Can it be? - page 33

"Intelligence is a constant and the number of people on earth is growing" (c) can't remember who
Michael. Let's keep the humour down.
Richie, and let's not give a toss, really.

All the systems that can be found for free, especially those that are on sale (there is no credibility in this stuff),

they're not worth a damn. Believe me, I've been all over the Internet. Now I'm just sitting here writing an EA for myself from scratch,

I'm just sitting here writing an EA for myself from scratch, remembering MQLs as I go.




Shall we invite the next master to visit?

To tear down the branch again? :)

What makes you think McDuck23 works on the lok? I seem to know him, why, because the number 23 is confusing in his nickname. And that Makdak worked on a breakdown of the morning flat without a lock, the calculations were crazy there, Excel is not pulling ...

I don't know how he worked there (766.49% loss), but I don't see any other explanation. I don't know how he lost 7.5 times more than his account. If you can explain how this is possible without a loc. i would appreciate it.

To tear down the branch again? :)

In my opinion, Ritchie, I have to give him credit for getting creative... That's his and his alone credit. Everyone, without exception, was drawn into the process, it was interesting, unusual, educational. The movement was dizzying. I do not see anything wrong in involving the following guests. What do you think?
sever30: Shall we invite the next master to visit?

Let's invite Elder. And "tear him apart like a dog's ear" because he doesn't have a station :) No, personally, I've had enough of it. I'd rather communicate with professional traders by e-mail.