现代交易者经常面临分析大量与交易操作相关的数据的问题。在MetaTrader 5客户端终端中,由于图表上充斥着开仓和平仓的标签,交易历史的显示可能会变得无效且令人困惑。这对于处理大量交易的交易者来说尤其如此,因为图表会迅速填满,使得几乎无法分析交易活动并做出明智的决策。
- 使用导航键逐一查看已平仓头寸。
- 通过提供有关每笔交易的更详细信息来改进提示条。
- 将图表置于中央,以便最重要的元素始终可见。
此外,我们将详细研究实现这些功能所需的数据结构,并提出MetaTrader 5中交易和持仓核算的基本原则。因此,交易者将能够更有效地管理其交易历史,并根据收到的信息做出明智的决策。
在MetaTrader 5客户端中,我们可以通过在图表设置(F8键)的“显示”选项卡中勾选“显示交易历史”选项来显示交易历史。
- 向上键将显示第一个平仓头寸;
- 向下键将显示最后一个平仓头寸;
- 左键显示先前的平仓头寸;
- 右箭头键将显示下一个已平仓头寸。
仓单是如何形成的?首先,向服务器发送交易请求——订单(交易订单)。订单可以被取消或执行。订单执行后,我们会收到一笔交易 - 交易请求已执行的事实。如果在执行订单时没有头寸,则该交易会在某个方向上创建一个头寸。如果当时有头寸,则根据头寸核算类型有几种选项。在净额核算的情况下,一个交易品种只能有一个头寸。因此,由交易订单产生的交易会修改现有的头寸。它可以是:
- 平仓——对于多头头寸,如果执行了等于当前头寸交易量的卖出:头寸 1.0 买入 - 交易 1.0 卖出 = 交易量 0(平仓);
- 部分平仓——对于多头头寸,如果执行了小于当前头寸交易量的卖出:
头寸 1.0 买入 - 交易 0.5 卖出 = 交易量 0.5(部分平仓); - 加仓——对于多头头寸,如果执行了买入:
头寸 1.0 买入 + 交易 0.5 买入 = 交易量 1.5(增加头寸交易量); - 反转——对于多头头寸,如果执行了大于头寸交易量的卖出:
头寸 1.0 买入 - 交易 1.5 卖出 = 头寸 0.5 卖出(头寸反转);
- 开立新的头寸——在已有头寸的情况下,执行买入或卖出:
头寸1.0买入 + 交易1.0卖出 = 2个独立头寸:1.0买入和1.0卖出(开仓),或
头寸1.0买入 + 交易1.5买入 = 2个独立头寸:1.0买入和1.5买入(开仓),等等。 - 平仓——对已存在的多头头寸执行卖出操作:
头寸1.0买入(ID为123) - 交易1.0卖出(ID为123) = 平掉ID为123的1.0买入头寸(平掉ID为123的头寸); - 部分平仓——对已存在的多头头寸执行小于该头寸指定ID的交易量的卖出操作:
头寸1.0买入(ID为123) - 交易0.5卖出(ID为123) = 剩余ID为123的0.5买入头寸(部分平掉ID为123的头寸);
了解更多关于订单、交易和头寸的信息,请参阅文章“MetaTrader 5中的订单、头寸和交易”。
原因很简单:订单是执行账户交易操作的指令它一直存在,直到被完成。它位于现有订单列表中。一旦订单被执行,它就不再存在(理想情况下)并被放置在已执行交易订单的列表中。在此过程中,它会创建一笔交易。交易是执行交易订单的事实。这是一个一次性事件:订单被执行 - 我们有一笔交易。仅此而已。交易被添加到已完成的账户事件列表中。
- 获取所需交易品种的所有交易列表;
- 遍历列表并从列表中获取下一笔交易;
- 检查交易属性中的头寸ID;
- 如果我们的历史头寸列表中不存在具有此ID的头寸,则创建一个新的历史头寸对象;
- 使用先前收到的ID获取历史头寸对象;
- 将当前交易添加到历史头寸对象的交易列表中。
- 交易类。该类将包含历史交易的所有属性列表、用于访问属性的方法(设置和获取),以及用于显示交易数据的附加方法;
- 头寸类。该类将包含所有交易的列表、用于访问它们的方法以及用于显示头寸及其交易信息的附加方法;
- 历史头寸管理类。该类将包含所有历史头寸的列表、创建和更新该列表的方法,以及用于访问头寸及其交易属性的方法,还有用于显示头寸及其交易信息的附加方法。
//--- method of comparing the objects virtual int Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const { return(0); }
- -1 — 如果当前对象属性的值小于比较对象的值;
- 1 — 如果当前对象属性的值大于比较对象的值;
- 0 — 如果两个比较对象的指定属性值相等。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Deal.mqh | //| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" class CDeal : public CObject { private: public: CDeal(); ~CDeal(); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CDeal::CDeal() { } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CDeal::~CDeal() { } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Deal.mqh | //| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #include <Object.mqh> #include <Canvas\Canvas.mqh> enum ENUM_DEAL_SORT_MODE { SORT_MODE_DEAL_TICKET = 0, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal ticket SORT_MODE_DEAL_ORDER, // Mode of comparing/sorting by the order a deal is based on SORT_MODE_DEAL_TIME, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal time SORT_MODE_DEAL_TIME_MSC, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal time in milliseconds SORT_MODE_DEAL_TYPE, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal type SORT_MODE_DEAL_ENTRY, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal direction SORT_MODE_DEAL_MAGIC, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal magic number SORT_MODE_DEAL_REASON, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal reason or source SORT_MODE_DEAL_POSITION_ID, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position ID SORT_MODE_DEAL_VOLUME, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal volume SORT_MODE_DEAL_PRICE, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal price SORT_MODE_DEAL_COMMISSION, // Mode of comparing/sorting by commission SORT_MODE_DEAL_SWAP, // Mode of comparing/sorting by accumulated swap on close SORT_MODE_DEAL_PROFIT, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal financial result SORT_MODE_DEAL_FEE, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal fee SORT_MODE_DEAL_SL, // Mode of comparing/sorting by Stop Loss level SORT_MODE_DEAL_TP, // Mode of comparing/sorting by Take Profit level SORT_MODE_DEAL_SYMBOL, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a name of a traded symbol SORT_MODE_DEAL_COMMENT, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal comment SORT_MODE_DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a deal ID in an external trading system }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Deal class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CDeal : public CObject { }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Deal class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CDeal : public CObject { private: MqlTick m_tick; // Deal tick structure //--- CCanvas object CCanvas m_canvas; // Canvas long m_chart_id; // Chart ID int m_width; // Canvas width int m_height; // Canvas height string m_name; // Graphical object name //--- Create a label object on the chart bool CreateLabelObj(void); //--- Draw (1) a mask, (2) Buy arrow on the canvas void DrawArrowMaskBuy(const int shift_x, const int shift_y); void DrawArrowBuy(const int shift_x, const int shift_y); //--- Draw (1) a mask, (2) Sell arrow on the canvas void DrawArrowMaskSell(const int shift_x, const int shift_y); void DrawArrowSell(const int shift_x, const int shift_y); //--- Draw the label appearance void DrawLabelView(void); //--- Get a (1) deal tick and (2) a spread of the deal minute bar bool GetDealTick(const int amount=20); int GetSpreadM1(void); //--- Return time with milliseconds string TimeMscToString(const long time_msc,int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const; protected: //--- Integer properties long m_ticket; // Deal ticket. Unique number assigned to each deal long m_order; // Deal order number datetime m_time; // Deal execution time long m_time_msc; // Deal execution time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970 ENUM_DEAL_TYPE m_type; // Deal type ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY m_entry; // Deal entry - entry in, entry out, reverse long m_magic; // Magic number for a deal (see ORDER_MAGIC) ENUM_DEAL_REASON m_reason; // Deal execution reason or source long m_position_id; // The ID of the position opened, modified or closed by the deal //--- Real properties double m_volume; // Deal volume double m_price; // Deal price double m_commission; // Deal commission double m_swap; // Accumulated swap when closing double m_profit; // Deal financial result double m_fee; // Fee for making a deal charged immediately after performing a deal double m_sl; // Stop Loss level double m_tp; // Take Profit level //--- String properties string m_symbol; // Name of the symbol for which the deal is executed string m_comment; // Deal comment string m_external_id; // Deal ID in an external trading system (on the exchange) //--- Additional properties int m_digits; // Symbol digits double m_point; // Symbol point double m_bid; // Bid when performing a deal double m_ask; // Ask when performing a deal int m_spread; // Spread when performing a deal color m_color_arrow; // Deal label color //--- Draws an arrow corresponding to the deal type. It can be redefined in the inherited classes virtual void DrawArrow(void); public: //--- Set the properties //--- Integer properties void SetTicket(const long ticket) { this.m_ticket=ticket; } // Ticket void SetOrder(const long order) { this.m_order=order; } // Order void SetTime(const datetime time) { this.m_time=time; } // Time void SetTimeMsc(const long value) { this.m_time_msc=value; } // Time in milliseconds void SetTypeDeal(const ENUM_DEAL_TYPE type) { this.m_type=type; } // Type void SetEntry(const ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY entry) { this.m_entry=entry; } // Direction void SetMagic(const long magic) { this.m_magic=magic; } // Magic number void SetReason(const ENUM_DEAL_REASON reason) { this.m_reason=reason; } // Deal execution reason or source void SetPositionID(const long id) { this.m_position_id=id; } // Position ID //--- Real properties void SetVolume(const double volume) { this.m_volume=volume; } // Volume void SetPrice(const double price) { this.m_price=price; } // Price void SetCommission(const double value) { this.m_commission=value; } // Commission void SetSwap(const double value) { this.m_swap=value; } // Accumulated swap when closing void SetProfit(const double value) { this.m_profit=value; } // Financial result void SetFee(const double value) { this.m_fee=value; } // Deal fee void SetSL(const double value) { this.m_sl=value; } // Stop Loss level void SetTP(const double value) { this.m_tp=value; } // Take Profit level //--- String properties void SetSymbol(const string symbol) { this.m_symbol=symbol; } // Symbol name void SetComment(const string comment) { this.m_comment=comment; } // Comment void SetExternalID(const string ext_id) { this.m_external_id=ext_id; } // Deal ID in an external trading system //--- Get the properties //--- Integer properties long Ticket(void) const { return(this.m_ticket); } // Ticket long Order(void) const { return(this.m_order); } // Order datetime Time(void) const { return(this.m_time); } // Time long TimeMsc(void) const { return(this.m_time_msc); } // Time in milliseconds ENUM_DEAL_TYPE TypeDeal(void) const { return(this.m_type); } // Type ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY Entry(void) const { return(this.m_entry); } // Direction long Magic(void) const { return(this.m_magic); } // Magic number ENUM_DEAL_REASON Reason(void) const { return(this.m_reason); } // Deal execution reason or source long PositionID(void) const { return(this.m_position_id); } // Position ID //--- Real properties double Volume(void) const { return(this.m_volume); } // Volume double Price(void) const { return(this.m_price); } // Price double Commission(void) const { return(this.m_commission); } // Commission double Swap(void) const { return(this.m_swap); } // Accumulated swap when closing double Profit(void) const { return(this.m_profit); } // Financial result double Fee(void) const { return(this.m_fee); } // Deal fee double SL(void) const { return(this.m_sl); } // Stop Loss level double TP(void) const { return(this.m_tp); } // Take Profit level double Bid(void) const { return(this.m_bid); } // Bid when performing a deal double Ask(void) const { return(this.m_ask); } // Ask when performing a deal int Spread(void) const { return(this.m_spread); } // Spread when performing a deal //--- String properties string Symbol(void) const { return(this.m_symbol); } // Symbol name string Comment(void) const { return(this.m_comment); } // Comment string ExternalID(void) const { return(this.m_external_id); } // Deal ID in an external trading system //--- Set the color of the deal label void SetColorArrow(const color clr); //--- (1) Hide, (2) display the deal label on a chart void HideArrow(const bool chart_redraw=false); void ShowArrow(const bool chart_redraw=false); //--- Return the description of a (1) deal type, (2) position change method and (3) deal reason string TypeDescription(void) const; string EntryDescription(void) const; string ReasonDescription(void) const; //--- Return (1) a short description and (2) a tooltip text of a deal string Description(void); virtual string Tooltip(void); //--- Print deal properties in the journal void Print(void); //--- Compare two objects by the property specified in 'mode' virtual int Compare(const CObject *node, const int mode=0) const; //--- Constructors/destructor CDeal(void) { this.m_ticket=0; } CDeal(const ulong ticket); ~CDeal(); };
