适用于MetaTrader 4的新技术指标 - 8

MT4 平台 AI Color Gradient Volume 指标使用介绍 一、指标概述
AI Color Gradient Volume 是一款基于人工智能技术,用于 MT4 平台的创新型成交量分析指标。它通过将成交量数据转化为直观的颜色渐变图形,帮助交易者更敏锐地洞察市场中资金的流入流出情况以及买卖力量的强弱对比,从而为交易决策提供有力支持,适用于外汇、股票、期货等各类 MT4 交易市场。 二、安装与设置
安装步骤 :首先,下载 AI Color Gradient Volume 指标文件,通常为.ex4 格式。然后,在 MT4 平台上,点击 “文件” 菜单,选择 “打开数据文件夹”,进入 “MQL4” 文件夹,接着找到 “Indicators” 文件夹,将下载好的指标文件复制粘贴到该文件夹内。关闭并重新打开 MT4 平台,在 “插入” 菜单中选择 “指标”,在自定义指标列表中找到 AI Color Gradient Volume 指标并点击,即可将其添加到图表上。 参数设置 :安装完成后,指标可能会有一些默认参数设置,一般情况下这些默认设置已能满足基本交易需求,但交易者也可

The Pure Price Action ICT Tools indicator is designed for pure price action analysis, automatically identifying real-time market structures, liquidity levels, order & breaker blocks, and liquidity voids. Its unique feature lies in its exclusive reliance on price patterns, without being constrained by any user-defined inputs, ensuring a robust and objective analysis of market dynamics. Key Features Market Structures A Market Structure Shift, also known as a Change of Character (CHoCH), is a pivot

Description of Support and Resistance Indicator Based on Volume Profile for MetaTrader 4 Introduction The financial market is an arena where traders and investors constantly seek ways to gain a competitive edge. One of the most widely used and respected concepts in any market is support and resistance . These levels represent key price zones where supply and demand balance out, and where significant decisions are made by participants who drive the market. Our Support and Resistance Indicator wit

This custom trading indicator utilizes the Average True Range (ATR) to identify buy and sell opportunities based on price movement. It can optionally employ Heikin Ashi candles to reduce noise and produce smoother signals. The indicator is optimized for use on a 1-hour timeframe and is designed for long-term trading strategies. Works best with symbols: AUDUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, US500, US30, XAUUSD, BNBUSD Configure Settings : Configure Settings : Set KeyValue to 9.0 . Set ATRPeriod to 11 .

New market liquidity indicator, more accurate with two levels, will really unhide the "hidden agenda" of the price action in any timeframe. Forget all other indicator and use what professional traders are using ! For more information about market liquidity, a manual on how to use this indicator please send me a message.
A lot of information can be found on the net. (search liquidity trading/ inner circle trader)

To get access to MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Exit-Willy Alerts" by " barrettdenning ". This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. All input options are available. Buffers are available for processing in EAs. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading

HTF Heiken Ashi Candles MT4is an indicator which plots the bigger version of the higher time-frame Heiken Ashi Candles on the lower candle. The indicator plots only closed candles, with no lag or repainting. i.e. Once the higher time-frame candle has closed, it is immediately plotted on the lower time-frame. this is done to keep your chart simple, and make you more focused.
The indicator also allows you to choose different higher time-frames for each lower time-frame at the first loading of the

HTF Fair Value Gaps MT4 is an indicator which plots the bigger version of the higher time-frame Fair Value gaps on the lower time-frame chart. The indicator plots only fair value gaps from closed candles, with no lag or repainting. i.e. Once the higher time-frame candle has closed, if it left behind a fair value gap, it is immediately plotted on the lower time-frame. The FVGs can be plotted in three ways, which can be selected via input.
Only on last candle: In this case the FVG will be plotted

Best Divergence Indicator for advanced traders without distraction of lines or arrows. It is not a magic blackbox for novice traders rather a great tool for experienced traders to decide their entry and exit. Can be used for most of the Forex pairs, Gold, Oil, Crypto. Flexibility to play with input to customize ur unique research too. Therefore, I will suggest turning off arrows and divergence line to reduce clutter and instead use the following advice: For sell on divergence indicator start tu

Line1: simple calculation of change in closing price for the chosen input period - named Velocity. Line2: simple calculation of change in velocity for the chosen input period - named Acceleration. Feel free to play with the input periods to find a profitable combination. For faster results it is best to do it in MT Optimizer. Can assist in either manual or automatic trading.

