Does the Grail exist? - page 112

paukas писал(а) >>

So? :))))

And Sho... and if there's someone else besides Martin... then no sho.
paukas писал(а) >>

So? :))))

>> That's it! Enough flubbing! The pattern is revealed, let's go for the profits!

PapaYozh писал(а) >>


Here's a joke.

"Siamo comes home from school and tells his parents:
- "Mum, dad, we've got a maths problem to solve!

He goes to his room and half an hour later comes out with the problem:
- "The goose weighs 15 kilos and the pig weighs 100 kilos."

- Shyomochka, the problem must have not only a condition, but also a question!

Shyoma leaves again, returns half an hour later:
- "The goose weighs 15 kilos and the pig weighs 100 kilos. So?!"

leman писал(а) >>
I am 100% sure that the bulk of the so-called traders will not be able to explain what lies behind the calculation of even the most common indicators. And how can you use something successfully if you don't know what the indicator is supposed to show.

You are too far out of line here :)
Now I made a special "poll" concerning those lines that are displayed on everyone's monitor. Nobody knew the formulas! They could describe in general (sometimes in very general terms) what each of the indicators shows (one of them even tried to explain the "mundane level" of stochastics - he failed). And at the same time very successful "so-called traders" took part in the "survey".
I myself do not know the physics or chemistry or mathematics of TV, however . I do not know about physics or chemistry or the mathematics of TV. However ... this "ignorance" does not prevent me from avoiding very unpleasant situations :).
ZS. You do not need to re-invent the wheel every time and study the design of each used bike. (Unless, of course, they are masterpieces from Codebase)
PapaYozh писал(а) >>

That's it! Enough flubbing! The pattern has been revealed, let's go get some profit!

That's where the mathematicians come in!
Mathemat >>:

Я говорил только о том, что не нужно заниматься словесной эквилибристикой и распространять собственные неуспехи с применением математики на все остальное. Вы слишком узко понимаете математику.

Mr. Mathemat, well, aren't you, excuse me, engaged in verbal equilibrium in response to my hypothesis, which is stated quite transparently and clearly so that there is no ambiguity in understanding? Not to mention the fact that it's not a very good trick on your part to make such unsubstantiated accusations against me.

Again, how exactly I understand ALL mathematics is difficult for you to judge, much less make such an unequivocal conclusion, at least until you thoroughly test me on the subject ... Unless, of course, you are a prophet from a distant mountain and see everything through a screen... :))

paukas писал(а) >>

There's a joke.

I was thinking of another joke - the honeymoon dialogue (on the previous page)

SergNF >>:

Гражданин :)
Вы против какого раздела математики дружите :)

Mathematics has no sections. :)) It either does or it doesn't. :))

leman >>:
Я на 100% уверен, что основная масса так называемых трейдеров не сможет объяснить, что лежит в основе расчета даже самых распространенных индикаторов.

Well, of course... Because most indicators are inherently unscientific, as they initially try to predict the future based on the past.

SergNF >>:

Тут Вы тоже перегибаете палку :)
Сейчас специально устроил "опрос" по поводу тех черточек, которые изображены у каждого на мониторе. Никто не знал формул! Могли в общих (иногда в очень общих) словах описать, что каждый из индикаторов показывает (один даже "на бытовом уровне" пытался рассказать про стохастик - не смог). И при этом в "опросе" участвовали очень даже успешные "так называемые трейдеры".
Я сам не знаю ни физики ни химии ни математики телеящика, тем не менее ... это "незнание" не мешает мне избегать очень уж неприятных ситуаций :)
ЗЫ. Не стоит каждый раз изобретать велосипед и изучать конструкцию каждого применяемого велосипеда. (Если это, конечно не шедевры из Codebase)

When you are shown what buttons to push, there is no question, they push them as shown and get paid for it, and there is no need to know what is actually going on. It's like "turtles" were.
And if a bicycle breaks down and needs to be repaired, you can't do without knowledge of the bicycle's construction.