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通过推送通知监控交易——一个MetaTrader 5服务的示例

通过推送通知监控交易——一个MetaTrader 5服务的示例

MetaTrader 5示例 | 3 二月 2025, 15:25
62 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin




或许,每位交易者都至少有过一次需要监控过去一天、一周、一个月等时间段内的交易结果,以便根据这些交易结果来调整自己的交易策略的经历。MetaTrader 5客户端提供了以报告形式展现的良好统计数据,使我们能够以直观便捷的方式评估交易结果。这份报告有助于我们优化投资组合,同时也能帮助我们理解如何降低风险并提高交易的稳定性。










  • 服务应用。该应用可以访问在服务连续运行期间所有活跃账户的数据。应用会从账户数据中接收已平仓头寸的列表,并将它们合并成一个总列表。根据设置,服务可以仅使用当前活跃账户中的已平仓头寸数据,或使用客户端终端中当前及之前使用过的每个账户的已平仓头寸数据。
  • 账户集合。集合包含服务连续运行期间终端连接过的账户列表。账户集合可以访问列表中的任何账户以及所有账户的已平仓头寸。这些列表可在服务应用中查看,服务会根据它们进行选择并创建统计信息。
  • 账户对象类。存储一个账户的数据,包括该账户在服务连续运行期间所有已平仓头寸的列表(集合)。提供访问账户属性的功能,可以创建和更新该账户的已平仓头寸列表,并根据各种选择标准返回已平仓头寸列表。
  • 历史头寸集合类。包含头寸对象的列表,提供访问已平仓头寸属性的功能,可以创建和更新头寸列表。返回已平仓头寸列表。
  • 头寸对象类。存储并提供访问已平仓头寸属性的功能。包含通过各种属性比较两个对象的功能,从而可以根据各种选择标准创建头寸列表。包含该头寸的成交订单列表,并提供访问这些成交的功能。
  • 成交订单对象类。存储并提供访问单个成交订单属性的功能。对象包含通过各种属性比较两个对象的功能,从而可以根据各种选择标准创建成交订单列表。



  1. 对象属性结构《(第一部分):概念、数据管理和初步结果》, 
  2. 对象列表结构《(第二部分):历史订单和成交的集合》以及
  3. 根据属性过滤列表中对象的方法《(第三部分):市价订单和头寸的集合,搜索和排序》



    任何头寸仅在开仓(执行In deal)到平仓(执行Out/OutBuy deal)期间存在。换句话说,它是一个仅作为市场对象存在的对象。相反,任何成交仅是一个历史对象,因为成交仅仅是交易订单(交易指令)执行的事实。因此,在客户端终端的历史列表中不存在头寸——它们仅存在于当前市场头寸列表中。



    在终端的\MQL5\Services\, 目录下,新建一个名为AccountReporter\的文件夹,并在其中创建一个名为Deal.mqh的新文件,该文件将定义CDeal类。

    //|                                                         Deal.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #include <Object.mqh>
    //| Deal class                                                       |
    class CDeal : public CObject


    //|                                                         Deal.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #include <Object.mqh>
    //--- Enumeration of integer deal properties
       DEAL_PROP_TICKET = 0,               // Deal ticket
       DEAL_PROP_ORDER,                    // Deal order number
       DEAL_PROP_TIME,                     // Deal execution time
       DEAL_PROP_TIME_MSC,                 // Deal execution time in milliseconds
       DEAL_PROP_TYPE,                     // Deal type
       DEAL_PROP_ENTRY,                    // Deal direction
       DEAL_PROP_MAGIC,                    // Deal magic number
       DEAL_PROP_REASON,                   // Deal execution reason or source
       DEAL_PROP_POSITION_ID,              // Position ID
       DEAL_PROP_SPREAD,                   // Spread when performing a deal
    //--- Enumeration of real deal properties
       DEAL_PROP_VOLUME = DEAL_PROP_SPREAD+1,// Deal volume
       DEAL_PROP_PRICE,                    // Deal price
       DEAL_PROP_COMMISSION,               // Commission
       DEAL_PROP_SWAP,                     // Accumulated swap when closing
       DEAL_PROP_PROFIT,                   // Deal financial result
       DEAL_PROP_FEE,                      // Deal fee
       DEAL_PROP_SL,                       // Stop Loss level
       DEAL_PROP_TP,                       // Take Profit level
    //--- Enumeration of string deal properties
       DEAL_PROP_SYMBOL = DEAL_PROP_TP+1,  // Symbol the deal is executed for
       DEAL_PROP_COMMENT,                  // Deal comment
       DEAL_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID,              // Deal ID in an external trading system
    //| Deal class                                                       |
    class CDeal : public CObject
       MqlTick           m_tick;                                      // Deal tick structure
       long              m_lprop[DEAL_PROP_SPREAD+1];                 // Array for storing integer properties
       double            m_dprop[DEAL_PROP_TP-DEAL_PROP_SPREAD];      // Array for storing real properties
       string            m_sprop[DEAL_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID-DEAL_PROP_TP]; // Array for storing string properties
    //--- Return the index of the array the deal's (1) double and (2) string properties are located at
       int               IndexProp(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property)   const { return(int)property-DEAL_PROP_SPREAD-1; }
       int               IndexProp(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property)   const { return(int)property-DEAL_PROP_TP-1;     }
    //--- Get a (1) deal tick and (2) a spread of the deal minute bar
       bool              GetDealTick(const int amount=20);
       int               GetSpreadM1(void);
    //--- Return time with milliseconds
       string            TimeMscToString(const long time_msc,int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const;
    //--- Additional properties
       int               m_digits;                                    // Symbol Digits
       double            m_point;                                     // Symbol Point
       double            m_bid;                                       // Bid when performing a deal
       double            m_ask;                                       // Ask when performing a deal
    //--- Set the properties
    //--- Set deal's (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
       void              SetProperty(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property,long   value){ this.m_lprop[property]=value;                 }
       void              SetProperty(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property,double value){ this.m_dprop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value; }
       void              SetProperty(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property,string value){ this.m_sprop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value; }
    //--- Integer properties
       void              SetTicket(const long ticket)              { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TICKET, ticket);                  }  // Ticket
       void              SetOrder(const long order)                { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_ORDER, order);                    }  // Order
       void              SetTime(const datetime time)              { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TIME, time);                      }  // Time
       void              SetTimeMsc(const long value)              { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TIME_MSC, value);                 }  // Time in milliseconds
       void              SetTypeDeal(const ENUM_DEAL_TYPE type)    { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TYPE, type);                      }  // Type
       void              SetEntry(const ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY entry)     { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_ENTRY, entry);                    }  // Direction
       void              SetMagic(const long magic)                { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_MAGIC, magic);                    }  // Magic number
       void              SetReason(const ENUM_DEAL_REASON reason)  { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_REASON, reason);                  }  // Deal execution reason or source
       void              SetPositionID(const long id)              { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_POSITION_ID, id);                 }  // Position ID
    //--- Real properties
       void              SetVolume(const double volume)            { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_VOLUME, volume);                  }  // Volume
       void              SetPrice(const double price)              { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_PRICE, price);                    }  // Price
       void              SetCommission(const double value)         { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_COMMISSION, value);               }  // Commission
       void              SetSwap(const double value)               { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SWAP, value);                     }  // Accumulated swap when closing
       void              SetProfit(const double value)             { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_PROFIT, value);                   }  // Financial result
       void              SetFee(const double value)                { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_FEE, value);                      }  // Deal fee
       void              SetSL(const double value)                 { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SL, value);                       }  // Stop Loss level
       void              SetTP(const double value)                 { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TP, value);                       }  // Take Profit level
    //--- String properties
       void              SetSymbol(const string symbol)            { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SYMBOL,symbol);                   }  // Symbol name
       void              SetComment(const string comment)          { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_COMMENT,comment);                 }  // Comment
       void              SetExternalID(const string ext_id)        { this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID,ext_id);              }  // Deal ID in an external trading system
    //--- Get the properties
    //--- Return deal’s (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string property from the properties array
       long              GetProperty(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property) const { return this.m_lprop[property];                      }
       double            GetProperty(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property) const { return this.m_dprop[this.IndexProp(property)];      }
       string            GetProperty(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property) const { return this.m_sprop[this.IndexProp(property)];      }
    //--- Integer properties
       long              Ticket(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TICKET);                   }  // Ticket
       long              Order(void)                         const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_ORDER);                    }  // Order
       datetime          Time(void)                          const { return (datetime)this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TIME);           }  // Time
       long              TimeMsc(void)                       const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TIME_MSC);                 }  // Time in milliseconds
       ENUM_DEAL_TYPE    TypeDeal(void)                      const { return (ENUM_DEAL_TYPE)this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TYPE);     }  // Type
       ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY   Entry(void)                         const { return (ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_ENTRY);   }  // Direction
       long              Magic(void)                         const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_MAGIC);                    }  // Magic number
       ENUM_DEAL_REASON  Reason(void)                        const { return (ENUM_DEAL_REASON)this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_REASON); }  // Deal execution reason or source
       long              PositionID(void)                    const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_POSITION_ID);              }  // Position ID
    //--- Real properties
       double            Volume(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_VOLUME);                   }  // Volume
       double            Price(void)                         const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_PRICE);                    }  // Price
       double            Commission(void)                    const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_COMMISSION);               }  // Commission
       double            Swap(void)                          const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SWAP);                     }  // Accumulated swap when closing
       double            Profit(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_PROFIT);                   }  // Financial result
       double            Fee(void)                           const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_FEE);                      }  // Deal fee
       double            SL(void)                            const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SL);                       }  // Stop Loss level
       double            TP(void)                            const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_TP);                       }  // Take Profit level
    //--- String properties
       string            Symbol(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SYMBOL);                   }  // Symbol name
       string            Comment(void)                       const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_COMMENT);                  }  // Comment
       string            ExternalID(void)                    const { return this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID);              }  // Deal ID in an external trading system
    //--- Additional properties
       double            Bid(void)                           const { return this.m_bid;                                           }  // Bid when performing a deal
       double            Ask(void)                           const { return this.m_ask;                                           }  // Ask when performing a deal
       int               Spread(void)                        const { return (int)this.GetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SPREAD);              }  // Spread when performing a deal
    //--- Return the description of a (1) deal type, (2) position change method and (3) deal reason
       string            TypeDescription(void)   const;
       string            EntryDescription(void)  const;
       string            ReasonDescription(void) const;
    //--- Return deal description
       string            Description(void);
    //--- Print deal properties in the journal
       void              Print(void);
    //--- Compare two objects by the property specified in 'mode'
       virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node, const int mode=0) const;
    //--- Constructors/destructor
                         CDeal(const ulong ticket);



    //| Constructor                                                      |
    CDeal::CDeal(const ulong ticket)
    //--- Store the properties
    //--- Integer properties
       this.SetTicket((long)ticket);                                                    // Deal ticket
       this.SetOrder(::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_ORDER));                      // Order
       this.SetTime((datetime)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TIME));              // Deal execution time
       this.SetTimeMsc(::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TIME_MSC));                 // Deal execution time in milliseconds
       this.SetTypeDeal((ENUM_DEAL_TYPE)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TYPE));    // Type
       this.SetEntry((ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_ENTRY));     // Direction
       this.SetMagic(::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_MAGIC));                      // Magic number
       this.SetReason((ENUM_DEAL_REASON)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_REASON));  // Deal execution reason or source
       this.SetPositionID(::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_POSITION_ID));           // Position ID
    //--- Real properties
       this.SetVolume(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_VOLUME));                     // Volume
       this.SetPrice(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_PRICE));                       // Price
       this.SetCommission(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_COMMISSION));             // Commission
       this.SetSwap(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_SWAP));                         // Accumulated swap when closing
       this.SetProfit(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_PROFIT));                     // Financial result
       this.SetFee(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_FEE));                           // Deal fee
       this.SetSL(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_SL));                             // Stop Loss level
       this.SetTP(::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_TP));                             // Take Profit level
    //--- String properties
       this.SetSymbol(::HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_SYMBOL));                     // Symbol name
       this.SetComment(::HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_COMMENT));                   // Comment
       this.SetExternalID(::HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID));            // Deal ID in an external trading system
    //--- Additional parameters
       this.m_digits = (int)::SymbolInfoInteger(this.Symbol(), SYMBOL_DIGITS);
       this.m_point  = ::SymbolInfoDouble(this.Symbol(), SYMBOL_POINT);
    //--- Parameters for calculating spread
       this.m_bid = 0;
       this.m_ask = 0;
       this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SPREAD, 0);
    //--- If the historical tick and the Point value of the symbol were obtained
       if(this.GetDealTick() && this.m_point!=0)
          //--- set the Bid and Ask price values, calculate and save the spread value
          int  spread=(int)::fabs((this.m_ask-this.m_bid)/this.m_point);
          this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SPREAD, spread);
    //--- If failed to obtain a historical tick, take the spread value of the minute bar the deal took place on
          this.SetProperty(DEAL_PROP_SPREAD, this.GetSpreadM1());



    //| Compare two objects by the specified property                    |
    int CDeal::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
       const CDeal * obj = node;
          case DEAL_PROP_TICKET      :  return(this.Ticket() > obj.Ticket()          ?  1  :  this.Ticket() < obj.Ticket()           ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_ORDER       :  return(this.Order() > obj.Order()            ?  1  :  this.Order() < obj.Order()             ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_TIME        :  return(this.Time() > obj.Time()              ?  1  :  this.Time() < obj.Time()               ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_TIME_MSC    :  return(this.TimeMsc() > obj.TimeMsc()        ?  1  :  this.TimeMsc() < obj.TimeMsc()         ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_TYPE        :  return(this.TypeDeal() > obj.TypeDeal()      ?  1  :  this.TypeDeal() < obj.TypeDeal()       ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_ENTRY       :  return(this.Entry() > obj.Entry()            ?  1  :  this.Entry() < obj.Entry()             ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_MAGIC       :  return(this.Magic() > obj.Magic()            ?  1  :  this.Magic() < obj.Magic()             ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_REASON      :  return(this.Reason() > obj.Reason()          ?  1  :  this.Reason() < obj.Reason()           ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_POSITION_ID :  return(this.PositionID() > obj.PositionID()  ?  1  :  this.PositionID() < obj.PositionID()   ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_SPREAD      :  return(this.Spread() > obj.Spread()          ?  1  :  this.Spread() < obj.Spread()           ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_VOLUME      :  return(this.Volume() > obj.Volume()          ?  1  :  this.Volume() < obj.Volume()           ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_PRICE       :  return(this.Price() > obj.Price()            ?  1  :  this.Price() < obj.Price()             ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_COMMISSION  :  return(this.Commission() > obj.Commission()  ?  1  :  this.Commission() < obj.Commission()   ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_SWAP        :  return(this.Swap() > obj.Swap()              ?  1  :  this.Swap() < obj.Swap()               ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_PROFIT      :  return(this.Profit() > obj.Profit()          ?  1  :  this.Profit() < obj.Profit()           ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_FEE         :  return(this.Fee() > obj.Fee()                ?  1  :  this.Fee() < obj.Fee()                 ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_SL          :  return(this.SL() > obj.SL()                  ?  1  :  this.SL() < obj.SL()                   ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_TP          :  return(this.TP() > obj.TP()                  ?  1  :  this.TP() < obj.TP()                   ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_SYMBOL      :  return(this.Symbol() > obj.Symbol()          ?  1  :  this.Symbol() < obj.Symbol()           ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_COMMENT     :  return(this.Comment() > obj.Comment()        ?  1  :  this.Comment() < obj.Comment()         ? -1  :  0);
          case DEAL_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID :  return(this.ExternalID() > obj.ExternalID()  ?  1  :  this.ExternalID() < obj.ExternalID()   ? -1  :  0);
          default                    :  return(-1);



