Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 49

Here come the flies. I wrote above that conscious dreams are GUANO, so there's the result of a natural pattern.

Sounds like you've been beaten up a lot in the yard ( with regret ... (((( )

By the way... I wrote earlier on alps how you can set up a time link... to see quotes - who's going where... try it :-)

and move objects... if you learn to move your 'astral' fingers... then you can start small... like throwing matches with them... put a match on your index finger and with your thumb (its dreamlike copy expressed in "gravity") grop for a match and throw it away :)

Maybe you could record a video of this miracle and post it here? :)

Sounds like you've been beaten up a lot in the yard ( with regret ... (((( )
Nope, sounds like he was rarely beaten in the yard. ( with regret )
no - no need to show the details... or else they'll start playing with more than just matches.... let everyone else do it himself... ...try it himself...

Guys, your avatars are starting to make a mess... It's like a lot of crosses.

You seem to have been beaten up a lot in the yard ( regretfully ... (((( )

Wrong again. I can tell because it's a topic close to your heart.

I dare you to pursue your fancy from your experience. You must have been beaten up not only in your childhood, but you are often used like this nowadays)))))))))))))


Guys, your avatars are starting to make a mess... all over the place with the crosses.

What's with the attitude?! Turn off pictures in your browser, if you're so delicate. XD

Guys, your avatars are starting to make a mess... all over the place with the crosses.

Liar, pest, it's just that you're always attracted to red, it's got nothing to do with crosses

Wrong again. I see because this topic is close to your heart.

I dare you to pursue your fancy from your experience. You were not only beaten in your childhood, but are still often used in this way )))))))))))))

I made that assumption because you must be having a breakdown. It's summer holiday. Stay home... (You'll be back in school in no time. )))