Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 16

timbo писал(а) >>

Are there any vacancies? I don't see any ads like "honest official needed", the dishonest ones somehow take all the positions themselves, they do without advertising.

Have you tried?

There's a real shortage of officials in the country.

It's just that everyone wants to go straight to the top... You have to start at the bottom. And who wants to do that?

But let me tell you a secret - if you are honest, proactive and reasonable, you will make a career. There is a shortage.

Zen писал(а) >>

More likely the opposite - either put in jail or kicked out (I myself bribed a non-bribe taker - he was quickly deprived of his position)

But no. Now everyone knows that only idiots take bribes at the middle level. And they're about to be transferred. At the bottom, there's not much time for them yet. They'll stop - or so they say... they'll be counting on fools.

Zen писал(а) >>

>> you see, I don't know.

Wait a minute, if he didn't take it and you put him away somewhere in the country. You're about to get locked up. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. :)

Things have changed in the last couple of years. :) Better watch out. They say it's a serious process. :)

Zen писал(а) >>

don't care - I had to give in the bigger structures - only you can rise above them :)

I don't believe it. >> when? >> About five years ago. Maybe.

I couldn't get a cheerleader to open it for a bribe. :) Anybody call you? I bet you could help. :)

You know how much... :) Ah. What an almighty lot we have in this country. It makes me jealous. :)


Oh guys, that's not the kind of talk you have in a public forum. You should talk about it in private.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Oh guys, that's not the kind of talk you have in a public forum. You guys should talk about it in private.

Yeah, M. You're right.

wise >> :

Timbo - well done!

Oftoppeak: When will this forum finally be able to ignore inoperable brain carriers?!

Shit. Is there an operable brain? You mean one that can be repaired with a scalpel? Do you have one? Can the corners be rounded or a pattern engraved on the wall?

SProgrammer >> :

There is no need to be so categorical, I would like to say in your direction. Love your virtual fellow citizens. It's much more constructive than ... ...somehow proving them wrong in your opinion.
BUT :) You should never educate or try to remake people. It's a mistake.

Well, that's fine! It's not like I'm proving or remaking. If I am ignored, I will put the idiots there and let them love the shit out of it. They won't exist for me. Everyone will be better off.

Let's have an ignore function on the forum!

gip >> :

Shit. Is there an operable brain?

Idiots don't understand what a figurative brain is.

wise >> :

Idiots don't understand figurative expression.

Who makes you understand that? And don't understand it.

Give the forum an ignore function!

And it's already there.

Instructions for <themselves>.

You can ignore forum posts in many ways:

1.Just don't read them

2. Close your eyes or turn away from the monitor

3. Close your Internet browser. How to do this (if you don't know): Main Menu -> File -> Exit

4. Press the computer shutdown button

>> etc.