    //| Return the deal type description                                 |
    string CDeal::TypeDescription(void) const
          case DEAL_TYPE_BUY                     :  return "Buy";
          case DEAL_TYPE_SELL                    :  return "Sell";
          case DEAL_TYPE_BALANCE                 :  return "Balance";
          case DEAL_TYPE_CREDIT                  :  return "Credit";
          case DEAL_TYPE_CHARGE                  :  return "Additional charge";
          case DEAL_TYPE_CORRECTION              :  return "Correction";
          case DEAL_TYPE_BONUS                   :  return "Bonus";
          case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION              :  return "Additional commission";
          case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_DAILY        :  return "Daily commission";
          case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_MONTHLY      :  return "Monthly commission";
          case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_AGENT_DAILY  :  return "Daily agent commission";
          case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_AGENT_MONTHLY:  return "Monthly agent commission";
          case DEAL_TYPE_INTEREST                :  return "Interest rate";
          case DEAL_TYPE_BUY_CANCELED            :  return "Canceled buy deal";
          case DEAL_TYPE_SELL_CANCELED           :  return "Canceled sell deal";
          case DEAL_DIVIDEND                     :  return "Dividend operations";
          case DEAL_DIVIDEND_FRANKED             :  return "Franked (non-taxable) dividend operations";
          case DEAL_TAX                          :  return "Tax charges";
          default                                :  return "Unknown: "+(string)this.TypeDeal();



    //| Return position change method                                    |
    string CDeal::EntryDescription(void) const
          case DEAL_ENTRY_IN      :  return "Entry In";
          case DEAL_ENTRY_OUT     :  return "Entry Out";
          case DEAL_ENTRY_INOUT   :  return "Reverse";
          case DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY  :  return "Close a position by an opposite one";
          default                 :  return "Unknown: "+(string)this.Entry();


    //| Return a deal reason description                                 |
    string CDeal::ReasonDescription(void) const
          case DEAL_REASON_CLIENT          :  return "Terminal";
          case DEAL_REASON_MOBILE          :  return "Mobile";
          case DEAL_REASON_WEB             :  return "Web";
          case DEAL_REASON_EXPERT          :  return "EA";
          case DEAL_REASON_SL              :  return "SL";
          case DEAL_REASON_TP              :  return "TP";
          case DEAL_REASON_SO              :  return "SO";
          case DEAL_REASON_ROLLOVER        :  return "Rollover";
          case DEAL_REASON_VMARGIN         :  return "Var. Margin";
          case DEAL_REASON_SPLIT           :  return "Split";
          case DEAL_REASON_CORPORATE_ACTION:  return "Corp. Action";
          default                          :  return "Unknown reason "+(string)this.Reason();


    //| Return deal description                                          |
    string CDeal::Description(void)
       return(::StringFormat("Deal: %-9s %.2f %-4s #%I64d at %s", this.EntryDescription(), this.Volume(), this.TypeDescription(), this.Ticket(), this.TimeMscToString(this.TimeMsc())));


    //| Print deal properties in the journal                             |
    void CDeal::Print(void)


    //| Return time with milliseconds                                    |
    string CDeal::TimeMscToString(const long time_msc, int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const
       return(::TimeToString(time_msc/1000, flags) + "." + ::IntegerToString(time_msc %1000, 3, '0'));



    //| Get the deal tick                                                |
    //| https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/42122/page47#comment_37205238      |
    bool CDeal::GetDealTick(const int amount=20)
       MqlTick ticks[];        // We will receive ticks here
       int attempts = amount;  // Number of attempts to get ticks
       int offset = 500;       // Initial time offset for an attempt
       int copied = 0;         // Number of ticks copied
    //--- Until the tick is copied and the number of copy attempts is over
    //--- we try to get a tick, doubling the initial time offset at each iteration (expand the "from_msc" time range)
       while(!::IsStopped() && (copied<=0) && (attempts--)!=0)
          copied = ::CopyTicksRange(this.Symbol(), ticks, COPY_TICKS_INFO, this.TimeMsc()-(offset <<=1), this.TimeMsc());
    //--- If the tick was successfully copied (it is the last one in the tick array), set it to the m_tick variable
    //--- Return the flag that the tick was copied

    方法的逻辑已在代码注释中讲述。在接收到一个价格变动(tick)后,会从其中获取卖出价和买入价,并计算点差大小,公式为(卖出价 - 买入价)/ 点值(Point)。


    //| Gets the spread of the deal minute bar                           |
    int CDeal::GetSpreadM1(void)
       int array[1]={};
       int bar=::iBarShift(this.Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, this.Time());
          return 0;
       return(::CopySpread(this.Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, bar, 1, array)==1 ? array[0] : 0);





    //|                                                     Position.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //| Position class                                                   |
    class CPosition : public CObject


    //|                                                     Position.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #include "Deal.mqh"
    #include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
    //| Position class                                                   |
    class CPosition : public CObject


    //|                                                     Position.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #include "Deal.mqh"
    #include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
    //--- Enumeration of integer position properties
       POSITION_PROP_TICKET = 0,        // Position ticket
       POSITION_PROP_TIME,              // Position open time
       POSITION_PROP_TIME_MSC,          // Position open time in milliseconds
       POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE,       // Position change time
       POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE_MSC,   // Position change time in milliseconds
       POSITION_PROP_TYPE,              // Position type
       POSITION_PROP_MAGIC,             // Position magic number
       POSITION_PROP_IDENTIFIER,        // Position ID
       POSITION_PROP_REASON,            // Position open reason
       POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_LOGIN,     // Account number
       POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE,        // Position close time
       POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE_MSC,    // Position close time in milliseconds
    //--- Enumeration of real position properties
       POSITION_PROP_PRICE_OPEN,        // Position price
       POSITION_PROP_SL,                // Stop Loss for open position
       POSITION_PROP_TP,                // Take Profit for open position
       POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CURRENT,     // Symbol current price
       POSITION_PROP_SWAP,              // Accumulated swap
       POSITION_PROP_PROFIT,            // Current profit
       POSITION_PROP_CONTRACT_SIZE,     // Symbol trade contract size
       POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CLOSE,       // Position close price
       POSITION_PROP_COMMISSIONS,       // Accumulated commission
       POSITION_PROP_FEE,               // Accumulated payment for deals
    //--- Enumeration of string position properties
       POSITION_PROP_SYMBOL = POSITION_PROP_FEE+1,// A symbol the position is open for
       POSITION_PROP_COMMENT,           // Comment to a position
       POSITION_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID,       // Position ID in the external system
       POSITION_PROP_CURRENCY_PROFIT,   // Position symbol profit currency
       POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY,  // Account deposit currency
       POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_SERVER,    // Server name
    //| Position class                                                   |
    class CPosition : public CObject
       long              m_lprop[POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE_MSC+1];                    // Array for storing integer properties
       double            m_dprop[POSITION_PROP_FEE-POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE_MSC];    // Array for storing real properties
       string            m_sprop[POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_SERVER-POSITION_PROP_FEE];    // Array for storing string properties
    //--- Return the index of the array the order's (1) double and (2) string properties are located at
       int               IndexProp(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property)   const { return(int)property-POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE_MSC-1;}
       int               IndexProp(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property)   const { return(int)property-POSITION_PROP_FEE-1;           }
       CArrayObj         m_list_deals;        // List of position deals
       CDeal             m_temp_deal;         // Temporary deal object for searching by property in the list
    //--- Return time with milliseconds
       string            TimeMscToString(const long time_msc,int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const;
    //--- Additional properties
       int               m_profit_pt;         // Profit in points
       int               m_digits;            // Symbol digits
       double            m_point;             // One symbol point value
       double            m_tick_value;        // Calculated tick value
    //--- Return the pointer to (1) open and (2) close deal
       CDeal            *GetDealIn(void)   const;
       CDeal            *GetDealOut(void)  const;
    //--- Return the list of deals
       CArrayObj        *GetListDeals(void)                              { return(&this.m_list_deals);                                  }
    //--- Set the properties
    //--- Set (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
       void              SetProperty(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property,long   value)  { this.m_lprop[property]=value;                 }
       void              SetProperty(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property,double value)  { this.m_dprop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value; }
       void              SetProperty(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property,string value)  { this.m_sprop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value; }
    //--- Integer properties
       void              SetTicket(const long ticket)                    { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TICKET, ticket);              }  // Position ticket
       void              SetTime(const datetime time)                    { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME, time);                  }  // Position open time
       void              SetTimeMsc(const long value)                    { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_MSC, value);             }  // Position open time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970 
       void              SetTimeUpdate(const datetime time)              { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE, time);           }  // Position update time
       void              SetTimeUpdateMsc(const long value)              { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE_MSC, value);      }  // Position update time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970
       void              SetTypePosition(const ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type)  { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TYPE, type);                  }  // Position type
       void              SetMagic(const long magic)                      { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_MAGIC, magic);                }  // Magic number for a position (see ORDER_MAGIC)
       void              SetID(const long id)                            { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_IDENTIFIER, id);              }  // Position ID
       void              SetReason(const ENUM_POSITION_REASON reason)    { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_REASON, reason);              }  // Position open reason
       void              SetTimeClose(const datetime time)               { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE, time);            }  // Close time
       void              SetTimeCloseMsc(const long value)               { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE_MSC, value);       }  // Close time in milliseconds
       void              SetAccountLogin(const long login)               { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_LOGIN, login);        }  // Acount number
    //--- Real properties
       void              SetVolume(const double volume)                  { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_VOLUME, volume);              }  // Position volume
       void              SetPriceOpen(const double price)                { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PRICE_OPEN, price);           }  // Position price
       void              SetSL(const double value)                       { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_SL, value);                   }  // Stop Loss level for an open position
       void              SetTP(const double value)                       { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TP, value);                   }  // Take Profit level for an open position
       void              SetPriceCurrent(const double price)             { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CURRENT, price);        }  // Current price by symbol
       void              SetSwap(const double value)                     { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_SWAP, value);                 }  // Accumulated swap
       void              SetProfit(const double value)                   { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PROFIT, value);               }  // Current profit
       void              SetPriceClose(const double price)               { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CLOSE, price);          }  // Close price
       void              SetContractSize(const double value)             { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_CONTRACT_SIZE, value);        }  // Symbol trading contract size
       void              SetCommissions(void);                                                                                             // Total commission of all deals
       void              SetFee(void);                                                                                                     // Total deal fee
    //--- String properties
       void              SetSymbol(const string symbol)                  { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_SYMBOL, symbol);              }  // Symbol a position is opened for
       void              SetComment(const string comment)                { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_COMMENT, comment);            }  // Position comment
       void              SetExternalID(const string ext_id)              { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID, ext_id);         }  // Position ID in an external system (on the exchange)
       void              SetAccountServer(const string server)           { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_SERVER, server);      }  // Server name
       void              SetAccountCurrency(const string currency)       { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY, currency);  }  // Account deposit currency
       void              SetCurrencyProfit(const string currency)        { this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_CURRENCY_PROFIT, currency);   }  // Profit currency of the position symbol
    //--- Get the properties
    //--- Return (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string property from the properties array
       long              GetProperty(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property) const { return this.m_lprop[property];                        }
       double            GetProperty(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property) const { return this.m_dprop[this.IndexProp(property)];        }
       string            GetProperty(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property) const { return this.m_sprop[this.IndexProp(property)];        }
    //--- Integer properties
       long              Ticket(void)                              const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TICKET);               }  // Position ticket
       datetime          Time(void)                                const { return (datetime)this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME);       }  // Position open time
       long              TimeMsc(void)                             const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_MSC);             }  // Position open time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970 
       datetime          TimeUpdate(void)                          const { return (datetime)this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE);}  // Position change time
       long              TimeUpdateMsc(void)                       const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE_MSC);      }  // Position update time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970
       ENUM_POSITION_TYPE TypePosition(void)                       const { return (ENUM_POSITION_TYPE)this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TYPE);}// Position type
       long              Magic(void)                               const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_MAGIC);                }  // Magic number for a position (see ORDER_MAGIC)
       long              ID(void)                                  const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_IDENTIFIER);           }  // Position ID
       ENUM_POSITION_REASON Reason(void)                           const { return (ENUM_POSITION_REASON)this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_REASON);}// Position opening reason
       datetime          TimeClose(void)                           const { return (datetime)this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE); }  // Close time
       long              TimeCloseMsc(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE_MSC);       }  // Close time in milliseconds
       long              AccountLogin(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_LOGIN);        }  // Login
    //--- Real properties
       double            Volume(void)                              const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_VOLUME);               }  // Position volume
       double            PriceOpen(void)                           const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PRICE_OPEN);           }  // Position price
       double            SL(void)                                  const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_SL);                   }  // Stop Loss level for an open position
       double            TP(void)                                  const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_TP);                   }  // Take Profit level for an open position
       double            PriceCurrent(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CURRENT);        }  // Current price by symbol
       double            Swap(void)                                const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_SWAP);                 }  // Accumulated swap
       double            Profit(void)                              const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PROFIT);               }  // Current profit
       double            ContractSize(void)                        const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_CONTRACT_SIZE);        }  // Symbol trading contract size
       double            PriceClose(void)                          const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CLOSE);          }  // Close price
       double            Commissions(void)                         const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_COMMISSIONS);          }  // Total commission of all deals
       double            Fee(void)                                 const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_FEE);                  }  // Total deal fee
    //--- String properties
       string            Symbol(void)                              const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_SYMBOL);               }  // A symbol position is opened on
       string            Comment(void)                             const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_COMMENT);              }  // Position comment
       string            ExternalID(void)                          const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID);          }  // Position ID in an external system (on the exchange)
       string            AccountServer(void)                       const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_SERVER);       }  // Server name
       string            AccountCurrency(void)                     const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);     }  // Account deposit currency
       string            CurrencyProfit(void)                      const { return this.GetProperty(POSITION_PROP_CURRENCY_PROFIT);      }  // Profit currency of the position symbol
    //--- Additional properties
       ulong             DealIn(void)                              const;                                                                  // Open deal ticket
       ulong             DealOut(void)                             const;                                                                  // Close deal ticket
       int               ProfitInPoints(void)                      const;                                                                  // Profit in points
       int               SpreadIn(void)                            const;                                                                  // Spread when opening
       int               SpreadOut(void)                           const;                                                                  // Spread when closing
       double            SpreadOutCost(void)                       const;                                                                  // Spread cost when closing
       double            PriceOutAsk(void)                         const;                                                                  // Ask price when closing
       double            PriceOutBid(void)                         const;                                                                  // Bid price when closing
    //--- Add a deal to the list of deals, return the pointer
       CDeal            *DealAdd(const long ticket);
    //--- Return a position type description
       string            TypeDescription(void) const;
    //--- Return position open time and price description
       string            TimePriceCloseDescription(void);
    //--- Return position close time and price description
       string            TimePriceOpenDescription(void);
    //--- Return position description
       string            Description(void);
    //--- Print the properties of the position and its deals in the journal
       void              Print(void);
    //--- Compare two objects by the property specified in 'mode'
       virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node, const int mode=0) const;
    //--- Constructor/destructor
                         CPosition(const long position_id, const string symbol);