After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!
Easy Breakout is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it levera

Upper and Lower Reversal - 早期预测反转时刻的系统。允许您在价格变动通道的上限和下限的边界处找到价格转折点。
适应任何时间范围和交易工具 该指标不会重新绘制,仅在蜡烛收盘时起作用。 信号警报有多种类型 该指标易于使用,只有 2 个外部可配置参数: Channel Length - 调整构建信号的价格通道的长度。 Signal Normalization - 改变信号箭头的质量水平,参数越高 - 错误信号越少(对于 BTC、黄金和高波动性工具,变化几个数量级) Alerts play sound / Alerts display message / Alerts send notification / Send email - 当输入信号箭头出现时使用通知。 Sound for signals - 信号箭头的声音文件。

Special offer : ALL TOOLS , just $35 each! New tools will be $30 for the first week or the first 3 purchases ! Trading Tools Channel on MQL5 : Join my MQL5 channel to update the latest news from me Supertrend Fakeout 指标是经典 Supertrend 指标的增强版本,旨在提供更可靠的趋势信号。通过引入诸如 Fakeout Index Limit 和 Fakeout ATR Mult 等高级功能,该指标有助于过滤掉由于短期价格波动或市场噪声引起的假趋势反转。 查看更多 MT5 版本: Supertrend Fakeout MT5 查看更多产品: 所有产品 工作原理 Supertrend Fakeout 指标基于 平均真实范围 (ATR) 和一个乘数来识别趋势。 当价格高于 Supertrend 线时,表示上升趋势。 当价格低于 Supertr

Special offer : ALL TOOLS , just $35 each! New tools will be $30 for the first week or the first 3 purchases ! Trading Tools Channel on MQL5 : Join my MQL5 channel to update the latest news from me Kalman Trend Levels 是一种先进的趋势跟踪指标,利用尖端的卡尔曼滤波技术,为交易者提供强大的分析信号。该工具设计精确且具有适应性,不仅能够识别关键的支撑和阻力区域,还提供全面的市场动量和趋势变化分析方法。 查看 MT5 版本: Kalman Trend Levels MT5 查看更多产品: All Products See more detailed explanation of Kalman Filter logic in this indicator here: Kalman Filter Logic in Trend Detection

Special offer : ALL TOOLS , just $35 each! New tools will be $30 for the first week or the first 3 purchases ! Trading Tools Channel on MQL5 : Join my MQL5 channel to update the latest news from me Breakaway Fair Value Gaps (FVG) 工具是一种尖端的解决方案,旨在帮助交易者识别价格从平衡中突破的区域,并提供有关修正概率的深入见解。该工具不仅突出关键信号,还包括高级功能以提高决策的准确性。 查看 MT5 版本: Breakaway Fair Value Gaps MT5 查看更多产品: 所有 产品 Breakaway FVG 的关键特点 1. 什么是 Breakaway Fair Value Gap? 定义:
Breakaway FVG 是在价格突破近期历史新 高 或新 低 点时形成的区域。这些区域表明市场的强劲动量,因为买家或卖

MT4平台的Binary exfish指标 Binary exfish 指标专为二元期权交易而设计,适用于 M1 和 M5 时间框架。该指标可用于任何货币对,通过趋势分析,在图表上提供箭头信号: 蓝色箭头 — 买入信号。 红色箭头 — 卖出信号。 特点: 默认到期时间 :1根K线。 可调整到期时间:1到3根K线。 信号在当前K线关闭前出现,确保及时决策。 支持声音提醒、弹窗、邮件通知以及移动端推送。 安装与使用: 为确保指标正常运行,请下载 MQL5 文件夹 并将其放入您的MT4终端文件夹中。 安装指南请观看此视频: 视频 链接 。 获取弹窗通知,请使用附加指标: 点 击下载 。 Binary exfish 指标是趋势交易的优秀工具,提供准确且清晰的信号,帮助您成功进入交易。

适用于 MT4 的外汇指标“CCI 速度”,无需重绘。
-该指标的计算基于物理方程。CCI 速度是 CCI 本身的一阶导数 -商品通道指数 (CCI) 衡量当前价格与历史平均价格之间的差额 -CCI 速度适合在主要趋势方向上进行剥头皮交易:可将其与任何合适的趋势指标结合使用,例如 EMA20 和 EMA50,如图所示 -CCI 速度指标显示 CCI 本身改变方向的速度 - 它非常敏感 -如果 CCI 速度指标的值 < 0:速度为负数;如果 CCI 速度指标的值 > 0:速度为正 -指标具有内置移动和 PC 警报
// 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

