Can it be? - page 7



Come on Sergei, organise a good attendance

We don't need more than one niroba here.

Yeah. Schoolboys are coming. :)


Hello Sergey.

Thank you for your invitation to actively communicate on the forum.
I will willingly communicate with anyone who wishes and will tell (as much as I can
in detail) about the essence and methods of "Golden Formula" and training.

Regarding your proposal.

The conditions you propose are "one-sided", i.e. you will get unique knowledge from the very beginning
and my side will not have "pluses".
I am ready to meet you halfway, only offer really sensible
offer, where both "mutual" benefits and "mutual"
protection will be taken into account. Maybe everyone who supports you on this forum will also
get involved in the process of finding "such" form of cooperation.
Once we find this form of cooperation, many traders
will be able to learn about the "Golden Formula" and the
element of "honesty" between the two sides will remain.

I will register and open a new forum thread on Thursday, June 24, 2010,at 19:00
Moscow time.
I will devote about 2 hours to communication.

If you want more traders to learn about "Golden
formulas" from the Initial Source and get maximum useful information,
organize a good attendance by that time.
I understand that you and other traders have many
questions about my trading methods. You will get answers to them.


Actually, any of you can contact me directly via Skype:
diamond-2009 and talk to me "live", without making
any "public" statements. Anyone who writes to me and wants
more information, gets my Skype for contact.
But, if it's easier for you, "public" communication in "live", I will gladly
talk about the essence and methods of the "Golden Formula" and training.

All the best to you. See you at the forum on Thursday 24.06.2010.
Sincerely A. Vojtovich.

We will wait impatiently, counting the hours and minutes left

We have been eager to learn about the "Golden formulas" and we have a lot of questions to the source, you can't even imagine.


Let's look forward to counting the hours and minutes left

We have wanted to know about the Golden Formula for so long and have so many questions to the original source, you can't imagine

I wonder if there will be an elephant's handout. :)

Sergei, we should probably prepare, distribute duties among the forum members, open a branch beforehand, warm it up, play films, decorate the first page with flags.

What do you think?


Sergei, we should probably prepare, distribute duties among the forum members, open a branch beforehand, warm it up, play films, decorate the first page with flags.

What do you think?

Then alphabet for deaf-mutes, charity cards, enamel bibs and a poster with a portrait of Bender himself in a turban. The poster read:

Приехал Жрец

(Знаменитый бомбейский брамин-йог) сын Крепыша

Любимец Рабиндраната Тагора ИОКАНААН МАРУСИДЗЕ

(Заслуженный артист союзных республик) Номера по опыту Шерлока Холмса. Индийский факир. Курочка невидимка. Свечи с Атлантиды. Адская палатка. Пророк Самуил отвечает на вопросы публики. Материализация духов и раздача слонов. Входные билеты от 50 к. до 2 р.

A dirty, hand-gripped turban appeared following the poster.

- 'This is an amusement I very rarely use,' said Ostap. - Imagine that the priest is most caught by such advanced people as the superintendents of railway clubs. The job is easy but disgusting. I personally detest being the favourite of Rabindranath Tagore. And the prophet Samuel gets asked the same questions: "Why is there no animal oil on the market? " or "Are you Jewish? "

Eventually Ostap found what he was looking for: a tin lacquer box with honey paints in porcelain tubs and two brushes.

- The car that goes at the head of the run should be decorated with at least one slogan," said Ostap.
And on a long strip of yellowish calico taken out of the same valise he printed in brown letters


Sergei, don't be silent, 51 hours and 28 minutes to go

Seryoga's gone, he's probably gone to write a welcoming speech.

I think Sveta will be in charge of the kitchen, bread and salt,


Seryoga's gone, he's probably gone to write a welcoming speech.

I think Sveta will be in charge of the kitchen, bread and salt,

put a bottle in the freezer...

Seryoga's gone, he's probably gone to write a welcoming speech.

I think Sveta will be in charge of the kitchen, bread and salt,

No problem. We'll see you off in the best way. You'll never know! :)

Response from Mr Wojtowicz sent to my email:


I will register on the forum and open a New Branch on Thursday, June 24, 2010, at 19:00
Moscow time.
I will devote about 2 hours of my time to communication.

I'm glad I don't have to go to Yalta for that :))