    //| Constructor                                                      |
    CPosition::CPosition(const long position_id, const string symbol)
       this.m_digits     = (int)::SymbolInfoInteger(this.Symbol(),SYMBOL_DIGITS);
       this.m_point      = ::SymbolInfoDouble(this.Symbol(),SYMBOL_POINT);
       this.m_tick_value = ::SymbolInfoDouble(this.Symbol(), SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE);


    //| Destructor                                                       |


    //| Compare two objects by the specified property                    |
    int CPosition::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
       const CPosition *obj=node;
          case POSITION_PROP_TICKET           :  return(this.Ticket() > obj.Ticket()                   ?  1  :  this.Ticket() < obj.Ticket()                    ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TIME             :  return(this.Time() > obj.Time()                       ?  1  :  this.Time() < obj.Time()                        ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TIME_MSC         :  return(this.TimeMsc() > obj.TimeMsc()                 ?  1  :  this.TimeMsc() < obj.TimeMsc()                  ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE      :  return(this.TimeUpdate() > obj.TimeUpdate()           ?  1  :  this.TimeUpdate() < obj.TimeUpdate()            ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TIME_UPDATE_MSC  :  return(this.TimeUpdateMsc() > obj.TimeUpdateMsc()     ?  1  :  this.TimeUpdateMsc() < obj.TimeUpdateMsc()      ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TYPE             :  return(this.TypePosition() > obj.TypePosition()       ?  1  :  this.TypePosition() < obj.TypePosition()        ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_MAGIC            :  return(this.Magic() > obj.Magic()                     ?  1  :  this.Magic() < obj.Magic()                      ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_IDENTIFIER       :  return(this.ID() > obj.ID()                           ?  1  :  this.ID() < obj.ID()                            ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_REASON           :  return(this.Reason() > obj.Reason()                   ?  1  :  this.Reason() < obj.Reason()                    ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_LOGIN    :  return(this.AccountLogin() > obj.AccountLogin()       ?  1  :  this.AccountLogin() < obj.AccountLogin()        ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE       :  return(this.TimeClose() > obj.TimeClose()             ?  1  :  this.TimeClose() < obj.TimeClose()              ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TIME_CLOSE_MSC   :  return(this.TimeCloseMsc() > obj.TimeCloseMsc()       ?  1  :  this.TimeCloseMsc() < obj.TimeCloseMsc()        ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_VOLUME           :  return(this.Volume() > obj.Volume()                   ?  1  :  this.Volume() < obj.Volume()                    ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_PRICE_OPEN       :  return(this.PriceOpen() > obj.PriceOpen()             ?  1  :  this.PriceOpen() < obj.PriceOpen()              ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_SL               :  return(this.SL() > obj.SL()                           ?  1  :  this.SL() < obj.SL()                            ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_TP               :  return(this.TP() > obj.TP()                           ?  1  :  this.TP() < obj.TP()                            ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CURRENT    :  return(this.PriceCurrent() > obj.PriceCurrent()       ?  1  :  this.PriceCurrent() < obj.PriceCurrent()        ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_SWAP             :  return(this.Swap() > obj.Swap()                       ?  1  :  this.Swap() < obj.Swap()                        ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_PROFIT           :  return(this.Profit() > obj.Profit()                   ?  1  :  this.Profit() < obj.Profit()                    ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_CONTRACT_SIZE    :  return(this.ContractSize() > obj.ContractSize()       ?  1  :  this.ContractSize() < obj.ContractSize()        ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_PRICE_CLOSE      :  return(this.PriceClose() > obj.PriceClose()           ?  1  :  this.PriceClose() < obj.PriceClose()            ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_COMMISSIONS      :  return(this.Commissions() > obj.Commissions()         ?  1  :  this.Commissions() < obj.Commissions()          ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_FEE              :  return(this.Fee() > obj.Fee()                         ?  1  :  this.Fee() < obj.Fee()                          ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_SYMBOL           :  return(this.Symbol() > obj.Symbol()                   ?  1  :  this.Symbol() < obj.Symbol()                    ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_COMMENT          :  return(this.Comment() > obj.Comment()                 ?  1  :  this.Comment() < obj.Comment()                  ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_EXTERNAL_ID      :  return(this.ExternalID() > obj.ExternalID()           ?  1  :  this.ExternalID() < obj.ExternalID()            ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_CURRENCY_PROFIT  :  return(this.CurrencyProfit() > obj.CurrencyProfit()   ?  1  :  this.CurrencyProfit() < obj.CurrencyProfit()    ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY :  return(this.AccountCurrency() > obj.AccountCurrency() ?  1  :  this.AccountCurrency() < obj.AccountCurrency()  ? -1  :  0);
          case POSITION_PROP_ACCOUNT_SERVER   :  return(this.AccountServer() > obj.AccountServer()     ?  1  :  this.AccountServer() < obj.AccountServer()      ? -1  :  0);
          default                             :  return -1;



    //| Return time with milliseconds                                    |
    string CPosition::TimeMscToString(const long time_msc, int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const
       return(::TimeToString(time_msc/1000, flags) + "." + ::IntegerToString(time_msc %1000, 3, '0'));


    //| Return the pointer to the opening deal                           |
    CDeal *CPosition::GetDealIn(void) const
       int total=this.m_list_deals.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i);
             return deal;
       return NULL;



    //| Return the pointer to the close deal                             |
    CDeal *CPosition::GetDealOut(void) const
       for(int i=this.m_list_deals.Total()-1; i>=0; i--)
          CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i);
          if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT || deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY)
             return deal;
       return NULL;



    //| Return the open deal ticket                                      |
    ulong CPosition::DealIn(void) const
       CDeal *deal=this.GetDealIn();
       return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Ticket() : 0);



    //| Return the close deal ticket                                     |
    ulong CPosition::DealOut(void) const
       CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut();
       return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Ticket() : 0);



    //| Return spread when opening                                       |
    int CPosition::SpreadIn(void) const
       CDeal *deal=this.GetDealIn();
       return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Spread() : 0);



    //| Return spread when closing                                       |
    int CPosition::SpreadOut(void) const
       CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut();
       return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Spread() : 0);



    //| Return Ask price when closing                                    |
    double CPosition::PriceOutAsk(void) const
       CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut();
       return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Ask() : 0);



    //| Return the Bid price when closing                                |
    double CPosition::PriceOutBid(void) const
       CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut();
       return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Bid() : 0);



    //| Return a profit in points                                        |
    int CPosition::ProfitInPoints(void) const
    //--- If symbol Point has not been received previously, inform of that and return 0
          ::Print("The Point() value could not be retrieved.");
          return 0;
    //--- Get position open and close prices
       double open =this.PriceOpen();
       double close=this.PriceClose();
    //--- If failed to get the prices, return 0
       if(open==0 || close==0)
          return 0;
    //--- Depending on the position type, return the calculated value of the position profit in points
       return (int)::round(this.TypePosition()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY ? (close-open)/this.m_point : (open-close)/this.m_point);


    //| Return the spread value when closing                             |
    double CPosition::SpreadOutCost(void) const
    //--- Get close deal
       CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut();
          return 0;
    //--- Get position profit and position profit in points
       double profit=this.Profit();
       int profit_pt=this.ProfitInPoints();
    //--- If the profit is zero, return the spread value using the TickValue * Spread * Lots equation
          return(this.m_tick_value * deal.Spread() * deal.Volume());
    //--- Calculate and return the spread value (proportion)
       return(profit_pt>0 ? deal.Spread() * ::fabs(profit / profit_pt) : 0);


    1. 如果仓位利润不等于零,则按以下比例计算点差成本:点差点数 * 仓位利润(货币)/ 仓位利润(点数)
    2. 如果仓位利润为零,则使用以下公式计算点差值:计算出的每tick的价值 * 点差点数 * 成交数量


    //| Set the total commission for all deals                           |
    void CPosition::SetCommissions(void)
       double res=0;
       int total=this.m_list_deals.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i);
          res+=(deal!=NULL ? deal.Commission() : 0);
       this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_COMMISSIONS, res);



    //| Sets the total deal fee                                          |
    void CPosition::SetFee(void)
       double res=0;
       int total=this.m_list_deals.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i);
          res+=(deal!=NULL ? deal.Fee() : 0);
       this.SetProperty(POSITION_PROP_FEE, res);




    //| Add a deal to the list of deals                                  |
    CDeal *CPosition::DealAdd(const long ticket)
    //--- A temporary object gets a ticket of the desired deal and the flag of sorting the list of deals by ticket
    //--- Set the result of checking if a deal with such a ticket is present in the list
       bool exist=(this.m_list_deals.Search(&this.m_temp_deal)!=WRONG_VALUE);
    //--- Return sorting by time in milliseconds for the list
    //--- If a deal with such a ticket is already in the list, return NULL
          return NULL;
    //--- Create a new deal object
       CDeal *deal=new CDeal(ticket);
          return NULL;
    //--- Add the created object to the list in sorting order by time in milliseconds
    //--- If failed to add the deal to the list, remove the the deal object and return NULL
          delete deal;
          return NULL;
    //--- If this is a position closing deal, set the profit from the deal properties to the position profit value
       if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT || deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY)
    //--- Return the pointer to the created deal object
       return deal;   



    //| Return a position type description                               |
    string CPosition::TypeDescription(void) const
       return(this.TypePosition()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY ? "Buy" : this.TypePosition()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL ? "Sell" : "Unknown::"+(string)this.TypePosition());
    //| Return position open time and price description                  |
    string CPosition::TimePriceOpenDescription(void)
       return(::StringFormat("Opened %s [%.*f]", this.TimeMscToString(this.TimeMsc()),this.m_digits, this.PriceOpen()));
    //| Return position close time and price description                 |
    string CPosition::TimePriceCloseDescription(void)
          return "Not closed yet";
       return(::StringFormat("Closed %s [%.*f]", this.TimeMscToString(this.TimeCloseMsc()),this.m_digits, this.PriceClose()));
    //| Return a brief position description                              |
    string CPosition::Description(void)
       return(::StringFormat("%I64d (%s): %s %.2f %s #%I64d, Magic %I64d", this.AccountLogin(), this.AccountServer(),
                             this.Symbol(), this.Volume(), this.TypeDescription(), this.ID(), this.Magic()));



    //| Print the position properties and deals in the journal           |
    void CPosition::Print(void)
       ::PrintFormat("%s\n-%s\n-%s", this.Description(), this.TimePriceOpenDescription(), this.TimePriceCloseDescription());
       for(int i=0; i<this.m_list_deals.Total(); i++)
          CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i);






    //|                                                       Select.mqh |
    //|                        Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
    //|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
    #property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //| Class for sorting objects meeting the criterion                  |
    class CSelect


    //|                                                       Select.mqh |
    //|                        Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
    //|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
    #property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
    #property version   "1.00"
       EQUAL,                                                   // Equal
       MORE,                                                    // More
       LESS,                                                    // Less
       NO_EQUAL,                                                // Not equal
       EQUAL_OR_MORE,                                           // Equal or more
       EQUAL_OR_LESS                                            // Equal or less
    //| Include files                                                    |
    #include "Deal.mqh"
    #include "Position.mqh"
    //| Storage list                                                     |
    CArrayObj   ListStorage; // Storage object for storing sorted collection lists
    //| Class for sorting objects meeting the criterion                  |
    class CSelect