Price_Action 过滤直方图 - 是价格行为交易的有效辅助交易工具!无需重绘。
该指标向交易者建议入场方向。然后交易者只需在该方向上搜索价格行为信号即可。 价格行为过滤直方图应与价格行为模式和支撑/阻力位相结合 绿色直方图 - 寻找看涨入场 红色直方图 - 寻找看跌入场 使用此指标,有很多机会升级标准策略 指标具有内置的移动和 PC 警报 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

MT4 外汇指标“HTF 动量”。
- HTF 动量是衡量价格变化率的领先指标之一。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架 - 该指标显示趋势方向,并通过比较当前值和过去值来衡量价格变化的速度 - HTF 动量指标非常适合具有剥头皮入场或与其他指标结合使用的多时间框架交易系统。 - 此指标允许您将更高时间框架的动量附加到当前图表。 指标具有内置的移动和 PC 警报 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

MT4 外汇指标“倒锤子和射击之星形态”
- 指标“倒锤子和射击之星模式”对于价格行为交易来说是非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟; - 指标检测图表上的看涨倒锤线和看跌流星形态: - 看涨倒锤子 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(参见图片) - 看跌流星 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图) - 包括 PC、手机和电子邮件警报 - 指标“倒锤子和射击之星”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合 ............................................................................................................. // 这里提供更多优秀的 EA 交易和指标: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在该 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

MT4 外汇指标“关键圆形区域”。
- 指标“关键圆形区域”是交易者考虑支撑/阻力时必备的辅助指标。 - 价格遵循 1000 和 500 圆形水平 - 价格经常从这些水平反弹。 - 主要 1000 水平周围也有强大的支撑/阻力区域(每边 100 点)。 - 1000 和 500 圆形水平也适合放置获利(圆形水平前面)和 SL(圆形水平后面)。 - 这些水平特别强,尤其是在价格横盘整理和市场持平时。 ................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

RYUKAI HADOO 是一个专业且易于使用的外汇交易系统,基于最佳交易原则和最佳策略。 该指标提供准确的买入和卖出信号,包括止损和止盈水平。 您可以通过推送通知随时随地进行交易。
如果你熟悉交易,你可能已经遇到过像RSI、EMA、ATR等流行的策略和指标。 虽然这些工具很强大,但它们可能非常复杂——不仅对初学者来说如此,对有经验的交易者来说也是如此。 挑战在于如何在实际交易中有效地应用这些理论概念。 我花了多年的时间进行实践和改进,才掌握了这些原则,并将其中最好的部分融入到我的自定义外汇指标中。
这个指标的美在于它的简单性。 你不需要花几个小时来分析图表或解码复杂的信号。 你只需将指标附加到你的交易图表上,它就会为你完成繁重的工作。 该指标持续扫描市场,分析价格走势并识别高概率的交易机会。 当它检测到最佳入场点时,会生成明确的买入或卖出信号。 此外,它提供动态的跟踪止损和止盈水平,帮助您精确且自信地管理交易。
使这个指标与众不同的是它能够将复杂的市场分析简化为可操作的见解。 无论你是新手还是经验丰富

The Circle Intelligent Trend Indicator is a cutting-edge tool designed for MetaTrader 4 users who demand efficiency. This indicator brings the seamless TradingView experience directly to MT4, eliminating the need for templates and simplifying your trading setup.
Its standout feature is the Circle buy and sell signals, which are optimized for multi-timeframe analysis, allowing traders to make informed decisions with confidence. Whether you’re scalping, day trading or swing trading, the Circle I

The ABC Indicator analyzes the market through waves, impulses, and trends, helping identify key reversal and trend-change points. It automatically detects waves A, B, and C, along with stop-loss and take-profit levels. A reliable tool to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of your trading. This product is also available for MetaTrader 5 => https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/128178 Key Features of the Indicator:
1. Wave and Trend Identification: - Automatic detection of waves based on mov

Super M5
Welcome back to my page!
- The Super M5 is actually a complex of three indicators.
- Super M5 was built specifically for the M5 timeframe and all currency pairs.
- Super M5 indicator provides accurate BUY and SELL signals.
- The indicator is perfect for scalping.
- The indicator is easy to use.
- With a simple and intuitive interface, the indicator displays clear arrows on the map, making it easy to interpret and act on signals.
When it detects a good entry point, it

The 50% level holds significant importance in the market because it acts as a dividing line between bullish and bearish movements. Traders often rely on this midpoint to analyze trends and predict potential reversals. It is among the most logical and widely recognized concepts in financial markets. The 50% level also serves as a psychological barrier, influencing decisions of both retail and institutional traders, making it a cornerstone in technical analysis. One of the few indicators on the ma