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CDeal::CDeal(const ulong ticket) { //--- Store the properties //--- Integer properties this.m_ticket = (long)ticket; // Deal ticket this.m_order = ::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_ORDER); // Order this.m_time = (datetime)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TIME); // Deal execution time this.m_time_msc = ::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TIME_MSC); // Deal execution time in milliseconds this.m_type = (ENUM_DEAL_TYPE)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TYPE); // Type this.m_entry = (ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_ENTRY); // Direction this.m_magic = ::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_MAGIC); // Magic number this.m_reason = (ENUM_DEAL_REASON)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_REASON); // Deal execution reason or source this.m_position_id= ::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_POSITION_ID); // Position ID //--- Real properties this.m_volume = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_VOLUME); // Volume this.m_price = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_PRICE); // Price this.m_commission = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_COMMISSION); // Commission this.m_swap = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_SWAP); // Accumulated swap when closing this.m_profit = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_PROFIT); // Financial result this.m_fee = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_FEE); // Deal fee this.m_sl = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_SL); // Stop Loss level this.m_tp = ::HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket, DEAL_TP); // Take Profit level //--- String properties this.m_symbol = ::HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_SYMBOL); // Symbol name this.m_comment = ::HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_COMMENT); // Comment this.m_external_id= ::HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID); // Deal ID in an external trading system //--- Graphics display parameters this.m_chart_id = ::ChartID(); this.m_digits = (int)::SymbolInfoInteger(this.m_symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS); this.m_point = ::SymbolInfoDouble(this.m_symbol, SYMBOL_POINT); this.m_width = 19; this.m_height = 19; this.m_name = "Deal#"+(string)this.m_ticket; this.m_color_arrow= (this.TypeDeal()==DEAL_TYPE_BUY ? C'3,95,172' : this.TypeDeal()==DEAL_TYPE_SELL ? C'225,68,29' : C'180,180,180'); //--- Parameters for calculating spread this.m_spread = 0; this.m_bid = 0; this.m_ask = 0; //--- Create a graphic label this.CreateLabelObj(); //--- If the historical tick and the Point value of the symbol were obtained if(this.GetDealTick() && this.m_point!=0) { //--- set the Bid and Ask price values, calculate and save the spread value this.m_bid=this.m_tick.bid; this.m_ask=this.m_tick.ask; this.m_spread=int((this.m_ask-this.m_bid)/this.m_point); } //--- If failed to obtain a historical tick, take the spread value of the minute bar the deal took place on else this.m_spread=this.GetSpreadM1(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Destructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CDeal::~CDeal() { if(::UninitializeReason()!=REASON_CHARTCHANGE) this.m_canvas.Destroy(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Compare two objects by the specified property | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CDeal::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const { const CDeal * obj = node; switch(mode) { case SORT_MODE_DEAL_TICKET : return(this.Ticket() > obj.Ticket() ? 1 : this.Ticket() < obj.Ticket() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_ORDER : return(this.Order() > obj.Order() ? 1 : this.Order() < obj.Order() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_TIME : return(this.Time() > obj.Time() ? 1 : this.Time() < obj.Time() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_TIME_MSC : return(this.TimeMsc() > obj.TimeMsc() ? 1 : this.TimeMsc() < obj.TimeMsc() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_TYPE : return(this.TypeDeal() > obj.TypeDeal() ? 1 : this.TypeDeal() < obj.TypeDeal() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_ENTRY : return(this.Entry() > obj.Entry() ? 1 : this.Entry() < obj.Entry() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_MAGIC : return(this.Magic() > obj.Magic() ? 1 : this.Magic() < obj.Magic() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_REASON : return(this.Reason() > obj.Reason() ? 1 : this.Reason() < obj.Reason() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_POSITION_ID : return(this.PositionID() > obj.PositionID() ? 1 : this.PositionID() < obj.PositionID() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_VOLUME : return(this.Volume() > obj.Volume() ? 1 : this.Volume() < obj.Volume() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_PRICE : return(this.Price() > obj.Price() ? 1 : this.Price() < obj.Price() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_COMMISSION : return(this.Commission() > obj.Commission() ? 1 : this.Commission() < obj.Commission() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_SWAP : return(this.Swap() > obj.Swap() ? 1 : this.Swap() < obj.Swap() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_PROFIT : return(this.Profit() > obj.Profit() ? 1 : this.Profit() < obj.Profit() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_FEE : return(this.Fee() > obj.Fee() ? 1 : this.Fee() < obj.Fee() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_SL : return(this.SL() > obj.SL() ? 1 : this.SL() < obj.SL() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_TP : return(this.TP() > obj.TP() ? 1 : this.TP() < obj.TP() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_SYMBOL : return(this.Symbol() > obj.Symbol() ? 1 : this.Symbol() < obj.Symbol() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_COMMENT : return(this.Comment() > obj.Comment() ? 1 : this.Comment() < obj.Comment() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID : return(this.ExternalID() > obj.ExternalID() ? 1 : this.ExternalID() < obj.ExternalID() ? -1 : 0); default : return(-1); } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the deal type description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CDeal::TypeDescription(void) const { switch(this.m_type) { case DEAL_TYPE_BUY : return "Buy"; case DEAL_TYPE_SELL : return "Sell"; case DEAL_TYPE_BALANCE : return "Balance"; case DEAL_TYPE_CREDIT : return "Credit"; case DEAL_TYPE_CHARGE : return "Additional charge"; case DEAL_TYPE_CORRECTION : return "Correction"; case DEAL_TYPE_BONUS : return "Bonus"; case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION : return "Additional commission"; case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_DAILY : return "Daily commission"; case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_MONTHLY : return "Monthly commission"; case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_AGENT_DAILY : return "Daily agent commission"; case DEAL_TYPE_COMMISSION_AGENT_MONTHLY: return "Monthly agent commission"; case DEAL_TYPE_INTEREST : return "Interest rate"; case DEAL_TYPE_BUY_CANCELED : return "Canceled buy deal"; case DEAL_TYPE_SELL_CANCELED : return "Canceled sell deal"; case DEAL_DIVIDEND : return "Dividend operations"; case DEAL_DIVIDEND_FRANKED : return "Franked (non-taxable) dividend operations"; case DEAL_TAX : return "Tax charges"; default : return "Unknown: "+(string)this.m_type; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return position change method | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CDeal::EntryDescription(void) const { switch(this.m_entry) { case DEAL_ENTRY_IN : return "Entry In"; case DEAL_ENTRY_OUT : return "Entry Out"; case DEAL_ENTRY_INOUT : return "Reverse"; case DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY : return "Close a position by an opposite one"; default : return "Unknown: "+(string)this.m_entry; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return a deal reason description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CDeal::ReasonDescription(void) const { switch(this.m_reason) { case DEAL_REASON_CLIENT : return "Terminal"; case DEAL_REASON_MOBILE : return "Mobile"; case DEAL_REASON_WEB : return "Web"; case DEAL_REASON_EXPERT : return "EA"; case DEAL_REASON_SL : return "SL"; case DEAL_REASON_TP : return "TP"; case DEAL_REASON_SO : return "SO"; case DEAL_REASON_ROLLOVER : return "Rollover"; case DEAL_REASON_VMARGIN : return "Var. Margin"; case DEAL_REASON_SPLIT : return "Split"; case DEAL_REASON_CORPORATE_ACTION: return "Corp. Action"; default : return "Unknown reason "+(string)this.m_reason; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return deal description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CDeal::Description(void) { return(::StringFormat("Deal: %-9s %.2f %-4s #%I64d at %s", this.EntryDescription(), this.Volume(), this.TypeDescription(), this.Ticket(), this.TimeMscToString(this.TimeMsc()))); }