    //|                                                       Select.mqh |
    //|                        Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
    //|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
    #property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
    #property version   "1.00"
    enum ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE                                     // Comparison modes
       EQUAL,                                                   // Equal
       MORE,                                                    // More
       LESS,                                                    // Less
       NO_EQUAL,                                                // Not equal
       EQUAL_OR_MORE,                                           // Equal or more
       EQUAL_OR_LESS                                            // Equal or less
    //| Include files                                                    |
    #include "Deal.mqh"
    #include "Position.mqh"
    //| Storage list                                                     |
    CArrayObj   ListStorage; // Storage object for storing sorted collection lists
    //| Class for sorting objects meeting the criterion                  |
    class CSelect
       //--- Method for comparing two values
       template<typename T>
       static bool       CompareValues(T value1,T value2,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
    //| Deal handling methods                                            |
       //--- Return the list of deals with one out of (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties meeting a specified criterion
       static CArrayObj *ByDealProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
       static CArrayObj *ByDealProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
       static CArrayObj *ByDealProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
       //--- Return the deal index with the maximum value of the (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
       static int        FindDealMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property);
       static int        FindDealMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property);
       static int        FindDealMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property);
       //--- Return the deal index with the minimum value of the (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
       static int        FindDealMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property);
       static int        FindDealMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property);
       static int        FindDealMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property);
    //| Position handling methods                                        |
       //--- Return the list of positions with one out of (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties meeting a specified criterion
       static CArrayObj *ByPositionProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
       static CArrayObj *ByPositionProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
       static CArrayObj *ByPositionProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
       //--- Return the position index with the maximum value of the (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
       static int        FindPositionMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property);
       static int        FindPositionMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property);
       static int        FindPositionMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property);
       //--- Return the position index with the minimum value of the (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
       static int        FindPositionMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property);
       static int        FindPositionMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property);
       static int        FindPositionMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property);
    //| Method for comparing two values                                  |
    template<typename T>
    bool CSelect::CompareValues(T value1,T value2,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
          case EQUAL           :  return(value1==value2   ?  true  :  false);
          case NO_EQUAL        :  return(value1!=value2   ?  true  :  false);
          case MORE            :  return(value1>value2    ?  true  :  false);
          case LESS            :  return(value1<value2    ?  true  :  false);
          case EQUAL_OR_MORE   :  return(value1>=value2   ?  true  :  false);
          case EQUAL_OR_LESS   :  return(value1<=value2   ?  true  :  false);
          default              :  return false;
    //| Deal list handling methods                                       |
    //| Return the list of deals with one integer                        |
    //| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
    CArrayObj *CSelect::ByDealProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
          return NULL;
       CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
          return NULL;
          delete list;
          return NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          long obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          if(CompareValues(obj_prop, value, mode))
       return list;
    //| Return the list of deals with one real                           |
    //| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
    CArrayObj *CSelect::ByDealProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
          return NULL;
       CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
          return NULL;
          delete list;
          return NULL;
       for(int i=0; i<list_source.Total(); i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          double obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
       return list;
    //| Return the list of deals with one string                         |
    //| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
    CArrayObj *CSelect::ByDealProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
          return NULL;
       CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
          return NULL;
          delete list;
          return NULL;
       for(int i=0; i<list_source.Total(); i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          string obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
       return list;
    //| Return the deal index in the list                                |
    //| with the maximum integer property value                          |
    int CSelect::FindDealMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       int index=0;
       CDeal *max_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          long obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          long obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the deal index in the list                                |
    //| with the maximum real property value                             |
    int CSelect::FindDealMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       int index=0;
       CDeal *max_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          double obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          double obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the deal index in the list                                |
    //| with the maximum string property value                           |
    int CSelect::FindDealMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       int index=0;
       CDeal *max_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
       if(total==0) return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          string obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          string obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the deal index in the list                                |
    //| with the minimum integer property value                          |
    int CSelect::FindDealMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INT property)
       int index=0;
       CDeal *min_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          long obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          long obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the deal index in the list                                |
    //| with the minimum real property value                             |
    int CSelect::FindDealMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DBL property)
       int index=0;
       CDeal *min_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          double obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          double obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the deal index in the list                                |
    //| with the minimum string property value                           |
    int CSelect::FindDealMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_STR property)
       int index=0;
       CDeal *min_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CDeal *obj=list_source.At(i);
          string obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          string obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Position list handling method                                    |
    //| Return the list of positions with one integer                    |
    //| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
    CArrayObj *CSelect::ByPositionProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
          return NULL;
       CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
          return NULL;
          delete list;
          return NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          long obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          if(CompareValues(obj_prop, value, mode))
       return list;
    //| Return the list of positions with one real                       |
    //| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
    CArrayObj *CSelect::ByPositionProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
          return NULL;
       CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
          return NULL;
          delete list;
          return NULL;
       for(int i=0; i<list_source.Total(); i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          double obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
       return list;
    //| Return the list of positions with one string                     |
    //| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
    CArrayObj *CSelect::ByPositionProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
          return NULL;
       CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
          return NULL;
          delete list;
          return NULL;
       for(int i=0; i<list_source.Total(); i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          string obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
       return list;
    //| Return the position index in the list                            |
    //| with the maximum integer property value                          |
    int CSelect::FindPositionMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       int index=0;
       CPosition *max_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          long obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          long obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the position index in the list                            |
    //| with the maximum real property value                             |
    int CSelect::FindPositionMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       int index=0;
       CPosition *max_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          double obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          double obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the position index in the list                            |
    //| with the maximum string property value                           |
    int CSelect::FindPositionMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       int index=0;
       CPosition *max_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
       if(total==0) return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          string obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          string obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the position index in the list                            |
    //| with the minimum integer property value                          |
    int CSelect::FindPositionMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property)
       int index=0;
       CPosition *min_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          long obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          long obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the position index in the list                            |
    //| with the minimum real property value                             |
    int CSelect::FindPositionMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property)
       int index=0;
       CPosition *min_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          double obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          double obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;
    //| Return the position index in the list                            |
    //| with the minimum string property value                           |
    int CSelect::FindPositionMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property)
       int index=0;
       CPosition *min_obj=NULL;
       int total=list_source.Total();
          return WRONG_VALUE;
       for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *obj=list_source.At(i);
          string obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
          string obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
       return index;





    //|                                             PositionsControl.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #include "Position.mqh"
    #include "Select.mqh"
    //| Collection class of historical positions                         |
    class CPositionsControl : public CObject


    //| Collection class of historical positions                         |
    class CPositionsControl : public CObject
    //--- Return (1) position type and (2) reason for opening by deal type
       ENUM_POSITION_TYPE PositionTypeByDeal(const CDeal *deal);
       ENUM_POSITION_REASON PositionReasonByDeal(const CDeal *deal);
       CPosition         m_temp_pos;          // Temporary position object for searching
       CArrayObj         m_list_pos;          // List of positions
    //--- Return the position object from the list by ID
       CPosition        *GetPositionObjByID(const long id);
    //--- Return the flag of the market position
       bool              IsMarketPosition(const long id);
    //--- Create and update the list of positions. It can be redefined in the inherited classes
       virtual bool      Refresh(void);
    //--- Return (1) the list, (2) number of positions in the list
       CArrayObj        *GetPositionsList(void)           { return &this.m_list_pos;          }
       int               PositionsTotal(void)       const { return this.m_list_pos.Total();   }
    //--- Print the properties of all positions and their deals in the journal
       void              Print(void);
    //--- Constructor/destructor



    //| Constructor                                                      |


    //| Destructor                                                       |


    //| Return the position object from the list by ID                   |
    CPosition *CPositionsControl::GetPositionObjByID(const long id)
    //--- Set the position ID for the temporary object and set the flag of sorting by position ID for the list
    //--- Get the index of the position object with the specified ID (or -1 if it is absent) from the list
    //--- Use the obtained index to get the pointer to the positino object from the list (or NULL if the index value is -1)
       int index=this.m_list_pos.Search(&this.m_temp_pos);
       CPosition *pos=this.m_list_pos.At(index);
    //--- Return the flag of sorting by position close time in milliseconds for the list and
    //--- return the pointer to the position object (or NULL if it is absent)
       return pos;


    //| Return the market position flag                                  |
    bool CPositionsControl::IsMarketPosition(const long id)
    //--- In a loop by the list of current positions in the terminal
       for(int i=::PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
          //--- get the position ticket by the loop index
          ulong ticket=::PositionGetTicket(i);
          //--- If the ticket is received, the position can be selected and its ID is equal to the one passed to the method,
          //--- this is the desired market position, return 'true'
          if(ticket!=0 && ::PositionSelectByTicket(ticket) && ::PositionGetInteger(POSITION_IDENTIFIER)==id)
             return true;
    //--- No such market position, return 'false'
       return false;


    //| Return position type by deal type                                |
    ENUM_POSITION_TYPE CPositionsControl::PositionTypeByDeal(const CDeal *deal)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
          case DEAL_TYPE_BUY   :  return POSITION_TYPE_BUY;
          case DEAL_TYPE_SELL  :  return POSITION_TYPE_SELL;
          default              :  return WRONG_VALUE;



    //| Returns the reason for opening a position by deal type           |
    ENUM_POSITION_REASON CPositionsControl::PositionReasonByDeal(const CDeal *deal)
          return WRONG_VALUE;
          case DEAL_REASON_WEB    :  return POSITION_REASON_WEB;
          default                 :  return WRONG_VALUE;



    //| Create historical position list                                  |
    bool CPositionsControl::Refresh(void)
    //--- If failed to request the history of deals and orders, return 'false'
          return false;
    //--- Set the flag of sorting by time in milliseconds for the position list
    //--- Declare a result variable and a pointer to the position object
       bool res=true;
       CPosition *pos=NULL;
    //--- In a loop based on the number of history deals
       int total=::HistoryDealsTotal();
       for(int i=total-1; i>=0; i--)
          //--- get the ticket of the next deal in the list
          ulong ticket=::HistoryDealGetTicket(i);
          //--- If the deal ticket is not received, or it is not a buy/sell deal, move on
          ENUM_DEAL_TYPE deal_type=(ENUM_DEAL_TYPE)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TYPE);
          if(ticket==0 || (deal_type!=DEAL_TYPE_BUY && deal_type!=DEAL_TYPE_SELL))
          //--- Get the value of the position ID from the deal 
          long pos_id=::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_POSITION_ID);
          //--- If this is a market position, move on 
          //--- Get the pointer to a position object from the list
          //--- If there is no position with this ID in the list yet 
             //--- Create a new position object and, if the object could not be created, add 'false' to the 'res' variable and move on
             string pos_symbol=HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_SYMBOL);
             pos=new CPosition(pos_id, pos_symbol);
                res &=false;
             //--- If failed to add the position object to the list, add 'false' to the 'res' variable, remove the position object and move on
                res &=false;
                delete pos;
          //--- If the deal object could not be added to the list of deals of the position object, add 'false' to the 'res' variable and move on
          CDeal *deal=pos.DealAdd(ticket);
             res &=false;
          //--- All is successful.
          //--- Set position properties depending on the deal type
             ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type=this.PositionTypeByDeal(deal);
             ENUM_POSITION_REASON reason=this.PositionReasonByDeal(deal);
          if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT || deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY)
             ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type=this.PositionTypeByDeal(deal);
    //--- All historical positions are created and the corresponding deals are added to the deal lists of the position objects
    //--- Set the flag of sorting by close time in milliseconds for the position list
    //--- In the loop through the created list of closed positions, we set the Commissions and Fee values for each position
       for(int i=0; i<this.m_list_pos.Total(); i++)
          CPosition *pos=this.m_list_pos.At(i);
    //--- Return the result of creating and adding a position to the list
       return res;



    //| Print the properties of positions and their deals in the journal |
    void CPositionsControl::Print(void)
       int total=this.m_list_pos.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *pos=this.m_list_pos.At(i);






    //|                                                      Account.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #include "PositionsControl.mqh"
    //| Account class                                                    |
    class CAccount : public CObject


    //| Account class                                                    |
    class CAccount : public CObject
       CPositionsControl m_positions;                  // Historical positions control object
    //--- account integer properties
       long              m_login;                    //   Account number
       ENUM_ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE m_trade_mode;         //   Trading account type
       long              m_leverage;                 //   Leverage
       int               m_limit_orders;             //   Maximum allowed number of active pending orders
       ENUM_ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE m_margin_so_mode;   //   Mode of setting the minimum available margin level
       bool              m_trade_allowed;            //   Trading permission of the current account
       bool              m_trade_expert;             //   Trading permission of an EA
       ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE m_margin_mode;       //   Margin calculation mode
       int               m_currency_digits;          //   Number of digits for an account currency necessary for accurate display of trading results
       bool              m_fifo_close;               //   The flag indicating that positions can be closed only by the FIFO rule
       bool              m_hedge_allowed;            //   Allowed opposite positions on a single symbol
    //--- account real properties
       double            m_balance;                  //   Account balance in a deposit currency
       double            m_credit;                   //   Credit in a deposit currency
       double            m_profit;                   //   Current profit on an account in the account currency
       double            m_equity;                   //   Equity on an account in the deposit currency
       double            m_margin;                   //   Reserved margin on an account in a deposit currency
       double            m_margin_free;              //   Free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency
       double            m_margin_level;             //   Margin level on an account in %
       double            m_margin_so_call;           //   Margin Call level
       double            m_margin_so_so;             //   Stop Out level
       double            m_margin_initial;           //   Funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders 
       double            m_margin_maintenance;       //   Funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
       double            m_assets;                   //   Current assets on an account
       double            m_liabilities;              //   Current liabilities on an account
       double            m_commission_blocked;       //   Current sum of blocked commissions on an account
    //--- account string properties
       string            m_name;                     //   Client name
       string            m_server;                   //   Trade server name
       string            m_currency;                 //   Deposit currency
       string            m_company;                  //   Name of a company serving account


