Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 22


I see the inscription.

Otherwise I would have thought it was Krupskaya. It's a good thing you signed it.

It's hard for us Negroes. No inscriptions.

SProgrammer >> :

>> kinda know.

"Welcome to the organs, son" (c) FSB

Zen писал(а) >>

I wonder (just wondering) - what is your nationality?

Really wondering what nationality problems do zen followers have ?

Zen писал(а) >>

А ты я вижу одной породы с тимбо - последнее слово должно быть за тобой - и желательно с слово с перчиком - интересно (просто интересно) - какая твоя национальность? Вставь свое фото :)

aasasaaYurixxwrote >>

I really wonder what problems do zen followers have with nationality?

By the way, bringing up the nationality issue - is Yushch now a Jew? Not against Semites, just curious ...

and what is that hemp sprig on the lapel of his cheap-looking jacket?

Valio >> :

By the way, raising the national question - is Yushch now a Jew? Not against Semites, just curious ...

And what's that hemp sprig on the lapel of his cheap-looking jacket?

A sign of respect.

Valio писал(а) >>

By the way, raising the national question - is Yushch now a Jew? Not against Semites, just curious ...

And what's that hemp twig on the lapel of his cheap-looking jacket?

Is it true that in Ukraine an invader of Orthodox churches was killed by lightning? What's his name? Chervonyi? That's what's going on. It's a miracle. :)

Choomazik писал(а) >>

A sign of respect.

Hmmm. Wasn't aware of it, i.e. didn't get into it.

Too bad the thread turned into a trivial squabble... the baby was thrown out with the water.

By the way, about the child... I do not understand what Aleinik stole.


Let's go back to the beginning - to Aleynikov. The saga is almost over. - -

... The maximum sentence for these crimes is 15 years behind bars.


Let's go back to the beginning - to Aleynikov. The saga is almost over. - -

... The maximum sentence for these crimes is 15 years behind bars.

"According to his defenders, the proprietary code was only 32 of 1,224 megabytes."

I wonder if that's 1224 megabytes of trading strategy source code. Not a bad source code for a high-frequency pipswitch :) Tipster :)