Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 13

kombat писал(а) >>

On the subject of who owes what to whom and the right of aftr... )))

As for the ex-USSR, there's not much to tell for those who have lived there consciously...

I, personally, wasn't too bad then. Now? It's not so bad either, but the idea of changing the country of residence

I've been thinking more and more... and not in America but somewhere on the shores of a Finnish lake...

Yes! We have been "given" a lot of things, but most of those things either do not work as they should or stay on paper.

We weren't given it and it doesn't work.

Personally, I don't want anything from anyone.

And in Finland, how would you be better off there? If you stay with the concept that everything has to be done by yourself?

SProgrammer >> :

It's all ours/yours. You/we are the owners. Until you feel it and start doing something regardless of what the other tenants are doing, nothing will change. If you do, others will do the same.

To have it all, there has to be private ownership of everything. Where there is a landlord and his property right is protected, i.e. sacred, everything is buzzing and spinning, where there is no landlord, there is a mess and a shambles, regardless of the country. If you've travelled so much, you might have seen places like this in the States and other civilized countries that are a total B....

timbo писал(а) >>

For all this to happen, there has to be private ownership of everything. Where there is an owner and his property right is protected, i.e. sacred, everything is buzzing and spinning, where there is no owner, there is a mess and a shambles, regardless of the country. If you've travelled so much, you might have seen places like this in the States and other civilized countries that are a total B....

Why private :) There's a public one. :)

You can be a joint owner with someone else.

Or are you saying there's only ONE private owner? No, then if there are at least five owners, it's exactly the same as an HOA.

forte928 >> :

>> will the longing not make you look back to where you came from?

Nostalgia has always been and always will be: for childhood, for youth, for places where I was happy, etc. But my friends who come from abroad once a year whine and complain of homesickness for a fortnight, but they go regularly and go on with their new life. They are hooked on it seriously and don't want to change anything. Half of the young people who left to look for work and money have already returned. The amount of benefits in their home country was simply greater for them than there. And everyone is right in their own way.

SProgrammer >> :

Why private :) There's a public one. :)

You can be a joint owner with someone else.

Or are you saying there's only ONE private owner? No, then if there are at least five owners, it's exactly the same as an HOA.

>> you're getting a little short with the HOA.)

granit77 писал(а) >>

Nostalgia has always been and always will be there: for childhood, for youth, for the places where I was happy, etc. But my friends, who come from abroad once a year, whine and complain about their homesickness for a fortnight with vodka, but they leave and go on with their new lives. They are hooked on it seriously and don't want to change anything. Half of the young people who left to look for work and money have already returned. The amount of benefits in their home country was simply greater for them than there. And everybody is right in their own way.

There is nothing so fundamentally better there. In some respects, Russia is a clear winner. For me personally it is not a question - Russia or something else. For me personally it is already obvious that Russia is the winner.

I just sometimes feel sorry for young programmers who want to go to live in America. I really pity them - they will torture themselves and come to the same thing. :) And if they look ahead, they will give birth to their children in a country where it will be harder to live than in Russia.

Come on, you can't put brains in other people's brains. :))

Mischek писал(а) >>

You're so short on HOA.)

It's an example of what seems to be a good thing. But it doesn't take root. In Russia. I was just arguing with my neighbour on a fishing trip. He doesn't even know what it is. :) And he's been yelling at his CHECK. :)

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

But as for why we don't? Just ask yourself this - have you set up an HOA in your building? Are you actively involved in this HOA? Probably not. Why not? Ask yourself. And that's exactly what they are. They think they own their town, their street. And since they are masters, they have a different world view. How do you become such masters? I don't know. You should probably start by painting the walls around your flat at your own expense, and if a bulb has burned out, change it, or go (take your time) to the housing cooperative and say it has burned out. All this is ours/yours. You/we are the owners. As long as you do not feel it and do something regardless of what the other residents do nothing will change. And if you do, others will do the same.

Good words. I agree with you!

granit77 писал(а) >>

Nostalgia has always been and always will be there: for childhood, for youth, for the places where I was happy, etc. But my friends, who come from abroad once a year, whine and complain about their homesickness for a fortnight with vodka, but they leave and go on with their new lives. They are hooked on it seriously and do not want to change anything. Half of the young people who left to look for work and money have already returned. The amount of benefits in their home country was simply greater for them than there. And everyone is right in their own way.

The benefits were because of the way they were brought up. If the family values were high and the communication was limited, the way they lived was like a breath of air in a closed room...

If they had wide circles of communication in the childhood, for such people moving to another country with another way of life is not difficult and does not cause moral discomfort.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

Но что касается почему у нас не так? Да просто вот спросите себя - Вы организовали ТСЖ у себя в доме? Вы принимаете активное участие в этом ТСЖ? Да наверняка нет. Ну вот и почему? Спросите себя. А это и есть как раз то что у них. Они считают себя хозяивами своего города, своей улицы. А раз есть хозяива то и мировозрение уже другое. Как стать такими хозяивами? Да незнаю. Надо наверное начать с того что покрасить за свой счет стенки вокруг квартиры, если лампочка перегорела то поменять, или пойти ( потратить время ) в тоже ТСЖ и сказать что перегорела. Это все наше/ваше. Вы/мы хозяева. Пока этого не прочувстуется самим и не начнете делать что-то вне зависимости от того делают что-то другие жильцы ничего не изменится. А начнете Вы и другие будут делать тоже самое.

It should either be brought up or taught, rather than thinking that someone should decide his or her living space for him or her...