Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 40

Arctik: alexander, what`s with the aura, the spaniards are playing and i have 2 balls on the pitch(

then we need a live person :-) someone from my relatives/friends

ask him to sit against a homogenous wall, even if sitting... and sway a little slowly from side to side

sit about 2 meters away from him -focus your eyes as if you are looking at a stereo picture - and look at the bridge of your nose - at the same time look at the periphery between your neck and shoulder - about 5-8cm above your shoulder...
look as if you are looking into the distance, into the wall...
after a while - a person is swaying - with a sideways or direct look (depending on how you look) - in the area between the neck and shoulder, you can notice a whitish solidity (like air melts over the eternal flame) or a yellowish fog - in general, the Air is thickening
look at this area - look at it - it is not very wide, about 4-6 cm wide...
OK :-) the first layer is seen - let's go on...
look at the border of the first layer - the person slowly sway - and after a while we see the second layer - it's more transparent than the first - but twice as wide...
then move our slightly unfocused gaze to the second layer, move it around - get used to it... you can blink - there is no need to strain your eyes...
then move your gaze to the border of the 2nd layer...
Then we see the 3rd and 4th layer in the same way... which are more transparent and wider than the first by a factor of two...
and here, it depends on whom - but usually after the 4th or 3rd layer - all the layers EXPLOSIVE COLOR :-) become dense, enveloping the whole person - shimmering like an iridescent film of soap bubble ...
here - that's enough for starters... practice and everything will come out - it is possible to reach the 7th layer - it surrounds a human being up to the distance of outstretched arms...
It is desirable to be in a state of Silence at the moment of Vision...

SZY - the first1-2-3 layers are seen by all people... even in a normal state - just do not pay attention to it... the 7th layer is not so easy to reach... you have to spend 40-50 minutes....

Nah, you can't go with relatives, they'll call the lunatic asylum.
Nah, you can't go with relatives, they'll call the lunatic asylum. the cat will go?
the cat and the others are in the next phase of training... people first... if you don't want to educate your relatives, don't do it... observe so ... from a distance ... :-)

some excerpts from KK's books....



The art of dreaming is the ability to master one's ordinary dream by transforming it into a controlled state of consciousness through a special form of attention called dream attention, or second attention.

"...Don Juan asserted that the world which we regard as unique and immutably absolute is but one of a multitude of parallel existing worlds, like the layers in an onion. He asserted that all these realms of otherworldliness are as real, unique and absolute as our world. And we have the ability to penetrate them to a certain extent, although we are energetically limited to perceiving only our world.

Don Juan explained to me that desire alone is not enough to learn to perceive other worlds - it is necessary to accumulate enough energy to "grasp" them. Other worlds exist constantly and independently of our awareness, but their inaccessibility to our perception is entirely due to our conditioning. In other words, it is solely because of this conditioning that we are forced to accept that our everyday world is the only possible world.

Don Juan believed that our energetic conditioning can be corrected. He claimed that in ancient times, sorcerers developed a system of practices designed to alter the energetic conditioning of our powers of perception. This set of practices is called the art of dreaming.

Now that time has passed and I look back on it, I realize that don Juan most accurately described the art of dreaming by calling it the "gateway to infinity". At the same time, I declared that this metaphor meant nothing to me.

- All right, let's not use metaphors," he conceded. - So, the art of dreaming is the way in which magicians use ordinary dreams..."
"...When a magician sees a human being," Don Juan continued, "he sees a vast luminous formation...

... In the course of the presentation of his teachings, Don Juan repeatedly repeated and clarified what he considered to be the decisive finding made by the magicians of antiquity. He called it the critical characteristic of the human being as a luminous ball, and described it as a circular spot of particularly intense luminosity the size of a tennis ball, permanently situated within the luminous ball flush with its surface, two feet behind the right scapular bone of the human body.

Because at first I had trouble seeing it all, Don Juan explained that the ball of light is much bigger than the human body and that the spot of intense luminosity is part of this ball of energy. It is at the level of the shoulder blades, at arm's length from the back of the person. Don Juan told me that after seeing how the spot worked, the ancient magicians called it the assemblage point.
So how does the assembly point work? - I asked.

- Ancient sorcerers saw that it is there, that our perception of human beings is assembled. Seeing that a similar spot of luminosity of increased intensity is possessed by every living being, the ancient magicians came to the conclusion that in general any perception, whatever it may be, is formed right there.

- What was it that the ancient magicians saw that led them to the conclusion that perception takes place at the assembly point? - I asked.

He answered that first they had seen that very few of the millions of luminous threads of the universe passed directly through the assembly point. That is not surprising, because the size of the assembly point is relatively small compared to the whole.

Secondly, they found that the assembly point is always surrounded by an additional light of spherical shape, slightly larger than it. This glow is greatly enhanced by the luminescence of the threads directly passing through it.

