Can it be? - page 11


Why go to so much trouble, creating branches, giving interviews?

Publication of monitoring either an investment password or a link to a PAMM. And all questions will immediately become answers.

Cheap and serene.

Yura, don't be cheap and sour

You know, Alexey, there are some people who will never become real traders. Not because they don't have their own system or are not smart enough, but because they are not disciplined.

And there is another type of people - people who have been "put into a financial dump", figuratively speaking, who sit and study from morning till night and give their all in order to get out of this "financial dump".

Alexander Elder once ran away from the Union, Alexander Gerchik used to clean up the shit after the dogs of rich owners in the US. They were successful because they had motivation and strict self-discipline.

The flubbing on this forum by some members shows that their discipline is completely lacking. If I were them, I would seriously think about it, otherwise, they have only one future - to work for their uncles for the rest of their lives.

The first question from you to the professor is whether he wants to clean up after other people's dogs first

We need to get our guest into a master class. A more serious one. Since "the formulas are golden", we need mathematicians, jewellers (3D-ers, if possible), and professional mourners and extras.

You know, Alexey, there are some people who will never become real traders. Not because they don't have their own system or are not smart enough, but because they are not disciplined.

And there is another type of people - people who have been "put into a financial dump", figuratively speaking, who sit and study from morning till night and give their all in order to get out of this "financial dump".

Alexander Elder once ran away from the Union, Alexander Gerchik used to clean up the shit after the dogs of rich owners in the US. They were successful because they had motivation and strict self-discipline.

The flubbing on this forum by some of the participants shows that their discipline is completely lacking. I would seriously think about it if I were them, otherwise, they have only one future - to work the rest of their lives for their uncles.

You've got a big mouth, you'd think you'd have a point with every post... I remember my mum telling me when I came home from uni under the influence that I was going to end up a drunken grandfather in a nursing home.

Why go to so much trouble

And talk.

You know, Alexey, there are some people who will never become real traders. Not because they don't have their own system or are not smart enough, but because they are not disciplined.

And there is another type of people - people who have been "put into a financial dump", figuratively speaking, who sit and study from morning till night and give their all in order to get out of this "financial dump".

Alexander Elder once ran away from the Union, Alexander Gerchik used to clean up the shit after the dogs of rich owners in the US. They were successful because they had motivation and strict self-discipline.

The flooding on this forum by some of the participants shows that their discipline is completely lacking. I would seriously think about it if I were them, otherwise, they have only one future - to work the rest of their lives for their uncles.

Sergei, if you are offended, I apologise

But you won't lose anything if the professor doesn't come, you must be a kind but naive person.

You apologize in vain to Vojtovich for reprinting the letter on the forum, it was originally written not for you but for the forum in the hope of reprinting

In the first part of the letter you are frankly told to fuck off, because you did not ask where to transfer the thing

Your offer is not interested, because Voinovich will not get a penny, whatever guarantees you may have exchanged, because you can not make money on this shit, you can only sell it.

But look at the forum and the number of your posts, he only had to slightly intrigue to get the largest possible audience for free.

I don't know what he will post, if he does, but it will have one characteristic feature of empty systems - it cannot be formalised, neither for finding an entry point nor for finding an exit point

The letter itself is a classic example of "the donkey for the carrot".


No bullshit, you asked for a report for the previous period, you were not given one.

PAMM (Alpari) is not a cat, at least there is data there that can be analyzed to form an opinion from the cp

Let's wait for Thursday, I will be like a fish


Prepayment is stupid, it doesn't guarantee anything.

No, it isn't... it's what guarantees... the author getting the money!

That's all there is to it. That's the only goal.

What kind of interaction is there if it's a cat in a poke? Until you buy it, you won't know what the product is.

In general, I tell you, the situation is idiotic)))) The author could have had such a "win-win" system, he could have sold it quite simply, trading signals and increasing the depot of traders to the required extent. Then these "interested people" would bring him this lucky money to possess this wonderful system forever!

Is it a good method? Is it reciprocal? Guaranteed? As a matter of fact, yes.

But it does not offer that. More rational and trustworthy to the author is the classic cat-in-a-bag version with elephants in the bag and a sky in diamonds....

Guess why.


I proceed from the fact that it is unlikely that a person would disgrace his name and surname, if they are real of course, if he did not possess something.

I recommend Academician Vyacheslav Yuryevich Teplyshev

However what is your diagnosis colleague ?


Well, why not...! she is the one who guarantees... the author getting paid!

And that's all there is to it. That's the only goal.

What kind of interaction is there if it's a cat in a poke? Until you buy it, you won't know what the product is.

In general, I tell you, the situation is idiotic)))) The author could have had such a "win-win" system, he could have sold it quite simply, trading signals and increasing the depot of traders to the required extent. Then these "interested people" would bring him this lucky money to possess this wonderful system forever!

Is it a good method? Is it reciprocal? Guaranteed? As a matter of fact, yes.

But it doesn't offer that. More rational and trustworthy to the author is the classic cat-in-a-bag version with elephants in the bag and a sky in diamonds....

Guess why.

There are no signals there. Lock some multilot ones.....