Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 13

The individual may not. What about the market?

I am not denying that it is possible to create any kind of protection per se. After all, it is a question of its effectiveness. But in general, as some kind of self-organising structure, I deny it.

Many fall into the money management trap, not seeing how many pips the system actually earned - trying to revive a dead system with the help of MM, whose number of won pips is slightly higher than lost pips.

I'm not sure what the problem is - they're just tweaking the system with MM))

Do you think the owners of the Fed have a lot of merit that they print money in the quantities they need? Do not indulge in illusions, it is not about the merits - someone who can take it, and someone who justifies himself by saying that I do not have enough merit and sits in place.

Maybe we mean different things by merit, but they (who is up there) do have more of it and they know how to use it properly and not to squander it.

Money is the materialized merit, the energy of fulfillment of desires.


I am not denying that it is possible to create any kind of protection per se. It is a question of its effectiveness, after all. But in general, as some kind of self-organising structure, I deny it.

This is more a question for specialists in the collective unconscious.
Many fall into the money management trap, not seeing how many pips the system actually earned - trying to revive a dead system with the help of MM, whose number of won pips is slightly higher than lost pips.

golden words..... the number of pips and their more or less stable growth is much more important than analysing the number of investments that were made on those pips.
it's silent... with a clarification of the word...

I'lldescribe it below - read it and try it right away - for 15-20seconds you won't have a single thought in your head :-) to start with...


So... Sit in a chair or armchair but preferably keep your back straight...

-cover your eyes, preferably with nothing noisy around (like music or TV)

-hands relaxed, forearms on the hips of your feet - fingers down, spread out :-) and relaxed...

- take aslow, deep breath ( drawing in air from the top of your chest)

- and in a low, soft voice - practically a half-whisper - say the word "Jalokooooooooooooooooo" slowly exhaling

you have to stretch to continue "cooooooooooing" for 15 seconds - well until you run out of air....


that's it :-) while you are doing the exhalation - Pay attention - you will not have ONE thought in your head :-) -Take a closer look at that "silence", rememberwhatit is...

that's your first step towards IAB....

Usually the first thought is Oh ... so I'm not thinking :-) comes when you inhale...

here iswhere you needto start "training" - keeping the attention (as if listening to yourself) the resulting emptiness should be prolonged and When breathing in...

...just as slowly do a deep Inhale... and then again a syllable... and so on - trying to hold the emptiness of stillness in your head ....


it's not a difficult exercise - at first you'll have to say the word 'apple' out loud, and then in time you won't even have tosay it.

the emptiness will automatically appear when you intend it...


preferably do it several times a day - before going to bed... and 3-4-5 times during the day... .... bringing the state of Silence to a few tens of minutes....


there you go... that's enough for now... reread it again and try it now.....


so - exit through relaxation, stillness and noise

in general, Relaxation of the body is essential for a successful flight of the mind :-) - And also - during relaxation - you learn to "manage" attention, concentration can control "energy flows" :-) which will be useful for the "push" when leaving the body ... Well, outside the body it will also help to transform it, to control its movement... and ... in general it will come in handy...

Stage I arm relaxation

yes, it is desirable to "practise" after a meal after 4 hours, to go to the toilet beforehand :) - the house should be quiet - no loud noises, no music = just silence is desirable...

lying position, legs slightly apart (feet width apart), arms along the body (palm distance from the torso), palms up .... If you are on the floor, put a towel rolled up under your neck to prevent leakage...

thought forms... you can do without them - but they will help you to form a conditioned reflex of the body to these commands...

which will then have a beneficial effect on the time you go into deep relaxation...


in general I'll take the commands from auto-training...

thoughtform 1 - mentally say the phrase - "my both arms are heavy, pause for 5 seconds and repeat... my both arms are heavy, pause"... and so on six or seven times... eyes closed - "listen" to which hand is heavier... usually the heaviness starts with the palms... the tips of the fingers (index and thumbs)

(about the feeling of heaviness - this feeling occurs when the muscles begin to relax - it must be physically felt - i.e. not imagined and invented what it is - "heaviness" - but a clear physical sensation in those places on which we focus our attention - perhaps a tingling, "buzzing", "expansion" of body parts... in general however that may be (taking into account individuality) - this is a Physical sensation in the body...

maybe not everyone will be able to feel this sensation right away... lying down - fingers clenching hard into fists - very hard and then after 10 seconds of tension relaxing sharply... and listen to which hand has a different sensation from the other... like a kind of tight glove on the hand :-)


furthermore... after 5-6 repetitions of the first thought form, pay attention to which hand the feeling of heaviness is stronger - we will continue with that hand.... - it's possible that you didn't feel the difference in the hands - then repeat the 1st thought form a few more times - until there is a clear difference in weight between the hands... for example this is the right hand...

2nd thought-form - "my right hand is heavy", pause for 5 seconds and then repeat... you have to say them in your head - slowly but clearly - repeating the phrase in your head....

when you say the phrase... eyes slightly bend towards the right hand as if looking there, at the same time listening to sensations in the fingers ...

first concentrate Attention on the thumbtip (phalanx) - as if peering (listening), at that point you'll notice that the feeling of heaviness in this phalanx will become much stronger (compared with other fingers) - keep saying in your mind the phrase "my right hand is heavy" - start to move "look" (attention) further on the finger, from the pad to the palm base... Then back - slowly - listening for the weight to flow from area to area... - and from the palm back to the tip (pad) of the thumb...