使用 StringFormat() 函数来创建并返回一个特定的字符串:
Deal: Entry In 0.10 Buy #1728374638 at 2023.06.12 16:51:36.838
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Returns a text of a deal pop-up message | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CDeal::Tooltip(void) { return(::StringFormat("Position ID #%I64d %s:\nDeal #%I64d %.2f %s %s\n%s [%.*f]\nProfit: %.2f, SL: %.*f, TP: %.*f", this.PositionID(), this.Symbol(), this.Ticket(), this.Volume(), this.TypeDescription(), this.EntryDescription(), this.TimeMscToString(this.TimeMsc()), this.m_digits, this.Price(), this.Profit(), this.m_digits, this.SL(), this.m_digits, this.TP())); }
Position ID #1752955040 EURUSD: Deal #1728430603 0.10 Sell Entry Out 2023.06.12 17:04:20.362 [1.07590] Profit: 15.00, SL: 1.07290, TP: 1.07590
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Print deal properties in the journal | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::Print(void) { ::PrintFormat(" %s", this.Description()); }
Position EURUSD 0.10 Buy #1752955040, Magic 0 -Opened 2023.06.12 16:51:36.838 [1.07440] -Closed 2023.06.12 17:04:20.362 [1.07590] Deal: Entry In 0.10 Buy #1728374638 at 2023.06.12 16:51:36.838 Deal: Entry Out 0.10 Sell #1728430603 at 2023.06.12 17:04:20.362
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return time with milliseconds | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CDeal::TimeMscToString(const long time_msc, int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const { return(::TimeToString(time_msc/1000, flags) + "." + ::IntegerToString(time_msc %1000, 3, '0')); }
2023.06.12 17:04:20.362
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Get the deal tick | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CDeal::GetDealTick(const int amount=20) { MqlTick ticks[]; // We will receive ticks here int attempts = amount; // Number of attempts to get ticks int offset = 500; // Initial time offset for an attempt int copied = 0; // Number of ticks copied //--- Until the tick is copied and the number of copy attempts is over //--- we try to get a tick, doubling the initial time offset at each iteration (expand the "from_msc" time range) while(!::IsStopped() && (copied<=0) && (attempts--)!=0) copied = ::CopyTicksRange(this.m_symbol, ticks, COPY_TICKS_INFO, this.m_time_msc-(offset <<=1), this.m_time_msc); //--- If the tick was successfully copied (it is the last one in the tick array), set it to the m_tick variable if(copied>0) this.m_tick=ticks[copied-1]; //--- Return the flag that the tick was copied return(copied>0); }
在接收到一个价格变动(tick)后,会从其中获取卖出价(Ask)和买入价(Bid),并计算点差大小,公式为(卖出价 - 买入价)/ 点值(Point)。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Gets the spread of the deal minute bar | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CDeal::GetSpreadM1(void) { int array[1]={}; int bar=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol, PERIOD_M1, this.Time()); if(bar==WRONG_VALUE) return 0; return(::CopySpread(this.m_symbol, PERIOD_M1, bar, 1, array)==1 ?array[0] : 0); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Create a label object on the chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CDeal::CreateLabelObj(void) { //--- Create a graphical resource with a Bitmap object attached to it ::ResetLastError(); if(!this.m_canvas.CreateBitmap(this.m_name, this.m_time, this.m_price, this.m_width, this.m_height, COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB_NORMALIZE)) { ::PrintFormat("%s: When creating a graphic object, error %d occurred in the CreateBitmap method of the CCanvas class",__FUNCTION__, ::GetLastError()); return false; } //--- If the graphical resource is successfully created, set the Bitmap object, anchor point, price, time and tooltip text ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_name, OBJPROP_ANCHOR, ANCHOR_CENTER); ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_name, OBJPROP_TIME, this.Time()); ::ObjectSetDouble(this.m_chart_id, this.m_name, OBJPROP_PRICE, this.Price()); ::ObjectSetString(this.m_chart_id, this.m_name, OBJPROP_TOOLTIP, this.Tooltip()); //--- Hide the created object from the chart and draw its appearance on it this.HideArrow(); this.DrawLabelView(); return true; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Draw the appearance of the label object | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::DrawLabelView(void) { this.m_canvas.Erase(0x00FFFFFF); this.DrawArrow(); this.m_canvas.Update(true); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Draw an arrow corresponding to the deal type | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::DrawArrow(void) { switch(this.TypeDeal()) { case DEAL_TYPE_BUY : this.DrawArrowBuy(5, 10); break; case DEAL_TYPE_SELL : this.DrawArrowSell(5, 0); break; default : break; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Draw Buy arrow mask on the canvas | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::DrawArrowMaskBuy(const int shift_x, const int shift_y) { int x[]={4+shift_x, 8+shift_x, 8+shift_x, 6+shift_x, 6+shift_x, 2+shift_x, 2+shift_x, 0+shift_x, 0+shift_x, 4+shift_x}; int y[]={0+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 5+shift_y, 5+shift_y, 7+shift_y, 7+shift_y, 5+shift_y, 5+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 0+shift_y}; this.m_canvas.Polygon(x, y, ::ColorToARGB(clrWhite, 220)); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Draw Buy arrow on the canvas | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::DrawArrowBuy(const int shift_x, const int shift_y) { this.DrawArrowMaskBuy(shift_x, shift_y); int x[]={4+shift_x, 7+shift_x, 5+shift_x, 5+shift_x, 3+shift_x, 3+shift_x, 1+shift_x, 4+shift_x}; int y[]={1+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 6+shift_y, 6+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 1+shift_y}; this.m_canvas.Polygon(x, y, ::ColorToARGB(this.m_color_arrow)); this.m_canvas.Fill(4+shift_x, 4+shift_y, ::ColorToARGB(this.m_color_arrow)); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Draw Sell arrow mask on the canvas | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::DrawArrowMaskSell(const int shift_x, const int shift_y) { int x[]={4+shift_x, 0+shift_x, 0+shift_x, 2+shift_x, 2+shift_x, 6+shift_x, 6+shift_x, 8+shift_x, 8+shift_x, 4+shift_x}; int y[]={8+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 3+shift_y, 3+shift_y, 1+shift_y, 1+shift_y, 3+shift_y, 3+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 8+shift_y}; this.m_canvas.Polygon(x, y, ::ColorToARGB(clrWhite, 220)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Draw Sell arrow on the canvas | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::DrawArrowSell(const int shift_x, const int shift_y) { this.DrawArrowMaskSell(shift_x, shift_y); int x[]={4+shift_x, 1+shift_x, 3+shift_x, 3+shift_x, 5+shift_x, 5+shift_x, 7+shift_x, 4+shift_x}; int y[]={7+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 2+shift_y, 2+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 4+shift_y, 7+shift_y}; this.m_canvas.Polygon(x, y, ::ColorToARGB(this.m_color_arrow)); this.m_canvas.Fill(4+shift_x, 4+shift_y, ::ColorToARGB(this.m_color_arrow)); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hide the deal label on the chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::HideArrow(const bool chart_redraw=false) { ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_name, OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, OBJ_NO_PERIODS); if(chart_redraw) ::ChartRedraw(this.m_chart_id); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display the deal label on the chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::ShowArrow(const bool chart_redraw=false) { ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_name, OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, OBJ_ALL_PERIODS); if(chart_redraw) ::ChartRedraw(this.m_chart_id); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Set the deal label color | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CDeal::SetColorArrow(const color clr) { this.m_color_arrow=clr; this.DrawLabelView(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Position.mqh | //| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #include "Deal.mqh" #include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh> enum ENUM_POSITION_SORT_MODE { SORT_MODE_POSITION_TICKET = 0, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position ticket SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME, // Mode of comparing/sorting by position open time SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_MSC, // Mode of comparing/sorting by position open time im milliseconds SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_UPDATE, // Mode of comparing/sorting by position update time SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_UPDATE_MSC, // Mode of comparing/sorting by position update time im milliseconds SORT_MODE_POSITION_TYPE, // Mode of comparing/sorting by position type SORT_MODE_POSITION_MAGIC, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position magic number SORT_MODE_POSITION_IDENTIFIER, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position ID SORT_MODE_POSITION_REASON, // Mode of comparing/sorting by position open reason SORT_MODE_POSITION_VOLUME, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position volume SORT_MODE_POSITION_PRICE_OPEN, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position price SORT_MODE_POSITION_SL, // Mode of comparing/sorting by Stop Loss level for an open position SORT_MODE_POSITION_TP, // Mode of comparing/sorting by Take Profit level for an open position SORT_MODE_POSITION_PRICE_CURRENT, // Mode of comparing/sorting by the current symbol price SORT_MODE_POSITION_SWAP, // Mode of comparing/sorting by accumulated swap SORT_MODE_POSITION_PROFIT, // Mode of comparing/sorting by the current profit SORT_MODE_POSITION_SYMBOL, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a symbol a position is opened on SORT_MODE_POSITION_COMMENT, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position