The "BioStar" indicator is an innovative tool for trend analysis on the Forex market. It has unique capabilities and a wide range of settings that will help traders make informed decisions when trading.
This indicator is based on the analysis of the market trend and helps to identify the direction of price movement. It uses various mathematical algorithms and statistical methods to determine the strength and stability of the trend in the market.
One of the key features of the "BioStar" indica

Moving average alert plus is an advance moving average alert that will easily monitor the price action based on set moving averages to multiple open charts. Objective: To monitor multiple open charts and notify traders conveniently in a single display panel when using the moving averages to enter/exit a trade. Features: Monitor price action in two timeframes at the same time Supports simple, exponential, smoothed, linear weighted moving averages Trigger an alert based on candle size (full/

Discover a powerful yet simple indicator to identify market trends effectively! Awesome Moving Average (AWMA) is designed to detect bullish or bearish trends by analyzing price breakouts beyond the moving average line. Basically, the way this indicator works is similar to the Moving Average indicator available on the MetaTrader platform. As we know, the Moving Average indicator tends to be difficult to use when the market is in a sideways condition because it often gives false breakou

The indicator is a histogram that is great for showing when to enter the market
When the hump moves above the median go long and when it moves below the median go short
The colors can be adjusted as preferred
Suitable for any timeframe
Test in demo before purchase
Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello, I need reviews from you guys. Thank you Fractal Swing Detector Pro Indicator is designed to help traders identify key swing points in the market . By combining fractal an d pivot analysis, this indicator provides deeper insights into price movements an d potential reversals. Key Features: Fractal Analysis: Identify high and low fractals with the option to use either 3 or 5 bar fractals . Fractals help detect minor reversal points within trends. Pivot Points: Advance d pivot

The Breakaway Fair Value Gap (FVG) is a typical FVG located at a point where the price is breaking new Highs or Lows.
USAGE Figure 1 In the figure 1, the price range is visualized by Donchian Channels.
In theory, the Breakaway FVGs should generally be a good indication of market participation, showing favor in the FVG's breaking direction. This is a combination of buyers or sellers pushing markets quickly while already at the highest high or lowest low in recent history. Figure 2 Whi

Last & Ultimate Indictor a trader would ever need while trading.
Confirmation Based Harmonic Patterns for Trend Reversal Identification .
Ultra finetuned Candle Based Market structure(not pivot or average based like other noisy indicators) for a sniper & confirmational Entry Added false breakout entry for dual parameter low risk entry
This is the finest structure marking you will ever find in any market. indicator is coded based on actual candle breaks and not coded base

This script is an enhanced version of the classic Supertrend indicator. It incorporates an additional feature that ensures trend reversals are more reliable by introducing a Fakeout Index Limit and a Fakeout ATR Mult. This helps avoid false trend changes that could occur due to short-term price fluctuations or market noise. In smart money concept, when institute , "big-fish" want to buy, they usually sell first to take sellside liquidity and vice versal. This is why the indicator become importan

Super Scalp Indicator MT4 is a unique trend reversal 100% non-repainting multi-algo indicator that can be used on all symbols/instruments: forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies, indices, stocks . Super Scalp Indicator MT4 will determine the current trend at its early stages, gathering information and data from up to 10 standard algos When indicator give a valid buy or sell signal, a corresponding arrow will be printed on the chart, open trade at start of the next candle/bar

This product enables you to trade in opportunities that are detected by the indicator. Using advanced Calculations and formulae this product enables you to profit from trend opportunities. Trend master has Channels that show areas the trend is strong and you are likely to profit. Once this zone Is breached the price is on in uncertain territory and there is no guarantee the trend will continue This means there might be reversal and it is advisable to exit a trade here.

Do you want to beat the market? This indicator uses advanced mathematical formulae That include regression analysis to predict market trends. So what happens is That when the price is above the indicator line as depicted in the screenshot The trend is rising and when the price is below the indicator line the Trend is falling. This opportunities appear multiple times each day enabling You to profit. This indicator makes the trend your friend.

Bollinger trading is an indicator for mt4 that uses Bollinger bands and other trend following strategies To detect the direction of the market. Just as attached in the screenshot the light blue line shows areas The market is rising. This means opening positions here is in the direction of the trend. The dark blue lines cane be used for sell trades when the market moves in the opposing direction. Using this tactics you can have a clear sense of where the market is headed.

