Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 15

gip >> :

Not one fact "known to everyone in the industry" has been cited, not one piece of rigorous evidence. Shoot yourself. I know better than you what millions live on :)

I gave you the keywords to google. The first link, like hundreds of follow ups, lead to independent studies that I took as assumptions. You didn't want to read them, your will.


For those interested in Aleynikov's fate -

The guy contradicts himself at every turn.

It turns out there was no salary of 1.2 million, but there was only 300 thousand at the new place, as opposed to his old job in Goldman for 400. But he bragged to his colleagues at Goldman that a million. Why?

He has a house that was valued at 1.14 million (read debt to the bank of about 800-900 thousand). Now this house is on the market for only 550 thousand. That is, Aleynikov is in debt. In such a situation it is easy to make the wrong decision.


Some fuss has been made about a completely empty story. There is no theft of super-secret algorithms with a mercenary purpose in the end. Sax's lousy security system won't allow them to bring serious charges against Aleynikov, read the laws. No hacking, shmacking, from home computer connect to saks server and copy files to blog in internet, no need to swipe the mouse and copy all-there's something (like, when I have time, I'll look, maybe I'll find something interesting). The guy boasted of a large salary at the new place (he lied), former coworkers were jealous and quickly ran to knock the prosecutor's office.

The topic is 15 pages long and is out of hand, you can go on igniting.

By the way, no one will share the login-password? You can post it right here in the thread. I'm not afraid of the FBI :)

Zen >> :

I know for a fact Timbo is a bourgeois :)

There's a suggestion that he writes at night, not because he lives in America, but... he works as a janitor in a book warehouse somewhere. And from an accountant's computer he lights up at night :))) Hence his passion for protecting private property :)

gip >> :

There's a suggestion that he's not writing at night because he lives in America, but... he's working as a janitor in a book warehouse somewhere. And from an accountant's computer he lights up at night :))) Hence this passion for guarding private property :)

A machinist in the Moscow Metro. Always on the night shift. That is, the traffic ends at one or two in the morning, depending on my personal schedule. By the time you get home. You don't want to sleep...

gip >> :

Some fuss has been made about a completely empty story. There is no theft of super-secret algorithms with a mercenary purpose in the end. Sax's lousy security system won't allow them to bring serious charges against Aleynikov, read the laws. No hacking, shmacking, from home computer connect to saks server and copy files to blog in internet, no need to swipe the mouse and copy all-there's something (like, when I have time, I'll look, maybe I'll find something interesting). The guy boasted of a large salary in the new place (he lied), former coworkers were jealous and quickly ran to knock the prosecutor.

This is a 15-page thread, you can keep on rocking.

By the way, would anyone care to share the username and password? You can post it right here in the thread. I'm not afraid of the FBI.)

So you think the guy's a fool? The moment he has about 400K in unsecured debt, he quits his stable 400K job to take a job at a startup with dubious prospects for only 300K. "You can rock on."


Timbo - well done!

Oftoppeak: When will this forum finally be able to ignore inoperable brain carriers?!


I have read the materials available on the Internet about the case and I have a very concrete impression:

- he was probably stealing to order and with promises of the near future;

- he was instantly dumped, and maybe even deliberately turned in by his accomplices;

- formally paid for violating a non-disclosure pledge, which he had always given when applying for a job;

- The "something" could be and most likely was interpreted broadly (anyone who had dealt with it understands me).


- "don't steal!" (unless one hundred percent sure of the event's success);

- "the thief must go to jail!" (if caught in the act).

Questions about "intellectual property", "copyright" and "related" "rights" and other copyrights, perhaps interesting in a general philosophical-human-theoretical sense, have negligible relevance to this case, since we are talking about a very specific breach of contract at the time of employment.

wise писал(а) >>

Timbo - well done!

Oftoppeak: When will this forum finally be able to ignore inoperable brain carriers?!

Don't be so categorical, I'd like to say in your favour. Love your virtual fellow citizens. It's much more constructive than ... somehow prove them wrong in your opinion.

All such "aggression" has its reasons. Think about why you're so "bitter"? Probably because you care so much about something in the background.

Life is short, you have to ask - is it worth it to live it feeling unsatisfied about something? Yes, what someone has a million, for example, he is happy only the first couple of years.

And then he lives the same life, the only comfort he has (if he is stupid) is that he "achieved" something and others haven't. This concern of someone else in particular supports him.

Many people seek the meaning of life, and it is very simple - you have to be useful to people, country, society. To be remembered even after you are gone. You think you have a smart head so that you can help those who have a less smart head.

BUT :) You should never educate or try to remake people. That is a mistake.

Here's our democracy sufferers. They complain that people don't understand them. They try to educate people, sort of like a civil society... They would better go to work as officials (there is a huge shortage of them) but no, they just complain and wail about what a misery Russia is. :) What have they themselves done to make it not a shithole?

All my humble opinion. :))

SProgrammer >> :

Instead, they should better go to work as officials (there is a severe shortage of honest officials), but no, they just complain and wail about how bad Russia is. :)

Are there any jobs available? I don't see any announcements like "an honest civil servant is required", the dishonest ones look for a job themselves and try to get by without advertising.