comment SORT_MODE_POSITION_EXTERNAL_ID, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position ID in an external system SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position open time SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position open time in milliseconds SORT_MODE_POSITION_PRICE_CLOSE, // Mode of comparing/sorting by a position price }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Position class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CPosition : public CObject { }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Position class | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CPosition : public CObject { private: protected: CArrayObj m_list_deals; // List of position deals CDeal m_temp_deal; // Temporary deal object for searching by property in the list //--- Return time with milliseconds string TimeMscToString(const long time_msc,int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const; //--- Integer properties long m_ticket; // Position ticket datetime m_time; // Position opening time long m_time_msc; // Position opening time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970 datetime m_time_update; // Position update time long m_time_update_msc; // Position update time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970 ENUM_POSITION_TYPE m_type; // Position type long m_magic; // Magic number for a position (see ORDER_MAGIC) long m_identifier; // Position ID ENUM_POSITION_REASON m_reason; // Position opening reason //--- Real properties double m_volume; // Position volume double m_price_open; // Position price double m_sl; // Stop Loss level for an open position double m_tp; // Take Profit level for an open position double m_price_current; // Current price by symbol double m_swap; // Accumulated swap double m_profit; // Current profit //--- String properties string m_symbol; // A symbol the position is open for string m_comment; // Position comment string m_external_id; // Position ID in an external system (on the exchange) //--- Additional properties long m_chart_id; // Chart ID int m_profit_pt; // Profit in points int m_digits; // Symbol digits double m_point; // One symbol point value double m_contract_size; // Symbol trade contract size string m_currency_profit; // Symbol profit currency string m_account_currency; // Deposit currency string m_line_name; // Line graphical object name color m_line_color; // Connecting line color //--- Create a line connecting open-close deals virtual bool CreateLine(void); //--- Return the pointer to (1) open and (2) close deal CDeal *GetDealIn(void) const; CDeal *GetDealOut(void) const; //--- (1) Hide and (2) display deal labels on the chart void HideDeals(const bool chart_redraw=false); void ShowDeals(const bool chart_redraw=false); //--- (1) Hide and (2) display the connecting line between the deal labels void HideLine(const bool chart_redraw=false); void ShowLine(const bool chart_redraw=false); public: //--- Set the properties //--- Integer properties void SetTicket(const long ticket) { this.m_ticket=ticket; } // Position ticket void SetTime(const datetime time) { this.m_time=time; } // Position open time void SetTimeMsc(const long value) { this.m_time_msc=value; } // Position open time in milliseconds 01.01.1970 void SetTimeUpdate(const datetime time) { this.m_time_update=time; } // Position update time void SetTimeUpdateMsc(const long value) { this.m_time_update_msc=value; } // Position update time in milliseconds 01.01.1970 void SetTypePosition(const ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type) { this.m_type=type; } // Position type void SetMagic(const long magic) { this.m_magic=magic; } // Magic number for a position (see ORDER_MAGIC) void SetID(const long id) { this.m_identifier=id; } // Position ID void SetReason(const ENUM_POSITION_REASON reason) { this.m_reason=reason; } // Position opening reason //--- Real properties void SetVolume(const double volume) { this.m_volume=volume; } // Position volume void SetPriceOpen(const double price) { this.m_price_open=price; } // Position price void SetSL(const double value) { this.m_sl=value; } // Stop Loss level for an open position void SetTP(const double value) { this.m_tp=value; } // Take Profit level for an open position void SetPriceCurrent(const double price) { this.m_price_current=price; } // Current price by symbol void SetSwap(const double value) { this.m_swap=value; } // Accumulated swap void SetProfit(const double value) { this.m_profit=value; } // Current profit //--- String properties void SetSymbol(const string symbol) { this.m_symbol=symbol; } // Symbol a position is opened for void SetComment(const string comment) { this.m_comment=comment; } // Position comment void SetExternalID(const string ext_id) { this.m_external_id=ext_id; } // Position ID in an external system (on the exchange) //--- Get the properties //--- Integer properties long Ticket(void) const { return(this.m_ticket); } // Position ticket datetime Time(void) const { return(this.m_time); } // Position open time long TimeMsc(void) const { return(this.m_time_msc); } // Position open time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970 datetime TimeUpdate(void) const { return(this.m_time_update); } // Position update time long TimeUpdateMsc(void) const { return(this.m_time_update_msc);} // Position update time in milliseconds since 01.01.1970 ENUM_POSITION_TYPE TypePosition(void) const { return(this.m_type); } // Position type long Magic(void) const { return(this.m_magic); } // Magic number for a position (see ORDER_MAGIC) long ID(void) const { return(this.m_identifier); } // Position ID ENUM_POSITION_REASON Reason(void) const { return(this.m_reason); } // Position opening reason //--- Real properties double Volume(void) const { return(this.m_volume); } // Position volume double PriceOpen(void) const { return(this.m_price_open); } // Position price double SL(void) const { return(this.m_sl); } // Stop Loss level for an open position double TP(void) const { return(this.m_tp); } // Take Profit for an open position double PriceCurrent(void) const { return(this.m_price_current); } // Current price by symbol double Swap(void) const { return(this.m_swap); } // Accumulated swap double Profit(void) const { return(this.m_profit); } // Current profit //--- String properties string Symbol(void) const { return(this.m_symbol); } // A symbol position is opened on string Comment(void) const { return(this.m_comment); } // Position comment string ExternalID(void) const { return(this.m_external_id); } // Position ID in an external system (on the exchange) //--- Additional properties ulong DealIn(void) const; // Open deal ticket ulong DealOut(void) const; // Close deal ticket datetime TimeClose(void) const; // Close time long TimeCloseMsc(void) const; // Close time in milliseconds int ProfitInPoints(void) const; // Profit in points double PriceClose(void) const; // Close price //--- Add a deal to the list of deals, return the pointer CDeal *DealAdd(const long ticket); //--- Set the color of the (1) connecting line, (2) Buy and Sell deals void SetLineColor(const color clr=C'225,68,29'); void SetDealsColor(const color clr_deal_buy=C'3,95,172', const color clr_deal_sell=C'225,68,29'); //--- Return a position type description string TypeDescription(void) const; //--- Return position open time and price description string TimePriceCloseDescription(void); //--- Return position close time and price description string TimePriceOpenDescription(void); //--- Return a brief position description string Description(void); //--- Returns a text of a position popup message virtual string Tooltip(void); //--- Print the properties of the position and its deals in the journal void Print(void); //--- (1) Hide and (2) display a graphical representation of a position on a chart void Hide(const bool chart_redraw=false); void Show(const bool chart_redraw=false); //--- Compare two objects by the property specified in 'mode' virtual int Compare(const CObject *node, const int mode=0) const; //--- Constructor/destructor CPosition(const long position_id, const string symbol); CPosition(void) { this.m_symbol=::Symbol(); } ~CPosition(); };
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPosition::CPosition(const long position_id, const string symbol) { this.m_list_deals.Sort(SORT_MODE_DEAL_TIME_MSC); this.m_identifier = position_id; this.m_account_currency = ::AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY); this.m_symbol = (symbol==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol); this.m_digits = (int)::SymbolInfoInteger(this.m_symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS); this.m_point = ::SymbolInfoDouble(this.m_symbol,SYMBOL_POINT); this.m_contract_size = ::SymbolInfoDouble(this.m_symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE); this.m_currency_profit = ::SymbolInfoString(this.m_symbol,SYMBOL_CURRENCY_PROFIT); this.m_chart_id = ::ChartID(); this.m_line_name = "line#"+(string)this.m_identifier; this.m_line_color = C'225,68,29'; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Destructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPosition::~CPosition() { ::ObjectDelete(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name); this.m_list_deals.Clear(); }