This product works by detecting trend opportunities. So as shown in the screenshot when The indicator shows an upward arrow it shows the market is on an uptrend and when the indicator Shows a downward arrow it shows the market is on a downward direction. What makes this indicator Special is that it has additional signals just below the arrow signals. It is up to the trader to be Creative and combine these signals with the arrow signal to get accurate forecasts.

Manh RSICrossingAlert with Alert Indicator is a versatile technical analysis tool that aids traders in identifying market trends and potential entry and exit points. It features a dynamic Manh RSICrossingAlert , adapting to market conditions for a clear visual representation of trend direction. Traders can customize parameters to align with their preferences and risk tolerance. The indicator assists in trend identification, signals potential reversals, serves as a trailing stop mechanism, and p

Special offer : ALL TOOLS , just $35 each! New tools will be $30 for the first week or the first 3 purchases ! Trading Tools Channel on MQL5 : Join my MQL5 channel to update the latest news from me Volumatic VIDYA (Variable Index Dynamic Average) 是一款高级指标,旨在跟踪趋势并分析每个趋势阶段中的买卖压力。通过使用可变指数动态平均值 (Variable Index Dynamic Average) 作为核心动态平滑技术,该工具在关键市场结构水平上提供了关于价格和交易量动态的重要洞察。 查看更多 MT5 版本: Volumatic VIDyA MT5 查看更多产品: 所有产品 To use iCustom for EA, please see here: Create EA (iCustom) with VO

Forex Gunslinger 是一款买入/卖出反转信号指标,其设计理念是在 MTF 模式下结合支撑/阻力、交叉和振荡指标。当一切都对齐时,指标会生成买入或卖出信号。尽管该指标基于 MTF 思想,但该算法非常稳定并生成可靠的反转信号。这是一个 MTF 类型指标,它可以使用更高或更低的时间范围来计算当前图表的信号。但它也可以用于非 mtf 模式。尽管最初的想法是在 MTF 模式下使用该指示器,这样它才能真正发挥作用。 Forex Gunslinger 指标几乎可以与任何交易工具和时间框架一起使用。它可与货币、指数、股票、加密货币和金属一起使用。它适用于任何交易工具。 该指示器提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买后请联系我以获得我的交易提示和丰厚奖金! 祝您交易愉快、盈利!

主要特点: 先进且经过测试的算法:
Scalper Trend Signals No Repaint 配备了市场上最优化的算法之一,确保准确可靠的趋势分析。全球进行的超过 15,000 次测试表明,它对各级别的交易员非常有效。 独特的假信号过滤器:
新的指标配备了独特的算法过滤器,能够最大限度地减少假信号。尤其适合使用 剥头皮策略 的交易者,因为它帮助精确理解每日价格方向。 实时信号——通过电子邮件和推送发送:
与旧版本不同,新的指标可以直接通过电子邮件或推送通知将信号发送到您的设备,帮助您快速做出决策,并随时随地实时监控市场。 灵活的设置: period_trader :调整快速价格适应周期。 period_low_trader :设置慢速价格适应周期。 mode_ma :选择移动平均模式。 mode_price :设置价格模式。 EmailPush :启用通过电子邮件或推送设备发送信号。 促销活动 :购买 Scalper Trend Signals 指标 ,并获得独家赠品!

GOLDEN ARROW SCALPER! 主要功能: 精准入场信号 :基于数学计算,识别理想的入场时机,优化您的交易决策。 即时提醒 :每当交易信号出现时,实时接收声音通知。 可自定义设置 :调整EMA参数,使指标与您的交易策略和风格相匹配。 直观的可视化效果 :利用对比鲜明的颜色(海绿色和红色)突出信号,方便阅读和决策。 高速性能 :专为在任何交易平台上快速高效运行而设计。 为什么选择Golden Arrow Scalper? 专家打造 :由Felipe FX开发,他因对交易市场和分析工具的卓越贡献而备受推崇。 实用且易用 :适合初学者和经验丰富的交易者,配置直观且易于使用。 持续更新和支持 :享受定期更新和专属支持,确保您的工具始终跟随市场趋势。 立即获取,让您的交易更加自信精准!