    //--- Return the (1) control object, (2) the list of historical positions, (3) number of positions
       CPositionsControl*GetPositionsCtrlObj(void)        { return &this.m_positions;                  }
       CArrayObj        *GetPositionsList(void)           { return this.m_positions.GetPositionsList();}
       int               PositionsTotal(void)             { return this.m_positions.PositionsTotal();  }
    //--- Return the list of positions by (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string property
       CArrayObj        *GetPositionsList(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property, long   value, ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
                           { return CSelect::ByPositionProperty(this.GetPositionsList(), property, value, mode); }
       CArrayObj        *GetPositionsList(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property, double value, ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
                           { return CSelect::ByPositionProperty(this.GetPositionsList(), property, value, mode); }
       CArrayObj        *GetPositionsList(ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_STR property, string value, ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
                           { return CSelect::ByPositionProperty(this.GetPositionsList(), property, value, mode); }
    //--- (1) Update and (2) print the list of closed positions in the journal
       bool              PositionsRefresh(void)           { return this.m_positions.Refresh();}
       void              PositionsPrint(void)             { this.m_positions.Print();         }
    //--- set (1) login and (2) server
       void              SetLogin(const long login)       { this.m_login=login;               }
       void              SetServer(const string server)   { this.m_server=server;             }
    //--- return integer account properties
       long              Login(void)                const { return this.m_login;              }  //   Account number
       ENUM_ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE TradeMode(void)      const { return this.m_trade_mode;         }  //   Trading account type
       long              Leverage(void)             const { return this.m_leverage;           }  //   Provided leverage
       int               LimitOrders(void)          const { return this.m_limit_orders;       }  //   Maximum allowed number of active pending orders
       ENUM_ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE MarginSoMode(void) const { return this.m_margin_so_mode;     }  //   Mode of setting the minimum available margin level
       bool              TradeAllowed(void)         const { return this.m_trade_allowed;      }  //   Trading permission of the current account
       bool              TradeExpert(void)          const { return this.m_trade_expert;       }  //   Trading permission for EA
       ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE MarginMode(void)    const { return this.m_margin_mode;        }  //   Margin calculation mode
       int               CurrencyDigits(void)       const { return this.m_currency_digits;    }  //   Number of digits for an account currency necessary for accurate display of trading results
       bool              FIFOClose(void)            const { return this.m_fifo_close;         }  //   The flag indicating that positions can be closed only by the FIFO rule
       bool              HedgeAllowed(void)         const { return this.m_hedge_allowed;      }  //   Allowed opposite positions on a single symbol
    //--- return real account properties
       double            Balance(void)              const { return this.m_balance;            }  //   Account balance in a deposit currency
       double            Credit(void)               const { return this.m_credit;             }  //   Credit in deposit currency
       double            Profit(void)               const { return this.m_profit;             }  //   Current profit on an account in the account currency
       double            Equity(void)               const { return this.m_equity;             }  //   Available equity in the deposit currency
       double            Margin(void)               const { return this.m_margin;             }  //   The amount of reserved collateral funds on the account in the deposit currency
       double            MarginFree(void)           const { return this.m_margin_free;        }  //   Free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency
       double            MarginLevel(void)          const { return this.m_margin_level;       }  //   Margin level on an account in %
       double            MarginSoCall(void)         const { return this.m_margin_so_call;     }  //   Margin Call level
       double            MarginSoSo(void)           const { return this.m_margin_so_so;       }  //   Stop Out level
       double            MarginInitial(void)        const { return this.m_margin_initial;     }  //   Funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders 
       double            MarginMaintenance(void)    const { return this.m_margin_maintenance; }  //   Funds reserved on an account to ensure the minimum amount for all open positions 
       double            Assets(void)               const { return this.m_assets;             }  //   Current assets on an account
       double            Liabilities(void)          const { return this.m_liabilities;        }  //   Current amount of liabilities on the account
       double            CommissionBlocked(void)    const { return this.m_commission_blocked; }  //   Current sum of blocked commissions on an account
    //--- return account string properties
       string            Name(void)                 const { return this.m_name;               }  //   Client name
       string            Server(void)               const { return this.m_server;             }  //   Trade server name
       string            Currency(void)             const { return this.m_currency;           }  //   Deposit currency
       string            Company(void)              const { return this.m_company;            }  //   Name of the company servicing the account
    //--- return (1) account description, (2) trading account type and (3) margin calculation mode
       string            Description(void)          const;
       string            TradeModeDescription(void) const;
       string            MarginModeDescription(void)const;
    //--- virtual method for comparing two objects
       virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const;
    //--- Display the account description in the journal
       void              Print(void)                      { ::Print(this.Description());      }
    //--- constructors/destructor
                         CAccount(const long login, const string server_name);
                        ~CAccount() {}



    //| Constructor                                                      |
    CAccount::CAccount(const long login, const string server_name)
    //--- set account integer properties
       this.m_trade_mode          = (ENUM_ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE)::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE);    //   Trading account type
       this.m_leverage            = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE);                               //   Leverage
       this.m_limit_orders        = (int)::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LIMIT_ORDERS);                      //   Maximum allowed number of active pending orders
       this.m_margin_so_mode      = (ENUM_ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE);//   Mode of setting the minimum available margin level
       this.m_trade_allowed       = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED);                          //   Trading permission of the current account
       this.m_trade_expert        = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT);                           //   Trading permission of an EA
       this.m_margin_mode         = (ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE)::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE);  //   Margin calculation mode
       this.m_currency_digits     = (int)::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);                   //   Number of digits for an account currency necessary for accurate display of trading results
       this.m_fifo_close          = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_FIFO_CLOSE);                             //   The flag indicating that positions can be closed only by the FIFO rule
       this.m_hedge_allowed       = ::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_HEDGE_ALLOWED);                          //   Allowed opposite positions on a single symbol
    //--- set account real properties
       this.m_balance             = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);                                 //   Account balance in a deposit currency
       this.m_credit              = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_CREDIT);                                  //   Credit in a deposit currency
       this.m_profit              = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_PROFIT);                                  //   Current profit on an account in the account currency
       this.m_equity              = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);                                  //   Equity on an account in the deposit currency
       this.m_margin              = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN);                                  //   Reserved margin on an account in a deposit currency
       this.m_margin_free         = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE);                             //   Free funds available for opening a position in a deposit currency
       this.m_margin_level        = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL);                            //   Margin level on an account in %
       this.m_margin_so_call      = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL);                          //   Margin Call level
       this.m_margin_so_so        = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO);                            //   Stop Out level
       this.m_margin_initial      = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL);                          //   Funds reserved on an account to ensure a guarantee amount for all pending orders 
       this.m_margin_maintenance  = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE);                      //   Funds reserved on an account to ensure a minimum amount for all open positions
       this.m_assets              = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_ASSETS);                                  //   Current assets on an account
       this.m_liabilities         = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES);                             //   Current liabilities on an account
       this.m_commission_blocked  = ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_COMMISSION_BLOCKED);                      //   Current sum of blocked commissions on an account
    //--- set account string properties
       this.m_name                = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_NAME);                                    //   Client name
       this.m_currency            = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);                                //   Deposit currency
       this.m_company             = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_COMPANY);                                 //   Name of a company serving account


    //| Method for comparing two objects                                 |
    int CAccount::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
       const CAccount *obj=node;
       return(this.Login()>obj.Login()   ? 1 : this.Login()<obj.Login()   ? -1 :
              this.Server()>obj.Server() ? 1 : this.Server()<obj.Server() ? -1 : 0);



    //| Return the description of the trading account type               |
    string CAccount::TradeModeDescription(void) const
       string mode=::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(this.TradeMode()), 19);
          mode.SetChar(0, ushort(mode.GetChar(0)-32));
       return mode;
    //| Return the description of the margin calculation mode            |
    string CAccount::MarginModeDescription(void) const
       string mode=::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(this.MarginMode()), 20);
       ::StringReplace(mode, "RETAIL_", "");
          mode.SetChar(0, ushort(mode.GetChar(0)-32));
       return mode;

    这些方法用于在Description 方法中创建账户描述

    //| Return the account description                                   |
    string CAccount::Description(void) const
       return(::StringFormat("%I64d: %s (%s, %s, %.2f %s, %s)",
                             this.Login(), this.Name(), this.Company(), this.TradeModeDescription(),
                             this.Balance(), this.Currency(), this.MarginModeDescription()));


    68008618: Artem (MetaQuotes Ltd., Demo, 10779.50 USD, Hedging)

    这个字符串可以使用类的 Print() 方法打印到日志中。



    在MetaTrader 5终端的\MT5\MQL5\Services\AccountReporter\文件夹中,为CAccounts类创建一个名为Accounts.mqh的新文件。
    该类应该继承自标准库的 CObject 基类,同时在创建的文件中包含账户类的文件

    //|                                                     Accounts.mqh |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #include "Account.mqh"
    //| Account collection class                                         |
    class CAccounts : public CObject


    //| Account collection class                                         |
    class CAccounts : public CObject
       CArrayObj         m_list;           // List of account objects
       CAccount          m_tmp;            // Temporary account object for searching
    //--- Create a new account object and add it to the list
       CAccount         *Add(const long login, const string server);
    //--- Create a new account object
       bool              Create(const long login, const string server);
    //--- Return the pointer to the specified account object by (1) login and server, (2) index in the list
       CAccount         *Get(const long login, const string server);
       CAccount         *Get(const int index)                         const { return this.m_list.At(index);  }
    //--- Combine the lists of account positions and return the combined one
       CArrayObj        *GetCommonPositionsList(void);
    //--- Return the list of positions for the specified account
       CArrayObj        *GetAccountPositionsList(const long login, const string server);
    //--- Return the number of stored accounts
       int               Total(void)                                  const { return this.m_list.Total();    }
    //--- Update the lists of positions of the specified account
       bool              PositionsRefresh(const long login, const string server);
    //--- Constructor/destructor



    //| Constructor                                                      |


    //| Destructor                                                       |


    //| Create a new account object and add it to the list               |
    CAccount *CAccounts::Add(const long login,const string server)
    //--- Create a new account object
       CAccount *account=new CAccount(login, server);
          return NULL;
    //--- If the created object is not added to the list, remove it and return NULL
          delete account;
          return NULL;
    //--- Return the pointer to a created object
       return account;

    这是一个受保护的方法,它是用于 创建新账户对象的公共方法的一部分。

    //| Create a new account object                                      |
    bool CAccounts::Create(const long login,const string server)
    //--- Set login and server to the temporary account object
    //--- Set the sorted list flag for the account object list
    //--- and get the object index having the same login and server as the ones the temporary object has
       int index=this.m_list.Search(&this.m_tmp);
    //--- Return the flag of an object being successfully added to the list (Add method operation result) or 'false' if the object is already in the list
       return(index==WRONG_VALUE ? this.Add(login, server)!=NULL : false);


    //| Return the pointer to the specified account object               |
    CAccount *CAccounts::Get(const long login,const string server)
    //--- Set login and server to the temporary account object
    //--- Set the sorted list flag for the account object list
    //--- and get the object index having the same login and server as the ones the temporary object has
       int index=this.m_list.Search(&this.m_tmp);
    //--- Return the pointer to the object in the list by index or NULL if the index is -1
       return this.m_list.At(index);


    //| Update the lists of positions of the specified account           |
    bool CAccounts::PositionsRefresh(const long login, const string server)
    //--- Get the pointer to the account object with the specified login and server
       CAccount *account=this.Get(login, server);
          return false;
    //--- If the received object is not the current account,
       if(account.Login()!=::AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN) || account.Server()!=::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_SERVER))
          //--- inform that updating data of the non-current account will result in incorrect data and return 'false'
          ::Print("Error. Updating the list of positions for a non-current account will result in incorrect data.");
          return false;
    //--- Return the result of updating the current account data
       return account.PositionsRefresh();


    //| Combine the lists of account positions and return the combined one |
    CArrayObj *CAccounts::GetCommonPositionsList(void)
    //--- Create a new list and reset the flag of managing memory
       CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
          return NULL;
    //--- In the loop through the list of accounts,
       int total=this.m_list.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          //--- get another account object
          CAccount *account=this.m_list.At(i);
          //--- Get the list of closed account positions
          CArrayObj *src=account.GetPositionsList();
          //--- If this is the first account in the list,
             //--- copy the elements from the account positions list to the new list
                delete list;
                return NULL;
          //--- If this is not the first account in the list,
             //--- add elements from the account position list to the end of the new list
    //--- Send a new list to the storage
          delete list;
          return NULL;
    //--- Return the pointer to the created and filled list
       return list;


    //| Return the list of positions for the specified account           |
    CArrayObj *CAccounts::GetAccountPositionsList(const long login,const string server)
       CAccount *account=this.Get(login, server);
       return(account!=NULL ? account.GetPositionsList() : NULL);






    当服务启动时,会检查客户端终端中是否存在MetaQuotes ID以及是否允许向智能手机发送推送通知。


    如果MetaQuotes ID字段中没有值,或者未选中“启用推送通知”复选框,服务将显示一个窗口,要求您设置这些参数。如果您选择不设置这些参数,系统将发出警告,提示没有MQID或不允许向智能手机发送通知,并且所有消息将仅记录在日志中。如果我们设置了所有参数,报告将同时发送到智能手机和专家终端日志。在主循环中,程序将不断检查终端中通知发送设置的状态。因此,如果在启动服务时未设置发送通知的权限,我们可以在启动服务程序后随时启用它——程序将看到更改并启用相应的标志。


    • 通用报告参数
      • 用于报告的账户:(全部或当前),
      • 是否按交易品种创建报告:(是/否)——首先创建一个报告,然后为交易中涉及的每个交易品种从中创建单独的报告,
      • 是否按magic编号创建报告:(是/否)——创建一个报告,然后为交易中使用的每个magic编号从中创建单独的报告,
      • 报告中是否包含佣金:(是/否)——如果启用,除了所有成本的总额外,佣金、掉期和交易费用的成本将单独显示,
      • 报告中是否包含平仓时可能的点差损失:(是/否)——如果启用,平仓时所有可能的点差费用总和将单独显示;
    • 每日报告设置
      • 是否发送过去24小时的报告;这也适用于指定时间段的报告:(是/否)——如果启用,则每天将在指定时间发送过去24小时和可配置的交易时间间隔(天数、月数和年数)的报告,
      • 报告发送小时:(默认8),
      • 报告发送分钟:(默认0);
    • 自定义时间段的每日报告设置
      • 是否发送指定天数的报告:(是/否)——如果启用,则每天将在上面指定的时间创建指定天数的报告;报告的天数是通过从当前日期减去指定的天数来计算的,
      • 指定报告的天数:(默认7),
      • 是否发送指定月数的报告:(是/否)——如果启用,则每天将在上面指定的时间创建指定月数的报告;报告的月数是通过从当前日期减去指定的月数来计算的,
      • 指定月数报告的月数:(默认3),
      • 是否发送指定年数的报告:(是/否)——如果启用,则每天将在上面指定的时间创建指定年数的报告;报告的年数是通过从当前日期减去指定的年数来计算的,
      • 指定年数报告的年数:(默认2);
    • 所有其他时间段的周报告设置
      • 发送周报的星期几:(默认为星期六)——当指定日期到来时,将创建并发送下面设置中指定的报告。
      • 报告发送小时:(默认8),
      • 报告发送分钟:(默认0);
      • 是否从当前周初开始发送报告:(是/否) —— 如果启用,则每周在指定日期创建一份从当前周初开始的报告,
      • 是否从当前月初开始发送报告:(是/否) —— 如果启用,则每周在指定日期创建一份从当前月初开始的报告,
      • 是否从当前年初开始发送报告:(是/否) —— 如果启用,则每周在指定日期创建一份从当前年初开始的报告,
      • 是否发送整个交易周期的报告:(是/否) —— 如果启用,则每周在指定日期创建一份整个交易周期的报告。