- then in the same way move attention to the tip of the index finger... ... and just like with the thumb slowly run the weight from the finger tip - to the base and back ...

The feeling of heaviness should encompass the entire finger... It will sort of fill up, internally expand. One might get a tingling sensation - that's normal...

and go through all fingers up to the little finger - then back to the thumb and then you have to look at it mentally :-) - attention - all fingers at once - causing the same sensation of heaviness in all fingers of the right hand...


when all fingers are enveloped ingravity - they practically cease to feel individually... but like a homogeneousmass :-) as if they had merged into a glove...if this feeling is achieved - then you are halfway there - it will be easier...

so, after the fingers we focus on the palm, in the point of lao-gong - thecentre of the palm ( just as monotonously sayingthe phrase - my right handis heavy, pause, and then repeat it)

evoke a feelingof heaviness in the palm - transferring it with the gaze (attention) to the finger area... as if connecting them together (the heaviness), then the concentration goes to the outer side of the palm

-you may notice that by concentrating on some point of yourattention , thefeelingof heaviness will start to increasethere... increasethe heaviness on the outer side - movethe gaze to the fingers and back until the palm with the fingers begins to feellike a "boxing glove" :) - figuratively...

--- and then using the katana - concentratingon the forearm - driving a waveof gravity to the elbowand to the fingers, achieving the same feelingof gravity in that area....

-- from elbow to shoulder... here will be a little bit more complicated -first over the inside (biceps) to the shoulder - then to the elbowand back, then over the outside (triceps) - also to the shoulder and back to the elbow- run itwith mental gaze (a little help with closed eyes looking at thephysical points where you want to focus) - then try to feel the whole area (both outside and inside) of the area from elbow to shoulder ....

then slowly returnto the fingertips and send a waveof gravity up to the shoulder...- that is the end of the right hand :-) it is almost half relaxed... and move on to the second hand...


dothe same with the other arm - repeat thethird thought-form - "my left armis heavy, pausemy left armis heavy, pause" - starting from the fingertips, ending with the shoulder....


So... I finished on the left hand :-) - But... usually by this time the Right hand has "moved away" from its relaxation - here you have to repeat the 1st thoughtform

"my both hands are heavy, pause for 5 seconds and repeat" - and the self, as if to gaze at both hands - and "comparing the sensations of the left hand with the right - in the right hand to increase the heaviness in the fingers, palm, forearm and shoulder... - don't rush - the slower your attention the better.

-better for what - by chasing attention over different parts of the body we are practicing the ability to control our internal energy - as I said before - this skill will help to make a break from the physical body - by directing the same attention to the "feeling of heavinessof the whole body" outside the physical shell :-) so it is not necessary to rush, with practice the body will begin to relax in a couple of minutes - but we do not need - it is important to know how to control your attention and to practice focusing it)


so both arms are heavy - they are almost not felt - just a certain mass flowing from the shoulders :-) come to the feet

part II - relaxation of legs - the principle is the same as with hands....

4th thought-form - "my both legs are heavy" - again - by saying the thought-forms to ourselves we "pacify" our fast talking mind :-) - repeating the same thing...

by the way... the simplest block against "telepaths" and the second level influence from other "persons" is repeating of some phrase to oneself (one can notice that in the head there is the second chattering area). the mind seems to be busy doing something - repeating thought forms - and you see that it's thinking, talking and reasoning :-) we can put it to rest with the Void - training the Stillness of the mind - in the same way I described earlier...

it is the same as with the arms - after slowly repeating the thought form 6 times, we listen to ourselves - which leg feels heavier - that's where we start ... for example the right leg

say the fifth thoughtform - my right leg is heavy - pause - my right leg is heavy....

concentrate on the tips of the toes - they are small in size - just concentrate on the toe as it becomes heavy - just left to right and back and run the feeling through the toes of the right foot...

then transfer the weight to the foot to the heel and back to the toes (repeat several times), then a wave of heaviness - again - help yourself by looking through the closed eyelids into the points of concentration - along the calf muscle to the knee socket - then along the thigh and ending with the buttocks - all these body parts you should physically feel - by focusing on them - " pour" the feeling of gravity - and in reverse - the gravity from the buttocks (pelvis) transfer to the fingertips - and back - in general, the legs are faster than the arms (larger areas - easier to feel)

-- after relaxing right foot, move to left foot...


6th thought-form - My left foot is heavy - from toes down the foot and so on to buttocks and back -we"fill" thesecond foot with weight - usually the first foot does not have time to get out of weight - butstill - by reciting the 4th thought-form - My both feet are heavy - we make both feet feel equally heavy


When thoughts creep into your head, you just need to methodically bring your attention back to what you need; there is nothing but commonplace practice to help. And sometimes, as a result of passive concentration on sensations, when these very sensesremain the main thing that the mind has in its field ofattention, thenit starts to itch here and prick there... and it is practically impossible to concentrate further))). In suchcases it is advised to switch concentration to the disturbing sensation and not to let go until it disappears, but also not to do anything actively.

