Does the Grail exist? - page 105

Mathemat >>:

1. Andi, Вы, очевидно, не любите математику и не понимаете ее: я уже видел Ваши нападки на нее. Математика не "вроде", а абсолютно точная наука.

2. Проблема - в интерпретации реультатов, которая уже вне математики.

3. А "нулевой результат" - это у Вас.

4. Нервосетки - это только один вариант применения математики. Можно обойтись без трехэтажных формул -

5. главное, чтобы статистика позволила сделать достоверные выводы о статпреимуществе. И только математика на это способна.

1. 1. About respect to mathematics - I knew that someone would like to bite - I have already explained. Mathematics is far from being a cure-all. It's an obvious fact. Moreover, I do not see the sense of making an idol of mathematics for blind and fanatical adoration just because mathematics exactly proves that two times two is four.

2. Let's not lie - if we regard mathematics as an exact science then its interpretation must be equally exact. Otherwise, what is its accuracy if nobody can understand and interpret it correctly? That is what I am trying to say.

3. Let's not get into personalities - we reason in a purely scientific way. :)))

4. So why neural networks are not a concrete example of using mathematics by mathematicians with the result not much different from random coin flipping?

5. Well, I'm all for real statistics... but it doesn't really speak in favour of scientific mathematical methods for some reason... Do you know why?

Andrei01 >>:

Вы извините - ничего личного... так мысли вслух... Математику уважаю как академическую науку и если её использовать с умом и в меру, то это вещь вполне даже полезная... Только проблемка небольшая есть - как её использовать на практике нигде как раз таки и не учат... ибо это вопрос политический и религиозный... Вот и маются бедные математики с Форексом... ходют вокруг с голодным взглядом и только зубами и пастью щелкают, незная с какой стороны подойти... :))

Mathematics does not owe anyone anything
Mathematics is only a tool and how it will be mastered and subsequently applied is everyone's own problem.
A doctor, studying some blablogram of a patient, uses mathematics and draws the right conclusions, but it doesn't follow that the best mathematician automatically
becomes the best doctor.
"Monkey and glasses" you got it.
IgorM >>:
в статистика это пародия на математику - статистикой можно играть, а вот четкими математической логикой - никогда

You know the difference between statistics as understood by a housewife and matstatistics. And why are you being such an eccentric here?

Mischek >>:
Математика это только инструмент а как он будет освоен и впоследствии применен, это личная проблема каждого
Well, that's what I'm saying. :)) There are too many mathematicians who cannot use it and apply it in practice... Well, I've already stated my hypothesis as to why this is so... It seems that no counterarguments have been presented for consideration yet...
Andrei01 писал(а) >>
Well, that's what I'm saying. :)) There are just too many mathematicians who can't use it and apply it in practice...
name at least two....
Andrei01 >>:
Ну дык и я про то. :)) Просто уж слишком много развелось математиков, которые не могут её пользоваться и применять на практике... Ну а свою гипотезу почему это так я уже изложил... Вроде контраргументов пока не представлено к рассмотрению...

That's right! Screw maths. Obviously, it's useless. I.e. he who does not study it - well done, he does not waste his time and energy on silly things.
"Geography is a science for peddlers".

paukas >>:
назовите хотя бы двух....

name at least one who can :))

in this argument you are forgetting about mathematical logic, not 2+2 mathematics
Mathematical logic does not work at all in real life, and in real life mathematics is replaced with statistics, but statistics without clear rules, and these statistics are already called economics

for example, the golden rule of economics: "goods-money-goods", which does not work from the mathematical side at all, as a primitive example: in the current situation regarding the euro, mathematically in the second half of the year we should switch to mutual settlements in dollars, so as not to pay twice - and for the low value of the currency itself and for goods sold for dollars, while from the economic model it works fine
ZS: Sorry, this is a dumb example, but it comes to mind :)
timbo >>:

Правильно! Ну её, эту математику. Очевидно, что от неё никакой пользы.

Benefits are relative. :))

It is simply amazing that sometimes some people manage to achieve something without having a PhD in mathematics. That really is an insoluble paradox in life. :))

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

name at least one who can :))

Well, that would be immodest .... :)))