Scalper Boss 是一个先进的分析工具,旨在通过多层逻辑框架评估市场状况并识别最佳的进场和出场点。它能够适应不断变化的市场环境,为交易者提供清晰的视觉信号和趋势线。其主要价值在于通过过滤市场噪音并捕捉有意义的波动,提高市场分析效率,这在短线交易和日内交易中尤为有用。 虽然 Scalper Boss 不能保证盈利,但其强大的架构能帮助交易者更好地理解市场,尤其是在波动性高或横盘市场中。 指标的优势 多层次分析: 结合均线交叉和趋势线,提供全面的市场视图。 精准: 通过整合市场范围分析过滤噪音,减少虚假信号。 灵活: 可自定义参数,适用于任何交易工具或风格。 易于使用: 清晰的视觉元素(如箭头和趋势线)简化了信号解读。 多用途: 适合短线交易、日内交易,甚至中期交易策略。 使用指标的简单交易策略 进场条件: 买入: 当蓝色向上的箭头出现在蜡烛下方,并且上升趋势线(TrendUp)激活且下降趋势线(TrendDown)隐藏时。 卖出: 当红色向下的箭头出现在蜡烛上方,并且下降趋势线(TrendDown)激活且上升趋势线(TrendUp)隐藏时。 止损: 设置在最近3-5根蜡烛的局部低

HTF Candles MT4 is a mt4 indicator which plots the outline of the higher time-frame candles on the lower candle, including any MT5 higher time-frame chosen. The indicator plots only closed candles, with no lag or repainting. Features MT5 Period Candles: This indicator plots any mt5 time-frame candle e.g m12, m20... on the lower time-frame. Heiken Ashi Options: You have the option to view the HTF Heiken ashi instead of the normal candleSticks.
No objects drawn on chart: The indicator does not plo

Special offer : ALL TOOLS , just $35 each! New tools will be $30 for the first week or the first 3 purchases ! Trading Tools Channel on MQL5 : Join my MQL5 channel to update the latest news from me Trendlines with Breaks Scanner 是一款先进的交易工具,旨在帮助交易者实时识别关键趋势和突破点。通过基于枢轴点的自动生成趋势线,该指标让交易者能够以精准和自信把握交易机会。 查看 MT5 版本: Trendlines with Breaks Scanner MT5 查看更多产品: All Products 主要功能 1. 实时突破检测 突破警报: 当价格突破趋势线时立即通知您。集成的警报功能确保您不会错过任何关键的市场动作。 无重绘突破: 突破在发生时检测到,提供准确可靠的信号,不会重绘。 2. 自动化和可自定义的趋势线 动态趋势线:

3D 振荡器的七大优势 三维市场视角 “3D 振荡器”这一名称并非巧合。它将三种知名指标(RSI、随机指标和CCI)集成到一个面板中。这种组合提供了市场的三维视角,帮助您发现隐藏趋势并避免陷阱。 可定制设置 通过可调整的参数(如 D1RSIPer、D2StochPer 和 D3tunnelPer),该指标可适应任何交易风格,无论您是激进的短线交易者还是耐心的波段交易者。 信号精确 得益于平滑机制(sigsmooth)和调整因子(hot),3D 振荡器可以滤除市场噪音,提供更可靠的信号,并减少虚假信号。 多时间框架适配 无论是 1 分钟图表还是周线图表,指标都能完美适配不同的时间框架,为各类交易者提供精准洞察。 易于解读 其两条信号线(sig1n 和 sig2n)组成了双重确认系统。当两线交叉时,即表示高概率的买入或卖出机会。 多功能性 适用于所有市场:外汇、股票、加密货币、大宗商品和指数。其计算能力在任何金融资产中都表现出色。 稳定表现 该公式结合了动量原理(RSI)、超买超卖区间(随机指标)和价格趋势分析(CCI)。这使得系统能够检测反转、确认趋势并降低风险。 使用 3D 振荡器交

Crypto_Forex 指标累积条形图模式适用于 MT4。
- 指标“累积条形图”是针对价格行为交易的非常强大的突破重点指标。 - 指标在 1 条期间检测窄区域内的价格累积并显示:突破方向、挂单和 SL 位置。 - 看涨累积条形图 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 看跌累积条形图 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 无需重绘,无延迟,高 R/R 比率(回报/风险)。 - 指标具有可调灵敏度参数。 - 具有 PC、移动和电子邮件警报。 - 指标“累积条形图”适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。
// 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

Golden Scalper XAU/USD – 专为黄金市场(XAU/USD)设计的高效剥头皮交易指标 如果您是黄金市场(XAU/USD)的交易员,正在寻找一个强大的工具来最大化您的利润,进行高效的剥头皮交易,那么 Golden Scalper XAU/USD 将是您的完美选择。此指标使用先进的模式识别技术,提供 高精度的交易信号 ,让每一笔交易都充满信心。 主要特点: 剥头皮交易中的无与伦比的精确度: Golden Scalper XAU/USD 专为黄金市场优化,提供 优质的交易信号 ,帮助您进行 快速且有利可图的交易 。 先进的模式识别技术: 通过使用复杂的模式识别技术,指标能够识别最佳的入场机会,过滤掉虚假信号,大大提高交易成功率。 高精度: 依托智能算法,指标能够在波动性大、快速变化的黄金市场中提供 可靠的交易信号 ,确保您的每一次交易都有更高的成功概率。 专为剥头皮交易优化: 该指标的优势在于其 在剥头皮交易中的高效性 ,能够帮助您在短时间框架内发现最佳的入场和退出点 简易的用户界面: Golden Scalper XAU/USD 拥有直观的用户界面,信号显示在图表上,简