Yeah,that kind of thing can happen... and scratchor sneeze or something like that... It is undesirable to move your arms and legs once they are relaxed...


So, legs heavy, a wave of heaviness with the mental gaze goes up the torso to the shoulders and back...

then start saying the following thoughtform - "my Body is heavy, pause, repeat"... feeling a heavy slab falling over the whole body from the top of the head, face, arms and legs :-) - a wave of heaviness envelopes the whole body, at this moment the eyes may start to see flashes of colour, sometimes like a purple bonfire (tongues of flame under the lower eyelids) - sometimes a bright white light - as if they were shining a torch in the closed eyes... cheekbones may feel tense - point of gravity may be concentrated on the tip of the nose... in general there may be some unpleasant tingling - but this will soon go away....

===this stage - let's call it waves of body gravity - should last for at least 25-30 minutes - slowly but surely one should not hurry - but slowly one should have the feeling of heaviness in the whole body...


the next step repeats the first one - only instead of feeling heaviness, you need to induce a feeling of warmth - a clear physical sensation of temperature increase on the concentrated areas

hands - palms - forearms - shoulders - other arms - legs - feet - shins - thighs - other legs - total body heat... for about 20 more minutes.....

so - as a result of it the feeling of a body as though will disappear :-) it will be perceived as an amorphous figurative cloud :-) on the contour of its physical body - well as at numbness of hands only without unpleasant tingling :-) on the contrary - the state will be relaxed - easy - and here is a high probability to fall asleep (it is certainly not terrible - one hour of sleep in such state will replace a good night rest :-) the body will perfectly rest )



When relaxing the body - especially if the room is quiet - you may notice a soft "noise" - like whistling :-) - A hissing noise, like a radio - well, a soft sound of blood flowing through blood vessels in the ears :-) - i call it noise....- concentrating on the murmur will be how we get out of the body...

so - body is relaxed - almost does not feel - state of bald ease - even talkative mind is under control - consciously saying the thought-forms during 50 minutes of relaxation - has calmed it down and even if thoughts of distraction appear then just sluggishly :-) reluctantly...

and we start to listen to this noise - concentrating our attention on the tip of our nose - (with closed eyes moving our gaze to it) - listening to the noise in our ears at this moment...

then it is necessary during a shallow inhalation - slightly tense the abdominal muscles - in the area of solar plexus - and hold the breath for a few seconds - having noticed that at this moment the noise becomes a little louder in one ear - fixating this level with attention, we continue breathing as usually - transferring all attention to that ear in which the noise is louder....

after half a minute (2 breaths of exhalation), let's increase the volume again by tensing in the solar plexus (not too much)... Trying to keep the reached level of "volume" of the noise at the maximumlevel, while breathing normally... and repeat this several times until the noise becomes four times louderthan the original...

Now it's time for the silence... if you know how to do it - you just need to shut your mind and wait... if you can't do it then just go to sleep..,

the assembly point is given the right direction anyway, and shifting it will have the desired effect :-) (that's kind of a Castaneda tip)

so you're silent or asleep - and the noise starts to intensify... and after a while it turns into a roar - reminiscent of the sound of a jet plane taking off - causing ejections in the whole body - then who is sleeping will wake up :-) the most important thing here do not twitch - do not panic - though, under these vibrations may come waves of fear (terror) like ... it is nothing terrible - your body becomes aware of the energy of your double - unfamiliar before - (then with time of practice - there will be no fear - get used to this transition) - you may notice that the vibrations and a hum increased to such an extent that you will at some moments feel that you are outside the position in which you lie - conventionally either higher or lower or a feeling of moving down - or to the feet - and here is where the ability to control the waves of gravity comes in handy- (option) so you start to rock your body under these vibrations -to - voila... the exit is complete :-)

at your first exits do not leave your room - get used to your body - learn different ways of moving - like - walking - a quick flight and momentary movement to a chosen point (for example from the corner of the room) - do not be afraid - like capturing your body - but do not get in contact with the entities until you master momentary movement and/or learn to perceive everything around not as objects, but as pure energy :-) (it can be practiced separately in the ordinary state, without any meditation).

for the first time - limit the exit to a few minutes - hop around :-) float in the air - you can wiggle your feet like in a standing pool - in general come to the new state and return to the body.

i used to do this - i flew over the physical one (by the way - you may notice that the bodywas outwardly sleeping, even snoring heavily :-) - took a lying position and together with the command "In the Body" sharply clenched my fists - after waking up quickly in the physical body - yes, the first time small emotional outbursts would lead to return (it is desirable to continue to keep the emptiness in the head - unemotionally perceiving everything surrounding you and everything that happens to you) - emotions can be allowed later - after returning or feeling the joy of free flight :-)

when you wake up - lick for a while without moving, to calm down after the exit - then stand up and do a little exercise - tense your biceps - make your fists - squat a few times - in general a little workout ... for sure ... :-)

and then.... then the whole world is in front of you - to explore the second attention :-)