SL at x pips above/below last closed c

MetaTrader 市场 - 在您的交易程序端可以直接使用为交易者提供的自动交易和技术指标。

MQL5.community 支付系统 提供给MQL5.com 网站所有已注册用户用于MetaTrade服务方面的事务。您可以使用WebMoney,PayPal 或银行卡进行存取款。