    //|                                                     Reporter.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property service
    #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    #define   COUNTER_DELAY       1000                                   // Counter delay in milliseconds during the working loop
    #define   REFRESH_ATTEMPTS    5                                      // Number of attempts to obtain correct account data
    #define   REFRESH_DELAY       500                                    // Delay in milliseconds before next attempt to get data
    #define   TABLE_COLUMN_W      10                                     // Width of the statistics table column for displaying in the journal
    #include <Arrays\ArrayString.mqh>                                    // Dynamic array of string variables for a symbol list object
    #include <Arrays\ArrayLong.mqh>                                      // Dynamic array of long type variables for the magic number list object
    #include <Tools\DateTime.mqh>                                        // Expand the MqlDateTime structure
    #include "Accounts.mqh"                                              // Collection class of account objects
    //| Enumerations                                                     |
    enum ENUM_USED_ACCOUNTS                                              // Enumerate used accounts in statistics
       USED_ACCOUNT_CURRENT,                                             // Current Account only
       USED_ACCOUNTS_ALL,                                                // All used accounts
    enum ENUM_REPORT_RANGE                                               // Enumerate statistics ranges
       REPORT_RANGE_DAILY,                                               // Day
       REPORT_RANGE_WEEK_BEGIN,                                          // Since the beginning of the week
       REPORT_RANGE_MONTH_BEGIN,                                         // Since the beginning of the month
       REPORT_RANGE_YEAR_BEGIN,                                          // Since the beginning of the year
       REPORT_RANGE_NUM_DAYS,                                            // Number of days
       REPORT_RANGE_NUM_MONTHS,                                          // Number of months
       REPORT_RANGE_NUM_YEARS,                                           // Number of years
       REPORT_RANGE_ALL,                                                 // Entire period
    enum ENUM_REPORT_BY                                                  // Enumerate statistics filters
       REPORT_BY_RANGE,                                                  // Date range
       REPORT_BY_SYMBOLS,                                                // By symbols
       REPORT_BY_MAGICS,                                                 // By magic numbers
    //| Inputs                                                           |
    input group                "============== Report options =============="
    input ENUM_USED_ACCOUNTS   InpUsedAccounts      =  USED_ACCOUNT_CURRENT;// Accounts included in statistics
    input bool                 InpReportBySymbols   =  true;             // Reports by Symbol
    input bool                 InpReportByMagics    =  true;             // Reports by Magics
    input bool                 InpCommissionsInclude=  true;             // Including Comissions
    input bool                 InpSpreadInclude     =  true;             // Including Spread
    input group                "========== Daily reports for daily periods =========="
    input bool                 InpSendDReport       =  true;             // Send daily report (per day and specified periods)
    input uint                 InpSendDReportHour   =  8;                // Hour of sending the report (Local time)
    input uint                 InpSendDReportMin    =  0;                // Minutes of sending the report (Local time)
    input group                "========= Daily reports for specified periods ========="
    input bool                 InpSendSReportDays   =  true;             // Send a report for the specified num days
    input uint                 InpSendSReportDaysN  =  7;                // Number of days to report for the specified number of days
    input bool                 InpSendSReportMonths =  true;             // Send a report for the specified num months
    input uint                 InpSendSReportMonthsN=  3;                // Number of months to report for the specified number of months
    input bool                 InpSendSReportYears  =  true;             // Send a report for the specified num years
    input uint                 InpSendSReportYearN  =  2;                // Number of years to report for the specified number of years
    input group                "======== Weekly reports for all other periods ========"
    input ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK     InpSendWReportDayWeek=  SATURDAY;         // Day of sending the reports (Local time)
    input uint                 InpSendWReportHour   =  8;                // Hour of sending the reports (Local time)
    input uint                 InpSendWReportMin    =  0;                // Minutes of sending the reports (Local time)
    input bool                 InpSendWReport       =  true;             // Send a report for the current week
    input bool                 InpSendMReport       =  false;            // Send a report for the current month
    input bool                 InpSendYReport       =  false;            // Send a report for the current year
    input bool                 InpSendAReport       =  false;            // Send a report for the entire trading period
    //| Global variables                                                 |
    CAccounts      ExtAccounts;                                          // Account management object
    long           ExtLogin;                                             // Current account login
    string         ExtServer;                                            // Current account server
    bool           ExtNotify;                                            // Push notifications enabling flag
    //| Service program start function                                   |
    void OnStart()


    //|                                                     DateTime.mqh |
    //|                             Copyright 2000-2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    //| Structure CDateTime.                                             |
    //| Purpose: Working with dates and time.                            |
    //|         Extends the MqlDateTime structure.                       |
    struct CDateTime : public MqlDateTime
       //--- additional information
       string            MonthName(const int num) const;
       string            ShortMonthName(const int num) const;
       string            DayName(const int num) const;
       string            ShortDayName(const int num) const;
       string            MonthName(void)               const { return(MonthName(mon));            }
       string            ShortMonthName(void)          const { return(ShortMonthName(mon));       }
       string            DayName(void)                 const { return(DayName(day_of_week));      }
       string            ShortDayName(void)            const { return(ShortDayName(day_of_week)); }
       int               DaysInMonth(void) const;
       //--- data access
       datetime          DateTime(void)                      { return(StructToTime(this));        }
       void              DateTime(const datetime value)      { TimeToStruct(value,this);          }
       void              DateTime(const MqlDateTime& value)  { this=value;                        }
       void              Date(const datetime value);
       void              Date(const MqlDateTime &value);
       void              Time(const datetime value);
       void              Time(const MqlDateTime &value);
       //--- settings
       void              Sec(const int value);
       void              Min(const int value);
       void              Hour(const int value);
       void              Day(const int value);
       void              Mon(const int value);
       void              Year(const int value);
       //--- increments
       void              SecDec(int delta=1);
       void              SecInc(int delta=1);
       void              MinDec(int delta=1);
       void              MinInc(int delta=1);
       void              HourDec(int delta=1);
       void              HourInc(int delta=1);
       void              DayDec(int delta=1);
       void              DayInc(int delta=1);
       void              MonDec(int delta=1);
       void              MonInc(int delta=1);
       void              YearDec(int delta=1);
       void              YearInc(int delta=1);
       //--- check
       void              DayCheck(void);



    //| Service program start function                                   |
    void OnStart()
       CArrayObj  *PositionsList  =  NULL;          // List of closed account positions
       long        account_prev   =  0;             // Previous login
       double      balance_prev   =  EMPTY_VALUE;   // Previous balance
       bool        Sent           =  false;         // Flag of sent report for non-daily periods
       int         day_of_year_prev= WRONG_VALUE;   // The previous day number of the year
    //--- Create lists of symbols and magic numbers traded in history and a list of messages for Push notifications
       CArrayString  *SymbolsList =  new CArrayString();
       CArrayLong    *MagicsList  =  new CArrayLong();
       CArrayString  *MessageList =  new CArrayString();
       if(SymbolsList==NULL || MagicsList==NULL || MessageList==NULL)
          Print("Failed to create list CArrayObj");
    //--- Check for the presence of MetaQuotes ID and permission to send notifications to it
          Print(MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME)+"-Service notifications OK");
    //--- The main loop
       int count=0;
          //| Delay in the loop                                                |
          //--- Increase the loop counter. If the counter has not exceeded the specified value, repeat
          //--- Waiting completed. Reset the loop counter
          //| Check notification settings                                      |
          //--- If the notification flag is not set, we check the notification settings in the terminal and, if activated, we report this
          if(!ExtNotify && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MQID) && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED))
             Print("Now MetaQuotes ID is specified and sending notifications is allowed");
             SendNotification("Now MetaQuotes ID is specified and sending notifications is allowed");
          //--- If the notification flag is set, but the terminal does not have permission for them, we report this
          if(ExtNotify && (!TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MQID) || !TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED)))
             string caption=MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME);
             string message="The terminal has a limitation on sending notifications. Please check your notification settings";
             MessageBox(message, caption, MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);
          //| Change account                                                   |
          //--- If the current login is not equal to the previous one
             //--- if we failed to wait for the account data to be updated, repeat on the next loop iteration
             //--- Received new account data
             //--- Save the current login and balance as previous ones for the next check
             //--- Reset the sent message flag and call the account change handler
          //| Daily reports                                                    |
          //--- Fill the structure with data about local time and date
          MqlDateTime tm={};
          //--- Clear the list of messages sent to MQID
          //--- If the current day number in the year is not equal to the previous one, it is the beginning of a new day
             //--- If hours/minutes have reached the specified values for sending statistics
             if(tm.hour>=(int)InpSendDReportHour && tm.min>=(int)InpSendDReportMin)
                //--- If sending daily statistics is allowed
                   //--- update the lists of closed positions for the day on the current account
                   ExtAccounts.PositionsRefresh(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                   //--- if the settings are set to receive statistics from all accounts -
                   //--- get a list of closed positions of all accounts that were active when the service was running
                   //--- otherwise, get the list of closed positions of the current account only
                      PositionsList=ExtAccounts.GetAccountPositionsList(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                   //--- Create messages about trading statistics for a daily time range,
                   //--- print the generated messages to the log and send them to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_DAILY, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                   //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the specified number of days,
                   //--- Create messages about trade statistics for the number of days in InpSendSReportDaysN,
                   //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                      SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_NUM_DAYS, InpSendSReportDaysN, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                   //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the specified number of months,
                   //--- Create messages about trade statistics for the number of months in InpSendSReportMonthsN,
                   //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                      SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_NUM_MONTHS, InpSendSReportMonthsN, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                   //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the specified number of years,
                   //--- Create messages about trade statistics for the number of years in InpSendSReportYearN,
                   //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                      SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_NUM_YEARS, InpSendSReportYearN, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- Set the current day as the previous one for subsequent verification
          //| Weekly reports                                                   |
          //--- If the day of the week is equal to the one set in the settings,
             //--- if the message has not been sent yet and it is time to send messages
             if(!Sent && tm.hour>=(int)InpSendWReportHour && tm.min>=(int)InpSendWReportMin)
                //--- update the lists of closed positions on the current account 
                ExtAccounts.PositionsRefresh(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                //--- if the settings are set to receive statistics from all accounts -
                //--- get a list of closed positions of all accounts that were active when the service was running
                //--- otherwise, get the list of closed positions of the current account only
                   PositionsList=ExtAccounts.GetAccountPositionsList(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for a week,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the beginning of the current week,
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_WEEK_BEGIN, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for a month,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the beginning of the current month,
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_MONTH_BEGIN, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for a year,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the beginning of the current year,
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_YEAR_BEGIN, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the entire period,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the start of the epoch (01.01.1970 00:00),
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_ALL, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- Set the flag that all messages with statistics are sent to the journal
          //--- If the day of the week specified in the settings for sending statistics has not yet arrived, reset the flag of sent messages
          //--- If the list of messages to send to MQID is not empty, call the function for sending notifications to a smartphone
       //| Service shutdown                                                 |
       //--- Clear and delete lists of messages, symbols and magic numbers
          delete MessageList;
          delete SymbolsList;
          delete MagicsList;


    //| Check for the presence of MetaQuotes ID                          |
    //| and permission to send notifications to the mobile terminal      |
    bool CheckMQID(void)
       string caption=MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME); // Message box header
       string message=caption+"-Service OK";           // Message box text
       int    mb_id=IDOK;                              // MessageBox() return code
    //--- If MQID is not installed in the terminal settings, we will make a request to install it with explanations on the procedure
          message="The client terminal does not have a MetaQuotes ID for sending Push notifications.\n"+
                  "1. Install the mobile version of the MetaTrader 5 terminal from the App Store or Google Play.\n"+
                  "2. Go to the \"Messages\" section of your mobile terminal.\n"+
                  "3. Click \"MQID\".\n"+
                  "4. In the client terminal, in the \"Tools - Settings\" menu, in the \"Notifications\" tab, in the MetaQuotes ID field, enter the received code.";
          mb_id=MessageBox(message, caption, MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONWARNING);
    //--- If the Cancel button is pressed, inform about the refusal to use Push notifications
          message="You refused to enter your MetaQuotes ID. The service will send notifications to the “Experts” tab of the terminal";
          MessageBox(message, caption, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
    //--- If the Retry button is pressed, 
          //--- If the terminal has MetaQuotes ID installed for sending Push notifications
             //--- if the terminal does not have permission to send notifications to a smartphone,
                //--- show the message asking for permission to send notifications in the settings
                message="Please enable sending Push notifications in the terminal settings in the \"Notifications\" tab in the \"Tools - Settings\" menu.";
                mb_id=MessageBox(message, caption, MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
                //--- If the Cancel button is pressed in response to the message,
                   //--- inform about the refusal to send notifications to a smartphone
                   string message="You have opted out of sending Push notifications. The service will send notifications to the “Experts” tab of the terminal.";
                   MessageBox(message, caption, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
                //--- If the Retry button is pressed in response to the message (this is expected to be done after enabling permission in the settings),
                //--- but there is still no permission to send notifications in the terminal,
                if(mb_id==IDRETRY && !TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED))
                   //--- inform that the user has refused to send notifications to a smartphone, and messages will only be in the journal
                   string message="You have not allowed push notifications. The service will send notifications to the “Experts” tab of the terminal.";
                   MessageBox(message, caption, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
          //--- If the terminal has MetaQuotes ID installed for sending Push notifications,
             //--- inform that the terminal does not have MetaQuotes ID installed to send notifications to a smartphone, and messages will only be sent to the journal
             string message="You have not set your MetaQuotes ID. The service will send notifications to the “Experts” tab of the terminal";
             MessageBox(message, caption, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
    //--- Return the flag that MetaQuotes ID is set in the terminal and sending notifications is allowed
       return(TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MQID) && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED));


          //| Check notification settings                                      |
          //--- If the notification flag is not set, we check the notification settings in the terminal and, if activated, we report this
          if(!ExtNotify && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MQID) && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED))
             Print("Now MetaQuotes ID is specified and sending notifications is allowed");
             SendNotification("Now MetaQuotes ID is specified and sending notifications is allowed");
          //--- If the notification flag is set, but the terminal does not have permission for them, we report this
          if(ExtNotify && (!TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MQID) || !TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED)))
             string caption=MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME);
             string message="The terminal has a limitation on sending notifications. Please check your notification settings";
             MessageBox(message, caption, MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);



          //| Change account                                                   |
          //--- If the current login is not equal to the previous one
             //--- if we failed to wait for the account data to be updated, repeat on the next loop iteration
             //--- Received new account data
             //--- Save the current login and balance as previous ones for the next check
             //--- Reset the sent message flag and call the account change handler