通过前缀来删除图形线条对象,原因如下:如果继承类要显示连接所有持仓交易(而不仅仅是开仓和平仓交易)的几条线,那么每条线的名称可以设置为“line_name”+“line_number”。在这种情况下,所有这些线条仍然会在析构函数中被删除,因为它们都有一个共同的前缀——“line name”。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Compare two objects by the specified property | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CPosition::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const { const CPosition *obj=node; switch(mode) { case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TICKET : return(this.Ticket() > obj.Ticket() ? 1 : this.Ticket() < obj.Ticket() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME : return(this.Time() > obj.Time() ? 1 : this.Time() < obj.Time() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_MSC : return(this.TimeMsc() > obj.TimeMsc() ? 1 : this.TimeMsc() < obj.TimeMsc() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_UPDATE : return(this.TimeUpdate() > obj.TimeUpdate() ? 1 : this.TimeUpdate() < obj.TimeUpdate() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_UPDATE_MSC: return(this.TimeUpdateMsc() > obj.TimeUpdateMsc() ? 1 : this.TimeUpdateMsc() < obj.TimeUpdateMsc() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TYPE : return(this.TypePosition() > obj.TypePosition() ? 1 : this.TypePosition() < obj.TypePosition() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_MAGIC : return(this.Magic() > obj.Magic() ? 1 : this.Magic() < obj.Magic() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_IDENTIFIER : return(this.ID() > obj.ID() ? 1 : this.ID() < obj.ID() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_REASON : return(this.Reason() > obj.Reason() ? 1 : this.Reason() < obj.Reason() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_VOLUME : return(this.Volume() > obj.Volume() ? 1 : this.Volume() < obj.Volume() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_PRICE_OPEN : return(this.PriceOpen() > obj.PriceOpen() ? 1 : this.PriceOpen() < obj.PriceOpen() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_SL : return(this.SL() > obj.SL() ? 1 : this.SL() < obj.SL() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TP : return(this.TP() > obj.TP() ? 1 : this.TP() < obj.TP() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_PRICE_CURRENT : return(this.PriceCurrent() > obj.PriceCurrent() ? 1 : this.PriceCurrent() < obj.PriceCurrent() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_SWAP : return(this.Swap() > obj.Swap() ? 1 : this.Swap() < obj.Swap() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_PROFIT : return(this.Profit() > obj.Profit() ? 1 : this.Profit() < obj.Profit() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_SYMBOL : return(this.Symbol() > obj.Symbol() ? 1 : this.Symbol() < obj.Symbol() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_COMMENT : return(this.Comment() > obj.Comment() ? 1 : this.Comment() < obj.Comment() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_EXTERNAL_ID : return(this.ExternalID() > obj.ExternalID() ? 1 : this.ExternalID() < obj.ExternalID() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE : return(this.TimeClose() > obj.TimeClose() ? 1 : this.TimeClose() < obj.TimeClose() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC : return(this.TimeCloseMsc() > obj.TimeCloseMsc() ? 1 : this.TimeCloseMsc() < obj.TimeCloseMsc() ? -1 : 0); case SORT_MODE_POSITION_PRICE_CLOSE : return(this.PriceClose() > obj.PriceClose() ? 1 : this.PriceClose() < obj.PriceClose() ? -1 : 0); default : return -1; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return time with milliseconds | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CPosition::TimeMscToString(const long time_msc, int flags=TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) const { return(::TimeToString(time_msc/1000, flags) + "." + ::IntegerToString(time_msc %1000, 3, '0')); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the pointer to the opening deal | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CDeal *CPosition::GetDealIn(void) const { int total=this.m_list_deals.Total(); for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i); if(deal==NULL) continue; if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_IN) return deal; } return NULL; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the pointer to the close deal | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CDeal *CPosition::GetDealOut(void) const { for(int i=this.m_list_deals.Total()-1; i>=0; i--) { CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i); if(deal==NULL) continue; if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT || deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY) return deal; } return NULL; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the open deal ticket | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ulong CPosition::DealIn(void) const { CDeal *deal=this.GetDealIn(); return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Ticket() : 0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the close deal ticket | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ulong CPosition::DealOut(void) const { CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut(); return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Ticket() : 0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the close time | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ datetime CPosition::TimeClose(void) const { CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut(); return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Time() : 0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the close time in milliseconds | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ long CPosition::TimeCloseMsc(void) const { CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut(); return(deal!=NULL ? deal.TimeMsc() : 0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the close price | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CPosition::PriceClose(void) const { CDeal *deal=this.GetDealOut(); return(deal!=NULL ? deal.Price() : 0); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return a profit in points | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CPosition::ProfitInPoints(void) const { //--- If symbol Point has not been received previously, inform of that and return 0 if(this.m_point==0) { ::Print("The Point() value could not be retrieved."); return 0; } //--- Get position open and close prices double open =this.PriceOpen(); double close=this.PriceClose(); //--- If failed to get the prices, return 0 if(open==0 || close==0) return 0; //--- Depending on the position type, return the calculated value of the position profit in points return int(this.TypePosition()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY ? (close-open)/this.m_point : (open-close)/this.m_point); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Add a deal to the list of deals | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CDeal *CPosition::DealAdd(const long ticket) { //--- A temporary object gets a ticket of the desired deal and the flag of sorting the list of deals by ticket this.m_temp_deal.SetTicket(ticket); this.m_list_deals.Sort(SORT_MODE_DEAL_TICKET); //--- Set the result of checking if a deal with such a ticket is present in the list bool added=(this.m_list_deals.Search(&this.m_temp_deal)!=WRONG_VALUE); //--- Set the flag of sorting by time in milliseconds for the list this.m_list_deals.Sort(SORT_MODE_DEAL_TIME_MSC); //--- If a deal with such a ticket is already in the list, return NULL if(added) return NULL; //--- Create a new deal object CDeal *deal=new CDeal(ticket); if(deal==NULL) return NULL; //--- Add the created object to the list in sorting order by time in milliseconds //--- If failed to add the deal to the list, remove the the deal object and return NULL if(!this.m_list_deals.InsertSort(deal)) { delete deal; return NULL; } //--- If this is a position closing deal, set the profit from the deal properties to the position profit value and //--- create a connecting line between the position open-close deal labels if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT || deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY) { this.SetProfit(deal.Profit()); this.CreateLine(); } //--- Return the pointer to the created deal object return deal; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return a position type description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CPosition::TypeDescription(void) const { return(this.m_type==POSITION_TYPE_BUY ? "Buy" : this.m_type==POSITION_TYPE_SELL ? "Sell" : "Unknown::"+(string)this.m_type); }
根据存储在变量m_type中的头寸类型返回描述。如果变量值不匹配头寸类型枚举常量,则返回 "Unknown::" + 变量值。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return position close time and price description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CPosition::TimePriceCloseDescription(void) { if(this.TimeCloseMsc()==0) return "Not closed yet"; return(::StringFormat("Closed %s [%.*f]", this.TimeMscToString(this.TimeCloseMsc()),this.m_digits, this.PriceClose())); }
已平仓 2023.06.12 17:04:20.362 [1.07590]
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return position open time and price description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CPosition::TimePriceOpenDescription(void) { return(::StringFormat("Opened %s [%.*f]", this.TimeMscToString(this.TimeMsc()),this.m_digits, this.PriceOpen())); }
Opened 2023.06.12 16:51:36.838 [1.07440]
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return a brief position description | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CPosition::Description(void) { return(::StringFormat("Position %s %.2f %s #%I64d, Magic %I64d", this.Symbol(), this.Volume(), this.TypeDescription(), this.ID(), this.Magic())); }
Position EURUSD 0.10 Buy #1752955040, Magic 123
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return a text of a position pop-up message | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CPosition::Tooltip(void) { //--- Get the pointers to the open and close deals CDeal *deal_in =this.GetDealIn(); CDeal *deal_out=this.GetDealOut(); //--- If no deals are received, return an empty string if(deal_in==NULL || deal_out==NULL) return NULL; //--- Get commission, swap and deal fee that are common for two deals double commission=deal_in.Commission()+deal_out.Commission(); double swap=deal_in.Swap()+deal_out.Swap(); double fee=deal_in.Fee()+deal_out.Fee(); //--- Get the final profit of the position and the spread values when opening and closing double profit=deal_out.Profit(); int spread_in=deal_in.Spread(); int spread_out=deal_out.Spread(); //--- If the reason for closing the position is StopLoss, TakeProfit or StopOut, set the reason description in the variable string reason=(deal_out.Reason()==DEAL_REASON_SL || deal_out.Reason()==DEAL_REASON_TP || deal_out.Reason()==DEAL_REASON_SO ? deal_out.ReasonDescription() : ""); //--- Create and return the tooltip string return(::StringFormat("%s\nCommission %.2f, Swap %.2f, Fee %.2f\nSpread In/Out %d/%d, Profit %+.2f %s (%d points)\nResult: %s %+.2f %s", this.Description(), commission, swap, fee, spread_in, spread_out, profit,this.m_currency_profit, this.ProfitInPoints(), reason, profit+commission+fee+swap, this.m_currency_profit)); }
