Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 48


You can see the unprepared dude. The speech is clogged with parasitic words.

There is a reason why yogis recommend that you start by cleansing your body and psyche. Then you will be the master there yourself, not the demons. These demons are their own psychoblocks.

Wofka... bald head... :-) why are you judging the world by someone else's words...? instead of judging it yourself... relax, get out... watch Conscious Dreams... pull God's beard, throw an inkwell at Satan like Martin... and then post some paranoid horror stories.... а? :-)
Woofka... bald head ... :-) Why are you judging the world by other people's words ...? instead of judging it yourself... relax, get out... watch Conscious Dreams... pull God's beard, throw an inkwell at Satan like Martin... and then post some paranoid horror stories.... а? :-)

Vovka's not to judge, Vovka's to banter, of course. In fact, Vovka has two bald heads.

Conscious dreams - GUANO. Everything is within the mind and imagination of the patients. Can't move in time, can't move material objects, can't read thoughts, can't compel anyone to do anything, not to mention the liver. GUANO so far.


Vovka's not to judge, Vovka's a joke, though. Vovka's got two bald heads.

Conscious dreams - GUANO. Everything is within the mind and imagination of the patients. Can't move in time, can't move material objects, can't read thoughts, can't compel anyone to do anything, not even mention the liver. So far, so good.

I can't remember verbatim, but the gist is something like this - from Zen wisdom: A man spent 50 years meditating on how to levitate. Then he decided to find an enlightened teacher and went to a river with him, he flew across the river and the teacher swam across in a boat.

So how many years did it take you to learn levitation? - asked the teacher.

50 years, he answered.

To which the teacher replied, "And the carrier on the boat would only charge you one penny.

P.S. In general, always amused by the desire to move things with their eyes, to fly somewhere and generally "allegedly" have miracles. Nada put in order in themselves and not chase demons.


I cannot remember the exact words, the gist of it is as follows from Zen wisdom: One man spent 50 years meditating on learning to levitate. Then he decided to find an enlightened teacher and went to the river with him, he flew over the river and the teacher swam across in a boat.

So how many years did you spend studying levitation? - asked the teacher.

50 years, he replied.

The teacher replied, "And the carrier on the boat would only charge you a coin.

P.S. In general, always amused by the desire to move things with his eyes, to fly somewhere and generally "allegedly" have miracles. Nadavit order in itself and not chase demons.

But I'm always amused as the next person gives out a thought in the form of someone's philosophical sayings. Do you have anything of your own to say? This example is completely delusional and has nothing to do with reality. You are not being led or taught specifically to levitation, it's a side thing, a bonus if you like, and if you are levitating, it means that you have already reached a much higher level of development than you are now. Now it's foolishness and fairy tales for you, when you get there it will be as common and elementary in understanding how to take a piss or how to gab.

PS: The liveryman is not very logical. They are not taught how to teach lithium and went to a teacher. Usually, they look for a teacher before they learn it.

About only needing to swim across rivers? Idiocy.


It always amazes me when another person spits out his thoughts in the form of someone else's philosophical sayings. Do you have anything of your own to say? This example is completely delusional and has nothing to do with reality. You are not being led or taught specifically to levitation, it's a side thing, a bonus if you like, and if you are levitating, it means that you have already reached a much higher level of development than you are now. Now for you it is foolishness and fairy tales, when you get there, it will be as common and elementary in understanding how to take a piss or how to coddle.

Good conversation doesn't say it all. I just laughed heartily at your anger )))

Go wash your face with cold water )))) I can only tell you that you are on the wrong track. You don't need miracles. You need a clear mind.

so how did the auction end?

Good conversation doesn't say it all. I just laughed heartily at your anger ))))

Go wash your face with cold water))) All I can tell you is that you are on the wrong track. You don't need miracles. You need a clear mind.

)))))) Good luck theorist. There is no need to impose your wrong conclusions. And think you are smarter than others. None of the assumptions are the same. The whole anger thing was taken from the sky. I just don't like the flunkies who get clever. Not only do they have no clue, but they also use other people's philosophies to get clever, without understanding them.....
so how did the auction end?
Someone must have given Alejandro the best years of his life...
Here come the flies. I wrote above that conscious dreams are GUANO, so there's the result of a natural pattern.