    //| Waiting for account data update                                  |
    bool DataUpdateWait(double &balance_prev)
       int attempts=0;   // Number of attempts
    //--- Until the program stop flag is disabled and until the number of attempts is less than the number set in REFRESH_ATTEMPTS
       while(!IsStopped() && attempts<REFRESH_ATTEMPTS)
          //--- If the balance of the current account differs from the balance of the previously saved balance value,
          //--- we assume that we were able to obtain the account data, return 'true'
          if(NormalizeDouble(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE)-balance_prev, 8)!=0)
             return true;
          //--- Wait half a second for the next attempt, increase the number of attempts and
          //--- log a message about waiting for data to be received and the number of attempts
          PrintFormat("%s::%s: Waiting for account information to update. Attempt %d", MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME),__FUNCTION__, attempts);
    //--- If failed to obtain the new account data after all attempts,
    //--- report this to the log, write an empty value to the "previous balance" and return 'false'
       PrintFormat("%s::%s: Could not wait for updated account data... Try again", MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME),__FUNCTION__);
       return false;



          //| Daily reports                                                    |
          //--- Fill the structure with data about local time and date
          MqlDateTime tm={};
          //--- Clear the list of messages sent to MQID
          //--- If the current day number in the year is not equal to the previous one, it is the beginning of a new day
             //--- If hours/minutes have reached the specified values for sending statistics
             if(tm.hour>=(int)InpSendDReportHour && tm.min>=(int)InpSendDReportMin)
                //--- If sending daily statistics is allowed
                   //--- update the lists of closed positions for the day on the current account
                   ExtAccounts.PositionsRefresh(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                   //--- if the settings are set to receive statistics from all accounts -
                   //--- get a list of closed positions of all accounts that were active when the service was running
                   //--- otherwise, get the list of closed positions of the current account only
                      PositionsList=ExtAccounts.GetAccountPositionsList(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                   //--- Create messages about trading statistics for a daily time range,
                   //--- print the generated messages to the log and send them to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_DAILY, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                   //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the specified number of days,
                   //--- Create messages about trade statistics for the number of days in InpSendSReportDaysN,
                   //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                      SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_NUM_DAYS, InpSendSReportDaysN, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                   //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the specified number of months,
                   //--- Create messages about trade statistics for the number of months in InpSendSReportMonthsN,
                   //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                      SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_NUM_MONTHS, InpSendSReportMonthsN, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                   //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the specified number of years,
                   //--- Create messages about trade statistics for the number of years in InpSendSReportYearN,
                   //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                      SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_NUM_YEARS, InpSendSReportYearN, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- Set the current day as the previous one for subsequent verification
          //| Weekly reports                                                   |
          //--- If the day of the week is equal to the one set in the settings,
             //--- if the message has not been sent yet and it is time to send messages
             if(!Sent && tm.hour>=(int)InpSendWReportHour && tm.min>=(int)InpSendWReportMin)
                //--- update the lists of closed positions on the current account 
                ExtAccounts.PositionsRefresh(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                //--- if the settings are set to receive statistics from all accounts -
                //--- get a list of closed positions of all accounts that were active when the service was running
                //--- otherwise, get the list of closed positions of the current account only
                   PositionsList=ExtAccounts.GetAccountPositionsList(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for a week,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the beginning of the current week,
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_WEEK_BEGIN, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for a month,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the beginning of the current month,
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_MONTH_BEGIN, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for a year,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the beginning of the current year,
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_YEAR_BEGIN, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- If the settings allow sending trading statistics for the entire period,
                //--- Create messages about trading statistics from the start of the epoch (01.01.1970 00:00),
                //--- print the created messages to the log and add them to the list for sending to MQID
                   SendReport(REPORT_RANGE_ALL, 0, PositionsList, SymbolsList, MagicsList, MessageList);
                //--- Set the flag that all messages with statistics are sent to the journal
          //--- If the day of the week specified in the settings for sending statistics has not yet arrived, reset the flag of sent messages
          //--- If the list of messages to send to MQID is not empty, call the function for sending notifications to a smartphone




    //| Return a list with the specified statistics range                |
    CArrayObj *GetListDataRange(ENUM_REPORT_RANGE range, CArrayObj *list, datetime &time_start, const int num_periods)
    //--- Current date
       CDateTime current={};
    //--- Period start date
       CDateTime begin_range=current;
    //--- Set the period start time to 00:00:00
    //--- Adjust the start date of the period depending on the specified period of required statistics
          //--- Day
          case REPORT_RANGE_DAILY       :  // decrease Day by 1
          //--- Since the beginning of the week
          case REPORT_RANGE_WEEK_BEGIN  :  // decrease Day by (number of days passed in the week)-1
            begin_range.DayDec(begin_range.day_of_week==SUNDAY ? 6 : begin_range.day_of_week-1);
          //--- Since the beginning of the month
          case REPORT_RANGE_MONTH_BEGIN :  // set the first day of the month as Day
          //--- Since the beginning of the year
          case REPORT_RANGE_YEAR_BEGIN  :  // set Month to the first month of the year, and Day to the first day of the month
          //--- Number of days
          case REPORT_RANGE_NUM_DAYS    :  // Decrease Day by the specified number of days
          //--- Number of months
          case REPORT_RANGE_NUM_MONTHS  :  // Decrease Month by the specified number of months
          //--- Number of years
          case REPORT_RANGE_NUM_YEARS   :  // Decrease Year by the specified number of years
          //---REPORT_RANGE_ALL Entire period
          default                       :  // Set the date to 1970.01.01
    //--- Write the start date of the period and return the pointer to the list of positions,
    //--- the opening time of which is greater than or equal to the start time of the requested period
       return CSelect::ByPositionProperty(list,POSITION_PROP_TIME,time_start,EQUAL_OR_MORE);



    //| Account change handler                                           |
    void AccountChangeHandler(void)
    //--- Set the current account login and server
       long   login  = AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN);
       string server = AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_SERVER);
    //--- Get the pointer to the account object based on the current account data
       CAccount *account = ExtAccounts.Get(login, server);
    //--- If the object is empty, create a new account object and get a pointer to it
       if(account==NULL && ExtAccounts.Create(login, server))
          account=ExtAccounts.Get(login, server);
    //--- If the account object is eventually not received, report this and leave
          PrintFormat("Error getting access to account object: %I64d (%s)", login, server);
    //--- Set the current login and server values from the account object data
       ExtLogin =account.Login();
    //--- Display the account data in the journal and display a message about the start of creating the list of closed positions
       Print("Beginning to create a list of closed positions...");
    //--- Create the list of closed positions and report the number of created positions and the time spent in the journal upon completion
       ulong start=GetTickCount();
       ExtAccounts.PositionsRefresh(ExtLogin, ExtServer);
       PrintFormat("A list of %d positions was created in %I64u ms", account.PositionsTotal(), GetTickCount()-start);



    //| Create statistics for the specified time range                   |
    void SendReport(ENUM_REPORT_RANGE range, int num_periods, CArrayObj *list_common, CArrayString *list_symbols, CArrayLong *list_magics, CArrayString *list_msg)
       string array_msg[2] = {NULL, NULL};    // Array of messages (0) for displaying in the journal and (1) for sending to a smartphone
       datetime time_start = 0;               // Here we will store the start time of the statistics period
       CArrayObj *list_tmp = NULL;            // Temporary list for sorting by symbols and magic number
    //--- Get a list of positions for the 'range' period
       CArrayObj *list_range=GetListDataRange(range, list_common, time_start, num_periods);
    //--- If the list of positions is empty, report to the journal that there were no transactions for the given period of time
          PrintFormat("\"%s\" no trades",ReportRangeDescription(range, num_periods));
    //--- Create the lists of symbols and magic numbers of positions in the received list of closed positions for a period of time, while resetting them beforehand
       CreateSymbolMagicLists(list_range, list_symbols, list_magics);
    //--- Create statistics on closed positions for the specified period,
    //--- print the generated statistics from array_msg[0] in the journal and
    //--- set the string from array_msg[1] to the list of messages for push notifications
       if(CreateStatisticsMessage(range, num_periods, REPORT_BY_RANGE, MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME),time_start, list_range, list_symbols, list_magics, 0, array_msg))
          Print(StatisticsRangeTitle(range, num_periods, REPORT_BY_RANGE, time_start));       // Statistics title
          Print(StatisticsTableHeader("Symbols ", InpCommissionsInclude, InpSpreadInclude));  // Table header 
          Print(array_msg[0]);                                                                // Statistics for a period of time
          Print("");                                                                          // String indentation
          list_msg.Add(array_msg[1]);                                                         // Save the message for Push notifications to the list for later sending
    //--- If statistics are allowed separately by symbols
          //--- Display the statistics and table headers to the journal
          Print(StatisticsRangeTitle(range, num_periods, REPORT_BY_SYMBOLS, time_start));
          Print(StatisticsTableHeader("Symbol ", InpCommissionsInclude, InpSpreadInclude));
          //--- In the loop by the list of symbols,
          for(int i=0; i<list_symbols.Total(); i++)
             //--- get the name of the next symbol
             string symbol=list_symbols.At(i);
             //--- sort out the list of positions leaving only positions with the received symbol
             list_tmp=CSelect::ByPositionProperty(list_range, POSITION_PROP_SYMBOL, symbol, EQUAL);
             //--- Create statistics on closed positions for the specified period by the current list symbol,
             //--- print the generated statistics from array_msg[0] and
             //--- set the string from array_msg[1] to the list of messages for push notifications
             if(CreateStatisticsMessage(range, num_periods, REPORT_BY_SYMBOLS, MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME), time_start, list_tmp, list_symbols, list_magics, i, array_msg))
          //--- After the loop has completed for all symbols, display the separator line to the journal
    //--- If statistics are allowed separately by magic numbers
          //--- Display the statistics and table headers to the journal
          Print(StatisticsRangeTitle(range, num_periods, REPORT_BY_MAGICS, time_start));
          Print(StatisticsTableHeader("Magic ", InpCommissionsInclude, InpSpreadInclude));
          //--- In the loop by the list of magic numbers,
          for(int i=0; i<list_magics.Total(); i++)
             //--- get the next magic number
             long magic=list_magics.At(i);
             //--- sort out the list of positions leaving only positions with the received magic number
             list_tmp=CSelect::ByPositionProperty(list_range, POSITION_PROP_MAGIC, magic, EQUAL);
             //--- Create statistics on closed positions for the specified period by the current list magic number,
             //--- print the generated statistics from array_msg[0] and
             //--- set the string from array_msg[1] to the list of messages for push notifications
             if(CreateStatisticsMessage(range, num_periods, REPORT_BY_MAGICS, MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME), time_start, list_tmp, list_symbols, list_magics, i, array_msg))
          //--- After the loop has completed for all magic numbers, display the separator line to the journal



    //| Create and return the table header row                           |
    string StatisticsTableHeader(const string first, const bool commissions, const bool spreads)
    //--- Declare and initialize the table column headers
       string h_trades="Trades ";
       string h_long="Long ";
       string h_short="Short ";
       string h_profit="Profit ";
       string h_max="Max ";
       string h_min="Min ";
       string h_avg="Avg ";
       string h_costs="Costs ";
    //--- table columns disabled in the settings
       string h_commiss=(commissions ? "Commiss " : "");
       string h_swap=(commissions    ? "Swap "    : "");
       string h_fee=(commissions     ? "Fee "     : "");
       string h_spread=(spreads      ? "Spread "  : "");
    //--- width of table columns
       int w=TABLE_COLUMN_W;
       int c=(commissions ? TABLE_COLUMN_W : 0);
    //--- Table column separators that can be disabled in the settings
       string sep1=(commissions ? "|" : "");
       string sep2=(spreads ? "|" : "");
    //--- Create a table header row
       return StringFormat("|%*s|%*s|%*s|%*s|%*s|%*s|%*s|%*s|%*s|%*s%s%*s%s%*s%s%*s%s",


    |  Symbols |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |  Commiss |     Swap |      Fee |   Spread |





    //| Return the description header of the requested statistics period |
    string StatisticsRangeTitle(const ENUM_REPORT_RANGE range, const int num_periods, const ENUM_REPORT_BY report_by, const datetime time_start, const string symbol=NULL, const long magic=LONG_MAX)
       string report_by_str=
          report_by==REPORT_BY_SYMBOLS  ?  (symbol==NULL     ?  "by symbols "  :  "by "+symbol+" ") :
          report_by==REPORT_BY_MAGICS   ?  (magic==LONG_MAX  ?  "by magics "   :  "by magic #"+(string)magic+" ") : ""
       return StringFormat("Report %sfor the period \"%s\" from %s", report_by_str,ReportRangeDescription(range, num_periods), TimeToString(time_start, TIME_DATE));


