Does the Grail exist? - page 104

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Can robots have discipline? :))

The goal of any strategy is to maximize equity within a certain period of time, and the drawdown and everything else is irrelevant. It's obvious.

That's what I'm saying. It's not about discipline.
You work and work hard to gain at least a couple of pips from the market, and then you get "a lot of profitable strategies, it's all about discipline" - that's it :)

paukas >>:

Дисциплина лишь оправдание при отсутствии прибыльной стратегии. При её наличии никаких проблем с "дисциплиной" нет.

That's what I mean. :)


By the way, I noticed an interesting thing - Forex likes to poke all kinds of man-made idols in the mud.

For example, take mathematics - it seems to be an exact science and should ideally help to create a grail, but the result is zero, including all sorts of nesting in the form of neural networks and anything else.

The reason is simple - mathematics is far from reality and practice... After all, how do ordinary "square-headed" mathematicians think? It is necessary to come up with a huge three-storey formula that includes all possible variations of reality, and that's it ... Well and that then this thing appears unrealizable within the limits of finite computing resources and time - it unfortunately seldom comes to them for sacred in mathematics - beauty and brevity of formulae on a paper - cannot be broken in any way for it is sacrilege in relation to what is sacred and fanatically instilled to future mathematicians from university chairs. :))

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

By the way, it is interesting that forex likes to poke all kinds of man-made idols in the mud.

For example, take mathematics - it seems to be an exact science and should ideally help to create a grail, but the result is zero, including all sorts of nesting in the form of neural networks and anything else.

The reason is simple - mathematics is far from reality and practice... After all, how do ordinary "square-headed" mathematicians think? It is necessary to come up with a huge three-storey formula that includes all possible variations of reality, and that's it ... But what this thing turns out to be unrealizable within finite computing resources and time - it unfortunately seldom comes to them for sacred in mathematics - beauty of formula on paper - cannot be broken in any way for it is sacrilege in relation to what future mathematicians are saintly and fanatically suggested from university faculties. :))

A hell of a burnout... )))))
Andrei01 писал(а) >>

By the way, I noticed an interesting thing - forex likes to poke all kinds of man-made idols in the mud.

For example, take mathematics - it seems to be an exact science and should ideally help to create a grail, but the result is zero, including all sorts of nesting in the form of neural networks and anything else.

The reason is simple - mathematics is far from reality and practice... After all, how do ordinary "square-headed" mathematicians think? It is necessary to come up with a huge three-storey formula that includes all possible variations of reality, and that's it ... Well and that then this thing appears unrealizable within the limits of finite computing resources and time - it unfortunately seldom comes to them for sacred in mathematics - beauty and brevity of formulae on a paper - cannot be broken in any way for it is sacrilege in relation to what is sacred and fanatically instilled to future mathematicians from university chairs. :))

Is your grass from last year?

PapaYozh >>:

У Вас трава прошлогодняя?

Sorry - nothing personal... just thinking out loud... I respect mathematics as an academic science and if it is used wisely and in moderation, it is quite useful... There's just one little problem: they don't teach how to use it in practice... because it's a political and religious issue... That's why poor mathematicians with forex... They walk around with hungry eyes, clicking their teeth and mouths shut, not knowing which way to go... :))

Andrei01 >>:

Кстати заметил интересную вещь - Форекс любит тыкать мордой в грязь всяких рукотворных идолов.

Вот возьмём например математику - вроде наука точная и судя по всему идеально должна помочь создать грааль, но результат нулевой, включая всевозможные притяжки зауши в виде нейронных сетей и воопще чего угодно.

Andi, you obviously don't like or understand mathematics: I've already seen your attacks on it. Mathematics is not "sort of", it is a perfectly accurate science. The problem is the interpretation of the results, which is already outside mathematics. And the "zero result" is yours.

Nerve grids are only one application of mathematics. You can do without the three-storey formulas - the main thing is that the statistics allow you to draw reliable conclusions about the statistical advantage. And only mathematics can do that.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Andi, you obviously don't like or understand mathematics: I've already seen your attacks on it. Mathematics is not "sort of", it is a perfectly accurate science. The problem is the interpretation of the results, which is already outside mathematics. And the "zero result" is yours.

Nerve grids are only one application of mathematics. You can do without the three-storey formulas - the main thing is that the statistics allow you to draw reliable conclusions about the statistical advantage. And only mathematics can do that.

There's a neural network in your head, for example, that's very powerful. And who gets to use it and who doesn't. :)

Mathemat >>:

главное, чтобы статистика позволила сделать достоверные выводы о статпреимуществе.

Statistics is maths? I completely disagree, thanks to statistics, Mathemat and I live at the level of European citizens, while I, in the Russian hinterland, against anyone with a Moscow registration (for example), must be living in such a shithole. - These are statistics?
the same statistics say that 95% of traders lose, and only 5% earn, but the same statistics do not say how much of their investment these 5% earn - it is likely that stably earn only 10% of the investment, that is for every 10k they risk only 100$ - it's also statistics
statistics is a parody of mathematics - you can play with statistics, but you can never play with pure mathematical logic
IgorM писал(а) >>

...and I, in the Russian hinterland, against anyone with a Moscow registration (for example), must be living in such a shithole... - is that a statistic? ....

We should complain to The Hague Tribunal and Medvedev's blog ! :))))