Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 21

You shouldn't do that... Ratnashamba will come and teach you about life...
I don't think so. The longer I live, the more I'm convinced. I shouldn't be here... Karma minus.
I was a grass - why the hell have I come to these galleys? ))
You shouldn't do that... Ratnashamba will come and teach you about life...

Listen, esoteric hero, every hedgehog knows that Ratnasambhava.
well, buddha himself said little about rebirth :-) - evasively... with jokes and jokes... like a light from one candle to another :-) so what kind of a light are you? if your personal self-awareness has been destroyed - it does not matter who or what you were... if you were - if you are not a phantom of my dream - existing only for me to write these lines :-)

That's a hell of a knowledge of Buddhism. That's the first thing it says everywhere, that after enlightenment the Buddha looked at thousands of his past incarnations.
Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:46:05 +0400
<FlipTale> The emptiness inside. How do you fight it?

<Stasyara> put food in it

(c) bash

This is from the realm of narcissism, which is very fashionable and actively promoted these days and even in this thread. The topic is very well covered in the book "While you were trying to become a god", by Mlodik Iryna.
I am, in general, in vain. The longer I live, the more I am convinced. I shouldn't be here... Karma minus.
I was a weed - why the hell did I come to these galleys? ))

Nooooo, I would not have got up and lived without knowing about galleys, or rather without being involved in them, you could have passed them by, but now you've stirred up the galley masses, and now you'll get that the galley masses are the galley masses, you'll be guilty too)))))))))

ZS : Narcissism, that's for Peter.


Everyone's so relaxed... the planet Nibiru is on its way...

So what do we do? Let her meet Bruce Willis?
well the americans have put up a telescope satellite for it - infrared... looking for where it's coming from and where it's coming from...
Ah, so she hasn't been seen yet... was there a boy? (с)

You'll see her, she'll slam out of the astral, only Alexander can cope with her)

Alexander, take Nibiru kvam to the Calumbarium, save the humans).