    Report for the period "3 months" from 2024.04.23 00:00


    Report by symbols for the period "3 months" from 2024.04.23 00:00


    Report by magics for the period "3 months" from 2024.04.23 00:00



    //| Return a message text with statistics                            |
    bool CreateStatisticsMessage(const ENUM_REPORT_RANGE range, const int num_periods, const ENUM_REPORT_BY report_by, const string header, const datetime time_start,
                                 CArrayObj *list, CArrayString *list_symbols, CArrayLong *list_magics, const int index, string &array_msg[])
    //--- Get a symbol and a magic number by index from the passed lists
       string   symbol = list_symbols.At(index);
       long     magic  = list_magics.At(index);
    //--- If the passed lists are empty, or no data was received from them, return 'false'
       if(list==NULL || list.Total()==0 || (report_by==REPORT_BY_SYMBOLS && symbol=="") || (report_by==REPORT_BY_MAGICS && magic==LONG_MAX))
          return false;
       CPosition  *pos_min  =  NULL;          // Pointer to the position with the minimum property value
       CPosition  *pos_max  =  NULL;          // Pointer to the position with the maximum property value
       CArrayObj  *list_tmp =  NULL;          // Pointer to a temporary list for sorting by properties
       int         index_min=  WRONG_VALUE;   // Index of the position in the list with the minimum property value
       int         index_max=  WRONG_VALUE;   // Index of the position in the list with the maximum property value
    //--- Get the sum of the position properties from the list of positions
       double profit=PropertyValuesSum(list, POSITION_PROP_PROFIT);            // Total profit of positions in the list
       double commissions=PropertyValuesSum(list,POSITION_PROP_COMMISSIONS);   // Total commission of positions in the list
       double swap=PropertyValuesSum(list, POSITION_PROP_SWAP);                // General swap of positions in the list
       double fee=PropertyValuesSum(list, POSITION_PROP_FEE);                  // Total deal fee in the list 
       double costs=commissions+swap+fee;                                      // All commissions
       double spreads=PositionsCloseSpreadCostSum(list);                       // Total spread costs for all items in the list
    //--- Define text descriptions of all received values
       string s_0=(report_by==REPORT_BY_SYMBOLS ? symbol : report_by==REPORT_BY_MAGICS ? (string)magic : (string)list_symbols.Total())+" ";
       string s_trades=StringFormat("%d ", list.Total());
       string s_profit=StringFormat("%+.2f ", profit);
       string s_costs=StringFormat("%.2f ",costs);
       string s_commiss=(InpCommissionsInclude ? StringFormat("%.2f ",commissions) : "");
       string s_swap=(InpCommissionsInclude ? StringFormat("%.2f ",swap) : "");
       string s_fee=(InpCommissionsInclude ? StringFormat("%.2f ",fee) : "");
       string s_spread=(InpSpreadInclude ? StringFormat("%.2f ",spreads) : "");
    //--- Get the list of only long positions and create a description of their quantity
       list_tmp=CSelect::ByPositionProperty(list, POSITION_PROP_TYPE, POSITION_TYPE_BUY, EQUAL);
       string s_long=(list_tmp!=NULL ? (string)list_tmp.Total() : "0")+" ";
    //--- Get the list of only short positions and create a description of their quantity
       list_tmp=CSelect::ByPositionProperty(list, POSITION_PROP_TYPE, POSITION_TYPE_SELL, EQUAL);
       string s_short=(list_tmp!=NULL ? (string)list_tmp.Total() : "0")+" ";
    //--- Get the index of the position in the list with the maximum profit and create a description of the received value
       index_max=CSelect::FindPositionMax(list, POSITION_PROP_PROFIT);
       double profit_max=(pos_max!=NULL ? pos_max.Profit() : EMPTY_VALUE);
       string s_max=(profit_max!=EMPTY_VALUE ? StringFormat("%+.2f ",profit_max) : "No trades ");
    //--- Get the index of the position in the list with the minimum profit and create a description of the received value
       index_min=CSelect::FindPositionMin(list, POSITION_PROP_PROFIT);
       double profit_min=(pos_min!=NULL ? pos_min.Profit() : EMPTY_VALUE);
       string s_min=(profit_min!=EMPTY_VALUE ? StringFormat("%+.2f ",profit_min) : "No trades ");
    //--- Create a description of the average profit value of all positions in the list
       string s_avg=StringFormat("%.2f ", PropertyAverageValue(list, POSITION_PROP_PROFIT));
    //--- Table column width
       int w=TABLE_COLUMN_W;
       int c=(InpCommissionsInclude ? TABLE_COLUMN_W : 0);
    //--- Separators for table columns that can be disabled in the settings
       string sep1=(InpCommissionsInclude ? "|" : "");
       string sep2=(InpSpreadInclude ? "|" : "");
    //--- For displaying in the journal, create a string with table columns featuring the values obtained above
    //--- For sending MQID notifications, create a string with table columns featuring the values obtained above
       array_msg[1]=StringFormat("%s:\nTrades: %s Long: %s Short: %s\nProfit: %s Max: %s Min: %s Avg: %s\n%s%s%s%s%s",
                                 StatisticsRangeTitle(range, num_periods, report_by, time_start, (report_by==REPORT_BY_SYMBOLS ? symbol : NULL), (report_by==REPORT_BY_MAGICS ? magic : LONG_MAX)),
                                 (costs!=0 ? "Costs: "+s_costs : ""),
                                 (InpCommissionsInclude && commissions!=0 ? " Commiss: "+s_commiss : ""),
                                 (InpCommissionsInclude && swap!=0        ? " Swap: "+s_swap       : ""),
                                 (InpCommissionsInclude && fee!=0         ? " Fee: "+s_fee         : ""),
                                 (InpSpreadInclude      && spreads!=0     ? " Spreads: "+s_spread  : ""));
    //--- All is successful
       return true;



    //| Fill the lists of magic numbers and position symbols from the passed list|
    void CreateSymbolMagicLists(CArrayObj *list, CArrayString *list_symbols, CArrayLong *list_magics)
    //--- If an invalid pointer to a list of positions is passed, or the list is empty, leave
       if(list==NULL || list.Total()==0)
       int index=WRONG_VALUE;  // Index of the necessary symbol or magic number in the list
    //--- In a loop by the list of positions
       for(int i=0; i<list.Total(); i++)
          //--- get the pointer to the next position 
          CPosition *pos=list.At(i);
          //--- Get the position symbol
          string symbol=pos.Symbol();
          //--- Set the sorted list flag for the symbol list and get the symbol index in the symbol list
          //--- If there is no such symbol in the list, add it
          //--- Get the position magic number
          long magic=pos.Magic();
          //--- Set the sorted list flag for the magic number list and get the magic number index in the list of magic numbers
          //--- If there is no such magic number in the list, add it




    //| Return the sum of the values of the specified                    |
    //| integer property of all positions in the list                    |
    long PropertyValuesSum(CArrayObj *list, const ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property)
       long res=0;
       int total=list.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *pos=list.At(i);
          res+=(pos!=NULL ? pos.GetProperty(property) : 0);
       return res;



    //| Return the sum of the values of the specified                    |
    //| real property of all positions in the list                       |
    double PropertyValuesSum(CArrayObj *list, const ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property)
       double res=0;
       int total=list.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *pos=list.At(i);
          res+=(pos!=NULL ? pos.GetProperty(property) : 0);
       return res;



    //| Return the average value of the specified                        |
    //| integer property of all positions in the list                    |
    double PropertyAverageValue(CArrayObj *list, const ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INT property)
       long res=0;
       int total=list.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *pos=list.At(i);
          res+=(pos!=NULL ? pos.GetProperty(property) : 0);
       return(total>0 ? (double)res/(double)total : 0);


    //| Return the average value of the specified                        |
    //| real property of all positions in the list                       |
    double PropertyAverageValue(CArrayObj *list, const ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_DBL property)
       double res=0;
       int total=list.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *pos=list.At(i);
          res+=(pos!=NULL ? pos.GetProperty(property) : 0);
       return(total>0 ? res/(double)total : 0);


    //| Returns the sum of the spread costs                              |
    //| of deals closing all positions in the list                       |
    double PositionsCloseSpreadCostSum(CArrayObj *list)
       double res=0;
          return 0;
       int total=list.Total();
       for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
          CPosition *pos=list.At(i);
          res+=(pos!=NULL ? pos.SpreadOutCost() : 0);
       return res;



    //| Return the report period description                             |
    string ReportRangeDescription(ENUM_REPORT_RANGE range, const int num_period)
          //--- Day
          case REPORT_RANGE_DAILY       : return("Daily");
          //--- Since the beginning of the week
          case REPORT_RANGE_WEEK_BEGIN  : return("Weekly");
          //--- Since the beginning of the month
          case REPORT_RANGE_MONTH_BEGIN : return("Month-to-date");
          //--- Since the beginning of the year
          case REPORT_RANGE_YEAR_BEGIN  : return("Year-to-date");
          //--- Number of days
          case REPORT_RANGE_NUM_DAYS    : return StringFormat("%d days", num_period);
          //--- Number of months
          case REPORT_RANGE_NUM_MONTHS  : return StringFormat("%d months", num_period);
          //--- Number of years
          case REPORT_RANGE_NUM_YEARS   : return StringFormat("%d years", num_period);
          //--- Entire period
          case REPORT_RANGE_ALL         : return("Entire period");
          //--- any other
          default                       : return("Unknown period: "+(string)range);






    • 三个月的综合报告以及按交易品种和magic编号分类的三个月报告
    • 两年的综合报告以及按交易品种和magic编号分类的两年报告
    Reporter        -Service notifications OK
    Reporter        68008618: Artem (MetaQuotes Ltd., Demo, 10779.50 USD, Hedging)
    Reporter        Beginning to create a list of closed positions...
    Reporter        A list of 155 positions was created in 8828 ms
    Reporter        "Daily" no trades
    Reporter        "7 days" no trades
    Reporter        Report for the period "3 months" from 2024.04.23 00:00
    Reporter        |  Symbols |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |  Commiss |     Swap |      Fee |   Spread |
    Reporter        |        2 |       77 |       17 |       60 |  +247.00 |   +36.70 |    -0.40 |     3.20 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     5.10 |
    Reporter        Report by symbols for the period "3 months" from 2024.04.23 00:00
    Reporter        |   Symbol |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |  Commiss |     Swap |      Fee |   Spread |
    Reporter        |   EURUSD |       73 |       17 |       56 |  +241.40 |   +36.70 |    -0.40 |     3.30 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     4.30 |
    Reporter        |   GBPUSD |        4 |        0 |        4 |    +5.60 |    +2.20 |    +0.10 |     1.40 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.80 |
    Reporter        Report by magics for the period "3 months" from 2024.04.23 00:00
    Reporter        |    Magic |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |  Commiss |     Swap |      Fee |   Spread |
    Reporter        |        0 |       75 |       15 |       60 |  +246.60 |   +36.70 |    -0.40 |     3.28 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     4.90 |
    Reporter        | 10879099 |        1 |        1 |        0 |    +0.40 |    +0.40 |    +0.40 |     0.40 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 27394171 |        1 |        1 |        0 |    +0.00 |    +0.00 |    +0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        Report for the period "2 years" from 2022.07.23 00:00
    Reporter        |  Symbols |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |  Commiss |     Swap |      Fee |   Spread |
    Reporter        |        2 |      155 |       35 |      120 |  +779.50 |  +145.00 |   -22.80 |     5.03 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |    15.38 |
    Reporter        Report by symbols for the period "2 years" from 2022.07.23 00:00
    Reporter        |   Symbol |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |  Commiss |     Swap |      Fee |   Spread |
    Reporter        |   EURUSD |      138 |       30 |      108 |  +612.40 |   +36.70 |   -22.80 |     4.43 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     6.90 |
    Reporter        |   GBPUSD |       17 |        5 |       12 |  +167.10 |  +145.00 |    -7.20 |     9.83 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     8.48 |
    Reporter        Report by magics for the period "2 years" from 2022.07.23 00:00
    Reporter        |    Magic |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |  Commiss |     Swap |      Fee |   Spread |
    Reporter        |        0 |      131 |       31 |      100 |  +569.10 |   +36.70 |    -8.50 |     4.34 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     8.18 |
    Reporter        |        1 |        2 |        0 |        2 |    +2.80 |    +1.80 |    +1.00 |     1.40 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     1.80 |
    Reporter        |      123 |        2 |        0 |        2 |    +0.80 |    +0.40 |    +0.40 |     0.40 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        |     1024 |        2 |        1 |        1 |    +0.10 |    +0.10 |    +0.00 |     0.05 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |
    Reporter        |   140578 |        1 |        0 |        1 |  +145.00 |  +145.00 |  +145.00 |   145.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     4.00 |
    Reporter        |  1114235 |        1 |        0 |        1 |    +2.30 |    +2.30 |    +2.30 |     2.30 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        |  1769595 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |    15.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        |  1835131 |        1 |        0 |        1 |    +3.60 |    +3.60 |    +3.60 |     3.60 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        |  2031739 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |    15.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        |  2293883 |        1 |        0 |        1 |    +1.40 |    +1.40 |    +1.40 |     1.40 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        |  2949243 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   -15.00 |   -15.00 |   -15.00 |   -15.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |
    Reporter        | 10879099 |        1 |        1 |        0 |    +0.40 |    +0.40 |    +0.40 |     0.40 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 12517499 |        1 |        1 |        0 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |    15.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |
    Reporter        | 12976251 |        1 |        0 |        1 |    +2.90 |    +2.90 |    +2.90 |     2.90 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 13566075 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |    15.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 13959291 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   +15.10 |   +15.10 |   +15.10 |    15.10 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 15728763 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   +11.70 |   +11.70 |   +11.70 |    11.70 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 16121979 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |   +15.00 |    15.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 16318587 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   -15.00 |   -15.00 |   -15.00 |   -15.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |
    Reporter        | 16580731 |        1 |        0 |        1 |    +2.10 |    +2.10 |    +2.10 |     2.10 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        | 21299323 |        1 |        0 |        1 |   -22.80 |   -22.80 |   -22.80 |   -22.80 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |
    Reporter        | 27394171 |        1 |        1 |        0 |    +0.00 |    +0.00 |    +0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.10 |
    Reporter        Beginning of sending 31 notifications to MQID
    Reporter        10 out of 31 messages sent.
    Reporter        No more than 10 messages per minute! Message limit has been reached. Wait 55 seconds until a minute is up.
    Reporter        20 out of 31 messages sent.
    Reporter        No more than 10 messages per minute! Message limit has been reached. Wait 55 seconds until a minute is up.
    Reporter        30 out of 31 messages sent.
    Reporter        No more than 10 messages per minute! Message limit has been reached. Wait 55 seconds until a minute is up.
    Reporter        Sending 31 notifications completed





    Reporter        -Service notifications OK
    Reporter        68008618: Artem (MetaQuotes Ltd., Demo, 10779.50 USD, Hedging)
    Reporter        Beginning to create a list of closed positions...
    Reporter        A list of 155 positions was created in 8515 ms
    Reporter        "Daily" no trades
    Reporter        "Weekly" no trades
    Reporter        Report for the period "Month-to-date" from 2024.07.01 00:00
    Reporter        |  Symbols |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |          
    Reporter        |        2 |       22 |        3 |       19 |   +46.00 |    +5.80 |    -0.30 |     2.09 |     0.00 |          
    Reporter        Report for the period "Year-to-date" from 2024.01.01 00:00
    Reporter        |  Symbols |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |          
    Reporter        |        2 |      107 |       31 |       76 |  +264.00 |   +36.70 |    -7.20 |     2.47 |     0.00 |          
    Reporter        Report for the period "Entire period" from 1970.01.01 00:00
    Reporter        |  Symbols |   Trades |     Long |    Short |   Profit |      Max |      Min |      Avg |    Costs |          
    Reporter        |        2 |      155 |       35 |      120 |  +779.50 |  +145.00 |   -22.80 |     5.03 |     0.00 |          
    Reporter        Beginning of sending 3 notifications to MQID
    Reporter        Sending 3 notifications completed





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    本文由MetaQuotes Ltd译自俄文
    原文地址: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/15346

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