Position EURUSD 0.10 Buy #1752955040, Magic 0 Commission 0.00, Swap 0.00, Fee 0.00 Spread In/Out 0/0, Profit +15.00 USD (150 points) Result: TP +15.00 USD
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display deal labels on the chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::ShowDeals(const bool chart_redraw=false) { for(int i=this.m_list_deals.Total()-1; i>=0; i--) { CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i); if(deal==NULL) continue; deal.ShowArrow(); } if(chart_redraw) ::ChartRedraw(this.m_chart_id); }
在交易列表的循环中,获取每个连续交易并调用接收对象的 ShowArrow() 方法,该方法在图表上显示交易标签。在循环结束时,如果设置了相应的标志,则重新绘制图表。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hide deal labels on the chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::HideDeals(const bool chart_redraw=false) { for(int i=this.m_list_deals.Total()-1; i>=0; i--) { CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i); if(deal==NULL) continue; deal.HideArrow(); } if(chart_redraw) ::ChartRedraw(this.m_chart_id); }
在交易列表的循环中,我们获取每笔连续交易并调用接收对象的 HideArrow() 方法,该方法会隐藏图表中的交易标签。在循环结束时,如果设置了相应的标志,则重新绘制图表。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Create a line connecting open-close deals | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CPosition::CreateLine(void) { //--- If the graphical line object could not be created, report this in the journal and return 'false' ::ResetLastError(); if(!::ObjectCreate(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { ::Print("ObjectCreate() failed. Error ", ::GetLastError()); return false; } //--- Hide the line this.HideLine(); //--- Set the line to be drawn with dots, define the color and return 'true' ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT); ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_COLOR, this.m_line_color); return true; }
在原点位置 (价格为 0,时间为 01.01.1970 00:00:00) 创建一条具有价格和时间坐标的线。从图表中隐藏该线,并将绘图样式设置为点和默认颜色。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display the connecting line between deal labels | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::ShowLine(const bool chart_redraw=false) { //--- Get the pointers to the open and close deals CDeal *deal_in= this.GetDealIn(); CDeal *deal_out=this.GetDealOut(); //--- If no deals are received, leave if(deal_in==NULL || deal_out==NULL) return; //--- Set a start and end time, a price from the deal properties and a tooltip text for the line ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_TIME, 0, deal_in.Time()); ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_TIME, 1, deal_out.Time()); ::ObjectSetDouble(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_PRICE, 0, deal_in.Price()); ::ObjectSetDouble(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_PRICE, 1, deal_out.Price()); ::ObjectSetString(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_TOOLTIP, this.Tooltip()); //--- Show the line on the chart and update it if the flag is set ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, OBJ_ALL_PERIODS); if(chart_redraw) ::ChartRedraw(this.m_chart_id); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hide the connecting line between the deal labels | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::HideLine(const bool chart_redraw=false) { ::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, OBJ_NO_PERIODS); if(chart_redraw) ::ChartRedraw(this.m_chart_id); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Set the color of the connecting line | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::SetLineColor(const color clr=C'225,68,29') { if(::ObjectSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, this.m_line_name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clr)) this.m_line_color=clr; }
传递给该方法的值将作为对象的 color 属性进行设置。如果一切成功,则将颜色设置为m_line_color变量。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Set Buy and Sell deal color | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::SetDealsColor(const color clr_deal_buy=C'3,95,172', const color clr_deal_sell=C'225,68,29') { //--- In the loop by the list of deals int total=this.m_list_deals.Total(); for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { //--- get the next deal object CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i); if(deal==NULL) continue; //--- In case of Buy deal type, set a color for a Buy deal for the object if(deal.TypeDeal()==DEAL_TYPE_BUY) deal.SetColorArrow(clr_deal_buy); //--- In case of Sell deal type, set a color for a Sell deal for the object if(deal.TypeDeal()==DEAL_TYPE_SELL) deal.SetColorArrow(clr_deal_sell); } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display a graphical representation of a position on a chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::Show(const bool chart_redraw=false) { this.ShowDeals(false); this.ShowLine(chart_redraw); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hide a graphical representation of a position on a chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::Hide(const bool chart_redraw=false) { this.HideLine(false); this.HideDeals(chart_redraw); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Print the position properties and deals in the journal | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPosition::Print(void) { ::PrintFormat("%s\n-%s\n-%s", this.Description(), this.TimePriceOpenDescription(), this.TimePriceCloseDescription()); for(int i=0; i<this.m_list_deals.Total(); i++) { CDeal *deal=this.m_list_deals.At(i); if(deal==NULL) continue; deal.Print(); } }
Position EURUSD 0.10 Sell #2523224572, Magic 0 -Opened 2024.05.31 17:06:15.134 [1.08734] -Closed 2024.05.31 17:33:17.772 [1.08639] Deal: Entry In 0.10 Sell #2497852906 at 2024.05.31 17:06:15.134 Deal: Entry Out 0.10 Buy #2497993663 at 2024.05.31 17:33:17.772
现在我们已经有了两个类:交易类(deal class)和仓位类(position class),其中仓位类包含一个交易列表,这些交易参与了仓位的整个生命周期。这些类很简单,包含了交易的基本信息,以及一些关于仓位开仓/平仓时的价格和时间以及以点数计算的盈利的附加数据。剩余的方法用于获取和显示这些信息到图表或文本行上。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| PositionsControl.mqh | //| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #include "Position.mqh" //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Class of historical positions | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CPositionsControl : public CObject { }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Class of historical positions | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CPositionsControl : public CObject { private: string m_symbol; // The symbol the position is open for long m_current_id; // ID of the current position displayed on the chart bool m_key_ctrl; // Flag for allowing to control the chart using the keyboard //--- Return the position type by deal type ENUM_POSITION_TYPE PositionTypeByDeal(const CDeal *deal); protected: CPosition m_temp_pos; // Temporary position object for searching CArrayObj m_list_pos; // List of positions long m_chart_id; // Chart ID //--- Return the position object from the list by ID CPosition *GetPositionObjByID(const long id); //--- Return the flag of the market position bool IsMarketPosition(const long id); //--- Return the pointer to the (1) first and the (2) last open position in the list CPosition *GetFirstClosedPosition(void); CPosition *GetLastClosedPosition(void); //--- Return the pointer to the (1) previous and (2) next closed position in the list CPosition *GetPrevClosedPosition(CPosition *current); CPosition *GetNextClosedPosition(CPosition *current); //--- Displays a graphical representation of the specified position on a chart void Show(CPosition *pos, const bool chart_redraw=false); //--- Center the chart on the currently selected position void CentersChartByCurrentSelected(void); //--- Return the ID of the current selected position long CurrentSelectedID(void) const { return this.m_current_id; } //--- Return the selected position (1) open and (2) close time datetime TimeOpenCurrentSelected(void); datetime TimeCloseCurrentSelected(void); //--- Hide the graphical representation of all positions on the chart except the specified one void HideAllExceptOne(const long pos_id, const bool chart_redraw=false); public: //--- Return the chart (1) symbol and (2) ID string Symbol(void) const { return this.m_symbol; } long ChartID(void) const { return this.m_chart_id; } //--- Create and update the list of positions. It can be redefined in the inherited classes virtual bool Refresh(void); //--- Return the number of positions in the list int Total(void) const { return this.m_list_pos.Total(); } //--- (1) Hide and (2) display the graphical representation of the first position on the chart void HideFirst(const bool chart_redraw=false); void ShowFirst(const bool chart_redraw=false); //--- (1) Hide and (2) display the graphical representation of the last position on the chart void HideLast(const bool chart_redraw=false); void ShowLast(const bool chart_redraw=false); //--- Display a graphical representation of the (1) current, (2) previous and (3) next position void ShowCurrent(const bool chart_redraw=false); void ShowPrev(const bool chart_redraw=false); void ShowNext(const bool chart_redraw=false); //--- Return the description of the currently selected position string CurrentSelectedDescription(void); //--- Print the properties of all positions and their deals in the journal void Print(void); //--- Constructor/destructor CPositionsControl(const string symbol=NULL); ~CPositionsControl(); };