主要功能: 自动模式识别: 内置人工智能实时分析市场行为,检测高概率的重复模式。 能识别经典图形,如三角形、旗形、头肩顶等,以及人工智能捕捉的细微图形。 买入和卖出信号: 入场信号通过 视觉箭头 (绿色为买入,红色为卖出)直接显示在图表上,并配有声音提醒和通知。 自动趋势线绘制: 动态绘制 支撑和阻力线 ,帮助识别关键反转区域和趋势共振点。 多时间框兼容性: 专为 低时间框架 (M1、M5、M15)剥头皮交易优化,也适用于更高时间框架的短期分析。 用户友好界面: 设计简洁直观,操作 简单易用 ,参数可完全自定义。 突破与回调检测: 自动区分趋势突破和回调,为快速策略提供重要信息。 高级提醒功能: 通过弹窗、电子邮件或推送通知发送提醒,确保您不错过任何交易机会。 指标的优势: 精准度提升: 借助人工智能,该指标比传统工具提供更可靠的信号。 降低压力: 自动化复杂分析,让您专注于交易执行。 完美适配剥头皮: 在快速变化和高波动市场中表现出色。 全面视觉支持: 趋势线和信号帮助交易者快速解读市场状况,即使是新手也能轻松上手。 适用人群: 从事 外汇、指数、大宗商品 及其他活跃市场交易的交易者

MT4 外汇指标“HTF 移动平均线交叉”
使用强大的 MT4 HTF 移动平均线交叉指标升级您的交易方法。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架
此指标非常适合具有价格行动条目的趋势交易者。 它允许您将更高时间框架的快速和慢速移动平均线附加到您当前的图表 --> 这是专业方法。 HTF MAs Cross 具有内置移动和 PC 警报 此指标提供了以低风险获得可观利润的机会。 ................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品

MT4 外汇指标“纽约时段开盘价”
指标“纽约时段开盘价”是日内交易非常有用的辅助指标 时段开盘价水平非常重要,因为价格经常会在白天回到该区域。 指标显示每天的纽约时段开盘价水平 指标还显示周一的周开盘价水平 它对日内交易者设置目标或用作支撑/阻力区域很有用。 ................................................................................................................... // 更多优秀的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

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Adaptive Reversal Star Expert Advisor and an additional indicator as a gift Info Panel are waiting for you. Adaptive Reversal Star is a new generation indicator with an advanced Adaptive algorithm , which additionally tracks potential reversal points and compares the values of the current market volatility when forming the main signals

ICT SMT divergence represent a situation in the market where two correlated assets, being seen within the same timeframe, exhibit opposing structure. This can be seen in two positively correlated assets, as one asset forming a higher low, while the other forming a lower low instead of higher low. Version 1.03: Add Higher Timeframe support An ICT SMT divergence serves as the primary signal of reversal for correlated assets. If two positively correlated assets are moving higher and at a point one

Bitcoin 999 - is a trend indicator that automatically analyzes the market and provides information about the trend and each of its changes, as well as giving signals for entering trades without redrawing! The indicator uses each candle, analyzing them separately. referring to different impulses - up or down impulse. Exact entry points into transactions for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices!
Main functions: Accurate entry signals WITHOUT REPAINTING! Once a signal appears, it remains

Introducing the Range Predictor : Your Ultimate Guide to Future Trading Ranges! Imagine having the power to see into the future of market moves— Range Predictor brings this dream to life. Designed to deliver real-time, predictive support and resistance levels , this tool goes beyond standard indicators, offering trend direction insights and precise range forecasts . Whether you're a day trader or a swing trader, the Range Predictor is your all-in-one toolkit for mastering the markets. MT5 Ver

The Trend Ultimate Indicator is designed for visualizing and analyzing market trends, allowing traders to quickly assess current market tendencies. It is particularly useful for: Determining the duration of the current trend (bullish or bearish). Providing a clear visualization of price behavior relative to key moving averages and the MACD indicator. Supporting decision-making based on histogram dynamics (trend direction and intensity). Trend Ultimate does not guarantee profit but assists trader

