Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 19


I mean, I mean... Full stop.

Yes, yes! It's about the usefulness of electro-procedures! )))


You are wrong, Alexander.

It is an Evil View based on three root poisons: greed, anger and ignorance, leading to the accumulation of a very large amount of bad karma and, as a result, to the fall into the Three Evil Worlds:Hell, the World of Low Spirits and the World of Animals, i.e. the "Columbarium". For a long, long, long, long time. This is reality. A terrible, terrifying reality.

Better practice the View of True Completive Knowledge based on the Four Holy Absolute Truths, leading to the accumulation of much good karma and merit, and consequently leading to the destruction of all karma, both good and bad, and the attainment of a world of absolute freedom, absolute happiness and absolute joy.

I used to babysit others, too, at first. Especially when I didn't know how to do anything yet. Then I realised that I was wasting my energy. When I did, I realised that that was the way the world worked. It is very harmonious. Who is in a monastery having fun, who is working at a machine, who is stealing, who is fighting, who is getting high, who is pleasing girls, even rapists with their victims are in place in this world. Everything is all right. Everything and everyone balances each other out.

1. Тоже нянчился с другими поначалу. Особенно, когда ещё ничего не умел. Потом понял, что зря энергию трачу. Когда получилось понял, что так мир устроен. Он очень гармоничен. Кто в монастыре развлекается, кто за станком вкалывает, кто ворует, кто воюет, кто ширяется, кто девок ублажает, даже насильники с их жертвами на месте в этом мире. Всё в порядке.

2. Everything and everyone balances each other out.

1. It's like, "Every victim will find her rapist"... etc.

There is a literature like "The Psychology of Victimhood"...

2. There is.


A person develops harmoniously if he knows how to dream properly.

All dreams in life come true. Amazing but true.

Try to remember your dreams, good or bad. They all come true sooner or later.

With a good dream a person has a better chance of living a better and longer life.


Dreams are like forecasts on fore, they will come true, but you don't know when..... maybe only when you don't fucking need them anymore.....

so let's drink to the timely fulfilment of dreams)))))


So was I. Once, when I was studying, or rather, not studying - as an undergraduate, I worked in the MAI's chief mechanics department - I used a screwdriver with a broken handle (a metal stinger sticking out) to reach into a switchboard. It was shaken by 380 volts. And I've been like that ever since! )))))

If it was one screwdriver, it probably wasn't 380 but 220 :) You were lucky, or vice versa - I don't know, I know you were :)
DmitriyN: If there was one screwdriver, it was probably not 380 but 220 :)
Sounds about right. The ground and one phase were shorted to Petya.

yes, that's exactly what (what alexei said) is often confused when they say that a fuse is electrocuted, especially 380, it would kill you if for phases. a friend was also hit like that (like petya), he says it's funny))))) he remembers the best moments in his life))

it can also happen that the circuit breaker breaks through the arc)))) if the circuit breaker is crap.... another friend set his hand on fire like that....

Mathemat: But the books are probably only in English. They will be in Russian only when I connect the HDD.
Right, in English. If anyone is interested - a torrent to download the main LRH books for the public is attached. Downloads are not very fast. If you need faster, search torrents for "basic scientology books 2007".
Sounds about right. The ground and one phase are short-circuited to Petya.
"In that year and at that hour, the volcano Vesuvius erupted. Probably as a consequence of this momentous coincidence, some of the volcano's energy was transmitted to me. I hope this hasn't happened in your county?" // Gr. Gorin, The Formula of Love