Finally they saw two more things. The first is that the assembly points of human beings can change their position. And two, when the assembly point was in its habitual position, human perception and awareness seemed normal, judging by the behavior of the subjects observed. When the assembly point and the radiance surrounding it were shifted from their usual position, the behavior of the observed subjects became strangely unusual, which seemed proof of a change in their awareness, as well as some transformation of their mode of perception.

The conclusion that the ancient magicians drew from these observations was that the more the assemblage point shifted from its usual position, the stranger the individual's behaviour became, which obviously followed from the strangeness of awareness and perception...".
"...The magicians regard dreaming as an exceptionally complex art," said Don Juan, "the art of deliberately shifting the assemblage point from its habitual position in order to broaden the range of perception and deepen its intensity.

And he said that the ancient visionary magicians based their art of dreaming on five characteristics of the energy flow of human beings. Firstly, the ancient magicians saw that those energy fibres which pass directly through the assembly point could be assembled into adequate perception.

Secondly, they saw that if the assembly point shifts to a new position, then, no matter how small its shift, new, previously uninvolved fibres begin to pass through it, thereby changing awareness, and new, previously uninvolved fields of energy are assembled into a stable coherent perception.

Thirdly, they saw that when one has ordinary dreams, the assembly point easily shifts to new positions along the surface of the luminous egg and into it.

Fourthly, they saw that it was possible to make the assembly point shift to positions outside the luminous egg, in the larger outer universe.

And fifthly, they saw that through appropriate discipline during ordinary sleep and contemplation of ordinary dreams, one can develop and systematically practice a purposeful shifting of the assembly point."
...Today we will discuss the most important issue of magic," Don Juan said suddenly, "and we will begin by talking about the energy body.

He has told me about the energy body countless times, saying that it is a conglomerate of energy fields, a mirror image of the conglomerate of energy fields that make up the physical body, visible as the flow of energy in the universe.

He said it is smaller, more compact and appears denser than the luminous sphere of the physical body.

Don Juan explained that the body and the energy body are two conglomerates of energy fields that are compressed together by some kind of unusual binding force. He emphasized in every way that the force uniting these clusters of energy fields was, according to the discoveries of the magicians of ancient Mexico, the most mysterious force in the universe. His own view was that it was the very essence of the cosmos, the sum of all that was in it.

He argued that the physical and energetic bodies were the only complementary energetic configurations in the realm of human existence. Thus, he recognised no other dualism than that which takes place between the two. The contradictions between the body and mind, the spiritual and the physical, he believed to be merely a play on the imagination, having no energetic basis whatsoever.

Don Juan said that through discipline one can bring the energetic body closer to the physical body. Their distance, in general, is an abnormal state of affairs. Since the energy body stays within some framework that is individual to each of us, anyone can use discipline to turn it into an exact copy of their physical body, that is, into a three-dimensional, dense structure. Hence the magicians' idea of the other, or doppelganger. Furthermore, through the same process of discipline, anyone is able to transform their three-dimensional, dense physical body into an exact copy of their energy body - that is, into an etheric energy charge, invisible to the human eye, like any energy.
According to the definition of Don Juan Matus, dreaming is the use of ordinary dreams to bring human awareness into other areas of perception. He believed that ordinary dreams can be used as a trapdoor through which perception will enter other energetic realms. Energetically these realms are totally different from the world of everyday life, but in essence they are very similar to it. As a result of this entry one begins to perceive a different world, which is just as "real" as ours, and in which it is just as possible to live and die. This new world, while strikingly different, is still remarkably similar to the world we are used to.

When I asked Don Juan for a reasonable explanation of this paradox, he repeated the magicians' usual explanation to me: the answers to all questions are to be found in practice and not in intellectual speculation. We can only talk about the subject using the vocabulary of our own language. But no matter what language we speak, its lexical potential automatically sets limits when describing any experiences or phenomena, because any words reflect only those possibilities of perception that relate to the everyday world.
The art of dreaming, according to Don Juan, arose from an almost accidental discovery of magicians in ancient Mexico. When they saw a person asleep, they noticed that their assembly point changed its location very easily and naturally, shifting arbitrarily from its normal position to any point on the periphery of the luminous sphere or within it. By comparing what was revealed to them through the vision with the stories of people they saw in their dreams, the magicians concluded: the more the assemblage point shifted during sleep, the more astonishing the dreamer's stories about the events and experiences that occurred during the dream.

As the magicians unraveled the meaning of what they were seeing, they began relentlessly pursuing ways to shift their own assemblies. They quickly abandoned the use of psychotropic plants for this purpose, as they realised that the assembly point shifts achieved by doing so were unstable and completely unmanageable. Although their experiments with psychotropic plants ended in failure, they led the magicians to the discovery of an extremely important phenomenon which they called dream attention.