[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 389


Now groping the pair on BUY and SELL - Will do the perfect tehanalysis to get the crowd on the train again - and then dump it -

There are no coincidences in the world of big money - The most beautiful play is a well-planned one - keep in mind )

Zavi hamsters already in BAY....

Does it remind you of anything? (imho, I wouldn't jump to conclusions;)

^ It's a picture, but FireFox doesn't display it, you have to click...


And it's the fucking Painter's fault again )))

Boring on the fence, but something I don't feel like getting into that meat grinder today...

They've accustomed us to the figures they've been working out lately, and now the figures are showing up and breaking. Now they might break another figure

Zavi hamsters already in BAY....

Every, time - I am amazed at how the market "bails" everyone out - it does it very nicely - you believe that all the cards are on your side - but then what - example EUR JPY - for today everyone has been dumped)

After that I think about the shepherd and his sheep - time comes, he grazes them, they eat grass, have fun - the shepherd protects the flock from wolves and other evil things - but time comes - and the sheep are slaughtered for meat, pelts and other goods - what does the shepherd do this for? Of course he does it for his own profit.) Just imagine that we are all sheep in their field, the time comes and our deposits .............................

They accustomed us to the figures, which were working out lately, and now the figures appear and break. Now they may break another pattern

Each figure has an antipode, you need to be able to test and have patience.

The nature of the moves is changing, someone has already noticed that recently the Euro has been moving without pullbacks (they are there, but short, they are visible only on five minutes).

Sunday evening get in touch let's see what kind of game is planned for next week :-)


Each figure has an antipode, one should be able to test it and have patience.

The character of the moves changes, someone here already noticed that lately euro is moving without pullbacks (they are there, but short, they are visible only on five-minute timeframes).

On Sunday night, get in touch and we will think what game is planned for the next week :-)

I am not talking about small TFs...

I won't be in until late Sunday evening...


Each figure has an antipode, one should be able to test it and have patience.

The character of the moves is changing, someone here already noticed that recently the euro has been moving without pullbacks (they are there, but short, they are visible only at five-minute periods).

Come back on Sunday night and let's see what kind of game we are up to next week :-)

We just wait till the hamster train appears again and then we act ........ )

For the euro I had 2 -3 days on the fence - then I said, that there should be a pullback from the level of 50 points and then you know what happened )

Here is a perfect deal - I sold from the level - brilliant

On euro the dollar already has an adventure - in the form of a mini forehead)


We are just waiting for the hamster train to arrive again and then ........ )

As for the EUR, I had been on the fence for 2 - 3 days - then I said that there should be a pullback from the level of 50 pips and then you know what happened )

Here is a perfect deal - I sold from the level - great

Read this http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1103290/post21084577/ and see what you can learn.

Every, time - I am amazed at how the market "bails" everyone out - it does it very nicely - you believe that all the cards are on your side - but then what - example EUR JPY - for today everyone has been dumped)

After that I think about the shepherd and his sheep - time comes, he grazes them, they eat grass, have fun - the shepherd protects the flock from wolves and other evil things - but time comes - and the sheep are slaughtered for meat, pelts and other goods - what does the shepherd do that for? Of course he does it for his profit.) Just imagine that we are all sheep in their field, the time comes and our deposits .............................

I still can't figure you out...I won't study Ghana)).... I will be a hamster or a sheep.....)) but there are more of us )))) you don't post predictions... you rant like a girl who has not been ridden... you keep trying to get in the brain...why would you want to do that??? SAVIOR... read the name of the thread and go back to your own thread..... smart guy or idiot....
Evgen157: .....There are more of us )))
Well, most of us do...