Volume Cluster Indicator for MetaTrader 4: Advanced Analysis of Support, Resistance, and Market Dynamics The Volume Cluster Indicator for MetaTrader 4 is a powerful tool designed for traders seeking an in-depth understanding of market dynamics. It provides detailed insights into volume behavior within each candlestick, highlighting levels where volume is "overpriced" and areas of weakness. This enables precise identification of support and resistance zones, making it indispensable for traders le

This custom indicator for MetaTrader 4 is a powerful tool designed to help traders of all experience levels identify clear trends in the financial market. It is built to provide precise visual support, eliminating the confusion and subjectivity often associated with chart analysis. Additionally, it ensures that you can stay in a profitable position throughout the entire duration of a trend, avoiding premature exits before the movement is fully realized. Identifying Clear Trends The foundation o

Is Zero Lag profitable? Not always, different system is for different pairs. You can play around with this indicator from Mladen, I have modified it with Bollinger Bands over T3.
You can change the period and how it calculate. MT5 version is available too.... Please leave a review , it helps us and we will share more indicators. .... Thank you and happy trading

Old Time Frame EMA Индикатор двух динамических уровней сопротивления и поддержки Moving Average.
Данный индикатор рисует на открытом графике младшего тайм фрейма, ЕМА со старшего тайм фрейма. Создан для наглядности сигналов, для входа в рынок, для тех трейдеров, у кого Средние Скользящие Цены (ЕМА или МА),
являются основным сигналом для открытия или закрытия сделок. А также ориентиром, направлением тренда в движении
текущих цен, внутри дня и в среднесрочной торговле.
Возможные типы сред

The Market Heart indicator scans market entries after high volatility is noticed. Most big moves occur a short time after market volatility. Most big moves occur a short time after market volatility. The idea is to look for entries after the rectangles form and not necessarily as trade entry signals. . For example, you could use the Retracement Feeder indicator that generates arrow signals.
Market Heart MT5 Version
How to use: 1. Primary use The White Box is the first to be formed and

Welcome to the Stochastic Divergence Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard , an advanced tool designed to help traders efficiently detect Stochastic divergence patterns across multiple currency pairs. This scanner enables swift identification of potential reversal opportunities, providing a strategic advantage in your trading endeavors. Key Features: Effortless Multicurrency Scanning Monitor multiple currency pairs in real-time and receive instant alerts when significant Stochastic divergence patterns

Welcome to the MACD Divergence Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard , a powerful tool designed to help traders quickly detect MACD divergence patterns across multiple currency pairs. This scanner allows for efficient identification of potential reversal signals, giving you a competitive edge in your trading strategy. Key Features: Effortless Multicurrency Scanning Monitor multiple currency pairs in real-time and receive instant alerts when significant MACD divergence patterns are identified. This cap

If you ever wanted to know your local time (or NY time) at any bar on the chart without needing to waste time with mental calculations, look no further.
This indicator creates a crosshair which you can drag anywhere on the chart and will show you the local time in a label on top of the time axis.
Press the "c" key to show/hide the crosshair. Left click it to pick it up and drag anywhere, left click again let it go.
You can't hide the crosshair without letting it go first.
Time setting inputs

Inspired by TTrades video on daily bias, this indicator aims to develop a higher timeframe bias and collect data on its success rate. While a handful of concepts were introduced in said video, this indicator focuses on one specific method that utilizes previous highs and lows. The following description will outline how the indicator works using the daily timeframe as an example, but the weekly timeframe is also an included option that functions in the exact same manner.
On the daily timefr

This Simple Smart Money Concepts indicator displays real-time market structure (internal & swing BOS / CHoCH), order blocks, premium & discount zones, equal highs & lows, and much more...allowing traders to automatically mark up their charts with widely used price action methodologies.
"Smart Money Concepts" (SMC) is used term amongst price action traders looking to more accurately navigate liquidity & find more optimal points of interest in the market. Trying to determine where institutional

EMA Cloud System is a Trading System Invented by Ripster where areas are shaded between two desired EMAs. The concept that the EMA cloud area serves as support or resistance for Intraday & Swing Trading. Can be utilized effectively on 10 Min for day trading and 1Hr/Daily for Swings. Ripster utilizes various combinations of 5-12 EMA clouds 34-50 EMA clouds among others. 8-9, 20-21 EMA clouds can be used as well. Adjust what works for you. Ideally 5-12 or 5-13 EMA cloud acts as sold fluid Trendlin

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