Can it be? - page 13


From the author's website

" There is a myth that successful trading takes a very long time (years) to learn. All these statements are 'nonsense' created by the traders themselves to boost their own sense of importance."

"Just imagine:
- that everything you've been taught over the years and everything you know about forex is unnecessary for successful trading at all!!!
- that you can learn to trade profitably in a couple of hours, and it's Guaranteed Profit, not "presumptive"!!! "

" The "golden formulas" are so simple that even a 3rd grader will start trading profitably after 3 days of learning!!!"

4 hours and 31 minutes to go

a loud bang is coming!

4 hours and 31 minutes to go

To the beginning of what?

Don't feel like rereading the thread


Благодарю за ваше приглашение активно пообщаться на форуме.
Я охотно пообщаюсь со всеми, кто пожелает и расскажу (насколько смогу
подробнее) о сути и методах "Золотых формул" и обучения.

На форуме я зарегистрируюсь и открою Новую ветку в четверг, 24 июня 2010г., в 19:00 по
Московскому времени.
Я посвящу общению около 2-х часов времени.

COOL!!! Everybody ready?

КРУТО!!! Все готовы?

In impatience.
Are you sure he won't forget? Can I remind you?


From the author's website

"Think and realise the revolutionary nature of these systems of commerce.

" In all these comparisons, the ancient man does not even stand beside it, as he has no idea of all this. To him it is Magic, a Miracle or a Gift from on high."

"By and large, all traders' arguments are nothing more than - 'illusion', 'mind games', 'self-motivation', 'exaggerated conceit'."

"This book will blow your mind about forex trading. You will get rid of all the rubbish that purposely clogs (you can read 'crams') the brains of traders and investors."

TIME TO START 3 h 46 min.

"Warning! Everyone who learns the trading methods outlined in Vojtovich's book will never look at trading the "old-fashioned" way again. Therefore this book is dangerous to your thinking! I have warned you. "

Wojtowicz Andrey


Men, this is serious business, get it together...

At 19:00 the author will start telling secrets... There's a lot of smart people here, so somewhere at 19:15 we'll be able to start tearing up forex like a dog...

So let's get our heads in the game and coordinate...

What currency should we drop? What currency should we raise?

Who's going to call Bernake? And in general - should we let it be a surprise?

speak up


Sergey, please do not forget to remind your guest to follow the rules of the forum

Links to commercial resources are only allowed in the profile, etc.


Who is going to call Bernake? And in general, should we let him know? Maybe we should let it be a surprise?

speak up

I think we should give a warning first, ask for Alaska back, and if they don't give it back in three days, let them turn on the printing press