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPositionsControl::CPositionsControl(const string symbol=NULL) { this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC); this.m_symbol = (symbol==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol); this.m_chart_id = ::ChartID(); this.m_current_id = 0; this.m_key_ctrl = ::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id, CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Destructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPositionsControl::~CPositionsControl() { this.m_list_pos.Shutdown(); ::ChartSetInteger(this.m_chart_id, CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL, this.m_key_ctrl); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the position object from the list by ID | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPosition *CPositionsControl::GetPositionObjByID(const long id) { //--- Set the position ID for the temporary object and set the flag of sorting by position ID for the list this.m_temp_pos.SetID(id); this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_IDENTIFIER); //--- Get the index of the position object with such an ID (or -1 if it is absent) from the list //--- Use the obtained index to get the pointer to the position object from the list (or NULL if the index value is -1) int index=this.m_list_pos.Search(&this.m_temp_pos); CPosition *pos=this.m_list_pos.At(index); //--- Set the flag of sorting by position close time in milliseconds for the list and //--- return the pointer to the position object (or NULL if it is absent) this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC); return pos; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the market position flag | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CPositionsControl::IsMarketPosition(const long id) { //--- In a loop by the list of current positions in the terminal for(int i=::PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { //--- get the position ticket by the loop index ulong ticket=::PositionGetTicket(i); //--- If the ticket is received, the position can be selected and its ID is equal to the one passed to the method, //--- this is the desired market position, return 'true' if(ticket!=0 && ::PositionSelectByTicket(ticket) && ::PositionGetInteger(POSITION_IDENTIFIER)==id) return true; } //--- No such market position, return 'false' return false; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the pointer to the first closed position in the list | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPosition *CPositionsControl::GetFirstClosedPosition(void) { this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC); return this.m_list_pos.At(0); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the pointer to the last closed position in the list | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPosition *CPositionsControl::GetLastClosedPosition(void) { this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC); return this.m_list_pos.At(this.m_list_pos.Total()-1); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the pointer to the previous closed position in the list | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPosition *CPositionsControl::GetPrevClosedPosition(CPosition *current) { this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC); int prev=this.m_list_pos.SearchLess(current); return this.m_list_pos.At(prev); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the pointer to the next closed position in the list | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPosition *CPositionsControl::GetNextClosedPosition(CPosition *current) { this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC); int next=this.m_list_pos.SearchGreat(current); return this.m_list_pos.At(next); }
//+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display a graphical representation of the specified position on the chart | //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::Show(CPosition *pos,const bool chart_redraw=false) { if(pos!=NULL) { pos.Show(chart_redraw); this.m_current_id=pos.ID(); } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hide the graphical representation of the first position from the chart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::HideFirst(const bool chart_redraw=false) { CPosition *pos=this.GetFirstClosedPosition(); if(pos!=NULL) pos.Hide(chart_redraw); }
获取指向列表中第一个仓位的指针并调用其 Hide() 方法。
//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display the graphical representation of the first position on the chart | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::ShowFirst(const bool chart_redraw=false) { //--- Get the pointer to the first closed position CPosition *pos=this.GetFirstClosedPosition(); if(pos==NULL) return; //--- Hide labels of all positions except the first one by its ID this.HideAllExceptOne(pos.ID()); //--- Display the labels of the first position on the chart and //--- center the chart by the labels of the currently selected position this.Show(pos,chart_redraw); this.CentersChartByCurrentSelected(); }
使用上面提到的 GetFirstClosedPosition() 方法获取按时间(毫秒)排序的列表中第一个仓位的指针。隐藏除第一个仓位之外的所有仓位的标签,显示第一个仓位,并将图表置于其交易标签的中心。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hide graphical representation of the last position from the chart| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::HideLast(const bool chart_redraw=false) { CPosition *pos=this.GetLastClosedPosition(); if(pos!=NULL) pos.Hide(chart_redraw); }
//+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display the graphical representation of the last position on the chart| //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::ShowLast(const bool chart_redraw=false) { //--- Get the pointer to the last closed position CPosition *pos=this.GetLastClosedPosition(); if(pos==NULL) return; //--- Hide labels of all positions except the last one by its ID this.HideAllExceptOne(pos.ID(), false); //--- Display the labels of the last position on the chart and //--- center the chart by the labels of the currently selected position this.Show(pos,chart_redraw); this.CentersChartByCurrentSelected(); }
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display a graphical representation of the current position on the chart | //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::ShowCurrent(const bool chart_redraw=false) { //--- Get a pointer to the currently selected closed position CPosition *curr=this.GetPositionObjByID(this.CurrentSelectedID()); if(curr==NULL) return; //--- Display the labels of the current position on the chart and //--- center the chart by the labels of the currently selected position this.Show(curr,chart_redraw); this.CentersChartByCurrentSelected(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|Display a graphical representation of the previous position on the chart| //+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::ShowPrev(const bool chart_redraw=false) { //--- Get the pointer to the current and previous positions CPosition *curr=this.GetPositionObjByID(this.CurrentSelectedID()); CPosition *prev=this.GetPrevClosedPosition(curr); if(curr==NULL || prev==NULL) return; //--- Hide the current position, display the previous one and //--- center the chart by the labels of the currently selected position curr.Hide(); this.Show(prev,chart_redraw); this.CentersChartByCurrentSelected(); }
//+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Display a graphical representation of the next position on the chart| //+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::ShowNext(const bool chart_redraw=false) { //--- Get the pointer to the current and next positions CPosition *curr=this.GetPositionObjByID(this.CurrentSelectedID()); CPosition *next=this.GetNextClosedPosition(curr); if(curr==NULL || next==NULL) return; //--- Hide the current position, display the next one and //--- center the chart by the labels of the currently selected position curr.Hide(); this.Show(next,chart_redraw); this.CentersChartByCurrentSelected(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hide the graphical representation | //| of all positions except the specified one | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::HideAllExceptOne(const long pos_id,const bool chart_redraw=false) { //--- In a loop by the list of positions int total=this.m_list_pos.Total(); for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { //--- get the pointer to the next position and CPosition *pos=this.m_list_pos.At(i); if(pos==NULL || pos.ID()==pos_id) continue; //--- hide the graphical representation of the position pos.Hide(); } //--- After the loop, update the chart if the flag is set if(chart_redraw) ::ChartRedraw(this.m_chart_id); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Center the chart at the currently selected position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::CentersChartByCurrentSelected(void) { //--- Get the index of the first visible bar on the chart and the number of visible bars int bar_open=0, bar_close=0; int first_visible=(int)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id, CHART_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR); int visible_bars =(int)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id, CHART_VISIBLE_BARS); //--- Get the position opening time and use it to get the opening bar datetime time_open=this.TimeOpenCurrentSelected(); if(time_open!=0) bar_open=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, time_open); //--- Get the position opening time and use it to get the closing bar datetime time_close=this.TimeCloseCurrentSelected(); if(time_close!=0) bar_close=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, time_close); //--- Calculate the width of the window the deal labels are located in int width=bar_open-bar_close; //--- Calculate the chart offset so that the window with deals is in the center of the chart int shift=(bar_open + visible_bars/2 - width/2); //--- If the window width is greater than the chart width, the opening deal is located on the second visible bar if(shift-bar_open<0) shift=bar_open+1; //--- If the deal opening bar is to the left of the first visible bar of the chart //--- or the deal opening bar is to the right of the chart last visible bar, //--- scroll the chart by the calculated offset if(bar_open>first_visible || bar_open<first_visible+visible_bars) ::ChartNavigate(this.m_chart_id, CHART_CURRENT_POS, first_visible-shift); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the opening time of the currently selected position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ datetime CPositionsControl::TimeOpenCurrentSelected(void) { CPosition *pos=this.GetPositionObjByID(this.CurrentSelectedID()); return(pos!