[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 396

That's just the euro/dollar being held like that. How is that possible? The euro/yen, dollar/yen, dollar/franc pairs have moved sharply and the euro/dollar has pretty much stayed put. Explain please.

We can see that the dollar is weaker than the yen, the franc and other currencies. Accordingly, the franc is stronger than the yen and the other currencies... For EUR/USD and GBP/USD, the forces are almost equal :-)

Additionally: According to Mixon777's version , another "hamster train" dump :-)


What is the basis of the TS? I can't find a good TS for pipsing.

Playing with lots.....trend fillings.... energy points (only for me it's the moment when you have to turn over)...and you always have to be ready for anything...I can't describe it in a nutshell....Study, study, study... the market often changes ... )))
Aren't you a hired goat? Judging by your personal info from New York.......You talk like an american with dignity..... Are you setting up a revolution or is the branch too profitable and you want to break it up? Then you're an ANALTIC hamster.)))

Thanks, I've already posted on another forum. YYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Strauss-Kahn's dumping and the lack of a gold reserve in the US

Strauss-Kahn "became increasingly concerned" after the US stalled the shipment - in accordance with existing agreements - of 191.3 tonnes of gold to the Navy for use as an alternative to reserve currencies.

While in the US, Strauss-Kahn received confirmation from CIA officials that the gold reserve had disappeared. He tried to leave America as soon as possible. French intelligence agents warned him that the Americans were ready to seize him at JFK airport in New York. On their advice, he got rid of his mobile phone so that his location could not be determined.

On his return, Strauss-Kahn shared the information with his old friend Omar, a leading Egyptian banker. He was immediately confronted with the same accusation - a sex crime against a hotel maid. The accusation is even more ludicrous because Omar is 74 years old and a devout Muslim.

Doubts about the existence of gold in Fort Knox have been raised before. Congressman Ron Paul, for example, has accused the government of hiding the truth about the gold and insisted on an official audit of the gold reserve. The Obama administration has, however, prevented this.

In October 2009, a shipment of gold bullion (5,600 bars of 400 ounces (ounce=11.3 kg) each) arrived from the US to China as a settlement of the trade deficit balance. The Chinese comrades insisted on an examination. It turned out that under the guise of gold bars, tungsten bars had been brought in with a layer of gold applied to the surface.

As the author of the material rightly points out, "a terrible economic collapse" may happen sooner than we think.

Taken from here.

It also says about the end of 2012.... and about Goldman Sachs.... And Demura is an interesting guy..... Whose side is he on though? ....


Strauss-Kahn's dump and the lack of a gold reserve in the US

> Probably another journalistic "duck" :-)

* You need to know the source and the credibility...

* The news is just an excuse to chase currency pairs within the BOTTOM and MEDIUM trends.
A strong/weak/reverse movement on the news is not due to the figures of the published news... but to the "accidental" coincidence / mismatch of the current technical analysis with the vector of the released news.(Masterforex-V)

I still can't figure you out...I won't study Ghana)).... I'll be a hamster or a sheep..... There are more of us...)) you don't post predictions... you talk like a girl who has not been ridden... you keep trying to get into my brain...why would you want to do that??? SAVIOR... Read the name of the thread and go to your own thread ..... smart guy or idiot....
and you keep your scribbles, don't erase them! (maybe you are a Van Gogh) in the future they will look and ah!!!
How can the market go against you if you guessed the direction? Yesterday the eur/usd fell 200 pips. Does it mean that if some trader in the middle of this move invested 200000$, the market would go up? What are you talking nonsense?
Yes! it would - the trend would reverse, you can try.... (if you guess correctly, calculate, build a head and shoulders - mid-trade and go in for 100 pips (...and thousands of hamsters along with you)) - The trend will reverse. On the link to the article - a smart article, two questions remain - where does the price go? and why? (if not for your thousand quid). I fully support mihon's position on trading, goals - it just makes my eyes glaze over (he's fed up with rainbows).
On Friday, I gather, it's already fashionable to talk about how much dough you need to invest to turn the market around =)))