Does the Grail exist? - page 164

Tantrik >>:

А разве он делился своей системой?

The system - no!

I put out entry/exit levels.

And I didn't put stop losses.

Backspace >>:


Ну я про ваши ЗОО-наклонности вообще молчу!!!

У каждого свои недостатки! :)

If you mean my avatar, I have an animal tendency in about 50% of the world's population :)
Well, about the signals - did you get in on time or when you wanted to? Did he promise you a 100% entry or a target of 50k? By the way, last week I copied his trades too, just on the fly - in the terminal - turned on his investment profile - looked what was open on orders - and you know - I am soooooo pleased, because the last two trades I made orders on reckless MM - because I saw that he can do it, and I can spy on him :)

Backspace писал(а) >>

The system - no!

I put out entry/exit levels.

And I didn't put stop losses.

I watched his promotional pips... it seemed to trade ok there and there were mistakes and flips.... wasn't interested before that.
IgorM >>:

ну если Вы про аватару, то моими ЗОО-наклонностями стардают около 50% населения мира :)
ну а про сигналы - Вы вовремя вошли или когда вздумалось? Он обещал 100% входы или добиться цели в 50к? Между прочим я тоже, на последней недели покопировал его сделки, прям на ходу - в терминале - включил его инвест профиль - посмотрел, что там открыто по ордера - и Вы знаете - я очччччччеееееееееень доволен, т.к. последние две сделки я делал ордера на безрассудные ММ - т.к. увидел, что у него получается, а у меня получается подсматривать за ним :)

Well if animal lovers, as you claim, are about 50% of the world's population (how awful!), then there's nothing wrong with me pretending to be a man! (Just don't tell anyone!!! Shh-shh-shh.)

And you made it so easy for me to get 'clear'.

And by the signals I was entering according to the screenshot.

Backspace >>:

Ну если любителей животных, как вы утверждаете, около 50% населения мира (какой ужас!), то тогда ничего страшного нет в том, что я прикидываюсь мужчиной! (Только никому не говорите!!! Тс-с-с-с.)

И вы меня так легко вывели на "чистую воду".

А по сигналам я входил согласно скрину.

Well, if you continue demagogy - I really like cats, quite extraordinary animals, quite intelligent and willful, cunning and kind, ...

You did not get the right signal, so what... Have you tried other signals? By the way, if you find paid signals on the web, which are more than half true, you have found your Holy Grail! But I have not seen any good signals on the Internet yet - they are mainly guessing games for money.
If I had the chance I would not hesitate to pay him half of the profit in the hope that we would continue our collaboration.
IgorM >>:

тов. полный тезка :) мне вот интересно, а почему Вы так тщательно контролируете форум на предмет толковых мыслей как обуть ДЦ? :)

Are you with us now?

Iv... >>:

Вы сейчас с нами?

at times when I'm not busy :)
Backspace >>:
По системе FantasYGold очередной влёт.
Зашёл по уровням (брал с Alpari).
Стоп-лоссы не ставил.
Начальный дэпо 1 000 баксов.
Вход - 10% от депо.

До уровня профита не дошло, на дэмо сейчас -86% (в "чёрный"четверг было -92%).
Опять не получилось!

Levels were taken from outside, buy or sell you chose yourself.

But of course FantasYGold's system is to blame (which he didn't reveal).

(indeed, some kind of female logic).

Backspace >>:

Ну если любителей животных, как вы утверждаете, около 50% населения мира ...

The female sex is reputed to be weak everywhere,
Only, of course, they're not:
Even the mere boogers have women
Are more bloodthirsty than men!

(pardon the off-topic))


I will reply to the last three people who wrote.

You are making a demagogy.

I'm just saying that I can't work with FantasYGold's signals.

I did not take just one signal, I used many signals posted in the chat by Mr. FantasYGold.

In half of the cases I lost my deposit.

I didn't decide whether to buy or sell, I followed the recommendations of the topic-starter.

But Mr IgorM and others like him, for some reason, saturate the chat room and got into personalities.




And unlike you gentlemen, I don't need someone else's work (judging by your Profiles you are very far from self-sufficient work).

I write my own indicators and Expert Advisors by myself.

And I don't care about someone's mosquito's squeak, or the ranting of an M-worded weirdo.