Does the Grail exist? - page 108

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Can you claim that there is a mathematical formula that describes all the laws of forex?

Why do you need all of them? It is enough to find one. And use it until it disappears.

IgorM >>:

а основное, то которое на графике D1 :)

And if there's a flat, what do you do? :)

Mathemat писал(а) >>

You know the difference between statistics as understood by a housewife and matstatistics. And why are you being such an eccentric?

The overwhelming number of "traders" (in inverted commas) who use the words MO, variance, etc. are waiting for "three sigmas". And what name "Pseudoscience" or "Back" is not important for them anymore. It seems not correct to call them housewives either.
One cannot go to all places in the same way with diffusers, Cauchy and other "DO's" studied by them.

Someone who has studied the subject from before and after?

ZS. Nevertheless, the provocateur is wrong ;)
Andrei01 писал(а) >>

And if there's a flat, what do you do? :)

>> drink beer.

paukas >>:

А зачем вам все? Достаточно найти одну. И поользоваться пока не исчезнет.

Regularity cannot disappear. :)) Otherwise it's an accident, not a pattern. :))

Mischek >>:

Это было в одной крупной дилерской фирме, торгующей автомобилями
Девочка тупо в экселе прикинула заказ на следующий год, а на следующий год случился кризис
Uh-huh. It happened. It's just a common thing. In blondes.))
I hope I'm understood correctly that I don't mean hair colour?
"There's sawdust in my head - yes, yes, yes!
Because I'm blonde - boo-ha-ha!"
paukas >>:

А зачем вам все? Достаточно найти одну. И поользоваться пока не исчезнет.

Imagine that there is a pattern in currency behaviour that will NEVER go away - can you benefit from it?

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Regularity cannot disappear. :)) Otherwise it's an accident, not a pattern. :))

That's what it looks like to you.

Andrei01 >>:

А если там флет, то что делать? :)

flat? did you look hard and on which currency? (the EURCHF and EURGBP example does not work!)
I am 100% sure that the bulk of the so-called traders will not be able to explain what lies behind the calculation of even the most common indicators. And how can you use something successfully if you don't know what the indicator is supposed to show.