=NULL ? pos.Time() : 0); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the current selected position closing time | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ datetime CPositionsControl::TimeCloseCurrentSelected(void) { CPosition *pos=this.GetPositionObjByID(this.CurrentSelectedID()); return(pos!=NULL ? pos.TimeClose() : 0); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return position type by deal type | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ENUM_POSITION_TYPE CPositionsControl::PositionTypeByDeal(const CDeal *deal) { if(deal==NULL) return WRONG_VALUE; switch(deal.TypeDeal()) { case DEAL_TYPE_BUY : return POSITION_TYPE_BUY; case DEAL_TYPE_SELL : return POSITION_TYPE_SELL; default : return WRONG_VALUE; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Create historical position list | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CPositionsControl::Refresh(void) { //--- If failed to request the history of deals and orders, return 'false' if(!::HistorySelect(0,::TimeCurrent())) return false; //--- Set the flag of sorting by time in milliseconds for the position list this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_MSC); //--- Declare a result variable and a pointer to the position object bool res=true; CPosition *pos=NULL; //--- In a loop based on the number of history deals int total=::HistoryDealsTotal(); for(int i=total-1; i>=0; i--) { //--- get the ticket of the next deal in the list ulong ticket=::HistoryDealGetTicket(i); //--- If the deal ticket is not received, or it is not a buy/sell deal, or if the deal is not for the symbol set for the class, move on ENUM_DEAL_TYPE deal_type=(ENUM_DEAL_TYPE)::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_TYPE); if(ticket==0 || (deal_type!=DEAL_TYPE_BUY && deal_type!=DEAL_TYPE_SELL) || ::HistoryDealGetString(ticket, DEAL_SYMBOL)!=this.m_symbol) continue; //--- Get the value of the position ID from the deal long pos_id=::HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket, DEAL_POSITION_ID); //--- If this is a market position, move on if(this.IsMarketPosition(pos_id)) continue; //--- Get the pointer to a position object from the list pos=this.GetPositionObjByID(pos_id); //--- If there is no position with this ID in the list yet if(pos==NULL) { //--- Create a new position object and, if the object could not be created, add 'false' to the 'res' variable and move on pos=new CPosition(pos_id, this.m_symbol); if(pos==NULL) { res &=false; continue; } //--- If failed to add the position object to the list, add 'false' to the 'res' variable, remove the position object and move on if(!this.m_list_pos.InsertSort(pos)) { res &=false; delete pos; continue; } } //--- If the deal object could not be added to the list of deals of the position object, add 'false' to the 'res' variable and move on CDeal *deal=pos.DealAdd(ticket); if(deal==NULL) { res &=false; continue; } //--- All is successful. //--- Set position properties depending on the deal type if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_IN) { pos.SetTime(deal.Time()); pos.SetTimeMsc(deal.TimeMsc()); ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type=this.PositionTypeByDeal(deal); pos.SetTypePosition(type); pos.SetPriceOpen(deal.Price()); pos.SetVolume(deal.Volume()); } if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT || deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY) { pos.SetPriceCurrent(deal.Price()); } if(deal.Entry()==DEAL_ENTRY_INOUT) { ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type=this.PositionTypeByDeal(deal); pos.SetTypePosition(type); pos.SetVolume(deal.Volume()-pos.Volume()); } } //--- Set the flag of sorting by close time in milliseconds for the position list this.m_list_pos.Sort(SORT_MODE_POSITION_TIME_CLOSE_MSC); //--- Return the result of creating and adding a position to the list return res; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Print the properties of positions and their deals in the journal | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CPositionsControl::Print(void) { int total=this.m_list_pos.Total(); for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { CPosition *pos=this.m_list_pos.At(i); if(pos==NULL) continue; pos.Print(); } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return the description of the currently selected position | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string CPositionsControl::CurrentSelectedDescription(void) { CPosition *pos=this.GetPositionObjByID(this.CurrentSelectedID()); return(pos!=NULL ? pos.Tooltip() : NULL); }
- 启动后,交易历史以历史头寸列表的形式创建。每个头寸都包含其交易列表;
- 历史头寸列表完成后,最后一个已平仓的头寸将在图表上以开盘和收盘标签(由线连接)的形式显示;
- 您可以按住Ctrl键,使用光标键浏览历史头寸列表:
- 左键 - 在图表上显示前一个头寸;
- 右键 - 在图表上显示下一个头寸;
- 上键 - 在图表上显示第一个头寸;
- 下键 - 在图表上显示最后一个头寸;
- 按住Shift键可在图表上显示描述当前选定头寸的注释。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| PositionViewer.mq5 | //| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #include <PositionsViewer\PositionsControl.mqh> #define KEY_LEFT 37 #define KEY_RIGHT 39 #define KEY_UP 38 #define KEY_DOWN 40 //--- global variables CPositionsControl ExtPositions; // Historical position class instance bool ExtChartScroll; // Chart scrolling flag bool ExtChartHistory; // Trading history display flag //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- Save the chart auto scroll flag and disable auto scroll ExtChartScroll=ChartGetInteger(ChartID(), CHART_AUTOSCROLL); ChartSetInteger(ChartID(), CHART_AUTOSCROLL, false); //--- Save the trading history display flag and disable history display ExtChartHistory=ChartGetInteger(ChartID(), CHART_SHOW_TRADE_HISTORY); ChartSetInteger(ChartID(), CHART_SHOW_TRADE_HISTORY, false); //--- Create a list of closed positions and display the list creation time in the journal ulong start=GetTickCount64(); Print("Reading trade history and creating a list of historical positions"); ExtPositions.Refresh(); ulong msec=GetTickCount64()-start; PrintFormat("List of historical positions created in %I64u msec", msec); //ExtPositions.Print(); //--- If this is a launch after changing the chart period, display the currently selected position if(UninitializeReason()==REASON_CHARTCHANGE) ExtPositions.ShowCurrent(true); //--- otherwise, display the last closed position else ExtPositions.ShowLast(true); //--- Successful return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnDeinit(const int reason) { //--- Restore the auto scroll and trading history property initial value and remove chart comments ChartSetInteger(ChartID(), CHART_AUTOSCROLL, ExtChartScroll); ChartSetInteger(ChartID(), CHART_SHOW_TRADE_HISTORY, ExtChartHistory); Comment(""); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| TradeTransaction function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTradeTransaction(const MqlTradeTransaction& trans, const MqlTradeRequest& request, const MqlTradeResult& result) { //--- In case of a transaction type, add a new deal if(trans.type==TRADE_TRANSACTION_DEAL_ADD) { //--- update the list of positions and their deals ExtPositions.Refresh(); //--- Get the new deal ticket ulong deal_ticket=trans.deal; //--- If the ticket is not received or failed to get the method for updating the position from the deal properties, leave long entry; if(deal_ticket==0 || !HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket, DEAL_ENTRY, entry)) return; //--- If this is an exit deal, display the last closed position on the chart if(entry==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT || entry==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY) ExtPositions.ShowLast(true); } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| ChartEvent function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam) { //--- If the event ID is pressing a key if(id==CHARTEVENT_KEYDOWN) { //--- If the Ctrl key is held down if(TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_KEYSTATE_CONTROL)<0) { //--- If the chart scrolling with keys is active, disable it if((bool)ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL)) ChartSetInteger(0, CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL, false); //--- If the left key is pressed, display the previous closed position if(lparam==KEY_LEFT) ExtPositions.ShowPrev(true); //--- If the right key is pressed, display the next closed position if(lparam==KEY_RIGHT) ExtPositions.ShowNext(true); //--- If the up key is pressed, display the first closed position if(lparam==KEY_UP) ExtPositions.ShowFirst(true); //--- If the down key is pressed, display the last closed position if(lparam==KEY_DOWN) ExtPositions.ShowLast(true); } //--- If Ctrl is not pressed, else { //--- If the chart scrolling with keys is inactive, enable it if(!(bool)ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL)) ChartSetInteger(0, CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL, true); } } //--- If the Shift key is held down, display a description of the current position in the chart comment if(TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_KEYSTATE_SHIFT)<0) Comment(ExtPositions.CurrentSelectedDescription()); //--- If the Shift key is not pressed, check the comment on the chart and delete it if it is not empty else { if(ChartGetString(ChartID(),CHART_COMMENT)!=NULL) Comment(""); } //--- If the horizontal scale of the chart has changed, display the currently selected position static int scale=-1; if(id==CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE) { int scale_curr=(int)ChartGetInteger(ChartID(), CHART_SCALE); if(scale!=scale_curr) { ExtPositions.ShowCurrent(true); scale=scale_curr; } } }
这很方便,因为它允许我们在不将鼠标光标悬停在连接交易的线条上方的情况下看到头寸的描述。如果我们使用光标键浏览已平仓头寸列表,同时按住Ctrl + Shift键,我们可以清楚地看到当前在图表上显示的已平仓头寸的描述。
PositionViewer (EURUSD,M15) 读取交易历史并创建历史仓位列表
PositionViewer (EURUSD,M15) 在6422毫秒内创建了历史仓位列表
PositionViewer (EURUSD,M1) 正在读取交易历史并创建历史仓位列表 PositionViewer (EURUSD,M1) 在31毫秒内创建了历史仓位列表 PositionViewer (EURUSD,M5) 正在读取交易历史并创建历史仓位列表 PositionViewer (EURUSD,M5) 在47毫秒内创建了历史仓位列表 PositionViewer (EURUSD,M1) 正在读取交易历史并创建历史仓位列表 PositionViewer (EURUSD,M1) 在 31毫秒内创建历史头寸列表
所有类文件和测试EA都已附加到文章中,可供独立学习。MQL5.zip归档文件包含的文件可以直接解压到MQL5终端目录中,并且将在Experts文件夹中创建一个新的PositionsViewer\文件夹,其中包含所有项目文件:PositionViewer.mq5 EA文件和三个包含的类文件。我们可以自由地编译EA文件并使用它,以便在交易过程中方便地查看和管理我们的头寸。
本文由MetaQuotes Ltd译自俄文
原文地址: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/15026